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Differences between Chinese and English资料搜集:,PPT制 作:李 涛,张龙艳主 讲:1.Different Language Families 2.Lexical Difference between Chinese and English 3.Sentence Structure Difference between Chinese and English 4.Discourse Difference between Chinese and English 5.Idiom Difference between Chinese and English 6.Suggestions to avoid negative influence of Chinese on EnglishOutlineDifferent Language FamiliesEnglish belongs to the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family(印欧印欧语语系系).Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family(汉汉藏藏语语系系).Lexical Difference between Chinese and English The major ways of word-building in English are composition(合成合成),conversion(词性转化词性转化),and derivation(affixation衍生衍生).And in Chinese we have the same major ways.English:Composition:motherland,blackboard,handwriting,easy-goingChinese:Composition:并列式:并列式:语言,改革,树立,遥远,左右语言,改革,树立,遥远,左右偏正式:偏正式:学分,本科,红糖,笑声,新衣学分,本科,红糖,笑声,新衣主谓式:主谓式:耳闻,目睹,脸红耳闻,目睹,脸红动宾式:动宾式:思甜,攻关,灭火,开车,踢球思甜,攻关,灭火,开车,踢球补充式:补充式:提前,救活,改善,说明,调好提前,救活,改善,说明,调好重叠式:重叠式:平平安安,高高兴兴,懒洋洋平平安安,高高兴兴,懒洋洋 English:Conversion:paper the window,empty the basket,elbow ones wayChinese:Conversion:一棵大树一棵大树,十年树人十年树人 出售油漆出售油漆,油漆门窗油漆门窗鸡鸭鱼肉鸡鸭鱼肉,鱼肉百姓鱼肉百姓 安全第一安全第一,不太安全不太安全English:Derivation:able unable take mistake hope hopeless hopelessnessChinese:Derivation:Suffix:手手助手,舵手,选手,帮手,一把手助手,舵手,选手,帮手,一把手年年幼年,晚年,青少年,周年,光年幼年,晚年,青少年,周年,光年子子金子,票子,耗子,妻子,爱面子金子,票子,耗子,妻子,爱面子头头外头,对头,拳头,风头,枕头,苗头外头,对头,拳头,风头,枕头,苗头Prefix:超超超人,超额,超支,超音速超人,超额,超支,超音速 反反反动,反攻,反驳,反问,反腐败反动,反攻,反驳,反问,反腐败 非非非人,非常,非原则,非正式非人,非常,非原则,非正式 无无无视,无限,无线电,无名氏,无疑无视,无限,无线电,无名氏,无疑 汉语中的汉语中的“非非”、“无无”相当于英语中的前缀相当于英语中的前缀un-,in-,il-和后缀和后缀-lessSentence Structure Difference between Chinese and English1.Hypotactic vs Paratactic(形合与意合形合与意合)Hypotaxis:The dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses arranged with connectives.E.g.I shall despair if you dont come.Parataxis:The arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them.E.g.The rain fell;the river flooded;the houses were washed away.2.Complex vs Simplex(复杂句式与简单句式)(复杂句式与简单句式)In English,people use much more complex sentences than simple ones in normal writings.The English complex sentences are often like chains with clauses linking clauses.On the other hand,the Chinese sentences or clauses tend to be short and simple in structure.They are flowing and simplex with one clause following the other rather in a line.一个英国人,不会说中国话,有一次在中国旅行。一个英国人,不会说中国话,有一次在中国旅行。An Englishman who could not speak Chinesewas once traveling in China.3.Top-heavy/Lion-head vs End-weight/Peacock-tail(头重与尾重句型)(头重与尾重句型)In an English sentence,the shorter elements usually go before longer ones in arrangement order,and the whole sentence looks like a pyramid.That also explains why there are so many inverted sentences in English.The arrangement of a Chinese sentence seems quite the opposite,so it looks like an inverted pyramid or triangle.4.Static vs Dynamic(静态与动态静态与动态)English tends to use less verbs than Chinese.In a simple English sentence or in an English clause,only one verb is used as the predicate of the sentence or clause.In a Chinese sentence,a number of verbs can be used as its predicate at the same time,so we may say that the Chinese is rather“dynamic”while the English is“static”.5.Impersonal vs Personal(Inanimate vs Animate)(物称与人称)(物称与人称)In an English sentence,the choice of its subject often falls on the inanimate or the thing that is not living.On the other hand,we Chinese tend to pick up animate things or persons to function as the subject of a sentence.eg.There are eight people in his family.He has eight people in his family.6.Passive vs Active (被动与主动)(被动与主动)这个问题正在研究。这个问题正在研究。The problem is now being studied.必须找到新的能源。必须找到新的能源。New sources of energy must be found.饭做好了。饭做好了。The meal has been cooked.7.Substitutive vs Repetitive(替代与重复替代与重复)Repetition of words in English is generally more or less abnormal and objectionable exceptthat it is rhetorical or significant.To avoidrepetition,English often employs substitution,ellipsis,variation,and some other devices.他喜欢他喜欢跳舞跳舞,我也喜欢,我也喜欢跳舞跳舞。He likes dancing and so do I.(替代替代)我们要相信我们要相信群众群众,依赖,依赖群众群众。We must have faith in and rely on themasses.(省略省略)约翰给自己买了一部新的福特牌约翰给自己买了一部新的福特牌汽车汽车,他几乎就住在这部,他几乎就住在这部汽车汽车里。里。Johns bought himself a new Ford.He practically lives in the car.(变换)(变换)Chinese:inductive English:deductivedetail topic topic detail Discourse Difference between Chinese and EnglishHello!Mr.Wang,I am feeling terrible now.I have a headache.I am coughing and sneezing all the time.I think I have a bad cold.I have to see a doctor I want to ask for a leave.Two students call their teachers Hello!Mr.Wang,Im sorry to say I want to ask for a leave.I have a bad cold.I have to see a doctor Idioms include metaphorical phrases,slang,colloquialism,proverb and so on.As an essential part of the language and culture of a society,idioms are characterized by their concise expressions,rich and vivid,involving geography,history,religious belief,living conventions and so on.Idiom Difference between Chinese and English1.Different living circumstance It cannot be denied that natural environment including geographical position,climate,ecological condition is something that plays contributory role in the formation of a language.1)Geographical environment Britain is an island country.People who live along seacoast and whose livelihood is dependent on the sea will have idioms about water,sailing,island and fish.spend money like water 挥金如土挥金如土a big fish in a little pond 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王山中无老虎,猴子称霸王never offer to teach fish to swim 不要班门弄斧不要班门弄斧tower ones sail 甘拜下风甘拜下风burn ones boat 破釜沉舟破釜沉舟 at sea 茫然茫然 The Han People live on land,they belong to an agrarian society that places agricultural production at the top of the national agenda,regarding industry and commerce as the non-essentials.During the long history of farming,the Chinese language has accumulated large numbers of farmers idioms,like 二人同心,黄土变金二人同心,黄土变金 上无片瓦,下无寸土上无片瓦,下无寸土 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 瓜熟蒂落瓜熟蒂落 瑞雪兆丰年瑞雪兆丰年 五谷丰登五谷丰登2)Climate Britain is located in western hemisphere,with North temperate Zone and marine climate,so west wind is the symbol of spring.The west wind blows from the Atlantic Ocean as warm and gentle as Chinese east wind and brings voluminous rain to this area.Britain abounds in rain can be proved in some idioms concerning rain:to make hay while the sun shines(趁热打铁),rainy day(穷困时期),to rain cats and dogs(倾盆大雨)in a fog(云里雾里),Spring up like mushrooms(雨后春笋)In Chinese language east wind is the wind of spring;spring is warm and colorful,and it is regarded as the beginning of all lives.There are many idioms in China,which refer to spring:春暖花开,春意盎然,一年之计在于春.Spring has the image of good things,so Chinese“春”is used in some idioms to express this:满面春风,春风化雨.Summer is always connected with extremely hot or the intense heat,so赤日炎炎似火烧、骄阳似火 are terms often used to describe summer2.Different historical allusion Different countries possess different history culture,which mainly comprises allusion,myths,poems,ancient books and records,etc.Among them,allusion is the most important;it reflects the national characteristic.Idioms from history culture are the gems of human cultural heritage.It is worthwhile for us to learn them well.1)Historical events In most,if not all,languages,people embellish their speech or writing with references to characters or events from theirhistory,that is to say,idiomatic expressions are closely related to a countrys history.卧薪卧薪尝胆胆 沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮 知己知彼知己知彼,百战不殆百战不殆to meet ones Waterloo 一一败败涂地涂地 to eat crow to be forced to change that one has said;admit that one is wrong2)Fables and mythologies Greek and Roman civilizations have a great influence on the English language,so the Greek and the Roman mythologies have greatly enriched the English idioms.Most English allusions come from the Bible and the Greek Roman Myth.A Pandoras box (the origin of all evils)Achilles heel (the one weak spot in a mans circumstances or character)crocodiles tears 猫哭老鼠假慈悲猫哭老鼠假慈悲David and Jonathan 管鲍之交管鲍之交拔苗助拔苗助长 囫囫囵吞吞枣 画画龙点睛点睛 邯邯郸学步学步3.Different religions and beliefs China is a multi-religious country,Buddhism has a greater influence in Chinese culture.放下屠刀,立地成佛放下屠刀,立地成佛 救人一命救人一命胜造七造七级浮屠浮屠 做一天和尚,撞一天做一天和尚,撞一天钟 借花献佛借花献佛 平平时不不烧香,香,临时抱佛脚抱佛脚 To the ordinary Chinese,Heaven is the supreme ruler of the world.All happenings on the earth are believed to be controlled and arranged by Heaven.谋谋事在人事在人,成事在天成事在天 生死由命,富生死由命,富贵贵在天在天民以食民以食为为天天 天生我才必有用天生我才必有用 一人得道,一人得道,鸡鸡犬升天犬升天 Most of the westerners are Christians,who believe that the world was created by God,and that everything in the world is arranged and disposed of according to Gods will.The teachings and beliefs concerning Christianity are recorded in the Bible,which has contributed a great deal to English idioms,for many English people who believe in Christianity all read the Bible.God helps those who help themselvesfall by the wayside(半途而废半途而废)old Adam(本性的罪恶本性的罪恶)an eye for an eye(以牙还牙以牙还牙)Oh,my God,Thank God,God bless me,Man proposes,God disposes,honest to God Suggestions to avoid negative influence of Chinese on English1.Expose yourself to the real English material to develop your five basic skills.2.Recite more English passages to find the feet of English and develop the English way of thinking.3.Accumulate English fixed usage and collocations as many as possible.4.Extensive reading goes along with intensive reading.Learn to think in English and avoid word-to-word translation.5.Try to use English-English dictionary.6.Get students to pay special attention to the background knowledge of the cultures of the English-speaking countries.7.Create the situations of practicing English,such as listening to English radio programs,watching English TV programs,etc.结束语当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的,所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。When You Do Your Best,Failure Is Great,So DonT Give Up,Stick To The End谢谢大家荣幸这一路,与你同行ItS An Honor To Walk With You All The Way演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日


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