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Unit 7Types of Merchant ShipsPart Warming-up ActivitiesABCD1.Oil Tanker(D)2.Container Ship(A)3.Bulk Carrier(B)4.Ro-Ro Vessel(C)Part Text A:Common Superstitions at Sea Section 1:Background Information Section 2:Text explanation1.Key words and expressions2.Text translationPart Text A:Common Superstitions at Sea Section 1:Background Information Section 2:Text explanation1.Key words and expressions2.Key sentence analysis 3.Text translationMerchant ship names are prefixed by which kind of vessel they are:1.MV=Motor Vessel 2.SS=Steam Ship 3.MT=Motor Tanker or Motor Tug Boat4.MSV=Motor Stand-by Vessel 5.MY=Motor Yacht 6.RMS=Royal Mail Ship 7.RRS=Royal Research Ship 8.SV=Sailing Vessel 9.LPG=Gas carrier transporting liquefied petroleum gas10.LNG=Gas carrier transporting liquefied natural gas11.CS=Cable Ship or Cable layer Name prefixesSection 1:Background Information Section 2:Text explanation1.Key words and expressions2.Key sentence analysis 3.Text translation 1.transport v.(from,to)to move people or things from one place to another,usually in a vehicle(通常指车辆通常指车辆)运输,运送,搬运运输,运送,搬运e.g.Volunteers will be transported to the island by boat.志愿者们将由小船送往该岛。志愿者们将由小船送往该岛。Trains transport the coal to the ports.火车把煤运到各个港口。火车把煤运到各个港口。Paragraph 1Key words and expressions2.according to prep.as shown by something or stated by 根据根据所说(所示);所说(所示);in a way that depends on differences in situations or amounts 取取决于,以决于,以为转移;为转移;in a way that agrees with a system or plan,or obeys a set of rules 根据,按照,依照根据,按照,依照e.g.According to these figures,the shipping company is doing well.从这些数字来看,这家航运公司经营得不错。从这些数字来看,这家航运公司经营得不错。Each passenger will be helped according to his or her needs.每个乘客得到的帮助都将取决于具体需要。每个乘客得到的帮助都将取决于具体需要。Everything went according to plan,and we arrived on time.一切都按计划进行,我们按时到达。一切都按计划进行,我们按时到达。Paragraph 1Key words and expressionsParagraph 1Translation 商商船船是是用用来来运运输输货货物物或或乘乘客客的的船船舶舶。根根据据使使用用目目的的和和/或规格,商船可分成以下几类。或规格,商船可分成以下几类。1.freighter n.a large ship or plane that carries goods 货船;运货飞机货船;运货飞机e.g.seagoing freighter 远洋货轮远洋货轮The freighter carries a few passengers in addition to its cargo.这艘货船除了货物之外还载有一些乘客。这艘货船除了货物之外还载有一些乘客。Paragraph 2Key words and expressions2.carrier n.a vessel or vehicle for transporting people or things,especially goods in bulk(尤指大宗货物的)运输船;运输尤指大宗货物的)运输船;运输车辆车辆e.g.the largest timber carrier ever to dock at Sharpness在夏普尼斯港停靠的最大木材运输船。在夏普尼斯港停靠的最大木材运输船。an aircraft carrier 航空母舰航空母舰Paragraph 2Key words and expressionsParagraph 2Translation干货船干货船 货货船船或或者者货货轮轮是是指指任任何何承承运运货货物物、商商品品以以及及材材料料由由一一个个港港口口到到另另一一个个港港口口的的船船或或轮轮。当当前前,干干货货船船主主要要是是指指散散装装货货轮轮和和集装箱船。集装箱船。1.in bulk phr.(of a cargo or commodity)not packaged;loose(货物货物/商品)松散的,散装的商品)松散的,散装的e.g.sell in bulk 原舱出售原舱出售;整批出售整批出售,批发批发It is more convenient to transport the goods in bulk.散装运送货物更方便。散装运送货物更方便。Paragraph 3Key words and expressions2.stern n.the back part of a ship 船尾,艉船尾,艉e.g.the stern of a ship.船尾。船尾。Wine has no stern.饮酒不知底。饮酒不知底。Paragraph 3Key words and expressions3.longitudinal adj.going from top to bottom,not across 纵向的纵向的e.g.deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨甲板纵骨 longitudinal bulkhead 纵舱壁纵舱壁Paragraph 3Key words and expressionsParagraph 3Translation 散散装装货货轮轮,或或者者称称为为散散货货船船,是是指指专专门门用用来来运运载载散散装装商商品品的的船船舶舶。散散装装运运输输的的货货物物一一般般包包括括木木材材、煤煤炭炭、矿矿石石、谷谷物物、焦焦炭炭、化化肥肥、水水泥泥、轻轻矿矿物物、糖糖和和沙沙。散散货货船船通通常常有有一一层层甲甲板板,轮轮机机舱舱位位于于船船尾尾,上上面面是是甲甲板板室室。货货舱舱以以纵纵横横墙墙建建成成,称称之之为为舱舱壁壁。有有些些散散货货船船也也具具有有油油轮轮类类似似的的功功能能。这这样样的的船船舶舶称称为为矿矿石石,散散货货和和石石油油多多用用途途船船(油油矿矿两两用船)。用船)。1.seal v.to close a container or space by covering it with something so that air or other substances cannot get in or out 封,密封封,密封e.g.He sealed the bag tightly with sticky tape.他用胶带将袋子牢牢地封住了。他用胶带将袋子牢牢地封住了。to seal a leak.把漏洞塞住。把漏洞塞住。Paragraph 4Key words and expressionsParagraph 4Key words and expressions2.stow v.to put something somewhere while you are not using it 装装,装载装载e.g.I stowed my bag under the seat.我把包放在椅子下面。我把包放在椅子下面。The ships cargo is stowed in the hold.船的货物都装好放在舱里。船的货物都装好放在舱里。stowage n.装载;装载物装载;装载物Paragraph 4Key words and expressions3.anchor v.to lower the anchor on a ship or boat to hold it in one place;moor 抛锚停船抛锚停船e.g.We anchored off the French coast.我们在法国近海抛锚泊船。我们在法国近海抛锚泊船。The boats anchored along the shore at dawn.好几艘船拂晓时沿岸抛锚。好几艘船拂晓时沿岸抛锚。anchorage n.停泊处停泊处,抛锚处抛锚处Paragraph 4Key words and expressions4.in place phr.in the correct position 在适当的位置;适当的在适当的位置;适当的e.g.The chairs were not yet in place for the concert.音乐会的座椅还没安排好。音乐会的座椅还没安排好。She likes to have everything in place.她喜欢每件东西都各就各位。她喜欢每件东西都各就各位。Paragraph 4Translation 集装箱船用来运载零担货物。这些船使用集装箱运集装箱船用来运载零担货物。这些船使用集装箱运输货物。货物装在锁妥、封好的标准尺寸大箱子里。集装输货物。货物装在锁妥、封好的标准尺寸大箱子里。集装箱放置在集装箱船的货舱和主甲板上。货舱里有专门的蜂箱放置在集装箱船的货舱和主甲板上。货舱里有专门的蜂窝状结构的导轨,集装箱就装在这里一个叠一个。多出的窝状结构的导轨,集装箱就装在这里一个叠一个。多出的集装箱就装在露天甲板,用钢索系固。集装箱就装在露天甲板,用钢索系固。1.derive v.to receive or obtain something from something(从从某某物物中中)取得,得到取得,得到e.g.This word is derived from Latin.这个词来自拉丁语。这个词来自拉丁语。They derive such great enjoyment from these simple games.他们从这些简单的游戏中得到很到大乐趣。他们从这些简单的游戏中得到很到大乐趣。Paragraph 5Key words and expressions2.evaporate v.if liquid evaporates or is evaporated,it changes into gas or steam(使)蒸(使)蒸发;(使)(使)挥发e.g.Most of the water had evaporated.大部分水都已经蒸发掉了。大部分水都已经蒸发掉了。The sun evaporates moisture on the leaves.阳光使叶子上的水分挥发掉。阳光使叶子上的水分挥发掉。evaporation n.蒸发蒸发;发散发散Paragraph 5Key words and expressions3.The boil-off,which is the gas evaporated from the cargo in order to keep the temperature low,can be used as fuel for the boilers.which引导的非限定性定语从句来说明前面整个句子的情况或引导的非限定性定语从句来说明前面整个句子的情况或主句的某一部分主句的某一部分,用用which代表事物。当先行词是专有名词或代表事物。当先行词是专有名词或物主代词和指示代词所修饰时,其后的定语从句通常是非限制物主代词和指示代词所修饰时,其后的定语从句通常是非限制性的。性的。e.g.My house,which I bought last year,has got a lovely garden.我去年买的的那幢房子带着个漂亮的花园。我去年买的的那幢房子带着个漂亮的花园。This novel,which I have read three times,is very touching.这本小说很动人,我已经读了三遍。这本小说很动人,我已经读了三遍。Paragraph 5Key sentence analysisParagraph 5Translation油轮油轮 油油轮轮是是指指用用来来运运送送液液体体货货物物的的船船舶舶,比比如如石石油油及及石石油油衍衍生生产产品品、液液化化气气、化化学学品品、酒酒和和水水。也也有有气气槽槽船船用用来来运运输输液液化化气气,液液化化石石油油气气或或者者液液化化天天然然气气,这这两两种种都都需需要要保保存存在在高高压压低低温温环环境境下下以以保保持持货货物物处处于于液液化化状状态态。另另外外还还有有原原油油油油轮轮。气气槽槽船船通通常常是是汽汽轮轮机机船船。蒸蒸发发汽汽化化物物,即即为为了了保保持持低低温温而而由由货货物物蒸蒸发的气体,可以用作锅炉的燃料。发的气体,可以用作锅炉的燃料。1.refrigerate v.to keep food or drinks cold by putting them in a refrigerator 冷冻冷冻;冷藏冷藏e.g.refrigerated meat 冻肉冻肉 Cover and refrigerate 3 to 4 hours.盖好放入冰箱盖好放入冰箱3-4小时。小时。Paragraph 6Key words and expressions2.except prep.used to introduce the only thing or person in a group about which a statement is not true 除除之外之外e.g.Not a sound was heard except the wind howling.除了风的怒吼声之外其他什么声音都听不见。除了风的怒吼声之外其他什么声音都听不见。+for:Except for one old lady,the bus was empty.除了一位老太太外,公共汽车上空无一人。除了一位老太太外,公共汽车上空无一人。+that:Airline officials had nothing to tell us except that the flight had been delayed.除了说航班延误外,航空公司的官除了说航班延误外,航空公司的官员也没告诉我们别的。员也没告诉我们别的。Paragraph 6Key words and expressionsParagraph 6Translation特种船只 特种船只,例如:用来运送超重货物或冷藏货物(冷藏船),运输车辆和带轮机械的滚装货物(滚装船)。除了汽车运载船外,这些船只的开发不是很好。海运业也只有这个领域发展良好。1.in comparison with phr.used for talking about the ways in which two people or things are different 与与相比相比e.g.Living in the country is cheap in comparison with the big cities.与大都市相比,在与大都市相比,在乡下生活下生活较便宜。便宜。In comparison with his brother,Edmund would have nothing to say.埃德蒙与他哥哥不同,他没有什么埃德蒙与他哥哥不同,他没有什么话说。Paragraph 7Key words and expressions2.as well phr.in addition to something or someone else 也,同也,同样e.g.Id like a cup of coffee,and a glass of water as well.我想要一杯咖啡,我想要一杯咖啡,还有一杯水。有一杯水。Why dont you come along as well?为什么不一起去呢?什么不一起去呢?Paragraph 7Key words and petition n.the activities of companies that are trying to be more successful than others 竞争竞争e.g.They were faced with fierce competition.他们面临着激烈的竞争。他们面临着激烈的竞争。Competition for the job was intense.这个工作职位的竞争根激烈。这个工作职位的竞争根激烈。Competition from cheaper imports is making life tough for manufacturers.来自廉价进口产品的竞争使制造商的日子很不好过。来自廉价进口产品的竞争使制造商的日子很不好过。Paragraph 7Key words and expressions4.similar adj.things that are similar share some qualities but are not exactly the same 相似的,相近的相似的,相近的e.g.We have similar hobbies and interests.我们有相似的爱好与兴趣。我们有相似的爱好与兴趣。+to:Their situation is very similar to ours.他们的情况和我们的很相似。他们的情况和我们的很相似。+in:The two men are similar in appearance.这两名男子外表很相似。这两名男子外表很相似。Paragraph 7Key words and expressionsParagraph 7Translation客船客船 与与货货船船相相比比,客客船船在在数数量量和和类类型型上上都都较较少少。传传统统的的客客船船指指定定期期客客船船,然然而而很很多多也也载载货货。现现在在,因因为为航航空空运运输输的的竞竞争争,客客轮轮的的数数量量大大幅幅减减少少。另另外外一一种种客客船船是是游游轮轮。这这些些船船只只外外形形与与客客轮轮相相似似。最最常常见见的的一一种种客客轮轮就就是是渡渡轮轮。很很多多渡渡轮轮也也用用来来运运送送车车辆辆;因因此此,这这些些客客轮轮在在船船尾尾或或船船首首设设有有门。门。Part ExercisesSection 1:Comprehension Section 2:VocabularySection 3:Grammar Section 4:Translation 1.What is a merchant ship?A merchant ship is a vessel that transports cargo or passengers.2.What kind of cargo do bulk carriers carry?They carry loose goods in bulk,commonly including wood,coal,ore,grain,coke,fertilizers,cement,light minerals,sugar and sand.3.Where and how are the containers carried on container ships?They are carried both in holds and on the main deck.4.How should gas tankers be kept in transportation?They need to be kept at higher pressure and at low temperatures to maintain the cargo in a liquefied state.5.Why has the number of passenger liners been reduced greatly nowadays?Because of competition from air transport.Section 1:Comprehension1)I am maintaining my course and speed.2)Bags are usually stowed in between the bulk grain to replace shifting boards.3)The collision bulkhead shall be of water-tight.4)Kapok life jackets should NOT be stowed near open flame or left on open decks.5)You should not divide the fresh water into three trips.6)Many of the soundings shown on the chart are derived from inadequate and often very old surveys.Undue reliance should not be placed upon them.7)Wire rope should be renewed when the outer wires are worn to half their original diameter.8)Oil may NOT be transferred unless discharge containment equipment(i.e.drip pans)are in place.9)You have anchored in the wrong position obstructing other trafficYou must heave up your anchor.10)A fire of escaping liquefied flammable gas is best extinguished by stopping the flow of gas.1.Fill in the blankSection 2:Vocabulary2.SuffixesSection 2:VocabularyVerbsNounsVerbsNounsanchoranchoragerefrigeraterefrigerationderivederivationevaporateevaporationdividedivisionbuoybuoyageequipequipmentcollidecollisionmeasuremeasurementsteersteeragestowstowagearrangearrangement1)carry,carrier,carriagea)The Vessel is a self-trimming bulk carriers which is permitted to carry grain in bulk without requiring any fittings under the Rules of the 1974 SOLAS.b)All the holds and other parts of the ship in which cargo is to be stowed should be suitable for the carriage.c)A high cube container is designed specifically to carry low density cargoes.3.Fill in the blanksSection 2:Vocabulary2)contain,container,containmenta)The success of an indirect attack on a fire depends on the complete containment of the fire.b)Official proof of a Chinese vessels nationality is contained in the Certificate of Documentation.。c)A“wet cargo”refers to liquids in containers.3.Fill in the blanksSection 2:Vocabulary3)transport,transporter,transportationa)The primary objective of a Ro-Ro vessel is to transport vehicles.b)The transportation of dangerous cargo in packages is governed by IMDG code.c)Japan launches cargo transporter to the International Space Station.3.Fill in the blanksSection 2:Vocabulary A warship is a ship that is built (build)and primarily intended (intend)for combat.Warships are designed (design)to withstand damage and are(be)usually faster and more maneuverable than merchant ships.Unlike a merchant ship,a warship typically only carries(carry)weapons,ammunition and supplies for its own crew(rather than merchant cargo).In wartime,the distinction between warships and merchant ships is often blurred(blur).In war,merchant ships are often armed(arm)and used as auxiliary warships.Modern warships are generally divided(divide)into seven main categories,which are:aircraft carriers,cruisers,destroyers,frigates,corvettes,submarines and amphibious assault ships.TensesSection 3:Grammar1)A tanker is cargo ship constructed or adapted for the carriage in bulk liquid cargoes of an inflammable nature 油油轮是建造或适用于运是建造或适用于运输易燃性易燃性质的散装液体的散装液体货的的货船。船。2)CSCL Le Havre(中海勒阿弗中海勒阿弗尔尔)is a 33,336 gross tonnage passenger/ro-ro cargo vessel.中海勒阿弗中海勒阿弗尔尔是一艘是一艘33,336吨的客吨的客轮/滚装装货船。船。3)Liners can be classed as either deep-sea liners or short-sea liners.客客轮可分可分为远洋客洋客轮和近海客和近海客轮。4)On board container carriers,below-deck containers are stowed in fixed cell guides.在集装箱运在集装箱运输船上,甲板下的集装箱被船上,甲板下的集装箱被积载在固定的在固定的导轨上。上。5)A half-height containe(半高集装箱半高集装箱)is used to carry cargos such as steel products or drums.半高集装箱用来装半高集装箱用来装载货物,例如物,例如钢铁制品、制品、铁桶。桶。1.English ChineseSection 4:Translation1)大体大体积(high cub)集装箱将最可能用于装集装箱将最可能用于装载家用家用电器。器。A high cube container would most likely be used to stow household appliances.2)油油轮上最常上最常见的火是由于抽烟引起的。的火是由于抽烟引起的。The most frequent cause of fires aboard tankers is due to tobacco smoking.3)装装载有害有害货物的船舶不可任意冲洗甲板或物的船舶不可任意冲洗甲板或货舱。Vessels carrying harmful cargo must not willfully wash decks or holds.4)集装箱可装于甲板上或甲板下,而不集装箱可装于甲板上或甲板下,而不预先通知(先通知(without notice)。)。Goods stowed in containers may be carried on or under deck without notice.5)从集装箱内泄漏的从集装箱内泄漏的货物称物称为湿湿货。Cargoes that might leak from containers are known as wet cargoes.2.Chinese EnglishSection 4:Translation


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