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Unit 4 Force of Nature新世纪高等院校英语专业本科系列教材(修订版)综合教程第五册(第2版)电子教案上海外语教育出版社 Cover page综合教程5(第2版)电子教案Contents page Learning Objectives Pre-reading Activities Global Reading Detailed Reading Consolidation Activities Further EnhancementContents综合教程5(第2版)电子教案Learning ObjectivesLearning Objectives Rhetorical skill:features of English descriptive narration Key language&grammar points Writing strategies:metaphorical language Theme:icon and real person综合教程5(第2版)电子教案Pre-R:picture activationWho do you admire most?Why?Picture Activation|Pre-questionsCurieEinsteinObamaOthers综合教程5(第2版)电子教案Pre-R:Q11.Great scientists like Edison,Einstein,etc.are big icons in our minds eye.We seem to know more about their miraculous accomplishments than the strenuous efforts they took to achieve them.Tell what you know about some great scientists of the 19th and 20th centuries,both their life and their work.Picture Activation|Pre-questionsOpen for discussion.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案Pre-R:Q2Picture Activation|Pre-questions2.For one reason or another,world-famous scientists are noble inspirations to teenagers and young people.Do you have one or several of them in your mind?Why do you cherish special admiration for him/them?Open for discussion.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案G-R:text introduction-1Great lives in science are all about passion and curiosity.Marie Curie,the Polish-born discoverer of radium,had both in grand measure.But down the road she helped open-up nuclear energy,which meant atomic bombs,and put Curie center stage during one of the great turning points in scientific history.Barbara Goldsmith has uniquely captured the woman and her science.Text Introduction|Culture Notes|Author|Structure综合教程5(第2版)电子教案G-R:text introduction-2Using original research(diaries,letters,and family interviews)to peel away the layers of myth and reveal the woman behind the icon,the acclaimed author and historian Barbara Goldsmith offers a dazzling portrait of Curie,her amazing discoveries,and the price she paid for fame.Text Introduction|Culture Notes|Author|Structure综合教程5(第2版)电子教案G-R:culture notes-Marie Curie Marie Curie(Paragraph 1)(1867-1934),Polish-born French chemist who,with her husband Pierre Curie,was an early investigator of radioactivity.The Curies shared the 1903 Nobel Prize in physics with French physicist Antoine Henri Becquerel for fundamental research on radioactivity.Marie Curie went on to study the chemistry and medical applications of radium.She was awarded the 1911 Nobel Prize in chemistry in recognition of her work in discovering radium and polonium and in isolating radium.Text Introduction|Culture Notes|Author|Structure综合教程5(第2版)电子教案G-R:culture notes-SorbonneSorbonne(Paragraph 5)the name of one of the buildings of the University of Paris,popularly used to designate the entire university.The name was derived from a theological college founded about 1257 by Robert de Sorbon.Text Introduction|Culture Notes|Author|Structure综合教程5(第2版)电子教案G-R:authorPrize-winning author and social historian,Barbara Goldsmith was born in New York City,graduated from Wellesley College(1958),and holds three doctorates.A founding editor of New York Magazine,she currently contributes to the New York Times,Architectural Digest,and The New Yorker.Text Introduction|Culture Notes|Author|Structure综合教程5(第2版)电子教案G-R:authors workShe is the author of the acclaimed bestsellers Little GloriaHappy At Last(1980)and Johnson v.Johnson(1987).A trustee of the New York Public Library,Goldsmith also serves on the Presidents Commission on the Celebration of Women in American History.Text Introduction|Culture Notes|Author|Structure综合教程5(第2版)电子教案G-R:structural analysisThis narrative article is characterized by an objective and somewhat descriptive style.It may be divided into three parts:Text Introduction|Culture Notes|Author|StructurePart 1Part 2Part 3(1-5)background knowledge,why the writer idolized Marie Curie(4-13)impressive account of heroine,focusing on her experiences in life and her research work(14)writers understanding or assessment of Marie Curies life综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-p1 textFORCE OF NATUREBarbara Goldsmith1.While I was a teenager growing up in New Rochelle,New York,I had up on my bulletin board a photo of Marie Curie sitting under an elm tree,her arms wrapped around her daughters,two-year-old Eve and nine-year-old Irene.I didnt know very much about Curie beyond the basics:She and her husband had discovered radioactivity.She was the first person to win two Nobel prizes.She was brilliant,single-minded,a legend.I was just a girl with little direction,more drawn to words and made-up stories than to formulas and lab experiments.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-p2 text2.Looking back,I think I admired that photo so much,not because of Marie Curie and what she stood for but because she seemed so exotic or maybe because of how her arms encircled her girls.My own mother lay in the hospital,recovering from a grave injury in a car crash.I wanted her to hold me,but she couldnt.So,instead,I idolized Marie,who in my mind became the strongest and most capable woman in the world.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-p3 text3.Like any girls fantasy,mine contained at least a shred of truth.Marie Curies own daughters grew into accomplished women in their own right,though their mother was obsessively engaged in her research before they were born.Curie was what we might today call a super-competent multi-tasker:Her work revolutionized the study of atomic energy and radioactivity,and shes one of a pitiful few female scientists whom schoolchildren ever study.Also she was a woman driven by passions,fighting battles much of her life with what a doctor now would probably diagnose as severe depression.In the end,her most brilliant discovery proved fatal for both her and her husband.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-p4 text4.When Curie was 10 years old,in 1878,her mother died of tuberculosis.The Polish girl then known as Manya Sklodowska carried on with her schoolwork as if nothing had happened,but for months shed find places to hide so she could cry her eyes out.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-p5 text5.At age 18,she landed a job as governess to a wealthy family near Warsaw.She wound up falling in love with Casimir Zorawski,an accomplished student of 19 with whom she shared a love of nature and science.But when Casimir announced that he and Manya wanted to marry,his father threatened to disinherit him.She was beneath his station,poor,a common nursemaid.Definitely no.Four years dragged by.Finally,Manya told Casimir,If you cannot decide,I cannot decide for you.In what still seems to me a remarkable act of courage,Manya then gathered her meager savings and took a train to Paris,where she changed her name,enrolled at the Sorbonne and walked into history.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-p6 text6.In 1893,she became the first woman to earn a degree in physics at the Sorbonne.If you have ever seen the 1943 film Madame Curie,you know the broad brush strokes of her early experiments to find a mysterious,hidden new element.Theres a scene in which actress Greer Garson,as Marie,stirs a boiling vat,her face glistening with sweat.Late at night,Marie and her husband,Pierre,enter the lab to see a tiny luminous stain congealed in a dish.Oh,Pierre!Could it be?exclaims Marie as tears roll down her cheeks.Yes,this was it radium!Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-p7 text7.The reality was a lot grittier and a lot less romantic.Marie and Pierre,whom she married in 1895,did indeed work side by side late into the night.But their lab was so shabby and dank that their daughter Irene,at age three,called it that sad,sad place.And one prominent scientist said that had he not seen the worktable,he would have thought he was in a stable.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-p8 text8.In time,the Curies became world famous,especially after they won a Nobel Prize in physics in 1903 for the discovery of radioactivity.They were the toast of the European scientific community,feted lavishly and visited at home in Paris by acolytes who came from as far away as New Zealand to pay homage.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-p9 text9.For the Curies,though,their triumph contained the seeds of their tragedy.Remember,they worked around radioactivity nearly every day.Even before winning the Nobel,Pierre was severely ill from exposure to this fierce energy.He had open sores on his hands and fingers,and increasing difficulty walking.In 1906,he fell into the path of a wagon drawn by two huge draft horses,and a wheel ran over his head.He died instantly.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-p10 text10.Years later,Eve Curie,scarcely a year old when her father died,wrote that Pierres death marked the defining moment in her mothers life:Marie Curie did not change from a happy young wife to an inconsolable widow.The metamorphosis was less simple,more serious.A cape of solitude and secrecy fell upon her shoulders forever.Marie was just 38.The Sunday after the funeral,instead of staying with family and friends,she retreated to the lab.In her diary she wrote Pierre:I want to talk to you in the silence of this laboratory,where I didnt think I could live without you.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-p11-12 text11.The work that Marie and Pierre had begun went on after his death.A second Nobel in chemistry went to Marie alone for isolating the elements radium and polonium.12.With the onset of World War I in 1914,she recognized that mobile X-ray units could save lives in battlefield hospitals,so she established a fleet of these vehicles,known as petites Curies,or little Curies.She and Irene drove one themselves.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-p13 text13.Later she went back to the Radium Institute she established,teaching,traveling and lecturing until her death,at age 66,on July 4,1934.The cause was aplastic pernicious anemia,most likely due to her long,devastating exposure to radium and other radioactive elements.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-p14 text14.The Marie Curie that I discovered was no icon but a flesh-and-blood woman.She conquered huge professional obstacles but paid a terrible personal price.I know now how complex her life was truly glorious and tragic.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR:p1-3 AnalysisParagraph 1-3 AnalysisThese three paragraphs,the first part of the narrative article,tell us the reason why the writer admired Marie Curie and offers her assessment of the heroine.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR:p4-13 AnalysisParagraph 4-13 AnalysisThese paragraphs,the body of the narration,supply objective and descriptive accounts of what Marie Curie experienced,vividly concentrating on the major events that shaped her life.The events are arranged mainly chronologically,i.e.mostly in the order of their occurrence.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR:p14 AnalysisParagraph 14 AnalysisThis is the concluding paragraph of the narrative text.In this paragraph,the writer makes known what she discovered about Marie Curie or what she knew about her life.In other words,the writer found out that Marie Curie was an average female human being with the emotions,weaknesses,and strengths of a normal person,and that her life was both glorious and tragic.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-Questions-p2Paragraph 2:QuestionWhy did the writer idolize Marie Curie?Detailed ReadingBecause in the writers mind Marie Curie seemed so exotic;she became the strongest and most capable woman in the world,and she was a super-competent multi-tasker.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-Questions-p3Detailed ReadingParagraph 3:QuestionWhat did the writer think of Marie Curie and her discovery?The writer thought that among all women in the world Marie Curie had the strongest will and possessed the greatest capability,that she was worth being called a super-competent multi-tasker,and that her discovery was most brilliant.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-Questions-p4-13Detailed ReadingParagraph 10:QuestionHow did Pierres death affect Marie Curies life?Pierres death immensely affected Marie Curies life.The metamorphosis was less simple,more serious.A cape of solitude and secrecy fell upon her shoulders forever.Marie was just 38.The Sunday after the funeral,instead of staying with family and friends,she retreated to the lab.She lived a solitary life and she wanted very much to talk to her husband in the silence of the laboratory.And she felt extremely sorrowful about her husbands death.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-activity-p4-13ActivityBriefly describe the major events that Marie Curie experienced in her life.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-question-p13Detailed ReadingParagraph 13:QuestionWhat was the cause of Marie Curies death?Marie Curies death was caused by aplastic pernicious anemia(再生障碍性贫血),which was most likely due to her long,devastating exposure to radium and other radioactive elements.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-question-p14aDetailed ReadingParagraph 14:Questions1.Why did the writer say that the Marie Curie she discovered was no icon but a flesh-and-blood woman?There are mainly two reasons.Firstly,it was owing to her constant hard work,very strong will,remarkable courage,and willing self-sacrifice that Marie Curie made a most brilliant discovery,won two Nobel Prizes and became a great scientist,famous throughout the world.Secondly,like any other normal human being,she possessed emotions,weaknesses,and strengths.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-question-p14bDetailed ReadingMarie Curie and her husband worked side by side very hard and pursued their professional career whole-heartedly,going through thick and thin and sharing joys and hardships.Undoubtedly,they loved each other dearly.When her husband died,she was seized by extreme sorrow and retreated to the lab,feeling that she could hardly live on without her husband.As she had been exposed to radium and other radioactive elements,and as she had been working extremely hard all her life,Marie Curie died of aplastic pernicious anemia at the age of 66.Facts tell us that Marie Curie was no icon but a flesh-and-blood woman.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-question-p14cDetailed ReadingParagraph 14:Questions2.Why is Marie Curies life considered both glorious and tragic?After the most brilliant discovery of radium,Marie Curie and her husband became the toast of the European scientific community,and they were feted lavishly and visited at home in Paris by people from far and wide,who came to pay homage.Marie Curie continued to work hard and became the first woman to win two Nobel Prizes for her brilliant achievements.She never stopped working hard until her last breath.Thanks to her extraordinary efforts,great综合教程5(第2版)电子教案DR-question-p14ddiscovery,and remarkable qualities,she became well known and highly respected all over the world,enjoying both fame and glory.But as she conquered huge professional obstacles,she paid a terrible personal price.Her husband became severely ill from exposure to the fierce energy,he had open sores on his hands and fingers,and increasing difficulty walking.In 1906,he was run over by a wagon and died instantly.This dealt a terrible blow to Marie Curie,who lived a lonely,sad life afterwards.She herself died of pernicious anemia caused by the radioactive elements.All these facts show that Marie Curie lived a tragic,yet glorious life.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-bulletin boardbulletin boardnotice-board,board for notices to be pinned onbulletin n.a short official statement of news;a printed newsletter produced by an association,a group,or a societye.g.Bulletins are found everywhere in this small town.Detailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-elm treeelm treeany tree of the genus Ulmus,with rough serrated leaves;it produces hard heavy woodDetailed Reading1.There is an elm forest near the village.2.The bench is made of elm.e.g.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-basics basics n.essential or important mattersDetailed Readinge.g.1.Lets stop chatting and get down to basics.2.These students have acquired a good knowledge of the basics of English.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-radioactivityradioactivity n.the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei,with the emission of usu.penetrating radiation or particles;radioactive substances,or the radiation they emitDetailed Reading综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-She was brilliant“She was brilliant,single-minded,a legend.”Detailed Reading She was very intelligent,focused,famous.Paraphrase综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-single-mindedsingle-minded adj.having or concentrating on one aim,purpose,etc.Detailed Reading1.They were too single-minded to be distracted by failures.2.These men are hardworking and single-minded,so they are always successful.e.g.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-legendDetailed Readinglegend n.a famous person,a person who has achieved great fame;a famous event1.The three astronauts in China have become legends.2.Her daring work behind the enemy lines has now become a legend.e.g.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-I was just a girlDetailed Reading“I was just a girl with little direction,more drawn to words and made-up stories than to formulas and lab experiments.”Paraphrase I was only a girl with almost no guidance.I was more attracted to words and made-up stories than to formulas and lab experiments.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-encircleencircle vt.(oft.passive)surround,form a circle roundDetailed Reading1.The West Lake is encircled by trees.2.The enemy troops were encircling the town.e.g.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-recoverDetailed Readingrecover v.return to a normal state of health,mind,prosperity,etc.;get back the use of ones health,faculties,etc.e.g.1.He has now fully recovered from his stroke.2.Our economy finally recovered from the financial depression.3.He has recovered his sight and hearing.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-idolizeDetailed Readingidolize vt.treat sb.as an idol;love and admire sb.very muche.g.1.The leader was idolized by many people at that time.2.The Beatles were idolized in the 1960s.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-like any girls fantasyDetailed Reading“Like any girls fantasy,mine contained at least a shred of truth.”Like all other girls,I also had my fantasies about outstanding personages like Marie Curie,and my fantasies were built on certain truths.Paraphrase综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-fantasyDetailed Readingfantasy n.the faculty of inventing images,esp.extravagant or visionary ones;a fanciful mental image,a daydream;a whimsical speculation1.The girl lives in a world of fantasy.2.The man indulges in fantasy.3.Some of the old fantasies about the space age are coming true.e.g.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-own daughterDetailed Reading“Marie Curies own daughters grew into accomplished women in their own right,though their mother was obsessively engaged in her research before they were born.”Paraphrase Marie Curies own daughters grew up into intelligent successful women through their own effort,though their mother was almost always completely preoccupied with her research before their birth.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-in ones own right Detailed Readingin ones own right:as a result of ones own claims,qualifications,or effort,etc.rather than an association with someone else Elizabeth II is queen of England in her own right.(This sentence implies that she is queen of England not because she is married to a king.)综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-super-multi-taskerDetailed Readingsuper-competent multi-taskeran extraordinarily capable person that can perform many different tasks at the same timeThe prefix super-can be used before adjectives to indicate that something has a lot of a quality,e.g.super-fit,super-slim,etc.while the prefix multi-is often used to form adjectives,occasionally used in front of nouns,indicating that something consists of many things of a particular kind,e.g.multi-lingual,multi-millionaire,etc.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-her work revolutionized“Her work revolutionized the study of atomic energy and radioactivity,and shes one of the pitifully few female scientists whom schoolchildren ever study.”Detailed ReadingParaphrase Her research work introduced fundamental changes to the study of atomic energy and radioactivity,and she is one of the precious female scientists who are always included in textbooks for schoolchildren to learn from.综合教程5(第2版)电子教案LPT-she was the woman drivenDetailed R


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