Unit3SectionA (2)课件

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Section A Period 1(1a1c)学习目标学习目标1.学习并掌握新单词学习并掌握新单词(学习用品类学习用品类)。2.学习并掌握一般疑问句及其答语。学习并掌握一般疑问句及其答语。3.学会正确使用形容词性物主代词和学会正确使用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。名词性物主代词。This is his pen.These are his pens.这些这些This is his book.These are his books.这些这些That is his orange.Those are his oranges.那些那些That is his jacket.Those are his jackets.那些那些Name them in English!dictionaryschoolbagpencilpencil boxName them in English!rulerpeneraserpencil sharpenerRound 4 Game:Who has the best eyes?谁的眼睛最亮的眼睛最亮?(谁能快速能快速说出出图片中的物品片中的物品)Round 4Game:Who has the best eyes?1.pencil _2.pen _3.books _4.eraser _5.ruler _6.pencil box _7.schoolbag _8.dictionary _egbhcfad1aMatch the words with the things in the picture.Find the owner3c Put some things into the teachers box.1c Pairwork:Practice the conversations above with your partner.Then make your own conversations.Yes,it is.Its mine.Is this your schoolbag?Is this your book?No,it isnt.Its his.Its my schoolbag.Its his book.Is that your pen?Yes,it is.Its mine.Is that your pencil box?No,it isnt.Its hers.Its my pen.Its her pencil box.Is this your pencil?Yes,it is.It is mine.No,it isnt.It is his.Is that your eraser?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.It is hers.Are these your rulers?Yes,they are.No,they arent.They are yours.Are those your books?Yes,they are.No,they arent.They are hers.A:Is this your pencil?B:Yes,it is.Its mine.A:Is that your schoolbag?B:No,it isnt.Its his.A:Are these your books?B:No,they arent.Theyre hers.Listen and number the conversations 1-3.3211b2a Listen and check the things you hear.2b Listen again.Complete the conversation with the words in the box.erasers pencil ruler pencil box booksTom:Excuse me,Grace.Is this your _?Grace:Yes,thank you.And those are my _.Tom:And Jane,is this your_?Jane:No,it isnt.Its hers.Tom:OK,and these are my _.This is your_,Jane.pencilerasersrulerbookspencil box2c Practice the conversation in 2b.Then make your own conversations using the things in your classroom.Teacher:Hi,Anna.Are these your pencils?Anna:No,theyre Bobs.Teacher:And is this his green pen?Anna:No,it isnt.The blue pen is his.Teacher:What about this dictionary?Anna:Its Helens.And the green pen is hers,too.Teacher:And the eraser?Is that yours?Anna:Yes,it is.Teacher:Thank you for your help,Anna.Anna:Youre welcome.2d Role-play the conversation.Is this _(you)pencil?Yes,_ _.It is _(my).yourit isPAIRWORK1cmineIs this _(you)book?No,_ _.It is _(her).yourit isnthers_these _(he)books?_,they are.hisYesAre 一般疑问句一般疑问句一、含义一、含义 以动词以动词be,have或助动词、情态动词开头,或助动词、情态动词开头,以以yes或或no作回答的问句叫做一般疑问句。作回答的问句叫做一般疑问句。回答时可以用完整的句子回答,但大多数回答时可以用完整的句子回答,但大多数 情况下只需作简略回答。情况下只需作简略回答。二、二、构成及答语构成及答语 如果句中有动词如果句中有动词be(am,is,are),将动词,将动词 提到主语前,并大写开头字母,句末用提到主语前,并大写开头字母,句末用 问号,主语第一人称变第二人称,即变成问号,主语第一人称变第二人称,即变成 了一般疑问句。了一般疑问句。一般疑问句要用一般疑问句要用Yes或或No来回答。它的来回答。它的 肯定答语是肯定答语是Yes,it is.否定答语是否定答语是No,it isnt.注意答语用注意答语用it代替代替this/that。Thisismypencil.Is thisyourpencil?含有含有bebe动词的陈述句变为一般疑问句的步骤动词的陈述句变为一般疑问句的步骤Grammar focusThis is a pencil.Is this a pencil?This is my pencil.Is this your pencil?1.This is her eraser.(改改为一般疑一般疑问句句,并作肯定并作肯定 回答回答)2.That is his pencil box.(改改为一般疑一般疑问句句,并作否定回答并作否定回答)3.this,school,my,is,card,ID (连词成句成句)Is this her eraser?Yes,it is.Is that his pencil box?No,it isnt.This is my school ID card.句型转换句型转换.Translate and write them down.1.-这是你的背包吗?这是你的背包吗?-不,它不是。它是他的背包。不,它不是。它是他的背包。2.-那是你的铅笔吗?那是你的铅笔吗?-是的,它是。它是我的背包。是的,它是。它是我的背包。-Is that your pencil?-Yes,it is.Its mine.-Is this your schoolbag?-No,it isnt.Its his.1.this/that的回答用_代替。2.your是_物主代词,后面加_,mine,his,hers是_物主代词,后不加_。形容词性名词名词性名词it合作探究合作探究:9.The words that show ownershipI my(我的我的)mineHe his(他的他的)hisShe her(她的她的)hersYou your(你的你的)yours形容词性形容词性物主代词物主代词名词性名词性物主代词物主代词Summary从用法上来说,名词性物主代词是充当名词,而形容词性物主代词是充当形容词,如:This is his pen,thats mine.这里的his 就是充当形容词,修饰pen,而mine相当于:my pen,为了避免重复,用名词性物主代词mine代替。形容词性形容词性(物主代词物主代词)能力差,自己不能能力差,自己不能来当家,后面需把名词加。名词性物来当家,后面需把名词加。名词性物(主代词)能力强,自己独来又独往。主代词)能力强,自己独来又独往。名词性物主代词名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+名词名词 It is your pen.=It is his pen.=It is her pen.=It is my pen.=It is yours.It is his.It is hers.It is mine.It isnt your ruler.=It isnt his ruler.=It isnt her ruler.=It isnt my ruler.=It isnt yours.It isnt his.It isnt hers.It isnt mine.Questions Answers Is this your pencil?Yes,it is.Its mine./No,it isnt.Its hers.Is this his green pen?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.The blur pen is his.Is that your schoolbag?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Its his.Are these your books?Yes,they are./No,they arent.Theyre hers.Are those her keys?Yes,they are./No,they arent.Theyre mine.Grammar FocusAttention!its it isisnt is not arent are not3a Complete the questions and answers about each picture.Is your book?Yes,it is.No,it .Are my pencils?Yes,are.No,they arent.Is his ruler?Yes,it .No,it isnt.Are her pens?Yes,they are.No,they .thisisntthesetheythatisthosearent3b Read the questions and complete the answers.1.Is this her ruler?2.Is that Erics schoolbag?3.Are these his pencils?4.Are those Annas books?Yes,.Its .No,.Sallys.Yes,.Theyre .No,.Mine.it ishersit isntIt isthey arehisthey arentTheyre Whats this in English?Its a/an Is this your No,it isnt.Its his/hers Homework敬谢指导敬谢指导!


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