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新课标新课标人教版人教版全国卷地区专用全国卷地区专用本课件是由精确校对的本课件是由精确校对的wordword书稿制作的书稿制作的“逐字编辑逐字编辑”课课件,如需要修改课件,请双击对应内容,进入可编辑状态。件,如需要修改课件,请双击对应内容,进入可编辑状态。如果有的公式双击后无法进入可编辑状态,请单击选中如果有的公式双击后无法进入可编辑状态,请单击选中此公式,点击右键、此公式,点击右键、“切换域代码切换域代码”,即可进入编辑状态。,即可进入编辑状态。修改后再点击右键、修改后再点击右键、“切换域代码切换域代码”,即可退出编辑状态。,即可退出编辑状态。第第6讲讲Unit 1Cultural relics第第7讲讲Unit 2The Olympic Games第第8讲讲Unit 3Computers第第9讲讲Unit 4Wildlife protection第第10讲讲Unit 5Music目目 录录高中英语高中英语 必修必修2 2 第第6讲讲Unit 1Cultural relics佳佳作作晨晨读读基基础础梳梳理理考考点点探探析析跟跟踪踪训训练练返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics 杰克到了中国后杰克到了中国后,你当他的你当他的导导游,游,带领带领他参他参观观各旅游景点。右面是你各旅游景点。右面是你们们拍的拍的一一张圆张圆明园的照片,明园的照片,请请你根据自己的所你根据自己的所见见所所闻闻,向北京市政府写一封建,向北京市政府写一封建议议信,内容信,内容包括包括:1 1历历史史遗遗迹的重要性和意迹的重要性和意义义;2 2历历史史遗遗迹的迹的现现状状(所受破坏所受破坏);3 3保保护遗护遗迹的措施。迹的措施。返回目录返回目录佳佳作作晨晨读读 精精精精 彩彩彩彩 美美美美 文文文文 Dear Sir,I am writing to you today to share my thoughts about the Old Summer Palace.After showing my friend Jack around the park,I am deeply impressed by the historical site,which is definitely the greatest symbol of our ancient civilization.In a gesture to preserve history and learn more about ancient culture,such kind of historical sites is of great value.返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics佳佳作作晨晨读读 Unfortunately,throughout history,it has been damaged due to a variety of reasons,such as natural forces,wars,theft and so on.Worse still,tourists nowadays are doing damage to the Old Summer Palace either unintentionally or deliberately while they are walking around the site or taking photos.返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics佳佳作作晨晨读读 As a student,I strongly feel that it is urgent for our government to take measures to protect it.First of all,a special committee should be established to ensure all the work to be carried out smoothly.In addition,some sculptures and statues should be moved indoors to avoid being damaged by natural things.Only by doing these will we be able to enjoy these historical sites for generations to come.Looking forward to your actions.Your sincerely,xxx返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics佳佳作作晨晨读读 名名名名 师师师师 点点点点 睛睛睛睛 1行文逻辑:意义简述行文逻辑:意义简述现状描述现状描述保护措施。保护措施。2词汇短语:运用了较高级的词汇和短语。如:词汇短语:运用了较高级的词汇和短语。如:be deeply impressed by(对对印象深刻印象深刻),of great value(非常非常有价值有价值),unfortunately(不幸的是不幸的是),due to(由于由于),such asand so on,worse still(更糟糕的是更糟糕的是),do damage to,first of all,in addition(此外此外)等等。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics佳佳作作晨晨读读3句式句法:运用了多样化的句式结构。如:句式句法:运用了多样化的句式结构。如:定定语从句:语从句:which is definitely the greatest symbol of our ancient civilization;时间状语从句时间状语从句:while they are walking around the site or taking photos;宾语从句宾语从句:that it is urgent for our government to take measures to protect it;部分倒装结构:部分倒装结构:Only by doing these will we be able to;非谓语动词:非谓语动词:to protect it,avoid being damaged等等。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics佳佳作作晨晨读读.单词荟萃单词荟萃 1_n&vt.设计;图案;构思设计;图案;构思designer n设计师;制图员设计师;制图员 2_n珠珠宝宝;宝宝石石jewel(le)ry nU珠宝;宝石珠宝;宝石 3 _n&vt.怀怀 疑疑;疑疑 惑惑_adj.怀疑的;疑惑的怀疑的;疑惑的 4_ prep.值值得得;相相当当于于的的价价值值_n价价值值;作作用用_adj.有价值的;值得有价值的;值得的的 5_n证证据据;根根据据_adj.清楚的;明白的;显然的清楚的;明白的;显然的返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics基基础础梳梳理理designjewelworthydoubtdoubtfulworthworthevidentevidence 6_ vi.下下沉沉,沉沉下下_(过去式去式)_(过去分去分词)7 _vi.幸幸 免免;幸幸 存存;生生 还_n幸存幸存_n幸存者幸存者 8amaze vt.使使吃吃惊惊_ n惊惊奇奇,惊惊异异_adj.令令人人大大为惊惊奇奇的的_adj.大大为惊奇的惊奇的 9_vi.爆炸爆炸_n爆炸爆炸 10_adj.稀稀罕罕的的;稀稀有有的的;珍珍贵的的_adv.稀有地;珍稀有地;珍贵地地返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics基基础础梳梳理理sinksanksunksurvivesurvivalsurvivoramazementamazingamazedexplodeexplosionrarerarely 11_adj.贵重重的的;有有价价值的的_vt.&n重重视;珍;珍视;价;价值 12informal adj.非非正正式式的的_(反反义词)adj.正式的正式的 返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics基基础础梳梳理理valuablevalueformal.短语检测短语检测1寻寻找找_2属于属于_3作作为报为报答;回答;回报报_4处处于交于交战战状状态态_5少于少于_6拆开拆开_7看重;器重看重;器重_8调查调查_9把某物从把某物从搬到搬到_10而不是;与其而不是;与其_返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics基基础础梳梳理理in search ofbelong toin returnat warless thantake apartthink highly oflook intoremove sth fromtorather than.佳句再现佳句再现1Frederick William,the King of Prussia,_ that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.普鲁士国王腓特烈普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世绝不可能威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。段令人惊讶的历史。2_ the boxes were then put on a train for ,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边的运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边的一个城市。一个城市。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics基基础础梳梳理理could never have imaginedThere is no doubt that3In a trial,a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and _.在审判中,法官必须断定哪些目击者在审判中,法官必须断定哪些目击者的话可以相信,哪些不可以相信。的话可以相信,哪些不可以相信。4Later,Catherine _ to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers.后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿里。殿里。5However,the next King of Prussia,Frederick William,to_ ,decided not to keep it.然而,下一位普然而,下一位普鲁士国王,腓特烈鲁士国王,腓特烈威廉一世,这个琥珀威廉一世,这个琥珀屋的主人却决定不要它了。屋的主人却决定不要它了。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics基基础础梳梳理理which not to believehad the Amber Room movedwhom the amber room belonged返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics基基础础梳梳理理.单元语法单元语法定语从句定语从句()1Have you ever dreamed of staging a concert,at _ thousands of people are applauding and appreciating your music?2Members of the Beijing Wheelchair Dance Training Base,_ was set up in 2009,are able to manage their wheelchairs perfectly.3Our usual walk is to or from the subway,_ is how we get to work.4The book,_ are true stories about great scientists of the 20th century,is well worth reading.whichwhichwhichin which返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics基基础础梳梳理理5The small mountain village_we spent our holiday last month lies in what is now part of Hubei.where 单词点睛单词点睛 1survivevt.(to live through)从从逃生;逃生;(to live longer than)比比活得活得长 vi.幸存;幸免于幸存;幸免于难 (1)survive在在之后仍然生存,从之后仍然生存,从中逃生中逃生 survive sb(by)比某人活得比某人活得长 survive on 靠靠存活下来存活下来 survive from 从从存活下来;流存活下来;流传下来下来 (2)survivor n.幸存者;逃生者幸存者;逃生者 survival n.幸存;生存幸存;生存 返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析 【语境语境助记】助记】As far as I know,the old man survived the earthquake,but nobody knew how he survived.Finally,he survived his wife by 10 years.据我所知,据我所知,这位老人在地震中幸免于位老人在地震中幸免于难,但是没有人,但是没有人知道他是如何幸存下来的。最后,他比他的妻子多活了知道他是如何幸存下来的。最后,他比他的妻子多活了10年。年。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析【活学活用活学活用】(1)2012重庆卷重庆卷阅读阅读D But he survived and,according to a local story,set up a tomato-canning factory.但根据当地的传闻,他活了下来并建立起一家西红柿罐但根据当地的传闻,他活了下来并建立起一家西红柿罐头工厂。头工厂。(2)The company found it hard_ in a changing marketplace.这家公司发现难以在不断变化的市场中生存。这家公司发现难以在不断变化的市场中生存。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析to survive(3)The 10-year-old girl was one of three children known _ the disaster.在这次大灾难中,这个十岁的女孩是三个幸存的孩在这次大灾难中,这个十岁的女孩是三个幸存的孩子中的一个。子中的一个。(4)It does not seem to matter just where traditions have come from or _.至于这些传统究竟源自何处,又是为何沿袭下来的,至于这些传统究竟源自何处,又是为何沿袭下来的,似乎并没那么重要。似乎并没那么重要。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析to have survivedwhy they have survived2remainvi.剩余,残存;逗留,留下剩余,残存;逗留,留下vt.(to continue in the same state or condition)仍然是,保持仍然是,保持 (1)remain to do 有待,尚需,尚未有待,尚需,尚未 It remains to be seen 拭目以待拭目以待 remain unchanged 依然不依然不变 (2)remaining adj.剩下的剩下的 返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析【温馨提示温馨提示】(1)remain用用作作系系动动词词时时,意意为为“仍仍然然(处处于于某某种种状状态态);保持;保持”,后面常跟,后面常跟adj./n./v.-ing/done/to be done等形式。等形式。(2)remain用用作作不不及及物物动动词词时时,意意为为“剩剩余余;残残留留;逗逗留留”,不能用于被动语态。,不能用于被动语态。(3)remain还经常用于还经常用于there be句型中,代替句型中,代替be动词。动词。(4)remaining adj.“剩下的剩下的”,作前置定语;而,作前置定语;而left(adj.)作作“剩余的剩余的”讲时,作后置定语。讲时,作后置定语。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析【活学活用活学活用】(1)2012安徽卷安徽卷阅读阅读C For more than a decade after her death in 1954,Kahlos works remained largely unnoticed by the world.在卡罗在卡罗1954年逝世后的数十年里,她的作品很大程度上年逝世后的数十年里,她的作品很大程度上仍然还是不被世人所关注。仍然还是不被世人所关注。(2)While theres a lot of promise,the result facts remain _ 虽然有很多承诺,但对结果我们拭目以待。虽然有很多承诺,但对结果我们拭目以待。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析to be seen(3)Finally at the meeting they cleared up the problem that remained _ for years.他们最终在会上讨论清楚了那个拖了多年得不到解他们最终在会上讨论清楚了那个拖了多年得不到解决的难题。决的难题。(4)The only _question is whether or not we can raise the money.唯一剩下的问题是我们能否筹到这笔钱。唯一剩下的问题是我们能否筹到这笔钱。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析unsettledremaining3designvt.设计;计划;构思划;构思 n.设计;图案案 (1)be designed for 为而而设计 be designed to do 目的是做目的是做;被;被设计用于做用于做 (2)by design 故意地,蓄意地故意地,蓄意地 on purpose 有意,故意地有意,故意地 (3)designer n.设计师返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析【活学活用】【活学活用】(1)2012浙江卷浙江卷阅读阅读A Most of these rabbits change their fur colour from white in the wintertime to brown in the summer,each designed to give them better cover from predators(捕食者捕食者)这些野兔中大多数都会随季节改变皮毛的颜色,冬天白这些野兔中大多数都会随季节改变皮毛的颜色,冬天白色而夏季棕色,且每种颜色都旨在为它们躲避捕食者提供色而夏季棕色,且每种颜色都旨在为它们躲避捕食者提供更好的伪装。更好的伪装。(2)Computer security systems _by independent technicians.计算机安全系统将由独立的技师来设计。计算机安全系统将由独立的技师来设计。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析will be designed(3)The pair met oftenat first by chance but later_.这两个人经常见面这两个人经常见面开始是偶然的,后来就是有开始是偶然的,后来就是有意的了。意的了。(4)Not well_,the bridge collapsed soon after it was completed.这座桥没有精心设计好,竣工后不久就倒塌了。这座桥没有精心设计好,竣工后不久就倒塌了。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析by designdesigned4worthadj.值钱的;的;值得的;有得的;有价价值的的n.价价值;用用处 (1)worth it值得一干,得一干,值得花精力得花精力(或或时间)worth sbs while 对有好有好处,值得得 (2)be(well)worth doing sth (很很)值得做某事得做某事 be worth the money/effort/a try 值得花得花钱/努力努力/一一试 返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析 【易混辨析】【易混辨析】worth,worthy与与worthwhile 这三个词都可以表示这三个词都可以表示“值得的值得的”,但各自的用法或搭,但各自的用法或搭配关系不同。配关系不同。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析worth只能作表只能作表语,意,意为“值得的,有得的,有价价值的的”,其后接名,其后接名词或主或主动语态的的动名名词(有被有被动的含的含义)作作宾语。worthy可以作表可以作表语或定或定语。用作定。用作定语时,意,意为“有价有价值的,的,值得尊敬的,得尊敬的,应受到受到赏识的的”;用作表;用作表语时,意,意为“值得得的的”“”“应受到受到的的”,常用于以下,常用于以下结构:构:be worthy of sth/being done或或be worthy to be done。Worth-while既可以作表既可以作表语,也可以作定,也可以作定语。作定。作定语时表示某事因表示某事因为重要、有趣或受益大而重要、有趣或受益大而值得去花得去花时间、钱财或努力去做好,或努力去做好,一般作一般作“值得的,得的,值得做的,有意得做的,有意义的的”解;用作表解;用作表语时,常用于以下常用于以下结构:构:It be worthwhile to do/doing sth。【语境助记】【语境助记】What has just happened is well worth focusing on.It is also worthy of being thought about by everyone present.Is it worthwhile to spend so much money on a very expensive wedding?We dont think it is worth it at all.刚刚所发生的一切值得我们关注。这件事也值得在场刚刚所发生的一切值得我们关注。这件事也值得在场的每个人思考。花这么多钱举办这样一个豪华的婚礼的每个人思考。花这么多钱举办这样一个豪华的婚礼是否值得?我们认为这根本就不值得。是否值得?我们认为这根本就不值得。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析 【活学活用】【活学活用】(1)2012湖南卷湖南卷阅读阅读A What makes a gift special?What gift is worth the most?是什么让一件礼物特别?是什么让一件礼物特别?什么礼物最有价值?什么礼物最有价值?(2)His mother inherited a farm _ 15,000 dollars a year.他母亲继承了一个年产值为他母亲继承了一个年产值为1.5万美元的农场。万美元的农场。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析worth(3)Youll find it well _ to learn something of each islands special features before visiting them.你会发现游览之前先了解一下各岛的特色非常有帮你会发现游览之前先了解一下各岛的特色非常有帮助。助。(4)This article is well worth_,but it is not worthy of _ 这篇文章很值得一读,但是并不值得翻译。这篇文章很值得一读,但是并不值得翻译。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析worth your whilereadingbeing translated 短语储存短语储存 1in search of寻找寻找 (1)in ones/the search for寻找寻找 make a search for 搜寻,追求搜寻,追求 (2)search sth/sb 搜查某物搜查某物/搜身搜身 search for sb/sth 搜寻某人搜寻某人/某物某物 search sb/sth for sb/sth 为了找到某人为了找到某人/某物而搜查某某物而搜查某人人/某物某物返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析【活学活用】【活学活用】(1)2012全国卷全国卷阅读阅读A If left alone outside,dogs and cats can be very smart in their search for warm shelter.如果被单独留在室外,猫和狗在寻找温暖的场所时十分如果被单独留在室外,猫和狗在寻找温暖的场所时十分灵敏。灵敏。(2)They made a thorough _the lost ring,but didnt find it.他们仔细地寻找过那枚丢失的戒指,可是没有找到。他们仔细地寻找过那枚丢失的戒指,可是没有找到。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析search for(3)Police _ a woman who is reported to have been missing since the flood hit the area last Friday.警方正在寻找一个女人,据报道自上周五洪水袭击警方正在寻找一个女人,据报道自上周五洪水袭击这个地区时她就失踪了。这个地区时她就失踪了。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析are now searching for/are now making a search for2belong to属于;是属于;是的成员;应归入的成员;应归入 a sense/feeling of belonging归属感归属感 belongings n.财产财产返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析【温馨提示温馨提示】(1)该短语无被动语态和进行时,后接名词或代词宾格,该短语无被动语态和进行时,后接名词或代词宾格,不跟名词性物主代词不跟名词性物主代词(如如mine,hers,his,yours等等)。表示表示“某东西属于某人某东西属于某人”用用belong to sb,而不用,而不用belong to sbs。(2)虽然虽然belong后通常接后通常接to,但如果表示,但如果表示“应该在某处,应该在某处,适合某处适合某处”时则可用时则可用in,on,among,under,with等。等。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析【活学活用】【活学活用】(1)2013山东卷山东卷阅读阅读D Some years ago,the group to which Sparrow belonged was taken over by another company.几年前,几年前,Sparrow所属的组织被另一家公司接管了。所属的组织被另一家公司接管了。(2)Normally,after I finish reading a book,I will put it back_ 通常情况下,我看完书后都要把它放回原处。通常情况下,我看完书后都要把它放回原处。(3)Because there is no label on the luggage,we dont know _ it belongs.因为行李上没贴标签,因为行李上没贴标签,我们不知道这是谁的行李。我们不知道这是谁的行李。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析where it belongsto whom3in return作为报答;作为报答;回报回报 in return for 作为作为的交换;作为的交换;作为的报答的报答 in turn 轮流,依次;轮流,依次;反过来反过来 by turns 轮流;时而轮流;时而时而时而返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析【活学活用】【活学活用】(1)2012课 标 全全 国国 卷卷 完完 形形 The Norwegian,very probably seeing this as pushiness,will keep backing awaywhich the Latino will in return regard as coldness.挪挪威威人人可可能能会会把把这看看作作是是一一种种压迫迫而而将将不不断断地地后后退退,拉拉丁丁人反人反过来来认为他他们很冷淡。很冷淡。(2)I wish I could do something _ the kindness I have received from him.我我希希望望我我能能做做点点儿儿什什么事来酬么事来酬谢他他对我做我做过的善事。的善事。(3)When George had a fever,he felt cold and hot _.当当乔治治发烧的的时候,候,他感到一他感到一阵发冷一冷一阵发热。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析in return forby turns 句型透视句型透视 1There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for ,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边的一个城市。当时德国在波罗的海边的一个城市。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析句型公式句型公式 There is no doubt that There is(some)doubt whether返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析 【句式点拨】【句式点拨】There is no doubt“不用怀疑不用怀疑/毫无疑问毫无疑问”,后用,后用that连接,引导的是同位语从句,用来说明连接,引导的是同位语从句,用来说明doubt的的具体内容。具体内容。doubt本身用否定的时候,连词用本身用否定的时候,连词用that;本身是肯定的时候用本身是肯定的时候用whether连接。连接。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析【相关拓展】【相关拓展】beyond/out of doubt(常作插入语常作插入语)毫无疑问地毫无疑问地 in doubt 感到怀疑,拿不准;悬而未决感到怀疑,拿不准;悬而未决 no doubt 无疑地,很可能无疑地,很可能 without(a)doubt 无疑地无疑地返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析【活学活用】【活学活用】(1)There is some doubt among the people _ John will come on time.人人们对约翰能否准翰能否准时来表示来表示怀疑。疑。(2)_ some dogs are naturally more aggressive than others.毫无疑毫无疑问,有些狗天生就比其他狗更具有攻,有些狗天生就比其他狗更具有攻击性。性。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析whetherThere is no doubt that2In a trial,a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.在审判中,法官必须断定哪些目击者的话可以相信,在审判中,法官必须断定哪些目击者的话可以相信,哪些不可以相信。哪些不可以相信。句型公式句型公式疑疑问词不定式不定式 返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析 【句式点拨句式点拨】疑问代词疑问代词who,what,which等和疑问副词等和疑问副词when,where,how等后面跟不定式,构成不定式短语,在句等后面跟不定式,构成不定式短语,在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语等句子成分,其中可作主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语等句子成分,其功能相当于一个从句。这样的动词功能相当于一个从句。这样的动词(短语短语)有:有:tell,show,know,learn,teach,find out,forget,wonder,remember等。等。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析【活学活用】【活学活用】(1)We must first solve the problem of whom to serve.We must first solve the problem of whom we serve.我们必须首先解决为谁服务的问题。我们必须首先解决为谁服务的问题。(2)How to divide labour among the workers is still a question.How labour is/will be divided among the workers is still a question.这些工人之间如何分工仍是个问题。这些工人之间如何分工仍是个问题。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析(3)You should not go rafting unless you know _,and you should always wear a life jacket.(swim)如果不会游泳,就不要去木筏漂流。漂流必须始终穿着如果不会游泳,就不要去木筏漂流。漂流必须始终穿着救生衣。救生衣。(4)A traffic light tells us _ .(cross)交通信号灯告诉我们何时穿越马路。交通信号灯告诉我们何时穿越马路。(5)She was worried about _ her leisure time.(fill)她为如何打发她的闲暇时间而发愁。她为如何打发她的闲暇时间而发愁。返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics考考点点探探析析how to swimhow to fill/how she would fillwhen we will cross the road语法填空语法填空1Barack Obama delivered a speech to 1,000 local youths during his visit to Shanghai,most of _ belong to Fudan and Tongji University.2After _(take)apart the old bike,we sold it to a waste recycle centre.3After returning from Sichuan,he was often asked the question how he _(survive)the earthquake.4It remains _(see)whether the average income will be doubled during the next ten years as President Xi stressed at the 18th CPC National Congress.返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics跟跟踪踪训训练练whomtakingsurvivedto be seen 5He has done so much for the poor in his community _ you cannot think highly of him enough.6The child was told to remain _ he got lost so that he could be found easily.7It is reported in todays newspaper that a new highway connecting the two cities is being _(design)8Last nights TV news said that by then the death of the _(miss)people had not been proved yet.返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics跟跟踪踪训训练练thatwheredesignedmissing 9Not until we pointed out their fault to them _ they realize it.10To make my room look nicer,I had my doors and windows _(decorate)with paper cuts last year.返回目录返回目录第第6 6讲讲Unit 1Unit 1Cultural relicsCultural relics跟跟踪踪训训练练diddecorated第第7讲讲Unit 2The Olympic Games佳佳作作晨晨读读基基础础梳梳理理考考点点探探析析跟跟踪踪训训练练返回目录返回目录第第7 7讲讲Unit 2Unit 2The Olympic GamesThe Olympic Games 最近,北京、武汉等多所大中学最近,北京、武汉等多所大中学校运动会取消女子校运动会取消女子30003000米、男子米、男子50005000米长米长跑项目,同学们对此各抒己见。请你以跑项目,同学们对此各抒己见。请你以“Whether Long-Distance Running Whether Long-Distance Running Should Be CancelledShould Be Cancelled?”为题,向一家为题,向一家英文报社投稿,并谈谈你的看法。英文报社投稿,并谈谈你的看法。返回目录返回目录佳佳作作晨晨读读 精精精精 彩彩彩彩 美美美美 文文文文 Whether Long-Distance Running Should Be Cancelled?Recently,many schools in cities such as Beijing and Wuhan have cancelled the womens 3,000-metre race and the mens 5,000-metre race at their sports meets due to students poor physical conditions.It aroused a heated debate about young students health.Some students think that schools should not give up long-distance running because it can build up our bodies,keep us away from illness and relax our brain.We can learn better after exercise.More importantly,it helps develop a strong will and endurance.返回目录返回目录第第7 7讲讲Unit 2Unit 2The Olympic GamesThe Olympic Games佳佳作作晨晨读读 But others hold opposite opinions.They believe that long-distance running is not good for us.It makes us tired and excited so that we cant calm down to study after exercise and we may get hurt in it.Besides,long-distance running is a big challenge to our physical conditions.For my part,it is unwise to call off long-distance races.So long as we are careful enough,the races can do us nothing but good.返回目录返回目录第第7 7讲讲Unit 2Unit 2The Olympic GamesThe Olympic Games佳佳作作晨晨读读 名名名名 师师师师 点点点点 睛睛睛睛 1行文逻辑:提出问题行文逻辑:提出问题正反分析正反分析个人看法。个人看法。2词汇短语:运用了较高级的词汇和短语。如:词汇短语:运用了较高级的词汇和短语。如:due to(由于由于),arouse(引起引起),give up(放弃放弃),build up(增强增强),keep away from(使使远离远离/避开避开),be good for,calm down(平静下来平静下来),more importantly(更重要的是更重要的是),besides,for my part(就我而言就我而言),call off(取消取消),get hurt等。等。返回目录返回目录第第7 7讲讲Unit 2Unit 2The Olympic GamesThe Olympic Games佳佳作作晨晨读读 3句式句法:运用了多样化的句式结构。如:句式句法:运用了多样化的句式结构。如:状状语从句:语从句:because it can build up our bodies,so that we cant calm down to study,So long as we are careful enough;名词性从句名词性从句:that schools should not give up long-distance running;it形式主语结构:形式主语结构:it is unwise to call off等。等。返回目录返回目录第第7 7讲讲Unit 2Unit 2The Olympic GamesThe Olympic Games佳佳作作晨晨读读.单词荟萃单词荟萃 1_n志愿者;志愿兵志愿者;志愿兵adj.志志愿的;义务的愿的;义务的vt.&vi.自愿自愿_adj.自愿的,自发的自愿的,自发的 2 _n 运运 动动 员员;运运 动动 选选 手手athletic adj.运动的运动的 3 responsibility n 职职 责责;责责 任任_ adj.负责的负责的 4_n光光荣荣_adj.光光荣的荣的 5_vi.比比赛赛;竞竞争争_ n 竞竞 争争 _ n 竞竞 争争 者者_ adj.竞技的竞技的 6_vt.&vi.容许;承认;接纳容许;承认;接纳_n容许,承认容许,承认 返回目录返回目录第第7 7讲讲Uni


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