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专题复习专题复习制作:陕西省旬阳县棕溪初级中学制作:陕西省旬阳县棕溪初级中学 龚秀丽龚秀丽形容词、副词形容词、副词命题规律分析命题规律分析考点考点归纳归纳中考链接中考链接权威预测权威预测 在陕西省的中考命题中,每年都会涉及对形容在陕西省的中考命题中,每年都会涉及对形容词副词的考查。形容词比较级句型、形容词修饰不词副词的考查。形容词比较级句型、形容词修饰不定代词时的位置、易混的形容词和副词用法辨析定代词时的位置、易混的形容词和副词用法辨析;频度副词频度副词always,often,usually,sometimes,never,时间副词时间副词already,yet,still,just,疑问副疑问副词词 how,why,when,where,程度副词程度副词enough,quite,以及以及 too,also,either等的用法区别等的用法区别,是考是考查的热点。查的热点。考点考点1:形容词的用法形容词的用法1.形容词作定语形容词作定语,修饰名词或不定代词修饰名词或不定代词.我父亲是个著名的医生。我父亲是个著名的医生。My father is a_ doctor.我的自行车出故障了。我的自行车出故障了。There is _with my bike.(修饰名词时放在名词前,修饰不修饰名词时放在名词前,修饰不定代词时放在不定代词之后。定代词时放在不定代词之后。)famoussomething wrong 2.形容词作表语形容词作表语,放在系动词之后放在系动词之后.常见常见的系动词有的系动词有:be,stay,keep,look,sound,taste,feel,smell become,get,turn,等。等。那听起来很有趣。那听起来很有趣。That sounds _.她看起来很忧虑。她看起来很忧虑。She looks _.上了四节课后,我感到很疲劳。上了四节课后,我感到很疲劳。After four classes,I felt _.interestingwarriedtired3.只能作表语的形容词有只能作表语的形容词有:afraid,alone,asleep,awake,alive,ill,well,interested,confused(了解了解)4.形容词作宾补形容词作宾补,放在宾语之后放在宾语之后.我们必须保持教室干净。我们必须保持教室干净。We must _ our classroom _.keepclean我不能把我儿子独自留下。我不能把我儿子独自留下。I cant _ my son _.leavealone我发现学好英语非常重要我发现学好英语非常重要 I find it very_ to learn English well.important5.enough作形容词修饰名词时多放在名词之前作形容词修饰名词时多放在名词之前,但但enough作副词修饰形容词作副词修饰形容词.副词时副词时,要后置要后置.我爸爸有足够的钱去买一辆车。我爸爸有足够的钱去买一辆车。My father has_ to buy a car.他年龄不够大,不能去上学。他年龄不够大,不能去上学。He isnt_ to go to school.6.复合形容词作定语时复合形容词作定语时,要放在被修饰词的前面要放在被修饰词的前面.他是一个八岁大的男孩。他是一个八岁大的男孩。He is an _ boy.enough money old enougheight-year-old经典例析经典例析1.Its cold outside,we must keep the windows _.A.close B.closed C.opened D.open2.I find it useful _ English well.A.learn B.to learn C.learning D.learntBB3.It is _ to work out this problem.You neednt go to the teacher.A.enough easy B.easily enough C.easy enough D.very easily4.-Mum,Bill is coming to dinner this evening.-OK,Lets give him _ to eat.A.something different B.different something CA5.John likes to watch her_ playing soccer.A.eleven-years-old son B.eleven year old son C.eleven year-old son D.eleven years old son C6.Lets enjoy the song.It sounds_.A.bad B.sadly C.well D.beautiful7.The dog has been _(die)for half an hour.8.Now more and more Chinese people are _ enough to buy cars.A.happy B.poor C.weak D.rich DdeadD9.To keep a balanced diet can keep us _(health).10.This is the most _(luck)day in my life.11.The dictionary is very _ (help)to us.12.Its _(danger)to play in the street.healthyluckyhelpfuldangerous13.In_(west)countries,people usually have three names.14.In the _(现代的现代的)world,English is widely used.15.China is a _ country,while America is a_ one.(develop).westernmoderndevelopingdeveloped16.Smoking is not allowed in some _(公共的公共的)places.17.The boy is _(失明的失明的),he cant see anything.publicblind考点考点2:形容词的比较级和最高级及其用法:形容词的比较级和最高级及其用法写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级,并总结出变化规律。写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级,并总结出变化规律。young warm cold talllarge fine nice lateheavy easyhappy early hot big fat thin younger youngestwarmer warmesttaller tallestcolder coldestlarger largestfiner finest nicer nicestlater latestheavier heaviest easier easiest happier happiest earlier earliesthotter hottest bigger biggestfatter fattestthinner thinnest interesting delicious difficult friendlymore interesting most interesting more delicious most delicious more difficult most difficult more friendly most friendlygood/well bad/ill/badly little many/much far better best worse worst more most less least farther/further farthestfurthest表示两者表示两者“相等相等”用,用,as+形容词形容词/副词原级副词原级+as+比较对象;比较对象;考点考点3:形容词、副词表示比较:形容词、副词表示比较 的结构(的结构(重点重点)这个男孩子和那个女孩子一样大。这个男孩子和那个女孩子一样大。The boy is _ the girl.as old as表示表示“不如不如”没有没有“不相等不相等”,用,用“not+as/so+形容词、副词原级形容词、副词原级+as+比较对象比较对象”;月球没有地球大。月球没有地球大。The moon _the earth.用形容词、副词的比较级用形容词、副词的比较级+than从句从句表示两者比较;表示两者比较;中国的人口比印度的人口多。中国的人口比印度的人口多。The population in China is _ that of India.isnt so big as larger than 比较级前可用比较级前可用much,a little,even 等表示程度;等表示程度;今天我感觉甚至更糟糕了。今天我感觉甚至更糟糕了。Im feeling_ today.这个男孩比那个高一点点。这个男孩比那个高一点点。This boy is _than that one.and连接同一个比较级连接同一个比较级,表示表示“越来越来 越越”.even worsea little taller When spring comes,the weather gets _.我们的生活越来越好。我们的生活越来越好。Our life is getting_.the+比较级比较级.the+另一个比较级表另一个比较级表 示越示越越越;锻炼的越多,你的身体就越健康。锻炼的越多,你的身体就越健康。_ exersise you do,_you will be.春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和了。春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和了。warmer and warmerbetter and betterThe morethe healthier 句中如果有句中如果有“of the two”短语时,应短语时,应该用比较级且比较级前加该用比较级且比较级前加the,表示两个,表示两个中的一个更中的一个更 在这两个男孩子中吉姆是比较聪明的在这两个男孩子中吉姆是比较聪明的一个。一个。Jim is _ of the two boys.Jim is _ of the two boys.可用可用“比较级比较级+than+any other+单单数名词数名词”表达最高级的含义。表达最高级的含义。李磊比班上其他学生个子都高。李磊比班上其他学生个子都高。Li Lei is _ in our class.the cleverertaller than any other student表示表示“最最之一之一”用用:one of+最高最高 级级+复数名词;复数名词;赵老师使我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。赵老师使我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。Miss Zhao is _ in our school.one of the most popular teachers经典例析经典例析1.He is a little _(thin)than you,but he is as _(strong)as you.2.Of all the subjects,I like maths _ (well).3.Every morning I get up_(early)than my brother.4.Our school is getting _ and_ _(beautiful).thinnerstrongbestearliermore morebeautiful5.China is one of the _(big)_(country)in the world.6.Who jumped _(far)in the long jump,Lily or Lucy?7.Of the two books,this one is the _(interesting).8.The _(much)you speak English,the _(well)you can speak it.biggestcountriesfarthermore interestingmorebetter1、(2011陕西陕西)He has read many books on history,so its _ for him to answer these questions.A hard B impossible C easy D serious 2、(2010陕西陕西)The _ friends you have,the_ you will be.A more,happy B many,happy C more,happier D many,happier CC 3、(2011金华)金华)Its so cold today.Yes,its _ colder than it was yesterday.A some B more C very D much4、(2011北京)北京)We have a lovely room.Its one of _ in the hotel.A nice B nicer C nicest D the nicestDD1、What a careful boy you are!Thank you.In fact,Tom does everything _ than me.A more carefully B more careful C much careful2、Im going to be late for work.There are_ buses on this route.A too few B too little C toomany D too muchAA 3、The accident was really terrible.Yes,it was.The young man on the bicycle was too _.A careless B careful C carelessly D carefully4、If you want to be thinner and healthier,you had better eat _food and take _exercise.A more;fewer B more;less C fewer;more D less ;moreAD


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