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第一课时第一课时 Lets learn Lets go to the parkLook!There are many animals!What can they do?flywalkrunswimjumpJump,jump,the rabbit can jump.Fly,fly,the bird can fly.Swim,swim,the fish can swim.Walk,walk,the cat can walk.Run,run,the dog can run.Lets chantA Happy Trip(快乐的旅行)(快乐的旅行)Nature ParkZooSchoolParkduckbirdkangaroocathorseLook at the bird.What is it doing?Its flying.flyLook at the kangaroo.What is it doing?Its jumping.jumpLook at the cat.What is it doing?Its walking.walkLook at the horse.What is it doing?Its running.runLook at the duck.What is it doing?Its swimming.swimswimmingjumpingrunningwalkingLook at the _,It is_.Look at the kangaroo.It is jumping.Look at the bird.It is flying.Look at the fish.It is swimming.Look at the monkey.Its riding a bike.Lets chant!Quick response (看谁反应快)flyingwalkingjumpingswimmingrunningLook at the monkey.It is running.Its so smart.Find out the mistakes(找出错误)jumpingLook at the fish.It is swiming.Its so cute.Find out the mistakes(找出错误)swimmingLook at the panda.It is jump.Its funny.Find out the mistakes(找出错误)jumpingA Big Party in the Nature Parkjumpingrunningflyingswimmingwalking Its a beautiful nature park.There are many animals in the nature park.Look!The horse is _.The bird is _.Look at the duck.It is _.I can see a cat.It is _.Look at the kangaroo!It is _.Wow!How funny!Q1:What is the mother elephant doing?Q2:What is the baby elephant doing?She is walking.It is running.A:Look at the _.B:What is _?A:Its _.B:What is _doing?A:Shes _.跟你的搭档一起去参观一个动物家庭,看哪个小组说得好跟你的搭档一起去参观一个动物家庭,看哪个小组说得好.Aflyingsingingwalkingriding a bikedriving a carreading a bookswimmingrunningA:Its _ today.Lets go to the _.B:Good idea.Lets go.AB:Wow!What a big _!A:Can you see _?B:Yes,I can.Its _ the mountain.A:What is it doing?B:It is _.A:Its so cool!Look,_ is _ _ the tall tree.B:How nice!A:Its _ today.Lets go to the _.B:Good idea.Lets go.AB:Wow!What a big _!A:Can you see _?B:Yes,I can.Its _ the mountain.A:What is it doing?B:It is _.A:Its so cool!Look,_ is _ _ the tall tree.B:How nice!Can you find the differences?(不同点)3In picture 1 I can see a _.It is_.But in picture 2 I can see a _.It is _.Animals help each other,we should protect them,too.Animals are always our friends.(动物之间都相互帮助。我们也要保护他们。动物永远是人类的朋友。)Homework1.跟读跟读“Lets learn”部分录音;部分录音;2.完成作业本练习;完成作业本练习;3.用所学的词造句;用所学的词造句;Good Bye!


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