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The contents of a research article or thesisAbstract IntroductionmethodologyresultsDiscussion/conclusionThe contents of a research artModel buildingStructure of methodology sectionClassification of research methods2024/7/3Classification of research metWarming up question:what kind of research methods do you use in your field.?2024/7/3Warming up question:2023/8/12researchExploratory constructiveempiricalQuantitative researchMethodology sectionQualitative researchpractice12024/7/3researchExploratory constructidefinitionQualitative a non-numerical data collection or explanation based on the attributes of the graph or source of dataQuantitativethe systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via statistical,mathematical or computational techniques.2024/7/3definitionQualitative QuantitapurposeTo categorize data into patterns(i.e.,pattern or thematic analyses)as the primary basis for organizing and reporting results。to develop and employ mathematical models,theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to phenomena.指的是采用统计、数学或计算技术等方法来对社会现象进行系统性的经验考察。这种研究的目标是发展及运用与社会现象有关的数学模型、理论或假设2024/7/3purposeTo categorize data intoThe process of measurement:定量研究中最重要的过程是测量的过程,因为这个过程根本上连结了现象的“经验观察”与“数学表示”。量化数据包括以统计或百分比等数字形式呈现的各种资料。central,because it provides the fundamental connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative relationships.2024/7/3The process of measurement:定Data collectionQualitative data:include interviews and group discussions,observation and reflection field notes,various texts,pictures,and other materials.Quantitative data:any data that is in numerical form such as statistics,percentages,etc.2024/7/3Data collectionQualitative datDifference:For example,if you are asked to explain in qualitative terms a thermal image displayed in multiple colours,then you would explain the colour differences rather than the heats numerical value.2024/7/3Difference:2023/8/12researchExploratory constructiveempiricalQuantitative researchMethodology sectionQualitative researchpractice12024/7/3researchExploratory constructiWhat is the function of a methodology chapter of a research paper?The methodology should contain a detailed description of what you did and/or used.The Methodology should contain sufficient detail for readers to replicate the work done and obtain similar results.What is the function of a methOther namesMaterials and methodsProcedureExperimentsExperimental simulationMethodologymodelOther namesMaterials and methoGeneral structure of the methods SectionLook at the samples and decide the general structure of itTypical feature:Section+subsection-First level heading-Second level heading-Third level headingGeneral structure of the methoAPA formatlevel-1First level headingSecond level headingtitlemethodologyparticipantsmaterialsTool materialWork materialdesignprocedureresults2024/7/3APA formattitlemethodologypartGeneral structure of the methods Section4.how the data were analyzed3.the protocol for collecting data(our focus),2.the experimental OR sampling design1.the organism(s)studied 2024/7/3General structure of the metho1.the organism(s)studied(plant,animal,human,etc.)when relevant,their pre-experiment handling and care,when and where the study was carried out(only if location and time are important factors);2024/7/31.the organism(s)studied(pla2.the experimental OR sampling designhow the experiment or study was structured.For example,controls,treatments,what variable(s)were measured,how many samples were collected,replication,the final form of the data,etc.2024/7/32.the experimental OR samplin3.the protocol for collecting data(our focus)how the experimental procedures were carried out2024/7/33.the protocol for collecting4.how the data were analyzed qualitative analyses and/or statistical procedures used to determine significance,data transformations used,what probability was used to decide significance,etc.2024/7/34.how the data were analyzed Building a model1.Write a short description of what the writer is doing in each sentence.2.try to make your model general,so that you will be able to use it to generate methodology section in your field.E.g.dont include content words,such as groundwater.Example:sentence4:the writer provides details about what was done and used.Building a model1.Write a shoModel analysis-Sentence 1 sentence 1.The current investigation involved sampling and analyzing six sites to measure changes in groundwater chemistry.introductory sentence:The writer offers a general view of the entire subsection,including the purpose of the investigation.Model analysis-Sentence 1 sentModel analysis-Sentence 1Q:Why do I need to introduce the Methodology?A:1.reader-friendly to start with some introductory material.2.to make the entry to Methodology smooth for the reader.Model analysis-Sentence 1Q:WhModel analysis-Sentence1practice:read the 3 examples and decide what are the ways to introduce the Methodology?3 ways2024/7/3Model analysis-Sentence1practiModel analysis-Sentence1Example1:offer a general view by outlining the parameters of the work,e.g:-the number of tests,-the equipment/material/software used-the purpose of the investigationTo help readers to get a general idea of this sectionModel analysis-Sentence1ExamplModel analysis-Sentence1example2:Provide background information about the materials or about the source of the materials/equipmentRelate to the structure of MethodModel analysis-Sentence1examplModel analysis-Sentence1example3:Refer back to something in the previous section(introduction),-restate the aim of the project-or the problem you are hoping to address.Model analysis-Sentence1examplModel analysis-Sentence2Sentence 2.The sites were selected from the London Basin area,which is located in the south-east of England and has been frequently used to interpret groundwater evolution.2,3,4The writer provides background information and justifies the choice of location by referring to previous researchModel analysis-Sentence2SentenModel analysis-Sentence2Q:Why do I need to justify or give reasons for what I did?Isnt it obvious?A:To communicate with the reader1.this is exactly what I did/used2.I had good reasons for those decisionsSo that readers trust the choices you made.Model analysis-Sentence2Q:WhyModel analysis-Sentence3Sentence 3.A total of 18 samples was collected and then analyzed for the isotopes mentioned earlier.The writer provides an overview of the procedure/method itselfModel analysis-Sentence3SentenModel analysis-Sentence3Q:If I gave general overview at the start of this subsection,why should I also give an overview of the procedure itself?A:Reasons:1.sentence3 starts a new paragraph,signaling a new topic2.to provide a general framework to the reader so that details can be easily slotted.Model analysis-Sentence3Q:If Model analysis-Sentence4Sentence 4.Samples 1-9 were collected in thoroughly-rinsed 25 ml brown glass bottles which were filled to the top and then sealed tightly to prevent contamination.The writer provides details about what was done and used and also shows that care was taken.Model analysis-Sentence4SentenModel analysis-Sentence4Q:How much detail do I need to provide?A:Slightly too much information is better than too littleMake sure that other researchers will be able to reproduce your work and obtain similar resultsModel analysis-Sentence4Q:How Model analysis-Sentence5Sentence 5.The filled bottles were shipped directly to two separate laboratories at Reading University,where they were analyzed using standard methods suitably miniaturized to handle small quantities of water.5The writer continues to describe what was done in detail,using language which communicates that care was taken.Model analysis-Sentence5SentenModel analysis-Sentence66.Samples 10-18 were prepared in our laboratory using a revised version of the precipitation method established by the ISF Institute in Germany The writer describes what was done by referring to existing methods in the literature.Model analysis-Sentence66.SamModel analysis-Sentence6Q:Why should I refer to other research;why not just describe the method I used?A:1.it is unlikely that you created the entire method you used all by yourself.2.in many cases,part of it will be taken from a method used by someone else,which may be well known,so if you give the research reference you do not need to give every detail.Model analysis-Sentence6Q:Why Model analysis-Sentence77.This method obtains a precipitate through the addition of BaCL22H2O;the resulting precipitate can be washed and stored easily.The writer provides more detailed information about the method and shows it to have been a good choice.Model analysis-Sentence77.ThiModel analysis-Sentence7Justification is common throughout this section:Aims:answer possible criticisms or doubts about your choices,to assure the reader that your choices were made on the basis of good reasons.Model analysis-Sentence7JustifModel analysis-Sentence8Sentence 8.The samples were subsequently shipped to ISF for analysis by accelerator mass spectrometry(AMS).The writer provides more details of the methodModel analysis-Sentence8SentenModel analysis-Sentence99.All tubing used was stainless steel,and although two samples were at risk of CFC contamination as a result of brief contact with plastic,variation among samples was negligible.The writer mentions a possible difficulty in the methodologyModel analysis-Sentence99.AllModel analysis-Sentence9Q:Dont this discuss a result of what was done?A:No.its actually saying that the problems in the methodology didnt affect the results.Model analysis-Sentence9Q:DonModel analysis-Sentence9Q:How can I talk about problems in my work without like a failure?A:use vocabulary that minimises the problem,minimises your responsibility,maximises the good aspects and suggests a solution.Model analysis-Sentence9Q:HowThe model1.The writer offers a general overview of the entire subsection,including the purpose of the investigation.2.The writer provides background information and justifies the choice of location by referring to previous research.3.The writer provides an overview of the procedure/method itself.The model1.The writer offers The model4.The writer provides details about what was done and used and also shows that care was taken.5.The writer continues to describe what was done in detail,using language which communicates that care was taken.6.The writer describes what was done by referring to existing methods in the literature.2024/7/3The model4.The writer provideThe model7.The writer provides more detailed information about the method and shows it to have been a good choice.8.The writer provides more details of the method.9.The writer provides a possible difficulty in the methodology.2024/7/3The model7.The writer provideWe can streamline these so that our model has four basic components.This is a“menu”from which you select items appropriate to your research topic.E.g.if you constructed the equipment yourself,you wont need to give the source of the equipment used in component 1.If there were no problems,you wont need the fourth component at all.We can streamline these so tha2024/7/32023/8/12Vocabulary for the Methodology section1.provide a general introduction and overview of the materials/methods and give the source of materials/equipment used found in sentence1The current investigation involved sampling and analyzing six sites to measure changes in groundwater chemistry.Vocabulary for the MethodologyVocabulary for the Methodology section2.Supply essential background informationWords or phrases used to describe instruments,equipment or locations,Found in Sentence 2The sites were selected from the London Basin area,which is located in the south-east of England and has been frequently used to interpret groundwater evolution.2,3,4Vocabulary for the MethodologySample analysis:In which sentence(s)is the author providing the source of materials and background information?1-32024/7/3Sample analysis:2023/8/12Vocabulary for the Methodology section3.provide specific and precise details about materials and methods(i.e.quantities,temperatures,duration,sequence,conditions,locations,sizes)This includes verbs which specifically describe what you did/used.Instead of writing only was done or was used,there are many other choices.Vocabulary for the MethodologySentence4Samples 1-9 were collected in thoroughly-rinsed 25 ml brown glass bottles which were filled to the top and then sealed tightly to prevent contamination.Sentence45.The filled bottles were shipped directly to two separate laboratories at Reading University,where they were analyzed using standard methods suitably miniaturized to handle small quantities of water.55.The filled bottles were shiVocabulary for the Methodology section4.justify choices madePhrases that introduce the reasons for the choices you made,“in order to”verbs that specify the advantages of the choices you made,“enable,facilitate”Sentence2:The sites were selected from the London Basin area,which is located in the south-east of England and has been frequently used to interpret groundwater evolution.2,3,4Vocabulary for the MethodologySample analysis:In which sentences is the author trying to justify the choice made12)Measurements from a given subject were collected at least two weeks,and in many cases several months apart to prevent replication of exact landmark or caliper placement.2024/7/3Sample analysis:2023/8/12Sample analysis:In which sentences is the author trying to justify the choice made14)These precautions minimized the possibility of measurement bias from manually recording(and therefore knowing)the measurement values as they were being collected.2024/7/3Sample analysis:2023/8/12Vocabulary for the Methodology section5.indicate that appropriate care was takenThis includes adjectives(careful)as well as adverbs(carefully)Vocabulary for the MethodologySentence 4.Samples 1-9 were collected in thoroughly-rinsed 25 ml brown glass bottles which were filled to the top and then sealed tightly to prevent contamination.Sentence 4.Sentence5 The filled bottles were shipped directly to two separate laboratories at Reading University,where they were analyzed using standard methods suitably miniaturized to handle small quantities of water.5Sentence5Vocabulary for the Methodology section6.relate materials/methods to other studiesThis provides you with ways to distinguish between procedures/materials/tests which were1)exactly the same as2)similar to 3)significantly different fromThose used by other researchers.Vocabulary for the Methodologysentence6.Samples 10-18 were prepared in our laboratory using a revised version of the precipitation method established by the ISF Institute in Germany.Revised version:similar to sentence6.Sample analysis:In which sentences the author is referring to other study/method?5-92024/7/3Sample analysis:2023/8/12Vocabulary for the Methodology section7.indicate where problems occurredThis includes ways of minimising the problem,minimising your responsibility,maximising the good aspects and suggesting a solution to the problem.Vocabulary for the MethodologyVocabulary for the Methodology sectionsentence9.All tubing used was stainless steel,and although two samples were at risk of CFC contamination as a result of brief contact with plastic,variation among samples was negligible.Vocabulary for the MethodologySample analysis:In which sentence is the author indicating a problem?1111)No mandibular measurements were collected owing to a lack of osteometric data for these measurements for the five subjects selected for the study.2024/7/3Sample analysis:2023/8/12Sample analysis:In which sentence is the author indicating a problem?14)These precautions minimized the possibility of measurement bias from manually recording(and therefore knowing)the measurement values as they were being collected.2024/7/3Sample analysis:2023/8/12What voice/tense shall I use in Methodology?1.voice:active or passive?Check with the Guide for Authors in the target journal to find out whether passive or active voice is required.In most cases,passive voice is used,agentless passives.What voice/tense shall I use iWhat voice/tense shall I use in Methodology?When describing an experiment,there areA)Standard procedures:what is normally done or how a piece of equipment is normally constructedB)what you did yourselfWhen you write about what you did and used,you need to be able to distinguish between A and BThe reader also needs to separate A from BWhat voice/tense shall I use iWhat tense shall I use in Methodology?Example1:A flexible section is inserted in the pipe.Present simple passiveExample2:A flexible section was inserted in the pipe.Past simple passiveWhich indicates standard procedure?Which indicates what you did yourself?What tense shall I use in MethPresent simple passive:what is normally donePast simple passive:what you didExample:Samples for gas analysis were collected using the method described by Brown(1999),which uses a pneumatic air sampling pump.Try to find the sentence which indicates the standard procedure from the model.Present simple passive:what iWhat voice/tense shall I use in Methodology?Sentence 7:This method obtains a precipitate through the addition of BaCL22H2O;the resulting precipitate can be washed and stored easily.What voice/tense shall I use iExample:the samples were collected using a suction tube.When citing work by other researchers,how to tell whether the example above is describing the work you did or the work of other researchers?Example:the samples were coll1.by marking it with wordsExample:In this study/in our experiments,the samples were collected using a suction tube.2.by careful references at the appropriate place in the sentence.example:In Brown(1999)the samples were collected using a suction tube.1.by marking it with wordsassignmentRead the Method section in your selected article and mark the function of sentences according to the model componentsMark on the original paperPPT by groups doing the presentationDeadline:13 NovemberassignmentRead the Method sect知识回顾知识回顾Knowledge Knowledge ReviewReview知识回顾Knowledge Review


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