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高三英语复习高三英语复习Unit One-Module One1.achieve 1.achieve vt vt.n n.2.challenging 2.challenging adjadj.v v.n n.3.experience 3.experience vt vt.n n.经经历历(可可数数);经验;经验(不可数不可数)adjadj.4.introduce 4.introduce vt vt.n n.Module 1Module 1Unit 1 School lifeUnit 1 School life基础落实基础落实.高频单词思忆高频单词思忆赢得,取得;实现,成就赢得,取得;实现,成就achievementachievement具有挑战性的具有挑战性的challengechallengechallengechallenge经历经历,体验体验experienceexperienceexperiencedexperienced介绍介绍introductionintroduction5.immediately 5.immediately advadv.adjadj.6.develop 6.develop vt vt.,(两种形容词的形式两种形容词的形式)n n.7.donate 7.donate vt vt.n n.8.broadcast 8.broadcast vt vt.&.&n n.,(过去式和过去分词过去式和过去分词)9.prepare 9.prepare v v.n n.adjadj.10.select 10.select vt vt.n n.立即立即,马上马上immediateimmediate培养,养成培养,养成developingdeveloping developeddevelopeddevelopmentdevelopment捐赠,捐献,赠予捐赠,捐献,赠予donationdonation广播广播broadcastbroadcast broadcastbroadcast准备准备preparationpreparationpreparedprepared选择,挑选选择,挑选selectionselection1.1.获得尊重的最好方法获得尊重的最好方法2.2.得高分得高分3.3.发电子邮件给我的家人和朋友发电子邮件给我的家人和朋友 4.4.在学期结束的时候在学期结束的时候5.5.举行班级聚会举行班级聚会6.6.放弃一些课程放弃一些课程7.7.经历这种不同的生活方式经历这种不同的生活方式 8.8.培养培养的习惯的习惯9.9.网上冲浪网上冲浪10.10.对对负责负责.重点短语再现重点短语再现the best way to earn respectthe best way to earn respectachieve high gradesachieve high gradese-mail my familye-mail my familyand friendsand friendsat the end of the termat the end of the termhold a class partyhold a class partydrop some subjectsdrop some subjectsexperience thisexperience thisdifferent way of lifedifferent way of lifedevelop the habit of.develop the habit of.surf the Internetsurf the Internetbe responsible forbe responsible for1.1.在在英英国国上上了了一一年年的的中中学学对对我我来来说说是是一一次次非非常常开开心心、兴奋的经历。兴奋的经历。Going Going to to a a British British high high school school for for one one year year waswas for me.for me.2.2.一完成学业一完成学业,他就开始在中国旅行。他就开始在中国旅行。his studies,he started travhis studies,he started trav -elling in China.-elling in China.典型句式运用典型句式运用a very enjoyable and exciting experiencea very enjoyable and exciting experienceUpon finishingUpon finishing3.3.他他还还告告诉诉我我们们在在学学校校得得到到尊尊重重最最好好的的办办法法就就是是努努力力学习并取得好成绩。学习并取得好成绩。He also told us that He also told us that from the school was from the school was .4.4.我我的的英英语语水水平平提提高高了了许许多多,因因为为我我每每天天都都使使用用英英语语并且每天花一个小时在图书馆阅读英语书籍。并且每天花一个小时在图书馆阅读英语书籍。My My English English as as I I used used English English every every day day and and spent spent an an hour hour each each day day reading English books in the library.reading English books in the library.the best way to earnthe best way to earnrespectrespectto work hardto work hardand achieve high gradesand achieve high gradesimproved a lotimproved a lot1.I found the homework was not as heavy as 1.I found the homework was not as heavy as I I used used to to get get in in my my old old school,but school,but it it was a bit challenging for me at first was a bit challenging for me at first all the homework was in English.all the homework was in English.2.I 2.I usually usually went went to to the the Computer Computer Club Club at at lunchtime,lunchtime,I I could could e-mail e-mail my my family family and and friends back home for free.friends back home for free.3.3.it it didndidnt t look look like like a a table table when when it it was finished,I still liked it very much.was finished,I still liked it very much.4.They can choose other subjects Wood4.They can choose other subjects Wood -work,Computer-work,Computer Science Science or or Languages Languages such such as as Spanish and German.Spanish and German.综合语篇填空综合语篇填空whatwhatbecausebecausesosoThoughThoughlikelike导练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词挑战自我挑战自我(1)(1)你将参加明天举行的会议吗?你将参加明天举行的会议吗?Will you Will you tomorrow morning?tomorrow morning?(2)(2)许许多多学学生生愿愿意意去去听听史史密密斯斯先先生生的的课课,因因为为他他的的讲讲座座比较有趣。比较有趣。Many students preferMany students prefer for his lecture is interesting.for his lecture is interesting.attend the meeting to be heldattend the meeting to be heldto attend Mr.Smithto attend Mr.Smiths sclassclass1.attend 1.attend vt.&vivt.&vi.出席出席,参加参加(3)(3)因因为为有有两两个个孩孩子子在在上上中中学学,所所以以他他们们的的父父母母都都在在努力工作。努力工作。With With two two children children middle middle school,the parents are working hard.school,the parents are working hard.帮你归纳帮你归纳attend the meetingattend the meeting出席会议出席会议attend school/classattend school/class上学上学/上课上课attend a lectureattend a lecture听讲座听讲座attend churchattend church做礼拜做礼拜attend toattend to照料照料,关怀;处理;注意倾听关怀;处理;注意倾听If you go out,IIf you go out,Ill attend to the baby.ll attend to the baby.如果你出去如果你出去,那么我来照顾婴儿。那么我来照顾婴儿。I have some urgent business to attend to.I have some urgent business to attend to.我有些紧急的事情要处理。我有些紧急的事情要处理。attendingattending易混辨异易混辨异attend,join,join in,take part inattend,join,join in,take part in(1)attend(1)attend是正式用语是正式用语,一般指参加会议、典礼、婚一般指参加会议、典礼、婚礼、葬礼、及去上课、听报告、讲座等。礼、葬礼、及去上课、听报告、讲座等。YouYoull attend the meeting and discuss the ll attend the meeting and discuss the issue.issue.你将出席这个会议并讨论这个问题。你将出席这个会议并讨论这个问题。Mary didnMary didnt attend her wedding.t attend her wedding.玛丽没有参加她的婚礼。玛丽没有参加她的婚礼。(2)join(2)join指加入某党派、某组织、一群人或某社会团指加入某党派、某组织、一群人或某社会团体体,以及参军等。以及参军等。It was in 1975 that Tom joined the navy.It was in 1975 that Tom joined the navy.正是在正是在19751975年汤姆加入了海军。年汤姆加入了海军。(3)join in(3)join in通常指参加某种活动通常指参加某种活动,尤指和其他人一起尤指和其他人一起参加某项活动。参加某项活动。May I join in the game?May I join in the game?我可以参加这个游戏吗?我可以参加这个游戏吗?I hope youI hope youll all join in the storytelling.ll all join in the storytelling.我希望你们大家都参加讲故事。我希望你们大家都参加讲故事。(4)take part in(4)take part in指参加会议或群众性活动等指参加会议或群众性活动等,重在重在说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。WeWell take part in social activities during ll take part in social activities during the summer vacation.the summer vacation.我们在暑假期间将参加社会活动。我们在暑假期间将参加社会活动。即学活练即学活练(4)Did you(4)Did you any club last year?any club last year?A.join inA.join inB.joinB.joinC.take part inC.take part inD.attendD.attendB挑战自我挑战自我(1)(1)每个人都会在生命中的某些时候经历这些问题。每个人都会在生命中的某些时候经历这些问题。Everyone Everyone at at some time in their lives.some time in their lives.(2)(2)他对这种工作有很多经验吗?他对这种工作有很多经验吗?Has Has he he had had in in work work of of this this sort?sort?(3)(3)我们骑骆驼旅行真是一次难忘的经历。我们骑骆驼旅行真是一次难忘的经历。Our journey by camel was Our journey by camel was .will experience these problemswill experience these problemsmuch experiencemuch experiencequite an unforgettablequite an unforgettableexperienceexperience2.experience 2.experience n.&vn.&v.经历,体验经历,体验(4)(4)作为一名记者,珍妮有过许多冒险经历,这为她的作为一名记者,珍妮有过许多冒险经历,这为她的工作提供了丰富的经验。工作提供了丰富的经验。As a war reporter,Jenny got through a lot As a war reporter,Jenny got through a lot of of ,which contributed,which contributed to her to her in her job.in her job.adventurous experiencesadventurous experiencesrich experiencerich experience帮你归纳帮你归纳learn by experiencelearn by experience从经验中学习从经验中学习experience pleasure/painexperience pleasure/pain体验快乐体验快乐/痛苦痛苦be/become experienced in/at(doing)sth.be/become experienced in/at(doing)sth.对对(干干)有经验有经验an experienced teacher(=a teacher with much an experienced teacher(=a teacher with much experience)experience)一位有经验的老师一位有经验的老师温馨提示温馨提示experienceexperience作名词用时作名词用时,意为意为“经验经验”时为不可数名时为不可数名词词,意为意为“经历经历”时为可数名词。时为可数名词。即学活练即学活练(5)(5)我爷爷园艺经验丰富。我爷爷园艺经验丰富。My grandfather My grandfather has has gardening.gardening.is is gardening.gardening.is a gardener is a gardener .much experience inmuch experience inexperienced in(at)experienced in(at)with much experiencewith much experience挑战自我挑战自我(1)(1)汤姆回到房间汤姆回到房间,通知了玛丽他们的决定。通知了玛丽他们的决定。Tom returned to the room and Tom returned to the room and .(2)(2)然后他通知了学生他们这次尝试的成功。然后他通知了学生他们这次尝试的成功。He then informs the students He then informs the students of this attempt.of this attempt.informed Maryinformed Maryof their decisionof their decisionof their success of their success 3.inform 3.inform vt vt.通知通知,告知告知帮你归纳帮你归纳(1)inform(1)inform常用的结构为:常用的结构为:inform sb.of sth.,inform sb.of sth.,有时有时也可以用也可以用inform sb.about sth.inform sb.about sth.。(2)inform(2)inform也可后接从句。也可后接从句。He informed her he was thinking of entering He informed her he was thinking of entering medical college.medical college.他告诉她他考虑要上医学院。他告诉她他考虑要上医学院。(3)(3)相关词汇短语拓展相关词汇短语拓展informal informal adjadj.非正规的;不拘礼节的非正规的;不拘礼节的information information n n.信息信息,消息消息(不可数名词不可数名词)a piece of informationa piece of information一条消息一条消息well-informed well-informed adjadj.消息灵通的消息灵通的,了解的了解的keep sb.informed of sth.keep sb.informed of sth.告知某人某事告知某人某事即学活练即学活练(3)I(3)I hope hope youyoull ll keep keep us us of of how how you you are are getting on with the work.getting on with the work.A.informing B.informedA.informing B.informedC.to informC.to inform D.being informed D.being informedB挑战自我挑战自我(1)(1)学生们正在为即将到来的运动会作准备。学生们正在为即将到来的运动会作准备。The students The students the coming the coming sports meet.sports meet.(2)(2)秘书工作到深夜秘书工作到深夜,在为总统准备一篇很长的演讲稿。在为总统准备一篇很长的演讲稿。The secretary worked into the night,The secretary worked into the night,for the president.for the president.(3)(3)他们早已准备好应付最坏的情况。他们早已准备好应付最坏的情况。They They the worst.the worst.are preparing forare preparing forpreparingpreparinga long speecha long speechare prepared forare prepared for4.prepare 4.prepare v v.准备准备帮你归纳帮你归纳prepare sth.prepare sth.准备某物准备某物prepare lessonsprepare lessons备课备课prepare supperprepare supper做晚饭做晚饭prepare for=make preparations forprepare for=make preparations for为为作准备作准备prepare to do sth.prepare to do sth.准备做准备做prepare sb.for sth.prepare sb.for sth.使某人为使某人为作准备作准备be(well)prepared for sth.=be ready forbe(well)prepared for sth.=be ready for为为作好作好(充分充分)准备准备be(well)prepared to do sth.=be ready to do be(well)prepared to do sth.=be ready to do sth.sth.准备准备(好好)做某事做某事即学活练即学活练(4)(4)WhatWhats that terrible noise?s that terrible noise?The neighbors The neighbors for a party.for a party.A.have prepared B.are preparing A.have prepared B.are preparing C.Prepare D.will prepare C.Prepare D.will prepare B挑战自我挑战自我(1)(1)这个城市这个城市8 8月的平均气温是多少?月的平均气温是多少?What What is is in in this this city city in August?in August?(2)(2)他是个能力普通的人。他是个能力普通的人。He is a man of He is a man of .(3)(3)我们平均每天收到我们平均每天收到200200封信。封信。We receive 200 letters a day We receive 200 letters a day .the average temperaturethe average temperaturethe average abilitythe average abilityon averageon average5.average 5.average adjadj.一般的一般的,普通的;平均的普通的;平均的;n n.平均平均,平均数;一般水平平均数;一般水平,平均水准平均水准帮你归纳帮你归纳on(the/an)averageon(the/an)average平均的平均的above/below(the)averageabove/below(the)average在平均水平以上在平均水平以上/下下work out an averagework out an average算出平均数算出平均数即学活练即学活练(4)He was in his late twenties and of(4)He was in his late twenties and of height.height.A.Usual B.generalA.Usual B.generalC.Average D.commonC.Average D.commonC挑战自我挑战自我(1)(1)如果你不努力如果你不努力,你将一事无成。你将一事无成。You You will will if if you you dondont t try try your best.your best.(2)(2)这个大学今年已经实现了所有的奋斗目标。这个大学今年已经实现了所有的奋斗目标。The university The university this year.this year.帮你归纳帮你归纳achieve successachieve success取得成功取得成功achieve oneachieve ones goals goal实现目标实现目标achievement achievement n.n.U U完成完成,达到达到;C C成就成就,功绩功绩make achievementsmake achievements获得成绩获得成绩,取得成就取得成就achieve nothingachieve nothinghas achieved all its goalshas achieved all its goals6.achieve 6.achieve vt vt.赢得赢得,取得取得;实现实现;成就成就即学活练即学活练(3)Although medical science(3)Although medical science control control over several dangerous diseases,what worriesover several dangerous diseases,what worries us is that some of them are returning.us is that some of them are returning.A.achieved B.has achievedA.achieved B.has achievedC.will achieve D.had achievedC.will achieve D.had achievedB挑战自我挑战自我(1)(1)因因为为工工人人要要交交医医疗疗保保险险,所所以以他他们们赚赚得得的的钱钱就就少少了。了。The The workers workers because because they they had to pay medical insurance.had to pay medical insurance.(2)(2)这位老人以卖蔬菜为生。这位老人以卖蔬菜为生。The The old old man man by by selling selling vegetables.vegetables.(3)(3)正正如如我我们们所所知知,正正是是他他的的诚诚实实得得到到了了朋朋友友们们的的尊尊敬和赞赏。敬和赞赏。As we know,itAs we know,its his honesty that s his honesty that of his friends.of his friends.earned less moneyearned less moneyearned his livingearned his livingearnedearnedthe respect and admirationthe respect and admiration7.earn 7.earn vt vt.挣得挣得,获得获得;赚赚帮你归纳帮你归纳earn oneearn ones living=make a livings living=make a living自行谋生自行谋生earnings earnings n n.所得所得,收入收入易混辨异易混辨异earn,win,gainearn,win,gain(1)earn(1)earn指为钱指为钱(或任何其他报酬或任何其他报酬)而工作而工作,含有报酬含有报酬是应得的含义。是应得的含义。(2)win(2)win指在竞争、战争、比赛中获胜指在竞争、战争、比赛中获胜,并可能由此并可能由此得到奖赏。得到奖赏。(3)gain(3)gain指获得有用和需要的东西指获得有用和需要的东西,常用于与钱没关常用于与钱没关系的场合。系的场合。即学活练即学活练用用earn,gain,winearn,gain,win的适当形式填空的适当形式填空(4)He has(4)He has a lot of money by taking a a lot of money by taking a partparttime job.time job.(5)He wants to(5)He wants to a trip to Europe in that a trip to Europe in that competition,but he will be happy if he gets competition,but he will be happy if he gets a new bicycle.a new bicycle.(6)She(6)She enough experience while working enough experience while working for the newspaper.for the newspaper.earnedearnedwinwingainedgained挑战自我挑战自我(1)(1)他把那家小厂发展为国际企业他把那家小厂发展为国际企业,让人难以置信。让人难以置信。How How can can you you believe believe that that he he that that small small scale scale factory factory a a worldwide worldwide business!business!(2)(2)大学时大学时,他养成了早晨大声读书的好习惯。他养成了早晨大声读书的好习惯。At university he At university he reading aloud in the morning.reading aloud in the morning.(3)(3)你自己会冲洗胶卷吗?你自己会冲洗胶卷吗?Can you Can you yourself?yourself?developeddevelopedintointodeveloped a good habit ofdeveloped a good habit ofdevelop the filmdevelop the film8.develop 8.develop vt vt.发展;开发;冲印发展;开发;冲印(胶卷胶卷)帮你归纳帮你归纳development development n n.发展发展with the development of.with the development of.随着随着的发展的发展developing developing adjadj.发展中的发展中的developed developed adjadj.发达的发达的即学活练即学活练用用developdevelop的适当形式填空的适当形式填空(4)Whether it(4)Whether its a s a or a or a country country depends depends on on the the living living standard standard of of the common people.the common people.developingdevelopingdevelopeddeveloped挑战自我挑战自我(1)(1)我要求你不要对任何人讲起这事。我要求你不要对任何人讲起这事。I require I require to anyone.to anyone.(2)(2)所有乘客都要交验车票。所有乘客都要交验车票。All passengers All passengers show their show their tickets.tickets.(3)(3)这些花需要浇水了。这些花需要浇水了。These flowers require These flowers require .(4)(4)局势紧急局势紧急,需要我们立即作出决定。需要我们立即作出决定。The urgency of the situation requires that The urgency of the situation requires that we we (make)an immediate decision.(make)an immediate decision.you not to tell ityou not to tell itare required toare required towatering/to be wateredwatering/to be wateredshould makeshould make9.require 9.require vt vt.要求要求,需要需要帮你归纳帮你归纳require sth.require sth.需要需要require that.(require that.(从句的谓语动词用从句的谓语动词用should+should+动词动词原形原形)require sb.to do sth.require sb.to do sth.要求要求(命令命令)某人做某事某人做某事require doing(=to be done)require doing(=to be done)需要被做需要被做(doing(doing含有含有被动的意思被动的意思)requirement requirement n n.(.(可数可数)必需必需(品品););必要条件必要条件即学活练即学活练(5)All(5)All the the members members are are required required the the meeting.meeting.A.attending B.to attendA.attending B.to attendC.attend D.should attendC.attend D.should attend(6)The(6)The law law requires requires that that everyone everyone his his car car checked at least once a year.checked at least once a year.A.has B.would haveA.has B.would haveC.have D.will haveC.have D.will haveBC挑战自我挑战自我(1)(1)很遗憾地告诉你很遗憾地告诉你,一本都没有了。一本都没有了。I I regret regret that that theretheres s no no copy left.copy left.(2)(2)他们后悔没听他的建议。他们后悔没听他的建议。They regretted They regretted his advice.his advice.(3)(3)我后悔那天早上没有赶上那趟早班汽车。我后悔那天早上没有赶上那趟早班汽车。I I regretted regretted that that morning.morning.to tell/inform youto tell/inform younot taking/not having takennot taking/not having takenmissing that early busmissing that early bus10.regret 10.regret v.&nv.&n.遗憾遗憾,后悔后悔,抱歉抱歉,惋惜惋惜精讲点拨精讲点拨regretregret作动词用表示作动词用表示“遗憾遗憾,后悔后悔”,常用的结构为:常用的结构为:regret to do sth.regret to do sth.和和regret doing sth.,regret doing sth.,这两个结这两个结构的含义区别是:构的含义区别是:regret to do sth.regret to do sth.表示表示“很遗憾去做某事很遗憾去做某事”,事,事情还没做;情还没做;regret doing sth.regret doing sth.表示表示“很后悔做过某很后悔做过某事事”,事情已经做了。,事情已经做了。帮你归纳帮你归纳(1)have no regrets(1)have no regrets无遗憾无遗憾to oneto ones regrets regret令人遗憾的是令人遗憾的是express oneexpress ones regrets at/over sth.s regrets at/over sth.对对表示表示遗憾遗憾stop doing sth.stop doing sth.停止做某事停止做某事(停止做目前正在做的事情停止做目前正在做的事情)stop to do sth.stop to do sth.停止做某事停止做某事(停下来去做另一件事情停下来去做另一件事情)remember doing sth.remember doing sth.记得做过某事情记得做过某事情remember to do sth.remember to do sth.记得要做某事情记得要做某事情forget doing sth.forget doing sth.忘记做过某事忘记做过某事forget to do sth.forget to do sth.忘记要做某事忘记要做某事mean doing sth.mean doing sth.意味着做某事意味着做某事mean to do sth.mean to do sth.打算做某事打算做某事try doing sth.try doing sth.尝试着做某事尝试着做某事try to do sth.try to do sth.尽力做某事尽力做某事 (2)(2)类似的跟带动名词和不定式含义有区别的动词有:类似的跟带动名词和不定式含义有区别的动词有:即学活练即学活练(4)(4)“I wish I had not made that mistake.I wish I had not made that mistake.”has has the similar meaning to the similar meaning to“I regret I regret that mistake.that mistake.”A.having madeA.having madeB.to makeB.to makeC.madeC.madeD.not to have madeD.not to have made(5)(5)她很后悔没有早一点把自己的真实感受告诉他。她很后悔没有早一点把自己的真实感受告诉他。(用两种方式翻译用两种方式翻译).AShe regretted not having told her trueShe regretted not having told her truefeeling to him earlierfeeling to him earlierShe regretted that she hadnShe regretted that she hadnt told her truet told her truefeeling to him earlierfeeling to him earlier挑战自我挑战自我(1)(1)如如果果你你不不注注意意我我现现在在说说的的话话,你你以以后后会会把把事事情情弄弄错错的。的。If you donIf you dont t ,you will get it all wrong later.,you will get it all wrong later.(2)(2)应当更多地注意提高你的发音水平。应当更多地注意提高你的发音水平。Much attention Much attention your pronunciation.your pronunciation.(3)(3)这美妙的声音吸引了我们的注意。这美妙的声音吸引了我们的注意。The beautiful voice The beautiful voice .重点短语与句型重点短语与句型pay attention to what Ipay attention to what Im msayingsayingshould be paid to should be paid to improvingimprovingdrew/attracted ourdrew/attracted ourattentionattention11.pay attention to11.pay attention to注意注意帮你归纳帮你归纳draw/catch/get onedraw/catch/get ones attention(to)s attention(to)引起某人引起某人对对注意注意fix onefix ones attention ons attention on留意;专心于留意;专心于with attentionwith attention注意地注意地stand at attentionstand at attention立正立正温馨提示温馨提示pay attention topay attention to中的中的toto为介词为介词,后接名词、代词或后接名词、代词或动名词动名词,不接不定式。用法相同的短语还有不接不定式。用法相同的短语还有devotedevote.to.(.to.(致力于致力于),stick to(),stick to(坚持坚持),look forward),look forward to(to(盼望盼望),live up to(),live up to(按照按照做;不辜负做;不辜负)等。但等。但是是,pay attention to,pay attention to后接动名词还是不定式后接动名词还是不定式,有时有时要根据具体的句子结构和语境作具体分析要根据具体的句子结构和语境作具体分析,而不能形而不能形成思维定势成思维定势,从而影响自己的思考和判断。这也是各从而影响自己的思考和判断。这也是各类考试中对类考试中对pay attention topay attention to考查的重点。考查的重点。即学活练即学活练(4)Much attention should be paid to(4)Much attention should be paid to people destroying the rain people destroying the rain foresfores A.stopA.stopB.stoppingB.stopping C.keepC.keepD.keepingD.keeping(5)What(5)Whats the best way you thought s the best way you thought the the problem?problem?A.ofA.of solving solvingB.solvingB.solving C.ofC.of to solve to solveD.toD.to solve solveAC挑战自我挑战自我(1)(1)我们镇上过去有一个游泳池。我们镇上过去有一个游泳池。There There a swimming pool in our a swimming pool in our town.town.(2)(2)在我们学校在我们学校,停电时停电时,就用蜡烛来照明。就用蜡烛来照明。In our In our school,candlesschool,candles give give light when electricity is cut off.light when electricity is cut off.(3)(3)我习惯了乘飞机旅行我习惯了乘飞机旅行,只有一次我可给吓坏了。只有一次我可给吓坏了。I I by air and by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened.frightened.used to beused to beare used toare used tohave got used to travellinghave got used to travelling12.used 12.used to to(do(do sthsth.).)过过去去经经常常做做(现现在在不不再如此再如此)帮你归纳帮你归纳used to do used to do sthsth.过去常常做某事过去常常做某事be used to do.be used to do.被用来做被用来做be/get used to be/get used to sthsth./doing./doing sthsth.习惯于习惯于/开始习惯开始习惯于做于做there used to be there used to be sthsth.某地过去有某物某地过去有某物即学活练即学活练(4)The country life he was used to(4)The country life he was used to greatly since 1992.greatly since 1992.A.changeA.changeB.hasB.has changed changed C.changingC.changingD.haveD.have changed changed(5)(5)我们的家乡与过去大不相同。我们的家乡与过去大不相同。.BOur hometown is quite different from whatOur hometown is quite different from whatit used to beit used to be挑战自我挑战自我(1)(1)他一死他一死,他的儿子就接管了他的公司。他的儿子就接管了他的公司。,his son took over his ,his son took over his pany.(2)(2)他一到就直接去找校长。他一到就直接去找校长。,he went straight to,he went straight to the headmaster.the headmaster.On/Upon his deathOn/Upon his de


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