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The Story of AtlantaGreek Myths Warming up Have you ever heard of some love stories?If you have trouble with love,who will you turn to for help?Its about Atlanta who races to _ the man who can run f_ than her.In order to win the race,Hippomenes asked _for help.marryasterthe Goddess of LoveSkimmingListen to the tape and find out how many characters there are in the text?Who are they?Atlantathe kingHippomenesThe king was her _Hippomenes wanted to _ Atlantamarryasked herfor_helpfatherThe Greek Goddess of Love(1)What was Atlanta good at?She was good at running.scanning(2)What are Atlantas rules?When a man says he wants to _me,I will run _ him.If he cannot run _fast _ me,he will be _.No one will be _.againstmarryasaskilledpardoned(3)How did the Greek Goddess of Love help Hippomenes?She gave him_.She told him to _ an apple in front of Atlanta when she was _ fast.When she stopped to _it _,he would be able to run _ her and win.three golden applesthrowrunningpickuppast Discussion1.If you were Hippomenes,would you run against Atlanta?Why?2.What would happen to Hippomenes?Would he win or die?He threw an apple in front of herSo the next day the race began.Atlanta ran faster than him.She picked it up.She didnt pick it up.He was killed.They lived happily.Listen to the ending of the story,and check your guesses.ListeningVS So the next day Hippomenes was waiting when Atlanta came out.She thought,”I _ this man _!”So she said to her father,“Tell him to _ .The race will not _ today.”But Hippomenes said,“These are her _ She will _ the man who runs _ than her!_ lets run!”dont wantto diego awaybe runrulesmarryfasterCome on When the race started Hippomenes ran fast,but Atlanta ran even _.Soon she was in front.At once Hippomenes _ one of the golden apples.It fell far to the side of Atlanta and she ran to _ it.As she picked it up,she saw Hippomenes was _.So she ran very fast until she was in front again.fasterthrewgetin frontJust then Hippomenes threw _ apple over her head and far to the side.Again she _ to pick it up,and Hippomenes went in front.When she finally _ Hippomenes the _ time,he threw the _and last golden apple.As it flew through the air Atlanta saw it and _ it.So she picked this one up too.anotherstoppedcaught up withsecondthirdwantedBy this time Hippomenes was almost _the race.Atlanta could not _him because the apples were too _.So Hippomenes _ the race and _ Atlanta.Thanks to the _ ,they lived happily ever after.catch up withheavywonmarriedGoddessat the end ofHow do you think Atlanta would feel when she discovered Hippomenes had got help from the Goddess of Love?If you were Atlanta,would you agree to marry Hippomenes?ImaginationAccording to your imagination,make up a short play about the ending and then act it out.Time:when the race is overCharacters:Atlanta,Hippomenes,Role Play My dear Atlanta,I love you so much,but I am not willing to cheat you.Whats wrong with you?Before I ran against you,I turned to the Goddess of Love for help.She gave meYou are really honest Homework1.Review the new words in this unit.2.Write a happy ending of the story of Atlanta.


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