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Lesson73The way to the King Street2024/6/27week /wi:k/n.周周London /lndn/n.伦敦伦敦suddenly /sdnli/adv.突然地突然地bus stop/bs-stop/n.公共汽车车站公共汽车车站smile /smail/v.微笑微笑pleasantly /plesntli/adv.愉快地愉快地understand/ndstnd/(understood/ndstud/)v.懂,明白懂,明白NEW WORDSNEW WORDSspeak /spi:k/(spoke/spuk/)v.讲,说讲,说hand /hnd/n.手手pocket /pkit/n.衣袋衣袋phrasebook/freizbuk/n.短语手册,短语手册,常用语手册常用语手册phrase /freiz/n.短语短语slowly /sluli/adv.缓慢地缓慢地 week n.周周 /wi:k/this week,last week,(前面不能加介词)(前面不能加介词)the week before last 上上周上上周 the week after next 下下周下下周2024/6/27 London /lndn/n.伦敦伦敦 英国的首都 suddenly /sdnli/adv.突然地突然地 既可以放在句首,既可以放在句首,也可以放在句中或句末。也可以放在句中或句末。We are talking on the phone when suddenly the line go dead.我们在电话上聊的时候,突然断线了。我们在电话上聊的时候,突然断线了。I suddenly remembered that I didnt bring my key.我突然想起来我忘记带钥匙了。我突然想起来我忘记带钥匙了。2024/6/27 bus stop n.公共汽车站公共汽车站 /bs-stop/=bus station smile n.&v.笑笑 /smail/(1)n.笑笑 Look,she is smiling at me.看,她在向我微笑。看,她在向我微笑。She had a warm smile on her face.在她脸上有一个温暖的微笑在她脸上有一个温暖的微笑。pleasantly adv.愉快地愉快地 /plesntli/She smiled a pleasant smile.=She smiled pleasantly.她愉快地笑了。她愉快地笑了。smile asmile 微微一笑微微一笑The man smiled pleasantly.这人友好地笑了笑。这人友好地笑了笑。understand v.懂,明白懂,明白 /ndstnd/(understood)I dont understand what you mean我不明白你的意思。我不明白你的意思。2024/6/27 speak v.讲,说讲,说 /spi:k/(speak-spoke-spoken)Speak loudly!大声说!大声说!hand/hnd/n.手手 give sb a hand 帮助某人帮助某人 on the one hand 一方面一方面 on the other hand 另一方面另一方面2024/6/27 pocket n.衣袋衣袋 /pkit/2024/6/27 phrasebook /freizbuk/n.短语手册,常用语手册短语手册,常用语手册phrase n.短语短语2024/6/27 slowly /sluli/adv.缓慢地缓慢地The turtle runs slowly.乌龟爬得很慢。乌龟爬得很慢。2024/6/27Listen to the text then answer this question:1.What did Mrs.Mills do last week?2.What happened to her?3.Why did the man need a phrasebook?Last week Mrs.Mills went to London.She does not know London very well,and she lost her way.Suddenly,she saw a man near a bus stop.I can ask him the way.she said to herself.Excuse me,she said.Can you tell me the way to King Street,please?The man smiled pleasantly.He did not understand English!He spoke German.He was a tourist.Then he put his hand into pocket,and took out a phrasebook.He opened the book and found a phrase.He read the phrase slowly.I am sorry,he said.I do not speak English.1.What did Mrs.Mills do last week?She went to London.2.What happened to her?She lost her way.3.Why did the man need a phrasebook?Because he didnt speak English.2024/6/27课文详解课文详解1.Last week上周上周,这个短语,这个短语奠定了本课是奠定了本课是过去时过去时的基础。的基础。表示时间的词:表示时间的词:second,minute,hour,day,week month,year,century,这周这周this week,下周下周next week2.know well 对对了解了解 I dont know him very well.我对他不是很了解。我对他不是很了解。3.and 此处指的是此处指的是“因此,所以因此,所以”相当于相当于so.Come upstairs and see it.2024/6/274.lose ones way 迷路迷路 Its very easy to lose your way in a strange city.在一个陌生的城市里在一个陌生的城市里,你很容易迷路。你很容易迷路。2024/6/275.see的过去式是的过去式是 sawsee:看见,强调结果:看见,强调结果see sth.look:看,强调动作:看,强调动作look at sth.2024/6/27 6.ask sb.sth.问某人某事。问某人某事。ask的过去式是的过去式是asked He asked the teacher a question.他问了老师一个问题。他问了老师一个问题。ask(sb)the way 向向.问路问路2024/6/277.say的过去式是的过去式是said say to oneself 心中暗想(不出声地)心中暗想(不出声地)talk to oneself 自言自语自言自语反身代词反身代词:myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself,ourselves,yourselves,themselves2024/6/278.tell sb.sth.告诉某人某事告诉某人某事 tell的过去式是的过去式是told The teacher tells us to do our homework.9.the way to 去某地的路,去某地的走法去某地的路,去某地的走法 I know the way to school.我知道去学校的路我知道去学校的路2024/6/2710.put sth.into sth.把把.放进放进.Dont put all the money into the same box.不要把所有的钱放在同一个箱子里不要把所有的钱放在同一个箱子里2024/6/2711.take out 拿出来(拿出来(过去式是过去式是took)I will take out the book.我要把书拿出来我要把书拿出来 takeout of 把把从从中取出中取出 He is taking his books out of his schoolbag.他正从书包中拿出书来他正从书包中拿出书来12.一般过去时一般过去时(1)基本结构基本结构:主语:主语+动词过去式动词过去式+其他;其他;(2)否定形式否定形式:was/were+not;在行为动词前加在行为动词前加didnt,同时还原行为动词;,同时还原行为动词;(3)一般疑问句一般疑问句:Did+主语主语+do+其他。其他。时态时态用法用法动词动词形式形式 肯定句肯定句 否定句否定句 一般疑问一般疑问句及其回句及其回答答 特殊疑问特殊疑问句及其回句及其回答答 一般现一般现在时在时一般、一般、经常、经常、习惯、习惯、真理真理 原形原形/三单三单do/does I doHe doesI dont doHe doesnt do Do you like milk?Yes,I do.What do you like?I like milk.一般过一般过去时去时过去过去某一某一时时间做间做了某了某事事 过去过去式式did I didHe didI didnt doHe didnt doDid you drink milk?Yes,I did.What did you drink?I drank milk.2024/6/27 Lesson 74 What did they do?他们干了什么?他们干了什么?2024/6/271.不规则动词的过去式不规则动词的过去式cutdodrinkfindgivegolosecutdiddrankfoundgavewentlost2024/6/27meet readsay seespeakswimtakeunderstandmet readsaidsawspokeswamtookunderstood1.The man _(speak)very slowly,but I didnt understand him.2.The tourist _(lose)his way in Hong Kong.3.My friend _(meet)me at the railway station.4.Jills father _(give)her the key to the front door.5.Mrs.Mills _(is)in London last week.6.She _(go)to Paris last year.7.The man _(drink)their tea very quickly.8.We _(see)our friends at the bus stop.9.The students_(understand)me because I spoke very slowly and carefully.10.The boy _(find)some money and _(take)it to his teacher.spokelostmetgavewaswentdrunksawunderstoodfoundtook11.We _(swim)in the sea yesterday.12.That man _(do)a very good job for us.13.The girl _(cut)her leg very badly.14.I _(read)the exercise very carefully.15.-Did she speak to you?-Yes,she _(say)Hello.swamdidcutreadsaid2024/6/272.形容词、副词的变化形容词、副词的变化1.形容词是什么?副词又是什么?形容词是什么?副词又是什么?She is a good student,and she works hard.good 就是形容词,而就是形容词,而hard 则是副词则是副词 形容词形容词用来修饰名词或代词用来修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物表示人或事物的性质的性质,状态状态,和特征。和特征。副词副词是一种用来修饰动词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词形容词,副词或全副词或全句的词句的词,说明时间说明时间,地点地点,程度程度,方式等概念方式等概念。2024/6/272.形容词变副词的规则形容词变副词的规则2024/6/272024/6/273.某些以辅音字母加不发音的字母某些以辅音字母加不发音的字母e结尾结尾和以和以-ue结尾的形容词,结尾的形容词,要先去掉要先去掉e,然后然后再加再加-y或或-ly。terrible-terribly;true-truly;gentle-gently;2024/6/272024/6/272024/6/27


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