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An Introduction to An Introduction to British History and CultureBritish History and CultureAn Introduction to British Hi1English HistoryEnglish HistoryPrehistoric England Roman Britain(43-410)The Anglo-Saxons and Vikings(450-1066)Normans and Plantagenets(1066-1272)Lancaster and York(1272-1485)The Tudors(1485-1603)The Stuarts(1603-1714)Order and Disorder(1714-1837)Victoria and Empire(1837-1910)Peace and War(1910-1945)Contemporary Britain(1945-)English HistoryPrehistoric Eng2Chapter 1 Early England 1.Old Stone Age,70,0008000 BC2.Middle Stone Age,83003500 BC 3.New Stone Age,35002500 BC 4.Bronze Age,2500700 BC(Iberians)5.Iron Age,700100 BC(Celts)6.The Dawning of English History 150 BC50Chapter 1 Early England 3 Official titleUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland British Isles including Great Britain,the whole of Ireland,all the offshore islands1.1 Geography:Some Terminology Official title1.1 Geography4英国历史与文化英文版课件5isolated from Europe by the English Channel and the North Seaonce perceived as being on the edge of the worldThe seas around Britain also acted as barriers against attempted invasions:The Armada,1588;the French,1805,Nazi Germany,1940 1.1 Geography:Geography and Historyisolated from Europe by the En6Generally mild and temperate weatherallows farming to flourish across the country North:less fertile land,wetterSouth:fertile land,drier 1.1 Geography:WeatherGenerally mild and temperate w7Hunters and gatherers Old Stone Age(Paleolithic),70,0008000 BCMiddle Stone Age(Mesolithic),83003500 BC New Stone Age(Neolithic),35002500 BC1.2 Early Settlers Hunters and gatherers 1.2 Ear8New Stone Age,35002500 BCStonehenge 史前巨石阵史前巨石阵a monumental circular setting of large standing stones surrounded by an earthwork1.2 Early Settlers New Stone Age,35002500 BC1.9StonehengeStonehenge10In Search of History 00:20 01:38In Search of History 00:20 11The Celts(Iron Age,700100 BC)from north-western Europe,ancestors of the highland Scots,the Irish and WelshGaelic 盖尔语盖尔语:language of Celtic origin1.2 Early Settlers 1.2 Early Settlers 12Chapter 2Chapter 2 Roman Britain Roman BritainChapter 2 Roman Britain13Roman InvasionRoman Invasion (55BC-410AD)(55BC-410AD)British recorded history begins with Roman invasion.first landing in 55 B.C.led by Julius Caesarcomplete control over the land in 43 A.D.leaving in around 410 A.D.Roman Invasion(55BC-410AD)14What is the meaning of B.C.and A.D.?What is the meaning of B.C.and A.D.?BC stands for before Christ AD stands for the Latin phrase“anno domini”means in the year of our Lord The purpose of the BC/AD dating system to make the birth of Jesus Christ the dividing point of world historyWhat is the meaning of B.C.an15Gaius Julius Caesar (July 13,100 BC March 15,44 BC)a Roman military and political leaderplayed a critical role in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman EmpireGaius Julius Caesar16Roman InvasionRoman Invasion (55 BC-410 AD)(55 BC-410 AD)1.First landing in 55 B.C.led by Julius CaesarReasons the lure of treasures to punish the Celts because of the help they rendered their fellow tribesmen in GaulResults failed because of weatherwithdraw with hostages and prisonersRoman Invasion(55 BC-410 AD17Roman InvasionRoman Invasion (55 BC-410 AD)(55 BC-410 AD)2.Complete control over the land in 43 A.D.Leaderheaded by the Emperor ClaudiusReasonscame as imperialists to exploit and govern by right of being the superiorRoman Invasion(55 BC-410 AD18英国历史与文化英文版课件19Roman InvasionRoman Invasion (55BC-410 AD)(55BC-410 AD)3.Leaving in around 410 A.D.The Roman Empire disintegrated in 476 A.D.left behind a well established Celtic-Roman cultureRoman Invasion(55BC-410 AD)3.20Roman Soldiers Roman Soldiers 21Resistance to Roman OccupationResistance to Roman OccupationFor nearly 400 years Britain was under the Roman occupation,but it was never a total occupation.Roman troops often withdrew.Resistance:the PictsTwo great walls to keep the Picts:Hadrians Wall Antonine WallResistance to Roman Occupation22英国历史与文化英文版课件23Roman Influence:Roman Influence:The Romanisation of BritanniaThe Romanisation of Britannia 1.Roman laws,taxes,engineering skills2.Architecture3.Roman social system 4.The Latin Language5.System of writing and numbering6.Introduced a system of organized government in towns 7.Brought the new religion Christianity to Britain Roman Influence:The Roma24Roman Influence:Roman Influence:The Romanisation of BritanniaThe Romanisation of Britannia Roman towns:London,York,Bathbaths,temples,amphitheatres 竞技场竞技场,Roman aqueducts 高架渠高架渠 Roman roads:more than 5000 roads,a network of roads to connect large towns Roman civilization was based on city life in hundreds of walled town linked by military roads.Roman Influence:The Roma25Roman town:BathRoman town:26英国历史与文化英文版课件27Bath Abbey Bath Abbey 28英国历史与文化英文版课件29Roman amphitheatre Roman amphitheatre 30Roman aqueduct Roman aqueduct 31Roman Road Roman Road 32The Impact of Christianity The Impact of Christianity The Celts Religion Polytheism(多神论)Animals,rivers,and lakes were also treated as gods.The Impact of Christianity The33Celtic gods and goddesses Celtic gods and goddesses 34Roman Britain.Christian merchants and traders arrived in England in the 1st century A.D,but made little impact.In the 2nd century,Christianity slowly spread.In the late 6th century,Christianity was introduced widely in England.Roman Britain.35Christianity:belief in one godhead,The Celts Religion:belief in several gods After Constantines conversion to Christianity,Polytheism(多神论)monotheism(一神论)BritanniaBritannia36Anglo-Saxon periodIn the middle of the 5th century,Anglo-Saxons settled here.English people owe much of their tradition,language,physical heritage to them(tall,fair-haired).Viking invasion:by the 8th,the Danish began to invade England in a successful way until Alfred the Great defeated them.King Alfred the Great(r.871-899 阿佛列大阿佛列大帝帝)He is often regarded as the first king of a united England.He defeated the Danes at battles.Anglo-Saxon period3728Beowulf,the oldest English epic,tells the story of a Scandinavian hero.Probably written in Northumbria in the early eighth century,it provides a striking picture of early Germanic life.The earliest surviving manuscript of Beowulf was written in Saxon in the late tenth century.p7328Beowulf,the oldest English 3829The Manuscript of Beowulf29The Manuscript of Beowulf3932An evil dragon robbed the holly cup away and guarded the cup in his cave not allowing anyone to touch it.32An evil dragon robbed the ho4033Beowulf led his men to sail across the sea to find the holly cup back for his people.33Beowulf led his men to sail 41The Norman ConquestAfter Edward died,Duke of Normandy-William I,was crowned in London,on Christmas Day 1066.Significance:A.A new dynasty,a new aristocracyB.A strong Norman government,feudal systemC.The upper ranks of the clergy were Normanized and feudalized.The Norman Conquest42封建时代封建时代1)Williams rule(1066-1087)A.strong monarchy was established B.French language was used in the court and upper classes C.Domesday Book:great survey of the realm in 1089 2)Henry s reform(1154-1189)A.Established the Plantagenet Dynasty(1154-1485)B.replaced the feudal law with royal or common law,the jury of 12 sworn men3)Magna Carta(the Great Charter)in 1215 A.signed by king John B.the basis of modern English constitution C.the upholding of individual rights against arbitrary government 封建时代43 4)the parliament in 1265 A.during Henry,Simon de Montfort called the first parliament B.commoners sat for the first time 5)the Hundred Years War (1337-1453)A.between France and England,French won B.introduced the first standing armies in Western Europe C.bourgeoisie was pushed on a higher rang of social ladder D.fall of French language in England E.England and France was separate from each other entirely forever 4)the parliament in 1265446)The back death in 1348 A.spread by rat fleas B.killed 1.5 million out of the total 4 million people C.grain farming turned to sheep farming 7)Wat Tylers Uprising in 1381 A.in fighting against the Poll Tax in 1380 B.marked the beginning of the end of serfdom in medieval England8)The war of the Roses A.between House of York(white rose)and House of Lancaster(red rose)B.Marked the end of middle ages and beginning of modern world6)The back death in 134845Great-great-great-grandson of Edward IIIHenry VIIHenry VIIIEdward VIMary IElisabeth IGreat-great-great-grandson of 463.走向现代英国 1)Henry (1509-1547)A.the Church of England separated from Roman Catholicism B.king of England became both the secular and religious world C.king became the real head of England as a nation state 3.走向现代英国 1)Henry (1509-154747Mary ICatholic burning nearly three hundred Protestants at the stakelosing Calais Mary ICatholic482)Elizabeth (1558-1603)A.the last Tudor monarch,never got married for the good of the nation B.secure the church of England,compromise between RC and P C.destruction of Spanish Armada showed Englands superiority as a naval power2)Elizabeth (1558-1603)49Elisabeth IProtestant the Virgin Queen Spanish Armada Neutrality and compromiseElisabeth IProtestant 503)The English Renaissance A.from the beginning of 16th century to the 17th century B.the greatest English humanist:The greatest English humanistThomas More(Utopia)finest dramatistsChristopher Marlowe,Ben Johnson,William Shakespearenon-dramatic poetsEdmund Spenser,Philip Sidney,Shakespeare and John Donne,John Milton(Paradise Lost)progenitor of English materialismFrancis Bacon3)The English Renaissance The51James I 1603-1625 Charles I 1625-1649 Charles II 1660-1685 James II 1685-1688 William III 1688-1702 and Queen Mary II 1688-1694 Queen Anne 1702-1714 James I 1603-1625 52James I James I 53Charles II Plague(1665)Great Fire(1666)St.Pauls Cathedral by Sir Christopher WrenCharles II Plague(1665)54James II escaped to France in 1648,disguised as a girl Catholic persecution of the Protestants James II escaped to France in 554)The civil wars(1642-1651)A.parliamentary victory 1651B.execution of Charles I 1649C.Protectorate(1653-1659)Oliver Cromwell and his son5)Restoration(1660)Charles returns with a big welcome and was crowned in April 1660,as the restoration of Stewart Dynasty 4)The civil wars(1642-1651)566)Glorious Revolution(1688)A.James was overthrown by parliamentarians with an invading army led by the Dutch stadtholder William of OrangeB.Bill of Rights,autocratic monarchy-constitutional monarchyC.marked the end of feudalism and the beginning of capitalismBritain came into being in 1707 with the Act of Union which united England and Scotland.7)Whigs and ToriesWhigs favored reform and Tories are monarchists.6)Glorious Revolution(1688)57William III and Queen Mary IIoffered the English crown invaded England in 1688 William III and Queen Mary IIo588)Enclosure A.a significant rise during the Tudor period B.during 18-19th century,the Enclosure Acts by the parliament C.harms:Peasant Dispossessed of their land D.significance:better farming methods accumulation of capital abundant food cheap and mobile labor8)Enclosure5919th century:1)The Chartist Movement(18361848)Chartism:a movement forpolitical and socialreform during themid-19th century.The six main aims in the Peoples Charter of 1838 were largely realized later.Giving birth to the first massworking class political party,theNational Charter Association andpaving the way for the successin a universal right to vote.19th century:1)The Chartist602)Colonial expansionMotivation:A.economical motivation;B.industrial revolution and search for new markets;C.Struggle for mastery;D.Maintaining order in profitable areas;E.The moral guardian.“The sun never sets”2)Colonial expansion61Victoria The British Empire the longest reign in English history the grandmother of Europe Victoria The British Empire 6220th century:1.The Labor party 2.First world war 3.between the wars 4.Second world war 5.postwar Britain 6.joining the EEC(1973)7.Thatcher and her era20th century:1.The Labor pa63Thatcher and her era“The Iron Lady”(tight control of Britains monetary policy)-the first female Prime Minister in the nations history in 1979.The return to private ownership of state-owned industriesThe use of monetarist policies to control inflationThe weakening of trade unionsThe strengthening of the role of market forces in the economyA emphasis on law and orderThatcher and her era“The Iron 64Queen Elizabeth II Queen Elizabeth II 65英国历史与文化英文版课件66


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