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Unit 2How often do you exercise?Read English every day.Listen to English tapes every day.Sing English songs.Watch English programs.Try to talk in English.Read English newspapers/magazines.Write letters/diaries in EnglishMake an English pen pal.The good habits of English studyComplete the pie charts.154 times a week8590202021310452c Read the article again and answer the questions.1.How many students do not exercise at all?2.How many students use the Internet every day?3.How often do most students watch TV?What do they usually watch?20%students do not exercise at all.90%students use the Internet every day.Most students watch TV every day.They usuallywatch sports,game shows.4.What does the writer think is the best way to relax?Why?5.Do you think the students at No.5 are healthy?Why or why not?Exercise,because it is healthy for the mind and the body.No,I dont think so.Because they watch TV more and exercise less.2d Write sentences with percentages using always,usually or sometimes.1.90%:_ 2.85%:_ 3.45%:_ 4.10%:_ 5.13%:_ 6.2%:_ Ninety percent students always use the Internet.Eighty-five percent of students always watch TV.Forty-five percent of them usually exercise.Ten percent of them sometimes use the Internet.Thirteen percent of them sometimes watch TV.Two percent of them sometimes watch TV.1.She says its good for my health.她她说它它对我的健康有益。我的健康有益。1)此句此句为宾语从句从句,says后面跟的从句后面跟的从句 的的时态必必须和主句中和主句中谓语动词时态 保持一致保持一致,都用一般都用一般现在在时。2)be good for 对有好有好处LANGUAGE POINTS例如:例如:Vegetables are good for our health.蔬菜蔬菜对我我们的健康有益。的健康有益。Junk food are not good for our health.垃圾食品垃圾食品对我我们的健康有害。的健康有害。2.only one to three times a week 每周只有一到三次每周只有一到三次注意这种表达注意这种表达,“to”为介词。为介词。翻译:翻译:1)两到三次。两到三次。two to three times.2)每月四到五次。每月四到五次。four to five times a month.3.The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting.对我们提出的有关看电视的问题的答案也挺对我们提出的有关看电视的问题的答案也挺 有意思。有意思。1)句子主语为)句子主语为 the answers,故谓语用,故谓语用 were。2)表示表示“的答案的答案”要用要用“answer to”如:如:Theres no easy answer to this problem.这个问题没有简单的答案。这个问题没有简单的答案。Her answer to your question is a big“NO”!她对你所提的问题的答案是一个大大的她对你所提的问题的答案是一个大大的“不不”字!字!3)表示)表示“有关有关的(问题)的(问题)”用用question about如:如:He asked us some questions about our daily habits.他问了一些有关我们日常习惯的问题。他问了一些有关我们日常习惯的问题。Her questions about you were not so friendly.她有关你的那些问题并不那么友善。她有关你的那些问题并不那么友善。4.Although many students like to watch sports,game shows are the most popular.虽然很多学生喜欢看体育节目,但游戏类节目虽然很多学生喜欢看体育节目,但游戏类节目是最受欢迎的。是最受欢迎的。although 为连词,意为:为连词,意为:“虽然,尽管虽然,尽管”。注意:注意:在英语中,当表示在英语中,当表示“虽然虽然,但是,但是.”这样这样的意思时,的意思时,although和和but不能在同一个句子中使不能在同一个句子中使用。也就是说,在一个句子中,有用。也就是说,在一个句子中,有although就没有就没有but,反之亦然。如:,反之亦然。如:Although the car is old,it still runs well.=The car is old,but it still runs well.这辆小车旧了,但是依然跑得不错。这辆小车旧了,但是依然跑得不错。5.So start exercising before its too late!所以赶紧锻炼起来,不要等到来不及了。所以赶紧锻炼起来,不要等到来不及了。Its too late 字面意思为字面意思为“为时太晚,来不及了为时太晚,来不及了”是英语的一个常用表达。如:是英语的一个常用表达。如:Now you know you are wrong,but its too late.你现在知道错了,已经太晚了。你现在知道错了,已经太晚了。句中,句中,Its too late 与与before共同组成从句,表示共同组成从句,表示“不要等到为时已晚;不要等到来不及的时候;不要等到为时已晚;不要等到来不及的时候;趁还来的及趁还来的及”。如:。如:You should work harder before its too late to catch up.你现在用功还赶得上。你现在用功还赶得上。3a Look at the information in the chart and complete the report.Activities Days a yearExercise 365Read books 365Watch TV for over 2 hours 320Drink juice 210Eat hamburgers 95help with housework 20Stay up late 15Go to the dentist 0Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States.American Teenager magazine asked her about her habits.Jane has a lot of good habits.She alwaysalways exercises and she reads books _.Also,she _ drinks juice and she _ stays up late.However,she has some bad habits,too.She _ watches TV for more than two hours a day,and she _ eats hamburgers.Her parents are not very happy because she _ helps with housework and she _ goes to the dentist for teeth cleaning.She says she is afraid.everydayeverydayusuallyusuallyhardlyhardlyalwaysalwayssometimessometimeshardlyhardlynevernever3b Complete the chart with your own information.In the last column,use expressions like always,every day,twice a week and never.Activities How often?Good habitsBad habits3c Write a report about your good and bad habits based on the following information.Say how often you do things.Use the report in 3a as an example.Activities Days a yearExercise 60Read books 100Watch TV for over 2 hours 350Drink milk 0Eat junk food 300Play computer games 365Stay up late 15Is his lifestyle healthy?why?4.Take the health quiz.1.How often do you eat breakfast?a.Never b.A few minutes a week c.Almost every day.2.How often do you eat fast food?a.Never b.A few minutes a week c.Almost every day3.How often do you eat vegetables and fruit?a.Never b.A few minutes a week c.Almost every day4.How often do you exercise?a.A few minutes a year b.A few minutes a month c.A few minutes a week5.How many hours do you watch TV every week?a.None b.One to four c.Five or more6.How many hours do you usually sleep at night?a.Less than six.b.Six or seven c.Eight or more1.a=0,b=1,c=22.a=2,b=1,c=03.a=0,b=1,c=24.a=0,b=1,c=25.a=2,b=1,c=06.a=0,b=1,c=29-12points:Youre really healthy!Good for you-and your health!4-8points:Youre smart about health most of the time.0-3points:You have to learn more about healthy habits.Dont worry-you can do it!Are you healthy?1.The old man _(锻炼)every morning.2.I often _(购物物)on weekends.3.We must _(保持保持)our classroom clean.4.There are some _(不同不同)between the two pictures.I.Fill in the blanks.exercisesshopkeepdifferencesExercises5.He _(几乎不几乎不)goes to a restaurant for dinner.6.Katrina doesnt often _(喝喝)coffee,she likes green tea.7.My eating _(习惯)are not very good.hardly everdrinkhabits.单项选择单项选择1.I like English very much,so I _ listen to the tape in the morning.A.usually B.hardly ever C.never2.Milk is good _ our _.A.to;healthy B.to;health C.for;healthy D.for;healthAD 3.What does your father do in the evening?He usually _.A.watch TV B.exercise C.reads books4._ students in your class are from Beijing?Only one.A.How often B.How many C.How much C B 5._ do you go skating?Every day.A.How often B.How many C.When6.Most students in my class _ exercise every day.A.does B.do C.is doing D.are doing7.What _ she _ on weekends?A.is,do B.does,does C.do,do D.does,do A B D 8._do your grandparents come to see you?Twice a week.A.How often B.How many C.When 9.Hes a very lazy student,as a result,he always gets _ grades.A.a good B.high C.terrible D.an awfulA C 1.I sleep 8 hours every night.(画线提问画线提问)_ _ _ do you sleep every night?2.He watches TV twice a week.(画线提问画线提问)_ _ _ he watch TV?3.Jack does his homework every day.(改为否定句改为否定句)Jack _ _ his homework every day.How many hoursHow often doesdoesnt do.句型转换句型转换4.He is talking to his father.(用用usually改写句子改写句子)He _ _ to his father.5.My father often reads newspaper after supper.(画线提问画线提问)_ _ _ father often _ after supper?What does yourdousually talksHealthy/unhealthy lifestyle?Lisa sleeps eight hours every night.She eats a good breakfast and sheexercises every day.She never eats junk food.读一读读一读,判断谁的生活判断谁的生活健康?健康?Healthy/unhealthy lifestyle?Pam likes to watch TV.On weekends,she never exercises and she doesnt like fruits or vegetables.She eats junk food.And Pam never goes to the doctor.Healthy/unhealthy lifestyle?Pico is tall and thin.He plays tennis three times a week and he runs every Saturday.He never watches TV.He eats fruits and vegetables every day and sleeps nine hours every night.Early to bed,early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.HOMEWORK 以以My habits(good habits and bad habits)为题目写一篇短文。(字数不少于目写一篇短文。(字数不少于50字)字)


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