case stuy(案例分析框架)

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物流物流/供给链案供给链案例分析例分析刘进平刘进平交通运输管理学院交通运输管理学院大连海事大学大连海事大学ContentContents p Framework of Supply chain/logistics case study analysisp Techniques or tools for logistics and supply chain analysisFramework of Supply chain/logistics problem analysisStep 1.Current situation analysis Step 4.Select the solution&reasoning Step 3.Generate alternatives&evaluation Step 2.Find problemsStep 5.ImplementClassify problemsPrioritize problems Describe solution Give reasonsBrainstorming Choose 2-3.for evaluation Resources,time and management a.Supply chain structure b.Supply chain PMc.Business environment Our focusStep 1step 2.step 3.step 4.step 5.Current situation analysis:supply chain structureStep 1.Current situation analysis c.Business environment b.Supply chain PMa.Supply chain structureOutside business environment Inside policies-corporate&marketing PM of individual logistics function BenchmarkingOverall supply chain Customer service&cost Organization structure Information system Physical map Process a.Supply chain structureOrganization structure 组织结构组织结构 Information system 信息系统信息系统 Physical map 实体实体Process 流程流程 Must include the end customerPhysical flow mapping/network mappinguTo describe the fixed nodes in the supply chain(factory/warehouse/retailer/wholesaler)uTo describe the flows between these nodesSupplierManufacturingplantAssemblyplantSupplierManufacturingplantNDCRDCRetailoutletNDCRDCRDCRDCRetailoutletRetailoutletRetailoutletLogistics network mappingRDC-regional distribution center区域配送中心NDC-national distribution center全国配送中心consumera.Supply chain structureOrganization structure Information system Physical mapProcess Process is definedProcess is defined as a series of actions,changes or function bring about a result Key processesKey processes include order fulfillment process,New product introduction process,returns process.a.Supply chain structureOrganization structure Information system Physical mapProcess include:EDI(electronic data interchange,电子数据交换 EPOSelectronic point of sales,电子销售点Order information processing systemDemand forecasting informationManagement information of logistics operation efficiency or KPI(e.g.Utilization of truck,Picking productivity of warehouse,Inventory level)a.Supply chain structureOrganization structure Information system Physical mapProcess Internal supply chain of an individual company Different department:warehousing,inbound transportation outbound transportation,production,ect.)Vertical/horizontal Senior management commitment of logistics redesign The overall supply chain(outside the company)supplier,manufacturers,wholesaler,retailerPower of supply chain partners Global supply chainCurrent situation analysis:supply chain structureStep 1.Current situation analysis c.Business environment b.Supply chain PMa.Supply chain structureOutside business environment Inside policies-corporate&marketing PM of individual logistics function BenchmarkingOverall supply chain Customer service&cost Organization structure Information system Physical map Process b.Supply chain PMBenchmarking 标杆标杆Overall supply chain Customer service&cost 供给链客户效劳与本钱供给链客户效劳与本钱 PM(performance measurement,绩效衡量)“If you cant measure it,you cant manage it.;Supply chain PM are very different from traditional logistics PM in that they measure inter-company performance rather than just internal performance.These measures of performance must be common across the firms in the supply chain to be meaningful.PM of individual logistics function 各物流功能绩效衡量各物流功能绩效衡量b.Supply chain PMBenchmarkingOverall supply chain Customer service&cost Customer service PMA set of customer PM metrics Customer service classification/segmentationThe end customer/Internal customerE.g.on time in full.Logistics cost Accurate logistics cost record is difficult in reality.Total logistic cost Or check the industry recordPM of individual logistics function b.Supply chain PMBenchmarkingOverall supply chain Customer service&cost Benchmarking(标杆 is the process of continuouslymeasuring and comparing ones businessperformance against comparable processes in leading organizations(先进的组织 to obtain information that will help the organization identify and implement improvements.(Benson,1998)PM of individual logistics function Methodology of benchmark(Bendell, al,1998)Choosing who to benchmarkSelecting what to benchmarkCollecting informationImplementing improvementb.Supply chain PMBenchmarkingOverall supply chain Customer service&cost Individual logistics function Inventory ABC analysis Transportation:unit costWarehouse:picking productivityPM of individual logistics function Current situation analysis:supply chain structureStep 1.Current situation analysis c.Business environment b.Supply chain PMa.Supply chain structureOutside business environment Inside policies-corporate&marketing PM of individual logistics function BenchmarkingOverall supply chain Customer service&cost Organization structure Information system Physical map Process c.Business environment Outside business environment Inside policiesCorporate strategyFor example:low price strategy,this means emphasis on decreasing logistics cost c.Business environment Outside business environment Inside policies-corporate&marketing PESTG(political,economic,social,technology and geography)Customers trendsOversea manufacturersOutside logistics providers(3PLs)Regional integration of politics and economy SWOT or not?(strength,weakness,opportunity,threats)Focus on supply chain rather than marketing!E.g.strength/weakness:inventory,transportation,.opportunity/threat:outside factors that influence supply chainStep 2 find the problemIdentify problems 确定问题Classify(by functions,by strategic/operational,问题分类l)Prioritize(core problems/non-core problems,问题排序)Symptom and the root cause病症与事故根源分析 E.g.,Symptom:inefficient picking Fish bone-root causeStep 3 Generate alternatives and evaluation Group discussion Function level:purchasing,inventory,transportCompany level:cross-function change,coordinator Supply chain level:reform supply chain relationship,VMIStep 3 Generate alternatives and evaluationTo reduce the number of alternatives(unreasonable,unrealistic)Evaluation from operation requirement,cost and efficiency 可行性Evaluation models Optimization models优化模型Heuristics models启发式模型Simulation models(仿真Step 3 Generate alternatives and evaluationStep 4 select the solution and reasonsExpected Profit and loss(期望损益值Payback period 回收期Return on investment 投资回报率NPVnet present value,净现值Step 5 ImplementResources:who is in charge of implementation/project team How to promote suggested solution to different departments in the companyBudget time:工程管理Time requirementImplementation rank Management How to measure and control(PM matrices)1.Design logistics solution2.Refine logistics solution3.Prepare planning application4.System requirements5.Supplier briefing/negotiation6.Obtain planning consent7.Mech handling equipment8.Building construction9.Procure tractor units10.Procure trailer units11.Recruit and train people12.Prove new systemGantt charts甘特图甘特图PLANNING 方案方案456789 10 11 12 123456789 10 11 12 120042005Time nowPlannedActual progressImplementing new logistics operation:Gantt ChartStep 5 implement好雨知时节,当春乃发生。随风潜入夜,润物细无声。野径云俱黑,江船火独明。晓看红湿处,花重锦官城。INTRODUCTION 绪论绪论勤学如春起之苗,不见其增,日有所长。辍学如磨刀之石,不见其损,日有所亏。INTRODUCTION 绪论绪论ContentContents p Framework of Supply chain/logistics case study analysisp Techniques or tools for logistics and supply chain analysisTechniques or tools for logistics and supply chain analysis n 20/80 rule(ABC rule or Pareto law)n Customer segmentation nCustomer service survey or field study nRelationship analysis mappingnProcess mapping nSupply chain mapping 20/80rule20/80ruleTime-based mapping(Time-based mapping(时间流程图时间流程图Supply chain mapping绘制供给链图绘制供给链图European Repair Part FlowUnit(000s per year of EPC costs)流程矩阵流程矩阵流程部门部门下订单收到订单库存状态查信用接受订单分配库存分拣组合订单整理装车运输配送客户客户客户订单订单处理处理库存库存信用信用仓库仓库运输运输天Order picking process1Order picking process 2Order picking process 3Customer service:Competitive BenchmarkingLow Medium HighImportance To CustomerPerformanceLow Medium HighCustomerKalonICIAkzoElementsOrder Accuracy I.e.correct products ordered&picking accuracyInvoicing accuracy&clarityOn placing an order,informed of products not availableGoods received in a saleable conditionOrder delivered in fullDelivery reliability I.e.on time to meet the commitmentDealing with invoicing errors promptlyCommitment to a delivery date at time of placing orderProvision,on placing an order,of delivery dates for those products not immediately availableFrequency of deliveryRespond to emergency orders quicklyShort lead time in fulfilling the orderAccuracy and clarity of delivery documentationAdvance notice of delivery daysThe ability to check on the status of an unfilfilled orderSimple and effective claims procedureHelpful driver in unloading the orderAbility to place an order of any sizeOrdering convenience i.e.Hours&MethodsSales Rep/Merchandiser VisitSales Office ServiceSee you


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