初中二年级英语上册第一课时课件 (5)课件

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bonesREVIEW SOME WORDScalciumnutrientvitamin REVIEW SOME WORDSoutsideinside1.Are bones important for us?2.How can we keep our bones healthy?Read Paragraph 1 and 2 Bones are 1._.importantReason 1Bones help us _.Reason 2 Although bones are very _,they are strong enough to _.Reason 3The soft part of bones _.support our weightmove freelymakes our bloodlightIs blood important?Why?Read Paragraph 1 and 2 Bones are 1._.importantReason 1Bones help us _.Reason 2 Although bones are _,they are strong enough to _.Reason 3The soft part of bones _.support our weightmove freelymakes our bloodlightImportant things for healthy bonesWhy are they important?Where to get it?What exercises can we do?Read Paragraph 3,4 and 5calciumVitamin DexerciseIt makes our bones solid.milk,some vegetables,other foodsWhere to get it?What exercises can we do?Important things for healthy bonesWhy are they important?Where to get it?Vitamin DRead Paragraph 3,4 and 5It helps calcium work well in our bodies.fish,eggsthe sunImportant things for healthy bonesWhy are they important?Where to get?exerciseRead Paragraph 3,4 and 5It improves our bone health.What exercises can we do?runningjumpingdancingwalking climbing stairsdaily activitiesImportant things for healthy bonesWhy are they important?Where to get it?calciumIt makes our bones solid.milk,some vegetables,other foodsCalcium is important for healthy bones,because it makes our bones solid.We can get it from milk,some vegetables,and other foods.Important things for healthy bonesWhy are they important?Where to get it?Vitamin DIt helps calcium work well in our bodies.fish,eggsthe sunVitamin D is important for healthy bones,because it helps calcium work well in our bodies.We can get it from fish,eggs and the sun.Important things for healthy bonesWhy are they important?Where to get?exerciserunning,jumping,dancing,walking,climbing stairsIt improves our bone health.What exercises can we do?Exercise is important for healthy bones,because it improves our bone health.We can run,jump,dance,walk and climb stairs.A)Healthy Bones and Sick Bones B)Getting to Know Your Bones C)New Research on Our Blood Which one is the best title?Review the textLets read the text together!Role-play There is a dialogue about bones between the host(主持人主持人)and audience(观众)(观众)in your worksheet Ex.3.FOR EXAMPLEHost(H):Are bones important for us?Audience(A):Yes.H:Why are bones important?A:Because bones()H:What is important for healthy bones?A:()is important for healthy bones.FOR EXAMPLEH:Why is it important?A:Because it can()H:Where can we get it?What exercises can we do?A:You can()H:Thank you for your time!A:Youre welcome.HOMEWORKRead the text on P.46 three times after class.Work in groups and make a poster about healthy bones.Ex.1,P.46 may help you.Tips for Healthy Bones(健康骨骼小贴士健康骨骼小贴士)Healthy bones are important for us.They can _.Eat healthy food and do exercises every day!Try our best to keep our bones healthy!Paragraph 2Bones are hard on the outside,but they are soft on the inside.The soft part of the bone makes our blood.Blood carries nutrients through our bodies.It also helps move waste materials away so our bodies can stay healthy.Paragraph 2Bones are hard on the outside,but they are soft on the inside.The soft part of the bone makes our blood.Blood carries nutrients through our bodies.It also helps move waste materials away so our bodies can stay healthy.Paragraph 3Calcium makes our bones solid,so we need to get enough of it each day.We can get calcium easily from milk,some vegetables and other foods.Paragraph 4Vitamin D is also important because it helps calcium work well in our bodies.Although we get Vitamin D form food like fish and eggs,we can also get it from the sun!Try to get a bit of sun every day so you can have healthier bones!Paragraph 5Exercise improves our bone health too,so make it a habit.Running,jumping and dancing are all good exercise,but even daily activities like walking and climbing stairs can help keep our bones healthy and strong!topic sentenceThank You!


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