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Summary WritingChapter 4Summary WritingChapter 41Objectives 1.Give an appropriate definition for a summary2.Know the characteristics of a good summary3.Learn the techniques in summary writing4.Learn the steps in summary writing5.Practice Objectives Give an appropriate2I.What is a summary?nA summary is a shortened passage,which retains the essential information of the original.It is a fairly brief restatement-in your own words-of the contents of a passage.nNote:you simply report back what the writer has said,without making value judgments.I.What is a summary?A summary3II.Characteristics of a good summarynCan be understood without reference to the original;nIs a faithful reproduction of,or contains only the ideas or information of,the original;nIs brief without any unnecessary detail;nIs a readable unified wholeII.Characteristics of a good 4III.Techniques in summary writing1.ParaphrasingTo paraphrase means to completely and correctly express other peoples ideas in ones own words.III.Techniques in summary wri5Examples:1.Youve cooked us all a hot potato.(a troublesome person or issue)2.Prevention is better than cure.(It is better to prevent something unpleasant from happening than try to put it right afterwards.)Examples:1.Youve cooked 6It helps us understand the original better.It helps us grasp the central idea and the main points.It helps us write summaries that are brief and to the point,and in our own words.The importance of paraphrasingIt helps us understand the or7Read the original carefully and comprehend its meaning wholly and correctly.Consider the original article as a whole,not in isolated sentences.Steps of paraphrasingRead the original carefully a82.Grasping the central ideasIII.Techniques in summary writingGrasping the central ideasIII.93.Ways of condensationnUse synonyms or synonymous phrasesHe had a good command of English.(He knew English well.)nChange the structure of simple sentencesMy brother has an appreciation of modern art.(My brother appreciates modern art.)III.Techniques in summary writingWays of condensationIII.Techn10nTurn complex sentences into simple sentencesHe received a welcome that was as cold as ice.(He received an icy welcome.)nCombine the sentencesHurry up.If you dont,youll miss the train.(Hurry up or youll miss the train.)Turn complex sentences into si114.Finding the topic sentence and making an outline5.topic sentence/outlineFinding the topic sentence and12IV.How to write a summary?1.The importance of summary writing2.Necessary elements for a good summarynProper citation title,author,source;date of publication and the text (journal articles)IV.How to write a summary?The13nThesis statement the topic or general subject matter of the text;the authors major assertion,comment,or position on the topicThesis statement 14nSupporting ideas major supporting ideas;relationships among these ideas no specifics the authors purpose in writing no personal opinions,ideas,and inferences.Supporting ideas 15nGrammar and the structure of writing avoid direct quotation;use transitional wordsnLength 1/4 to 1/3 of the original Grammar and the structure of w16Read the article To understand the article and find the general theme.Reread the article Divide into sections and label each section.Understand the important parts.Write one-sentence summaries Summarize each section of thought.3.Steps in writing a summaryRead the articleSteps in writi17Formulate the thesis statement Weave the one-sentence section-summaries together.Write the first draftA.In the first sentence or two:1.The authors name2.The articles or chapters name3.The authors thesis statementB.Then the summary sentences for each paragraph or section.Formulate the thesis statement18C.Express in your own words,to avoid plagiarism.D.Occasional supporting ideas if necessary.Note:1.Eliminate unnecessary words and repetitions.2.Eliminate personal ideas and inferences.3.Use transitions for a smooth and logical flow of ideas.4.Conclude with a summing up sentence.Express in your own words,to 19Edit the draftIs all the important information in the summary?Am I listing things out?Am I saying the same thing over and over again?Have I left out my personal views and ideas?Does my summary hang together?Is my grammar,punctuation,and spelling correct?Write the final draftEdit the draft20


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