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Brainstorm some other words that describe occupations.律师律师 _ 教授教授 _ 售货员售货员 _ 程序设计员程序设计员 _ 外交官外交官 _ 记者记者 _ 带头人带头人/领导领导 _ 翻译翻译_ 男演员男演员 _ 女演员女演员 _ 科学家科学家 _ 明星明星 _ 工程师工程师 _ 商人商人 _ 男服务员男服务员 _ 女服务员女服务员 _ 宾馆工作人员宾馆工作人员 _ 总裁总裁 _ 航天员航天员 _ 导游导游 _professorsellerprogrammerdiplomatjournalistleadertranslatoractoractressscientiststarengineerbusiness personlawyerwaiterwaitresshotel workerCEOastronautguide汉译英:汉译英:1)你能把这句话从汉语译成英语吗?你能把这句话从汉语译成英语吗?2)如果你擅长英语如果你擅长英语,你可以和外交官交流你可以和外交官交流.3)你曾经和外国人交流吗你曾经和外国人交流吗?4)你对钓鱼感兴趣吗你对钓鱼感兴趣吗?5)我有两条新闻要告诉你。我有两条新闻要告诉你。If you are good at English,you can communicate with diplomats.Can you translate the sentence from Chinese into English?Have you ever communicated with foreigners?I have two pieces of news to tell you.Are you interested in fishing?A task:Say something about yourself.1.In the future,do you want to find a job that uses English?2.What job would you like to choose among(在在 当中当中)the seven?Why?4.People all over the world are learning English.Why is it important for us to learn English well?Think about it!2.Where can you find information(信息信息)about English language and culture(文化文化)?1.Do you enjoy learning English?3.Is this information easy to find in our city?English is widely used(被广泛使用被广泛使用)in the world.If we know English,we canRead quickly and get the main idea of each paragraph:Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Paragraph 5John encourages girls and boys to study English.English opens the door to the world.English can help students use computers and the Internet.It can help them get more information about the world.It can also help them know and communicate with the world.Read carefully and answer the questions:1.What country is John from?2.What do the new language give them?3.What does Mr Wilson do?4.What do many people like to do?5.What is important?6.What helps the students know and communicate with the world?New opportunities.Listen to international radio stations and watch international television.Education.in South America.A professor.Read and summarize(总结总结):1.Whats the main idea of the article(文章文章)?2.What can we learn from the article?English opens the door to the world.Professor Wilson encourages students to learn English.We can learn a lot from the passage Language notes:1.encourage sb.to do sth.“鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事”2.learn to do sth.“学做某事学做某事”3.It takes time,but the new language gives them new opportunities.it 代词代词 代替学习英语这件事代替学习英语这件事 花费花费(时间时间)It takes sb.some time to do sth.It took me three days to read the book.4.open the door to 的引申义是的引申义是“使成为可能;向使成为可能;向 开门;给开门;给方便方便”读这本书读这本书花了我三天的时间。花了我三天的时间。Language notes:1.Its important for students to use English every day.2.Students get more information about the world when they understand English.information 不可数名词不可数名词 Its+adj.for sb.to do sth.when引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句4.have opportunities “有机会有机会”5.choose v.choice n.3.most programsmany/much more-most汉译英:汉译英:1)英语打开了通往世界之门。英语打开了通往世界之门。2)英语老师经常鼓励我们学好英语英语老师经常鼓励我们学好英语。3)步行上学将要花你十分钟的时间。步行上学将要花你十分钟的时间。4)全世界的人都在学说英语。全世界的人都在学说英语。5)对我们来说每天使用英语是很重要的。对我们来说每天使用英语是很重要的。Our English teacher often encourages us to learn English well.English opens the door to the world.It will take you ten minutes to walk to school.Its very important for us to use English every day.People all over the world are learning to speak English.单项选择单项选择1.The teacher encourages his students_ English every day.A.read B.reads C.to read D.reading 2.I want to learn English well,but it _ time.A.costs B.takes C.makes D.has 3.It is very important _ Li Ming to have breakfast every day.A.to B.with C.on D.for 4.She knows _ fast her brother runs.A.that B.what C.how D.whyC BD C A task:A discussionWhy does English open the door to the world?


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