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Section A 1)能掌握以下单词:能掌握以下单词:tiger,elephant,panda,lion,koala,giraffe,cute,lazy,smart,beautiful,scary,pet,cat.2)能掌握以下句型:能掌握以下句型:What animals do you like?I like .Why do you like it?Because its.3).能力目标:能力目标:describe animals(描述动物描述动物).4)情感态度价值观目标:情感态度价值观目标:动物和人类都生活在同一地球上,动物和人类都生活在同一地球上,动物是我们的朋友。我们人类应该动物是我们的朋友。我们人类应该与动物和谐相处,共同生存。我们与动物和谐相处,共同生存。我们应当学会关爱动物,保护动物。应当学会关爱动物,保护动物。Whats this?Its a _.Do you like _?Yes,I do.Why do you like them?Because they are _.panda shy 害羞的害羞的 Cat cute可爱的可爱的A:Whats this?B:Its a _.A:Do you like _?B:Yes,I do.A:Why do you like them?B:Because they are _.shark dangerous危险的危险的 fish beautifulbear big and ugly丑陋的丑陋的Whats this?Its a _.Do you like _?Yes,I do.Why do you like them?Because they are _.horseverycleverdog smalltiger dangerousA:Whats this?B:Its a _.A:Do you like _?B:Yes,I do.A:Why do you like them?B:Because they are _.A:What other animals do you like?B:I likeBecause theyre giraffe beautiful 漂亮的漂亮的 dolphin friendly有好的koala clever聪明的聪明的lion strong强壮的强壮的elephantbig and friendlyMatch the words with the animals in the picture.1.tiger _2.elephant _3.koala _4.panda _5.lion _6.giraffe _e1acfadb1.tiger _2.elephant _3.koala _4.panda _5.lion _6.giraffe _1bListen and check the()the animals you hear in 1a.Conversation 1 Girl:Lets see the _ first.They are my favorite animals.Boy:Why?Girl:Because theyre very _.Conversation 2Boy:Lets see the _.Girl:Why do you want to see them?Boy:Because theyre _.Conversation 3 Girl:Lets see the _ now.I like koalas.Boy:Why?Girl:Because theyre _.pandas cutegiraffesbeautifulkoalasinterestingA:Lets go to the zoo.What animals do you like?B:I like Lets see the first.A:Why do you like them?B:Because theyre What about you?A:I like Because theyreMy name is I like,theyre My friend likes,because theyre kind of.We all like animals,because theyre our good friends.两人一组,练习对话。两人一组,练习对话。1.what animals can swim?2.What animals eat grass?3.What animals eat meat?4.What animals eat leaves?a leaf-leavesscary big friendly strong cute small interesting beautiful shyugly scary friendly cute smart beautiful tall lazy lovelyIt has big ears and has a large trunk.(鼻子)elephantIt likes to eat fruit and live on trees.koalaIt is tall with a long neck.(颈)(颈)giraffeIt swims fast and lives in the ocean.(海洋)dolphinIt has long hair around its neck and it comes from Africa.lionIts color is black and white.It likes to eat bamboo.(竹子)pandaIt looks like a cat.People usually call it“the king of the animal world”.tigerLove me,love my _.爱屋及乌爱屋及乌When the _ are away,the _ will play.山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。It rains _ and _.天上下着倾盆大雨天上下着倾盆大雨.kill two _ with one stone(石头石头)一箭双雕一箭双雕black _ 害群之马害群之马teach _ to swim.班门弄斧班门弄斧dogcatsmicecatsdogsbirdssheepdolphins与动物有关的谚语与动物有关的谚语Because of the turns of the human beings,many animals are close to extinct.(由于一些人为的因素,很由于一些人为的因素,很多动物已经频临灭绝了多动物已经频临灭绝了.)Look at these pictures,do you like them?Animals are our friends.We must look after them.We live in the same small world.To Love animals is to love ourselves.Who is the luckiest?Rules:Lets pass on a toy animal(time bomb)one by one.At the same time the bomb fuse on the screen is burning.When the bomb explodes.The one who is holding the toy must answer a question.If he cant,others can answer the question.游戏规则:游戏规则:同学们要像接力一样顺次传递一个动物玩具同学们要像接力一样顺次传递一个动物玩具(定时炸弹定时炸弹)。与此。与此同时,屏幕上炸弹的导火索也已经点燃。当屏幕上炸弹爆炸的同时,屏幕上炸弹的导火索也已经点燃。当屏幕上炸弹爆炸的那个时刻,拿着玩具的同学必须回答一个问题。如果回答错误,那个时刻,拿着玩具的同学必须回答一个问题。如果回答错误,再由其他同学进行抢答。再由其他同学进行抢答。计时开始109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0倒倒计计时时我要炸了!开始计时倒倒计计时时继续进行1010678954321 123475689Choose and answer.Question 1Translation:让我们先去看熊猫吧让我们先去看熊猫吧.Lets see the pandas first.Key Question 2KeyShe likes koalas because they are cute.(对画线部分提问)对画线部分提问)_ _ she _koalas?Why does like Question 3KeyHow many _(animal)are there in the zoo?animals Question 4There are two _(zoo)in that city.KeyzoosQuestion 5 翻译:“你为什么喜欢考拉?你为什么喜欢考拉?”Why do you like koalas?KeyQuestion 6()There is _ elephant in the zoo._ elephant is from Africa.A.a,the B.an,the C.a,an D.the,anBKey问题7Key()_ lions are lazy,_ Tom doesnt like them.A.Because,so B.So,because C.Because,/D.So,/C Question 8Lets _(see)penguins and take some pictures.Keysee Question 9Tranlation:因为他们是漂亮的。Because they are beautiful.KeyQuestion 10Why do you like_?(长颈鹿鹿)giraffesKey1.总结所学过的动物的名称,用英语写出来。总结所学过的动物的名称,用英语写出来。2.缩写一个小对话来讨论一下你所喜欢的动物及原因。缩写一个小对话来讨论一下你所喜欢的动物及原因。Thank you!


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