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Euthanasia安乐死安乐死Euthanasia安乐死What is EuthanasiaEuthanasia in different countriesType of EuthanasiaDebate of Euthanasia1234What is EuthanasiaEuthanas.What is EuthanasiaEuthanasia is the termination of a very sick persons life in order to relieve them of their suffering.A person who chooses euthanasia usually has a bad condition.But there are other instances where some people want their life to be ended.In many cases,it is carried out at the persons request but there are times when they may be too ill and the decision is made by relatives,medics(医护人员)or the courts.The term is derived from the Greek word euthanatos which means easy death.What is EuthanasiaEuthanasia.Euthanasia in different countriesThe country or district who permits it Netherlands (荷兰荷兰)Belgium (比利时比利时)Switzerland (瑞士瑞士)Columbia (哥伦比亚哥伦比亚)Japan (日本日本)America (美国美国)Taiwan.Euthanasia in different coun The Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permits euthanasia,although it is not technically legal there.However,doctors who carry out euthanasia under strict guidelines introduced by the Dutch Parliament are usually not prosecuted(起诉起诉).The guidelines demand that the patient is experiencing extreme suffering,that there is no chance of a cure,and that the patient has made repeated requests for euthanasia.In addition to this,a second doctor must confirm that these criteria(条件条件)have been met and the death must be reported to the police department.In Netherlands The Netherlands is the onlIn China Because euthanasia is complicated ,it refers to morals,ethics,law,medicine and so on.The euthanasia has not been legislated yet in Chinese Mainland,but Taiwan has.In China Because euthanas Recent years,all over the country made various polls about euthanasia.According to statistics,in Beijing,Shanghai,Heilongjiang,more than 80%of the respondents are in favor of euthanasia.And in some other countries,the consequence even achieve 90%.The legalization of euthanasia,it is the common aspiration(渴望渴望)of the people,is in favor with the public.Recent years,all over theThe case in China 1986In chinaFirst euthanasia caseWang MingchengEuthanize his mother The case in China 1986 .Type of Euthanasia(1)The first kind of classification According to the applicable specific object,euthanasia can be divided into special euthanasia and generalized euthanasia.Special euthanasia:it is to point to,to forking and in extreme pain patients,led to the rapid death without pain a way.Generalized euthanasia:besides special euthanasia content,it still includes make some born as heavy residual,dementia infant,some social severe psychotic,disabled people and some in irreversible state of the vegetable,death with no pain.Type of Euthanasia(1)The fir 根据安乐死可以适用的具体对象,可以将安乐死分为根据安乐死可以适用的具体对象,可以将安乐死分为狭义安乐死和广义安乐死。狭义安乐死和广义安乐死。狭义安乐死,是指对于身患绝症、处于极度痛苦之中狭义安乐死,是指对于身患绝症、处于极度痛苦之中的患者,促使其无痛苦迅速死亡的一种方式。的患者,促使其无痛苦迅速死亡的一种方式。广义安乐死,除包括狭义安乐死的内容外,还包括对广义安乐死,除包括狭义安乐死的内容外,还包括对于一些出生时即为重残、痴呆的婴幼儿、社会上的一些重度于一些出生时即为重残、痴呆的婴幼儿、社会上的一些重度精神病患者、重度残疾人以及处于不可逆昏迷中的精神病患者、重度残疾人以及处于不可逆昏迷中的“植物人植物人”,促使其在无痛苦感受中死亡。,促使其在无痛苦感受中死亡。根据安乐死可以适用的具体对象,可以将安乐死分为狭义(2)The second kind of classification Voluntary euthanasia:it is to point to patients who require or have desire,or agree to take the euthanasia.Involuntary euthanasia:generally refers to those incapacitated patients,those who cannot express themselves,such as severely deformed babies,brain death patients,having a mental illness patients,or those whose intelligence is seriously low,according to their relatives application to conduct euthanasia(2)The second kind of classif 自愿安乐死,是指患者本人要求,或者有过自愿安乐死,是指患者本人要求,或者有过愿望,或者表示通过同意而采取的安乐死。愿望,或者表示通过同意而采取的安乐死。非自愿安乐死,一般是指对那些无行为能力非自愿安乐死,一般是指对那些无行为能力的患者,即无法表示本人要求、愿望或同意与否的患者,即无法表示本人要求、愿望或同意与否的患者,根据其亲属的申请而实施的安乐死,如的患者,根据其亲属的申请而实施的安乐死,如对有严重畸形的婴儿、脑死亡病人、昏迷不醒病对有严重畸形的婴儿、脑死亡病人、昏迷不醒病人、精神病人、智力严重低下者实施安乐死。人、精神病人、智力严重低下者实施安乐死。自愿安乐死,是指患者本人要求,或者有过愿望,或者表.Debate of Euthanasia1.In favor of euthanasia2.Against euthanasiaStill alive or died with euthanasia 3.Stay in neutral.Debate of Euthanasia1.In favPolls of euthanasia 243145Polls of euthanasia AGOBN2431 Many find this prohibition of an individuals right to die is paternalistic.Although they agree that life is important and should be respected,they feel that the quality of life should not be ignored.Dr.Van Oijen believes that people have the fundamental right to choose for themselves if they want to die:What those people who oppose euthanasia are telling me is that dying people havent the right.And that when people are very ill,we are all afraid of their death.But there are situations where death is a friend.And in those cases,why not?很多人发现禁止一个人选择死亡的权利是没有道理的。尽管他们也认为生命很重要,并且应当尊重生命,但是生活的质量也不容忽视。范奥依金医生认为如果人们想死,他们应当有选择死亡的权利:那些反对使用安乐死的人们是在告诉我们要死亡的人没有这种权利。当他们病重时,我们害怕他们会死去。但是有的情况下死亡是人们的朋友。在那种情况下,为什么不使用安乐死呢?1.In favor of euthanasia Many find this prohiNow lets see a research NationalInstituteofpublicopinionpollin1947to37%infavorofeuthanasia.51%,1983,risingto63%in973,reached72%in recentyears.Now lets see a research NatioThe voices of the patientsThe voices of the patientsBenefits 2 1 3 4reduce the pain of patients reduce the burden of the family reduce the burden of the society.promote the development of the medical treatmentBenefits 2 1 3 4reduce the paiFirst,confirm the legalization of euthanasia,can reduce the pain of patients.According to the ministry of health of the national population and the relevant statistics,each year in our country the number of people killed is nearly 1 0 million,among them more than 1 million people is gone in extreme pain.And quite a lot of people among the victims have asked for euthanasia,but because of legal reason,they were rejected and finally died with pain,helpless,regret.In this case,what is euthanasia conforms to the humanitarian?Or let the disease slowly torture,swallow the patients life more accord with humanitarian?As the humanitarian are concerned,life must be protected,but when a person is on the verge of death and can not be treated.Using of existing medical conditions and strong struggle are futile.At this time,the protection of life has lost its any practical significance.Carrying out euthanasia as they wish,it maintain the dignity of personality,reduce the pain of patients,and avoid the family members and friends and relatives watch the dead patients suffering torture.It prefer die to live when born with hopelessness.First,confirm the legalizatioSecond,confirm the legalization of euthanasia,can reduce the burden of the family.The relatives of the patients have mental responsibility and economic responsibility to the patients.In order to be able to extend a patients life,they often need to use expensive medical equipment,pay the heavy material price,which severely reduces the whole familys quality of life.This is excessive worthless requirements.At the same time,euthanasia is also better for the dead mans family members and relatives and friends recovering from the spiritual pain as soon as possible.They can join in the normal study,work and life for the demand of social development quickly.Second,confirm the legalizatiThird,confirmed the legalization of euthanasia,can reduce the burden of the society.People live in society,it is the society which finally bear the liability of patient.Society have the obligation to distribution corresponding resources to solve problems,but there is no need to keep its consumption in maintaining the meaningless of life.At present,in China there are a lot of poor areas lacking of medical treatment,someone often died or got deformity for not get good treatment.So,in limited health resource society,it should be put to save the significance patients.Third,confirmed the legalizatForth,confirmed the legalization of euthanasia,can promote the development of the medical treatment.Carrying out euthanasia for those with incurable disease,medical person can release from multifarious and unprofitable job,make more energy to conquer incurable diseases,give benefit and fresh hope to other patients.Especially in the present arduous medical work,difficult circumstances that the patient to see a doctor,it has more rich practical meaning.Forth,confirmed the legalizatIn short,people should be have value,dignity and happiness in life.When alive is of no value,has become a pain,a kind of burden,euthanasia is a kind of liberation.We expect the day that euthanasia become legal.At the same time we also hope lawmakers formulate standard strict laws from comprehensive consideration,to overcome the negative effect after the legalization of euthanasia In short,people should be hav写在最后写在最后成功的基成功的基础在于好的学在于好的学习习惯The foundation of success lies in good habits24写在最后成功的基础在于好的学习习惯24谢谢大家荣幸这一路,与你同行ItS An Honor To Walk With You All The Way讲师:XXXXXX XX年XX月XX日 25谢谢大家讲师:XXXXXX 25


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