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Unit 2 The United KingdomUsing language高二人教新课标版必修五高二人教新课标版必修五Sightseeing in LondonReading First lets talk about London the famous sites:the Tower of London,Buckingham Palace,Westminster Abbey,St.Pauls Cathedral,Big Ben,British Museum,Greenwich and Karl Marxs statue,Windsor Castle.Famous river:the ThamesFamous park:Hyde Park,Kensington GardensLondons fog:Its often foggy and called“fog city”.1.How did Zhang Pingyu plan her tour?She made a list of the sites she wanted to see.2.How long did Zhang Pingyu visitz London?Three days.Read the text and answer these questions.Task 1The buildings mentioned in the text were:the Tower;St Pauls Cathedral;Westminster Abbey;Greenwich;Big Ben;Highgate Cemetery;Winsor Castle.3.What were the buildings mentioned in the text?It was built long ago by_ _.This _,_,_ tower had remained standing for one thousand years.Norman invaders solidsquarestoneTask 2Read the text again and fill in the blanks.It remained part of a _ _ and _ combined.royalprisonpalaceIt was built after the _ of London in _.terrible fire1666It contained _ in memory of _ and _.statueswritersdead poetsBuckingham Palace is the _ house in London.QueensGreenwich Clock sets _ time.The longitude line is an _ line dividing the_ and _ halves of the world.the worldimaginaryEasternWesternWORKERS OF ALL LANDS UNITETHE PHILOSOPHERS HAVE ONLY INTERPRETED THE WORLD IN VARIOUS WAYS THE POINT HOWEVER IS TO CHANGE IT.Karl Marxs statue is in_.Highgate Cemetery from _.treasuresdifferent culturesIn the British Museumdisplay many _Day 1 commentsDay 2Day a list of Zhang Pingyus tour of London and a comment on each place she visited the first day.Day 1comments1.2.3.4.the Tower of LondonSt Pauls CathedralWestminster AbbeyBig Bendelight,fancysplendid and interestinginteresting,full of statues of poets and writersfamous and very loudDay 2Comment 1.Greenwich withships2.clock(GMT)3.Longitude linelongitude line interested her most,and it was very useful for navigationDay 3Comment Karl Marxs statueBritish Museum“strange he lived and died in London”thrilled to see Chinese potteryKing Henry VIII Edward VIMaryElizabeth IListeningDuke of YorkEdward IVRichard IIIEdward VRichard1)Who was the sister of Queen Mary?1.Before you listen to the tape,look at the royal family trees.In pairs and in turn ask and answer these questions:Elizabeth later Queen Elizabeth I2)Who was King Edward Vs uncle?3)Who was Queen Marys father?4)Who were King Edward IVs sons?King Henry VIII Richard IIIEdward VI and Richard 2.Look again at the names of these English kings and queens as you listen to Parts 1 and 2 of the tape.Tick the ones you hear about.Ticks for brothers Edward VI and Richard(sons of King Edward VI);King Edward VI;Richard(later King Richard III);Queen Mary;Elizabeth(later Queen Elizabeth I);3.Listen to Part 1 and then answer the questions.1)Which king on the list was one of the princes in the Tower?How do you know?2)Who had the two princes killed?Prince Edward(later Edward V)was one of the princes murdered in the Tower.We know because:both were princes;both were young boys;their uncle was Richard who later become King Richard III.Which king on the list was one of the princes in the Tower?How do you know?King Richard III killed the princes because he wanted to become King.Who had the two princes killed?ZP:Who _ to the Tower as a prisoner?G:A _ queen.In the 1550s Queen _ sent her sister,_ Elizabeth,to the _as a prisoner.ZP:_!Why did she do that?came futureMary PrincessTowerStrange4.Listen to Part 2 and fill in the blanks below.G:She _ Elizabeth was a traitor.So she sent Elizabeth _ a special gate called“_ Gate”.That only _ to very bad people.thoughtthroughTraitorshappened Speaking 1.Four students in a group.Everyone chooses an interesting building or attraction in the hometown or home village and then introduce it to the group mates.2.Suppose one of you will be the tourist and the other the tour guide.The guide introduces one interesting place.You may have a few problems understanding the guide.the tour guide?.Excuse meIm afraid I cant follow you.I beg your pardon?Pardon?I didnt understandPlease,can you speak more slowly?What did you mean by?Im sorry but could you repeat that?Make up a dialogue with your partner,using the following phrases.3.Ask two or three pairs to practise the dialogue and perform it in front of the class.WritingNow use the information you collected about interesting place and then write about it in your local guide book.You want to encourage people to visit it so you should write in an exciting way.So you can pick some verbs and adjectives that can attract others.nicesmartcleanexcellentexcitingbeautifulfamousgrandgreathugespecialunusualFor examplebeappeargrowkeepbecomesoundlookstayremainliestand,be builtWhy not visit?假如你是某旅行社的主管,为假如你是某旅行社的主管,为了吸引更多的游客选择你公司的旅了吸引更多的游客选择你公司的旅游项目,请你写一篇宣传单,介绍游项目,请你写一篇宣传单,介绍你公司选择的旅游景点你公司选择的旅游景点-颐和园,词颐和园,词数不少于数不少于120120字。字。1.Read the passage carefully and pay attention to the tense;2 Ss exchange the information in pairs;3 Ss present the answers;4 Ss get to know whom they are going to encourage and the tense they are going to use.Step1 Study the sample PlacewherewhatwheninvitationWhat they can see there?What they can do there?What they can feel there?whyStep2:Prepare the languagePurpose:Prepare the language which you are going to use to describe a place of interest.Activity 1 what?1.It is+adj有用的形容词有用的形容词clean,huge,special,unusual,great,romantic,popular,splendid,fancy,interesting,excellent,exciting,beautiful,wonderful,famous/world-famous,grand,historic1.例文中例文中 It is only+time away from.2.3.It is located in(the east of Beijing)It lies in(the north of Beijing)(Haidian district)Activity2:where?Activity3:when?1.例文中例文中 .was constructed+time It was constructed+time 2.It was built/set up+in/when/since/before/after 3.课文例句课文例句 For historical architecture,you have to go to older but smaller towns built byActivity4:why?1.What can you see there?you can see you can find2.What can you do there?You can walk through.+spl You can admire+sth.3.What can you feel there?You will like it.You will be+attracted by it.You can enjoysth.You will feel+adj.happy,amazed,shocked,excited Why not.You cannot afford to miss it.分析例文分析例文Activity5:how to persuade peopleWhy not visit the summer palaceThe Summer Palace is the most beautiful and the largest imperial garden in China.It is located in the northwest of Beijing,about 20 kilometers away from the center of the city.The summer palace was first constructed at the beginning of 12th century in the Jin Dynasty.Here you can see the Longevity Hill which is the main architecture in the park and you can also find the Longest Gallery in China.Walk along the seventeen-Arch Bridge you can admire the beautiful scenery of the Kuming Lake.If you got tired,you could boat on the lake,and it will make you relaxed.You will be fully attracted by the fantastic view here.What are you waiting for?Why not join us?You cannot afford to miss it!HomeworkWrite the passage and examine it before handing in.Listen to the material again after class.Review the main points in this unit.


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