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What What What What is is is is physics physics physics physics October October October October 2014 2014 2014 2014 物理与电子协会物理与电子协会 苏峻苏峻 20142014年年1010月月什么是物理学?什么是物理学?物理与电子协会物理与电子协会 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 摘要摘要摘要摘要 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2011 2011 2011 2011 http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physichttp:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physichttp:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physichttp:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physics s s s What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 物理学是研究物质运动最一般规律及物质基本结构的学说。按所研究的物质运动形态和具体对象,它涉及的范围包括:力学、声学、热学和分子物理学、电磁学、光学、原子和原子核物理学、基本粒子物理学、固体物理学以及对气体和液体的研究等.What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 What is physicsWhat is physicsWhat is physicsWhat is physics?Physics is what physicist do.Well then,What do physicists do?What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2011 2011 2011 2011 蛇吞尾图蛇吞尾图蛇吞尾图蛇吞尾图E-15E-12E-09E-06E-031mE+03E+06E+09E+12E+15E+18E+21E+24E+27最小的细最小的细胞胞原子原子原子核原子核基本粒子基本粒子DNA长度长度星系团星系团银河系银河系最近恒最近恒星的距离星的距离太阳系太阳系太阳太阳山山哈勃半径哈勃半径哈勃半径哈勃半径超星系团超星系团人人物物理理现象象 按空按空间尺度划分:尺度划分:量子力学量子力学经典物理学典物理学宇宙物理学宇宙物理学 按速率大小划分:按速率大小划分:相相对论物理学物理学非相非相对论物理学物理学 按客体大小划分:按客体大小划分:微微观系系统宏宏观系系统 按运按运动速度划分:速度划分:低速低速现象象高速高速现象象实验物理物理理理论物理物理计算算物理物理今日物理学今日物理学l 物理学的发展物理学的发展 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 Fundamental InteractionFundamental InteractionFundamental InteractionFundamental Interaction Strong interactionStrong interaction Weak interactionWeak interaction ElectromagnetismElectromagnetism GravitationGravitation What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2011 2011 2011 2011 PhysicsistsPhysicsistsPhysicsistsPhysicsists What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 The Relation of Physics to Other SciencesThe Relation of Physics to Other SciencesThe Relation of Physics to Other SciencesThe Relation of Physics to Other Sciences工程技术电子学化学生物学人文等等 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2011 2011 2011 2011 量子力学和计算机科学量子力学和计算机科学量子力学和计算机科学量子力学和计算机科学超晶格材料超晶格材料纳米材料米材料光子晶体光子晶体晶体管的晶体管的发明明大大规模集成模集成电路路电子子计算机算机信息技信息技术与工程与工程量子力学量子力学能能带理理论人工人工设计材料材料 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2011 2011 2011 2011 费米的纸片试验费米的纸片试验费米的纸片试验费米的纸片试验美国新墨西哥州南的沙漠上,炽烈无比的闪光,震耳欲聋的巨响。紧接着是一个明亮的眼的火球迅速膨胀、上升,同时地面上掀起一个粗大的尘柱,当尘柱追上直径达五百米的大火球时,便形成高达十几公里的蘑菇状烟云世界上第一颗原子弹试验成功啦!这是1945年7月6日凌晨。参加试验的科学家、工程技术人员全部蹲在附近的掩体里。因为他们知道:原子弹爆炸是一种剧烈的原子核裂变过程,它的巨大的能量,在一瞬间以三种形式释放出来:一种是在爆炸中心产生极高的温度,辐射出大量的热;一种是空气受热剧烈膨胀,产生激烈的冲击波;还有一种是产生相当多的放射性物质,造成放射性污染。可是,一个出人意料的情景出现了:身穿防护衣的意大利物理学家费米,突然跃出了掩护体,直向原子弹爆炸的试验场飞跑。一边把小纸片举在头上,使它随着气流飘落。当他跑回来时,扬了扬手中的小纸片,眼中闪烁着奇异的光,他兴奋地宣布道:“我测出来啦第一颗原子弹爆炸的威力,相当于两万吨梯恩炸药爆炸时放出的能量!”What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2011 2011 2011 2011 Enrico FermiEnrico FermiEnrico FermiEnrico Fermi 两小时后,经过精密仪器测定的结果送来了,居两小时后,经过精密仪器测定的结果送来了,居然和费米的纸片实验结果基本相符。人们感到万然和费米的纸片实验结果基本相符。人们感到万分惊奇,纷纷向费米询问,他是怎么计算出来。分惊奇,纷纷向费米询问,他是怎么计算出来。费米平静地答道:费米平静地答道:“我根据原子弹爆炸时三种形我根据原子弹爆炸时三种形式能量之间的关系,选择了其中最容易测量的一式能量之间的关系,选择了其中最容易测量的一种种利用空气受热剧烈膨胀产生的强大气流的利用空气受热剧烈膨胀产生的强大气流的功能,作为推算整个爆炸能量的依据,而气流的功能,作为推算整个爆炸能量的依据,而气流的功能,又可根据它的速度推算出来。我用纸片来功能,又可根据它的速度推算出来。我用纸片来作实验:气流的速度可以看作纸片飘流的速度,作实验:气流的速度可以看作纸片飘流的速度,纸片的速度可以根据纸片飘落的时间和距离计算纸片的速度可以根据纸片飘落的时间和距离计算出来,而时间和距离又可以根据我特定的脚步求出来,而时间和距离又可以根据我特定的脚步求得。当然,推算出来的结果,只能是个近似的数得。当然,推算出来的结果,只能是个近似的数值。值。”19011901-19541954 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2011 2011 2011 2011 费曼的比喻费曼的比喻费曼的比喻费曼的比喻美国著名物理学家费曼(美国著名物理学家费曼(FeynmanFeynman)在他著在他著名的物理学讲义中,把一群物理学家比名的物理学讲义中,把一群物理学家比喻成一群看足球比赛的孩子,由于对足球比喻成一群看足球比赛的孩子,由于对足球比赛着了迷,在那儿冥思苦想,想发理比赛的赛着了迷,在那儿冥思苦想,想发理比赛的现则,当裁判偶尔地亮出红牌(或黄牌)时,现则,当裁判偶尔地亮出红牌(或黄牌)时,他为发现了一条比赛场上不允许出现的犯规他为发现了一条比赛场上不允许出现的犯规动作而欣喜若狂动作而欣喜若狂 1918191819881988 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2011 2011 2011 2011 Richard FeynmanRichard FeynmanRichard FeynmanRichard Feynman What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 The beauty of a flowerThe beauty of a flowerThe beauty of a flowerThe beauty of a flowerFirst of all,the beauty that he sees is available to other people and to me,too,I believe.Although I might not be quite as refined aesthetically as he is,I can appreciate the beauty of a flower.But at the same time,I see much more in the flower than he sees.I can imagine not just at the dimension of one centimeter;theres also beauty at a smaller dimension.There are the complicated actions of the cells,and other processes.The fact that the colors in the flower have evolved in order to attract insects to pollinate it is interesting;that means insects can see the colors.That adds a question:does this aesthetic sense we have also exist in lower forms of life?There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science,which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower.It only adds.I dont understand how it abstracts.I have a friend whos an artist,and he sometimes takes a view which I dont agree with.Hell hold up a flower and say,look how beautiful it is,and Ill agree.But then hell say,I,as an artist,can see how beautiful a flower is.But you,as a scientist,take it all apart and it becomes dull.I think hes kind of nutty.What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2011 2011 2011 2011 人人人人类类类类至今至今至今至今对对对对自然的了解知之甚少自然的了解知之甚少自然的了解知之甚少自然的了解知之甚少 爱因斯坦有两个儿子,长子叫汉斯,次子叫爱德华;汉斯成为和他父亲名声相称的美国伯克利学院桥梁动力学教授,次子爱德华由于早年生病未能成材有一次爱德华问爱因斯坦说:“爸爸!你为什么这么出名,似乎全世界每个人都知道你”爱因斯坦沉思了片刻,然后告诉爱德华说:“我们人类就家在一个兰球上爬行的一群蚂蚁,这群蚂蚁没有一个发现自已行走的路径是一条曲线,而我发现了”到现在为止,我们对自然的了解是极其可怜的,正如牛顿在临终很谦虚地留下的名言:“我不知道世人怎样看我,但我自以为我不过像一个在海边玩耍的孩童,不时为找到比常见的更光滑的石子或更美丽的贝壳而欣喜,而展现在我面前的是全然未被发现的浩翰的真理海洋”What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2011 2011 2011 2011 问题来源于生活问题来源于生活问题来源于生活问题来源于生活19211921年,印度科学家拉曼在欧洲求学时,有一次船在年,印度科学家拉曼在欧洲求学时,有一次船在地中海上,一个小男孩向他的母亲发问:大海为什公是蓝地中海上,一个小男孩向他的母亲发问:大海为什公是蓝色的色的?母亲回答不出来,这时刚好被拉曼听见了,便主动母亲回答不出来,这时刚好被拉曼听见了,便主动向这个小男孩解释说:向这个小男孩解释说:“海水呈蓝色是由于它反映天空的海水呈蓝色是由于它反映天空的结果结果”这是历史上的传统看法;可是,在这位小男孩所这是历史上的传统看法;可是,在这位小男孩所提出问题的激发下,拉曼事后一直在思考自己的回答是否提出问题的激发下,拉曼事后一直在思考自己的回答是否正确,后来正是在这一问题的指导下,他开始把海水为什正确,后来正是在这一问题的指导下,他开始把海水为什么是蓝色的作为自己的研究课题,并进行了认真的探讨么是蓝色的作为自己的研究课题,并进行了认真的探讨经长期的反复实验拉曼终于发现海水之所以呈蓝色,是因经长期的反复实验拉曼终于发现海水之所以呈蓝色,是因为海水分子在接受光的照射后发生散射效应,即著名的拉为海水分子在接受光的照射后发生散射效应,即著名的拉曼效应这种效应使海水呈篮色,从而科学地解释那位小曼效应这种效应使海水呈篮色,从而科学地解释那位小男孩所提出的问题后来拉曼就是由于这一重大的科学发男孩所提出的问题后来拉曼就是由于这一重大的科学发现,而成为亚洲第一个获得诺贝尔物理学奖这一殊荣的人现,而成为亚洲第一个获得诺贝尔物理学奖这一殊荣的人(注:科学很可能起源于一个不起眼的小问题,拉曼效应(注:科学很可能起源于一个不起眼的小问题,拉曼效应在激光、电磁辐射、化学浓度测定等有许多重要应用)在激光、电磁辐射、化学浓度测定等有许多重要应用)Raman1888-1970 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 一一一一个受过高等教育的人与他人的关键区别在于,前者生活经验个受过高等教育的人与他人的关键区别在于,前者生活经验个受过高等教育的人与他人的关键区别在于,前者生活经验个受过高等教育的人与他人的关键区别在于,前者生活经验的视野比后者更为广阔。的视野比后者更为广阔。的视野比后者更为广阔。的视野比后者更为广阔。作为作为作为作为21212121世纪的青年人,不能做有智商没有智慧,有知识没有思世纪的青年人,不能做有智商没有智慧,有知识没有思世纪的青年人,不能做有智商没有智慧,有知识没有思世纪的青年人,不能做有智商没有智慧,有知识没有思想,有文化没有教养,有目标没有信仰,有欲望没有理想,有青春想,有文化没有教养,有目标没有信仰,有欲望没有理想,有青春想,有文化没有教养,有目标没有信仰,有欲望没有理想,有青春想,有文化没有教养,有目标没有信仰,有欲望没有理想,有青春没有热血的愚昧之人。仅有知识的人,看到一块石头就是石头,一没有热血的愚昧之人。仅有知识的人,看到一块石头就是石头,一没有热血的愚昧之人。仅有知识的人,看到一块石头就是石头,一没有热血的愚昧之人。仅有知识的人,看到一块石头就是石头,一粒沙子就是沙子;而有思想、有智慧的人,却能从一块石头中看到粒沙子就是沙子;而有思想、有智慧的人,却能从一块石头中看到粒沙子就是沙子;而有思想、有智慧的人,却能从一块石头中看到粒沙子就是沙子;而有思想、有智慧的人,却能从一块石头中看到风景,从一粒沙子里发现灵魂。风景,从一粒沙子里发现灵魂。风景,从一粒沙子里发现灵魂。风景,从一粒沙子里发现灵魂。What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2011 2011 2011 2011 KnowKnowKnowKnow SomethingSomethingSomethingSomething玫瑰星云(玫瑰星云(NGC 2237NGC 2237)是一个的巨大氢区,位于麒麟座一个庞大分子云的末端。这个分子云集团包括NGC 2237、NGC 2238、NGC 2239、NGC 2244、NGC 2246五个NGC天体。疏散星团NGC 2244与玫瑰星云关系相当密切,NGC 2244内的恒星是由玫瑰星云的物质所形成的。该星团与星云距离地球大约5200光年,直径大约为130光年。星云的质量估计约有10,000倍太阳质量。KnowingKnowing SomethingSomething Knowing the name ofKnowing the name of SomethingSomething 电子技术电子技术 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 生活中的电子技术生活中的电子技术 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 电子元器件电子元器件电子元器件电子元器件电阻电容电感二极管三极管集成电路 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 电阻电阻电阻电阻电阻值的色环表示电阻值的色环表示 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 电容器电容器电容器电容器 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 二极管二极管二极管二极管 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 三极管三极管三极管三极管 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 电感、变压器电感、变压器电感、变压器电感、变压器 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 集成电路集成电路集成电路集成电路 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 观察电路板观察电路板观察电路板观察电路板 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 电子管电子管 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 会眨眼的小猫会眨眼的小猫会眨眼的小猫会眨眼的小猫 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 基本工具的使用基本工具的使用基本工具的使用基本工具的使用电烙铁万用表其他工具 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 电烙铁电烙铁电烙铁电烙铁外热式外热式内热式内热式电烙铁烙铁架焊锡丝松香烙铁海绵 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 吸枪吸枪吸枪吸枪 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 夹线钳夹线钳夹线钳夹线钳 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 拨线钳拨线钳拨线钳拨线钳 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 螺丝刀螺丝刀螺丝刀螺丝刀 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 老虎钳老虎钳老虎钳老虎钳 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 胶枪胶枪胶枪胶枪 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 机械式万用表机械式万用表机械式万用表机械式万用表 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 数字万用表数字万用表数字万用表数字万用表 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 直流可调电源直流可调电源直流可调电源直流可调电源 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 示波器示波器示波器示波器数字存储示波器数字存储示波器 What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October What is Physics October 2014 2014 2014 2014 频率发生器频率发生器频率发生器频率发生器


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