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If you go to the party,youll have a great time!SectionBLaohe Middle SchoolCheng Fuqiang预习检测一一.翻译词汇翻译词汇 1 通过通过谋生谋生 2 受伤受伤 3 做某事很艰难做某事很艰难 4 watch too much TV 5 all the time二二 造句造句(看谁造的最多)看谁造的最多)If I am a/an.,Ill.Free talk If you win five million yuan,what will you do?Name Plans me S1 S2 S3 Money isnt everything.Which of the things below are the most important to you in life?be happy go to college be famous travel around the world get an educationmakealotofmoney be happy travel around the world go to college make a lot of money be famous get an educationPPAAPPConversation 1Conversation 2AP1.If you join the Lions,.2.If you become a Lion,.3.And if you work really hard,.4.If you become a professional soccer player,.5.But if I dont do this now,.ceadba.youll be famous b.Ill never do it.b.c.youll become a great soccer player.c.d.youll never go to college d.e.youll travel around the world Conversation 1Conversation 2 Reading 链接一:链接一:Do you like sports?Do you like sports?Who is Who is your favorite sport star?your favorite sport star?Do you want to become a professional Do you want to become a professional athlete?athlete?链接二:将来你想从事什么职业?如果你链接二:将来你想从事什么职业?如果你从事该职业,你能列举出它的优点和缺点从事该职业,你能列举出它的优点和缺点吗?吗?了解作为职业运动员的利与弊,了解作为职业运动员的利与弊,Xiu Xiang is a/an _ athleteprofessionalprofessional athletesIf you become an professional athlete,you will?If you become a professional athlete,you will famous and people all over the world will know you.What can you do?We can donate money to help people.捐献捐献If you are famous,what will happen?If you are famous,people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere.Sometimes they will be very dangerous and get injured.Step 5 快速阅读1 1判断下列句子正误。判断下列句子正误。1)Many young people think becoming a 1)Many young people think becoming a professional athlete is a dream job.professional athlete is a dream job.2)If you become famous,people all 2)If you become famous,people all over the world will know you.over the world will know you.3)Many athletes like to do a lot of 3)Many athletes like to do a lot of work to help others.work to help others.4)Professional athletes never have 4)Professional athletes never have any problems.any problems.5)Many famous people complain that 5)Many famous people complain that they are not happy.they are not happy.2 2.再次阅读文章,完成再次阅读文章,完成3a3a部分的表格。部分的表格。.Reading1.Reasons for becoming a professional athlete.*You can make a lot of money.2._3._4._5._2.Reasons against becoming a professional athlete.*It is very dangerous._ _ _ *You can do something that you love.*You can become famous.*People all over the world will know you.*You can give money to schools and charities.*People will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere.*You dont know who your real friends are.Write about your own plans using sentences with if and will.Example Maybe I will become a teacher.If I become a teacher,I will work with children.I love children,so I will be happy.I will also be able to work outside sometimes.But I wont be famous.Maybe I will become a singer/writer/driver,astronaut,policeman,doctor现场招聘会现场招聘会If I.,I will.Step 6S2:If I go to the movies,I wont finish my homework.Groupwork:Story-tellingS1:I think Im going to go to the movies tonight.S3:If I dont finish my homework S4:故事接龙故事接龙If I dont finish my homework,I wont do well on my test.If I dont do well on my test,my parents will be mad.If my parents are mad,they wont let me borrow the car.If I cant borrow the car,Ill have to stay at home on Saturday night.If I stay at home on Saturday night,Ill be sad.If 条件句歌诀:条件句,放在前,条件句,放在前,逗号要放句中间逗号要放句中间;条件句表可能,条件句表可能,从句多用从句多用现在时现在时,主句多用主句多用将来时将来时.小结小结1 学习了make money,travel around the world,hurt,make a living等扩充词汇以及对职业运动员生活的了解。2 巩固联系了if引导的条件状语从句。3 会选择职业,谈论梦想。用括号内所给词的正确形式填空1.Im sure if he _(go)to the party,he_ (have)a great time.2.If the rain _(stop)tonight,we will go to the cinema.3.Ill buy a computer if I _(have)enough money.4.You _(not get)nervous if you _(do)enough exercise.5.If she _(be)kind to me,I _(not argue)with her.6.I want to know if he _(come)tomorrow,if he _(come),I _(give)the massage to him.goes will have stopshave wont getdo iswont argue comes will come will give 反馈练习反馈练习Homework 1 Write your favorite job and the reason.2 My dream板书设计板书设计Unit 5 Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!behappytravelaroundtheworldgotocollegemakealotofmoneybefamousgetaneducation makealivnggetinjuredhaveadifficulttime重点句型:重点句型:IfI.,Iwill.Now,its time for me to relax!Thank you and Goodbye!


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