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知行英语知行英语知行英语知行英语1)prospective A outcome2)solid B experience3)memorable C relationship4)positive D love5)true E husband/wifeTask 1Answer the questions by matching the following items.1 What do you expect from an Internet dating?知行英语1)giving out A health2)meeting with B a liar3)suffering C normal life4)affecting D loss of money5)damaging E personal informationTask 12 What dangers may you face when you surf the Internet?知行英语Task 2An evacuation map is of extreme importance when someone is in a dangerous or threatened building.Work with your partner and create an emergency evacuation map for the teaching building of your school.Your map should be clear and include the following items:The starting point The starting point Exits Exits Fire extinguisher icons Fire extinguisher icons(灭火器标志)First-aid stations First-aid stations Escape stairway Escape stairwayEVACUATION MAPFire ExtinguisherFire ExtinguisherFire ExtinguisherFirst AidYou Are HereMarshal AreaN知行英语Reading ItThe Dangers of Internet Dating*WordsBetter acquaintance1 The day has come when Internet dating is consideredto be a legitimate way of meeting new people.In the search for the right person,chat rooms have replaced bars,and Internet dating sites are no longer what they used to be.You may still get a raised eyebrow when telling people you are using the Internet in your search for the perfect date,but the reaction will not be as it was in the past.Internet dating has gained in popularity by leaps and bounds but unfortunately,so have the dangers and horror stories some have encountered.2 A girl named Carol recently told her story about Internet dating.*legitimate a.合情合理的;合法的replacev.代替;取代*eyebrow n.眉毛*reaction n.反应popularityn.受大家喜爱或赞赏的性质或状态;普及;流行horrorn.令人恐怖或讨厌的事物或人;恐怖*encounter v.遇到或发现自己面临(令人不快的危险的困难的处境)2一个叫卡罗尔的女孩子最近讲述了她在互联网上找男朋友的经历。1如今,网络相亲这种寻找意中人的方式已被大家所认可。网络聊天室已经取代了酒吧,相亲交友网站也非同以往了。当你告诉别人你正在互联网上寻求完美约会时,可能别人还是会表示一下吃惊,但是反应已不会像过去那么激烈了。网络相亲迅速的普及开来,遗憾的是,一些人也在网络相亲时遭遇到了危险、恐怖的事情,这些事情发生的越来越多。知行英语3 “One of my girlfriends kept pressuring me to try Internet dating since my romantic life seemed to be going nowhere fast.She sent me an Internet dating website and helped me make a profile of my own.This was how I met Matt,who lived in another state,but said he noticed me because his job was relocating him this year,so he might as well look for love where he was going to be living.This sounded reasonable at the time,but now,looking back on it,it was Red Flag Number 1.We exchanged emails with increasing frequency and we seemed to have a lot in common.He asked for my phone number and I asked for his instead.He said that since he was moving he had disconnected his home phone number and only used his cell phone in preparation for his move.Again,this didnt sound like a problem,but should have been Red Flag Number 2!We kept chatting on the phone,and I began to notice he didnt answer my calls during evenings and at weekends.He said since his job was paying for it,he had to limit his evening and weekend calls.Once again,this guy had an excuse for everything,but I should have seen this as Red Flag Number 3!*pressure v.对施加压力或影响 n.压力*profile n.人物简介*relocate v.使安置于新地点;重新确定位置disconnect v.使不连接;使分离3“因为我的约会总是不成功,我的一个女性朋友一直游说我尝试一下网络相亲。她给我发了一个相亲网站的网址,还帮我做了一份个人情况介绍。在这个网站上我遇见了马特。他住在另外一个州,但他告诉我他的工作今年将调动到我所在的地方,因此他不如在他即将搬来的地方找个恋爱对象,所以他在网站上注意到了我的资料。那个时候我觉得他说得合情合理,但现在回头看看,这应该是第一个示警信号。我们越来越频繁的互发邮件,我们发现我们似乎有很多的共同点。他要了我的电话号码。但是当我问他电话号码的时候,他却说因为要搬家,他已经切断了住宅电话,现在只用手机。瞧,又一个理由。他说的好象没什么问题,但其实应该是第二个示警信号。我们不断在电话里聊天,我开始注意到马特不接我电话的时间主要是在晚上和周末。他的理由是因为是由公司付电话费的,因此他必须限制自己下班后晚上和周末的电话数量。瞧,又是一个理由。这个男人有各种各样的借口,我在当时就应该发现这其实是第三个示警信号。知行英语4 A friend told me she was writing to some man on the Internet dating site from out of the state.I decided just to browse to find who was out there.Guess who it was?Matt!His profile was still active on the site.He was in several different states with several different“handles”,but the one thing he did was keep the same photo.So,I asked my friend to help me set up a phony profile on the site to try and find out what he was up to.I wrote to him pretending to be a woman from a different state.We wrote back and forth.I got an email from him saying how he was going to move to THAT state in a few months,and wanted to meet someone THERE because THAT was where he was moving!I was fuming.I realized this was all a bunch of lies.This man was never moving to my town or any other.He was just using this Internet dating site as a way to make false promises to women who were looking for something long-term!Now when I go to Internet dating sites,I only choose people who live in my area NOW.I recommend that people who are looking for a long-term relationship start in their own area!*browse v.浏览;随意翻阅handlen.名称;头衔*phony a.虚假的;伪造的;不可信的*fume v.发怒falsea.不诚实的;错误的;假的这个男人绝不会搬到我生活的这个城镇,也不会搬到其他任何一个他网上交往的女人所在的地区。他只是利用这个相亲网站对一些渴求长久爱情的女性许下虚假的誓言。现在当我再上相亲网站的时候,我只会选择那些和我生活在同一地区的男人,且必须是现在正生活在这儿。那些正在网络上寻觅长久稳定伴侣的人们,我建议,从你们生活的地方开始求偶之旅。“4一个朋友告诉我,她也正在那个相亲网站上和某个男人通信,那个男人也来自于其他州。我决定上相亲网站看看到底怎么一回事。你们猜猜那个男人是谁,正是马特!他竟然还没有撤下他的个人资料(即使我们已经在约会了)。他为自己编造了几个不同的名字身份,生活在不同州,唯一不变的是他的照片。因此,我请我的一位朋友帮我在那个网站上伪造了一份个人情况介绍,我试图查出这个男人究竟在搞什么名堂。我假装成来自另一州的一个女人,给他写了封信。我们开始通信。在他的一封邮件里,他告诉我说他几个月后就将搬到现在这个“我”所在的“那个”州,并且确切地点就是“我”所生活的“那个”地区,他想在“那里”找到一个爱人。我简直太生气了。我意识到他所说的一切都是谎言。知行英语5 The anonymity of Internet dating has afforded con artists a new playground for scams,and has allowed people to be anyone they think you want them to be because they are engaging others primarily through written words.People need to understand the dangers so they can make their search a safe one.6 Internet dating has been portrayed mostly with“success stories”,because many of those who have had bad experiences are too embarrassed to talk about them openly,thinking they are a rarity or the“unlucky one”.Movies and TVs have also focused on the lighter side of Internet dating as opposed to the darker side.Whats tricky here is people WANT to believe they are going to find what they are looking for(nothing wrong with that)and DONT want to believe someone may be lying to them or playing games.They think they are“too smart”to fall for a scoundrel.It is that attitude that leaves them wide open to be proven wrong.If you are planning to surf the Internet with high hopes and expectations,arm yourself with the knowledge of what to avoid and what to watch out for,so you have the best possible chance of a positive outcome.*anonymity n.匿名;无名;匿名者*con n.诈骗*artist n.能手;大师*scam n.欺诈;骗局engagev.吸引;占用(某人的时间)*primarily ad.主要地;首先*portray v.描写;描绘;扮演embarrassv.使(某人)觉得不自然尴尬或害羞rarityn.罕见的人或东西*tricky a.难对付的;棘手的;狡猾的*scoundrel n.恶棍;流氓;无赖6对于网络相亲为什么多半被描述成一个个成功的故事,原因在于很多有着不愉快经历的相亲者们不好意思公开谈论他们的经历,他们自认为自己的经历极少见,自己是倒霉鬼。电影电视也是聚焦于网络相亲光明的一面,而非阴暗面。还有很微妙的一点,人们总是愿意相信自己终会在网络上找到自己正在寻觅的意中人(当然这没什么错),不愿意相信会有人对他们撒谎或只是和他们玩玩而已。人们自视聪明,自认不会被无赖欺骗。正是这种态度使得他们非常容易在网上相亲被骗,而被骗的经历又证明他们之前的想法是错误的。如果你正在计划去互联网上寻觅爱人,并对此抱有很高的期望,那么先明了网络求偶需要避开的陷阱、需要小心注意的事项,用这些知识武装自己,如此你才最有可能得到理想的结果(觅得你所要的)。5互联网的匿名特性给那些骗子们提供了一个新的行骗舞台,在网上你希望他们是什么样的人他们就可以成为什么样的人,因为他们主要是通过文字来吸引你。人们需要理解存在于网络上的这些危险,从而使他们的相亲变得安全。知行英语Understanding ItTask 1 Read the text and answer the following questions.1 Why did Carol want to try Internet dating?2 What happened after Carol wrote to Matt with a phony profile?3 What does Carol suggest people do when they are looking for a long-term relationship on the Internet?4 On the Internet what makes it easy for con artists to cheat those who are looking for theirprospective mates?5 How should a person prepare himself/herself for dating online?Because her dating life always seemed unsuccessful,and one of her friends kept asking her to try Internet dating.Matt responded to her email.They wrote back and forth.He told Carolle that he would move to the state where she pretended to be.She suggests that people who are looking for a long-term relationship should choose those who live in the same state.The anonymity of Internet dating.To arm himself with the knowledge of what to avoid and what to watch out for.知行英语Task 2 Read the text again and correct the following statements.1 Internet dating has become more and more popular because it is safer than before.2 Carol made a profile by herself when she began to try Internet dating.1 Internet dating is not so safe as before.Internet dating has gained in popularity by leaps and bounds,but unfortunately,so have the dangers and horror stories some have encountered.2 One of Carolles friends sent her an Internet dating website and helped her to make a profile.知行英语Task 2 Read the text again and correct the following statements.3 He refused to give the girl his home phone number.He said he had disconnected it since he was moving.4 Matt didnt answer her calls mainly during evenings and weekends.5 Movies and TVs have focused on the lighter side of Internet dating as opposed to the darker side.3 Matt gave Carol his home phone number when they dated on the Internet.4 Matt answered Carols calls whenever she called him.5 Movies and TVs tend to display the dark side of Internet dating.知行英语Task 3 Arrange the order of the following events according to Carols narration of her own story.1 One of Carols friends helped her create a profile on an Internet dating website.2 Carol found Matt was dating different women with different names.3 Carol met a man named Matt on the dating site for the first time.4 Carol realized that Matt was a cheat.5 Carol and Matt exchanged emails and chatted on the phone.6 A friend told Carol that she was dating a man who lived in another state on that dating site._ _ _ _ _ _135624知行英语Language Points代替,取代e.g.ImreplacingSueontheteam.使不连接,使分离;切断(电、气、水的供应)e.g.Disconnectthecablesbeforeyoutrytomovethecomputer.replace disconnectWords虚伪的;错误的;假的e.g.Grandpahaslosthisfalseteethagain.toattractsomeoneandkeeptheirinterest吸引e.g.Thenewtoydidntengagethechildsinterestforlong.engage in从事,(使)忙于e.g.Thepoliticiansengaged inadiscussion.政客们讨论了一个问题。false engage使窘迫,使为难e.g.Theoldwomansquestionsembarrassedhim,makinghimmomentarilytongue-tied.embarrassed 尴尬的,为难的embarrassing令人尴尬的,令人为难的 embarrass知行英语Language Points来回地;反复地e.g.Thebusrunsback and forthbetweentheairportandthedowntownarea.back and forthPhrases&Expressions arm oneself/sb.(with sth.)用武装自己或他人e.g.Ivearmed myself withallthefactsIneedtoprovemypoint.一串;一束 a bunch of相对的;相反的;而不是e.g.Studentsdiscussideas,as opposed tojustcopyingfrombooks.as opposed to非常迅速地e.g.AndrewsGermanisimprovingby leaps and bounds.by leaps and bounds被某人所吸引;爱上某人;迷恋某人e.g.ThatwasthesummerIworkedatthefairground,andmetandfell forLucy.fall for sb.知行英语Language Points(用作危险信号或停止信号的)示警 red flagPhrases&Expressions lay sb.(wide)open to sth.使某人遭受某事e.g.Whatyousaywilllayyourselfwideopentocriticism.变得越来越受欢迎e.g.Classicalmusicisgaining in popularity.gain in popularity回顾;回忆;回头看 look back on忙于的;密谋的e.g.Thechildrenareveryquiet;Iwonderwhattheyreup to.up to提防;戒备e.g.Youhavetowatch out forfasttrafficalonghere.watch out for might/may as well do sth.倒不如做某事;不妨做某事e.g.Itsnogoodwaitingforthebus.Wemight as wellwalk.知行英语Background information Traditional ways of dating in Western countries在过去,单身人士寻找另一半的方式主要有以下几种:在学校认识,或通过工作认识对方;亲戚朋友介绍认识;还有就是在酒吧、婚礼或者派对上的偶遇。知行英语Background information在线约会已经成为人们彼此相遇的第三种普遍方式。美国相亲网站目前已经趋于成熟,其中部分网站甚至是全球规模的,如1995年上线的M是最早的相亲网站之一,现在已经发展为全世界最大的约会网站。美国相亲网站通常分两种-收费网站和免费网站。收费网站通过会员的订费赚钱,而免费网站靠的则是广告费。现在这一产业的年获利已超10亿美元。Internet dating in USA知行英语Background information 网络相亲看起来很浪漫,但也存在着不少危险,遭遇骗子就是其中之一。骗子通常在取得对方的信任后以种种理由骗取对方的金钱财物。据统计2012年在美国此类受害者的总损失共计约340,000,000美元。Online dating scams知行英语Background information A new trend of Internet dating in USA也许是意识到了网络相亲存在的种种潜在危险,以及互联网自身的虚拟性,现在美国越来越多的相亲网站开始回归传统,积极拓展其线下服务。网站会举办各式各样的线下活动邀请会员参加,例如晚餐约会,其形式可能也非一对一,而是有数人参加的更接近于朋友聚会或俱乐部活动。此举受到了欢迎,因为大家逐渐意识到利用网络互发邮件、聊天终究无法替代人和人面对面交流时所产生的情感碰撞。知行英语Doing ItTask 11There are always some“red flags”that we should have noticed during Internet dating.Find the three red flags in Carols Internet dating experience.Red flag 1:Matt told that he noticed Carolle because he would move to live in the place where Carolle was now.Red flag 2:He didnt give Carolle his home phone number.He explained that he was moving so he had disconnected the phone number and only used his cell phone.Red flag 3:He didnt answer Carolles calls during evenings and weekends.His excuse was that his company paid for his calls so he should limit the charge.知行英语2A red flag is a warning signal,but we often see it too late.Suppose you were Carol,express your feeling by“I regret that.”after you were cheated by Matt.EXAMPLE:I regret that I have said unkind things about my classmate.I regret that I took my friends advice and tried Internet dating.I regret that I didnt see those red flags in my online dating with Matt.I regret that I fell for Matt too quickly.I regret that I neglected Matts suspicious behaviour when we chatted on the Internet.知行英语3Have you ever done anything that you now feel regretful about?Exchange your regrets in small groups with the sentence pattern“I regret that.”.Choose one student to record for each group.4Discuss in groups to see how to remedy(补救)the regrets in Step 3.RegretsRemediesStudent A:I regret that I didnt work hard in senior high school.Student B:I regret that I have lost the chance of studying at Peking University-my dream college.Student C:I regret what I said to my parents just now on the phone.For A:As an old saying goes,better late than never.You should work hard now.For B:Dont give up.You should keep on working hard.If you are good enough,you can be a postgraduate student at Peking University.For C:How about apologizing to your parents?Give them a call and say sorry.知行英语Task 21Read Carols story again.Have you noticed what Matt liked to say when the girl asked for his phone number or called him during evenings and at weekends?He asked for my phone number and I asked for his instead.He said _.We kept chatting on the phone,and I began to notice he didnt answer my calls during evenings and at weekends.He said _.that since he was moving he had disconnected his home phone number and only used his cel in preparation for his movesince his job was paying for it,he had to limit his evening and weekend calls知行英语2The conjunction“since”,meaning“for the reason that”,leads an adverbial clause of cause(原因状语从句).It is often translated into“既然,因为”in Chinese,implying that the reason has already been known to others.Complete the following sentences with the Chinese hints in brackets.EXAMPLE:Since you know German,you should be able to translate the passage.既然你会德语,你就应该能翻译出这篇文章。1 _(既然你对这件事这么有把握),well believe you.2 _(你既然都这么说了),I think it is true.3 He didnt attend the meeting _(因为出差).4 _(既然他不愿意接手这项工作),lets assign another one to do it.Since you are so sure of itSince you say sosince he was on a business tripSince he is unwilling to take over the job知行英语3Imagine you were trying Internet dating.You have rejected a few candidates.Your friend inquired about the reasons why you rejected those people.Prepare some excuses for the inquiry and list them.Then role-play a conversation between you and your friend.EXAMPLE:Since he still loves his ex-girlfriend,I dont want to date the man.Since he still loves his ex-girlfriend,I reject that man.Since he is an unrealistic guySince we are not in the same citySince he cant give up smokingFriend:hello,Mary,Ive heard that you are trying Internet dating.So hows it going?Mary:Well,I rejected quite a few men.F:Why?M:Well,let me think.The first man,since he still loves his ex-girlfriend,I dont want to be a substitute.F:What a pity.Hows the second man?M:Er,I remember he is a heavy smoker.Since he once told me he couldnt give up smoking,I rejected him.You know,I cant stand smoke.F:Oh,I see.Many good men register on the dating websites,Im sure you will find Mr.Right.M:I wish I could.Reasons:Conversation:知行英语Task 31There is something wrong with the following sentence.Discuss with your partner and find it.Internet dating has gained in popularity by leaps and bounds but unfortunately,the dangers and horror stories some people have encountered have gained in popularity by leaps and bounds.The second sentence repeats the first one-gained popularity by leaps and bounds.So it seems redundant.知行英语2Can you rewrite the sentence in Step 1 without changing its meaning?EXAMPLE:You love jazz.I love jazz.You love jazz.So do I.Internet dating has gained in popularity by leaps and bounds but unfortunately,the dangers and horror stories some people have encountered have gained in popularity by leaps and bounds.Unfortunately,so have the dangers and horror stories some have encountered.知行英语3The sentence structure“so+auxiliary verb(助动词)/modal verb(情态动词)+subject,”is often used to avoid repetition.In a negative sentence,“neither”can be used.Rewrite the underlined parts of the following sentences after the example.EXAMPLE:He didnt attend the lecture yesterday afternoon.She didnt attend the lectureyesterday afternoon,either.He didnt attend the lecture yesterday afternoon.Neither did she.Im fond of romantic movies.He is fond of romantic movies.He loves keeping pets.She loves keeping pets.He is a nice person.You are a nice person.I hate people talking loudly in public.My mother hates people talking loudly in public.Jack is not good at cooking.Mary is not good at cooking.So is he.So does she.So are you.So does my mother.Neither is Mary.知行英语Task 41Affixes(词缀)are greatly helpful to expand an English learners vocabulary.An affix can be a prefix(前缀)ora suffix(后缀).It changes or modifies a words meaning when being put before or after it.Find in the text the words beginning with the prefixes“re-”or“dis-”,or ending with the suffix“-able”.relocate:This was how I met Matt,who lived in another state,but said he noticed me because his job was re-locating him this year,.disconnect:He said that since he was moving he had disconnected his home phone number and only used his cell in preparation for his move.reasonable:This sounded reasonable at the time,but now,looking back on it,this was red flag number 1.知行英语2Read the sentences where the words are found and try to tell what these three affixes mean respectively re-:again dis-:not,opposite of(否定,相反);deprive of,remove(分离,除去,剥夺)-able:inclined or given to(附在名词后,可.的);susceptible,capable or worthy of(an action)(附在动词后,可以.的,能.的)disconnect relocatereasonable知行英语3Play a game.Compete with your partner and see who can list more words with the following three affixes.rebuild,rejoin,reaffirm,readjust,react,dislike,disappear,disadvantage,dissatisfy,disperse,.changeable,accountable,eatable,suitable,reliable,.dis-re-able知行英语Writing ItTask 1Read the following sentences and underline the attributes(定语)in each sentence.1 The day has come when Internet dating is considered to be a legitimate way of meeting new people.2 A girl named Carol recently told her story about Internet dating.3 She sent me an Internet dating website and helped me make a profile of my own.4 So,I asked my friend to help me set up a phony profile on the site to try and find out what he was up to.5 I recommend that people who are looking for a long-term relationship start in their own area!知行英语Task 2An attribute usually modifies a noun.It can be an adjective,a present participle(现在分词),a past participle(过去分词),a prepositional phrase(介词词组),an attributive clause(定语从句),etc.Using attributes can help you describe someone or something in a vivid way.Modify the underlined parts by using the information given in brackets.I am a single woman of 25 years old.I sign up on an Internet dating website.After I enter my criteria,all the candidates who meet my criteria come up on the screen.The first candidate is a 30-year-old man.He wants to date a good-looking woman.The second one is a romantic musician.Candidate 3 says he is still in love with his ex-girlfriend Mary and looking for another woman just like Mary.I am a woman(I am 25 years old.I am single.).I signed up on an Internet dating website.After I entered my criteria,all the candidates(They meet my criteria.)come up on the screen.The first candidate is a man(He is 30.).He wants to date a woman(She is good-looking.).The second one is a musician(He is romantic.).Candidate 3


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