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She was not amusedLesson 63Made by Rita1She was not amusedLesson 63MadFree talkHave you ever seen any humor performance?Can you tell us a humor story?Have you ever joined a wedding party?Can you describe it?Whats your dreaming wedding party?VideoCross talkclownsketchcircus2Free talkHave you ever seen anFirst listen and then answer the question.3First listen and then answer tComprehension questionsHas Jeremy Hampden many friends(Yes,he has.)Where is he very popular?(At parties.)What does everyone admire him for?(His great sense of humour.)What about his daughter,Jenny?(She doesnt.)Who asked Jeremy to make a speech?(One of his closest friends.)Where did he ask him to make it?(At a wedding reception.)4Comprehension questionsHas Jer结婚典礼结婚典礼结婚典礼结婚典礼婚宴婚宴婚宴婚宴结婚登记处结婚登记处结婚登记处结婚登记处新郎新郎新郎新郎新娘新娘新娘新娘伴郎伴郎伴郎伴郎伴娘伴娘伴娘伴娘一见钟情一见钟情一见钟情一见钟情天生的一对天生的一对天生的一对天生的一对 wedding ceremonywedding receptionregister officegroombridebest manbridesmaidfall in love at the first sighta couple made in heaven5结婚典礼结婚典礼wedding ceremonyWords abouPaper wedding Tin wedding Crystal wedding China wedding Silver wedding Pearl wedding Ruby weddingSapphire wedding Golden weddingEmerald weddingDiamond wedding 纸婚纸婚纸婚纸婚 1 1周年周年周年周年 锡婚锡婚锡婚锡婚 2 2周年周年周年周年 水晶婚水晶婚水晶婚水晶婚 1515周年周年周年周年 陶瓷婚陶瓷婚陶瓷婚陶瓷婚 2020周年周年周年周年 银婚银婚银婚银婚 2525周年周年周年周年 珍珠婚珍珠婚珍珠婚珍珠婚 3030周年周年周年周年 红宝石婚红宝石婚红宝石婚红宝石婚 4040周年周年周年周年 蓝宝石婚蓝宝石婚蓝宝石婚蓝宝石婚 4545周年周年周年周年 金婚金婚金婚金婚 5050周年周年周年周年 翠玉婚翠玉婚翠玉婚翠玉婚 5555周年周年周年周年 钻石婚钻石婚钻石婚钻石婚 60-7060-70周年周年周年周年6Paper wedding 纸婚纸婚 1周年周年WeddKey words expressions circle n.圈子圈子 admire v.赞美,钦佩赞美,钦佩 close adj.亲密的亲密的 wedding n.婚礼婚礼 reception n.招待会招待会 sort n.种类种类 disappointed adj.失望的失望的 to ones surprise 使使感到震惊感到震惊 laugh at 嘲笑嘲笑 7Key words expressions circleKey words expressionscircle s:kls:kl1 1)圆,圆周,圆形空间)圆,圆周,圆形空间)圆,圆周,圆形空间)圆,圆周,圆形空间 Use your compasses to draw a Use your compasses to draw a circlecircle.用你的圆规画个圆。用你的圆规画个圆。用你的圆规画个圆。用你的圆规画个圆。2 2)一圈)一圈)一圈)一圈 a circle ofa circle of hills hills 环山环山环山环山 We sat We sat in a circlein a circle.我们坐成一圈我们坐成一圈我们坐成一圈我们坐成一圈 词汇扩展词汇扩展词汇扩展词汇扩展 square square 正方形正方形正方形正方形 triangle triangle 三角形三角形三角形三角形3)(3)(有共同兴趣,职业等的人形成的)圈子,阶层,界有共同兴趣,职业等的人形成的)圈子,阶层,界有共同兴趣,职业等的人形成的)圈子,阶层,界有共同兴趣,职业等的人形成的)圈子,阶层,界 have a large have a large circle of friendscircle of friends 交友广泛交友广泛交友广泛交友广泛 in in business circlesbusiness circles 在商业界在商业界在商业界在商业界4 4)循环,一周)循环,一周)循环,一周)循环,一周 the circle ofthe circle of the seasons the seasons 四季的循环四季的循环四季的循环四季的循环 go round go round in circlesin circles没有进展,瞎忙没有进展,瞎忙没有进展,瞎忙没有进展,瞎忙8Key words expressionscircleA star has five ends,a square has four ends,a triangle has three ends,a line has two ends,I hope your happiness is no end.9A star has five ends,a squareKey words expressions admire dmaidmai 1 1)赞美,钦佩,羡慕)赞美,钦佩,羡慕)赞美,钦佩,羡慕)赞美,钦佩,羡慕 admireadmire sb./sth.for sb./sth.for因因因因而羡慕某人、某而羡慕某人、某而羡慕某人、某而羡慕某人、某物物物物 I I admire admire you for your success in business.you for your success in business.2 2)(口)(恭维地)称赞)(口)(恭维地)称赞)(口)(恭维地)称赞)(口)(恭维地)称赞 Remember toRemember to admire admire her new dress.her new dress.admireradmirer n.n.称赞者,仰慕者称赞者,仰慕者称赞者,仰慕者称赞者,仰慕者 admiringadmiring adj.adj.赞赏的,羡慕的赞赏的,羡慕的赞赏的,羡慕的赞赏的,羡慕的admirationadmiration,dmrein n.u ,dmrein n.u 钦佩,羡慕钦佩,羡慕钦佩,羡慕钦佩,羡慕 look at a picture with/in admiration look at a picture with/in admiration 羡慕地看着一幅画羡慕地看着一幅画羡慕地看着一幅画羡慕地看着一幅画10Key words expressions admirKey words expressionsclose kluzkluz 1 1)v.v.关关关关kluzkluz closeclose ones eyes to sth.ones eyes to sth.close close ones mind ones mind to to turn a blind eye to sth.turn a blind eye to sth.2 2)adj klus adj klus(在空间或时间上)接近(在空间或时间上)接近(在空间或时间上)接近(在空间或时间上)接近 The church The church is close tois close to the school.the school.3 3)adj.adj.亲密的,亲近的亲密的,亲近的亲密的,亲近的亲密的,亲近的 a a closeclose relative relative 近亲近亲近亲近亲 a a close close friend/a bosom friendfriend/a bosom friend4 4)adj.adj.势均力敌的势均力敌的势均力敌的势均力敌的 a a close close match match 势均力敌的比赛势均力敌的比赛势均力敌的比赛势均力敌的比赛closedclosed 关着的关着的关着的关着的 (反义词(反义词(反义词(反义词openopen)视而不见视而不见不愿思考不愿思考11Key words expressionsclose Key words expressionswedding wedi n.婚礼婚礼 When will you have your wedding?你什么时候结婚?你什么时候结婚?wedding/marriage ceremony wedding breakfast wedding reception婚婚宴宴12Key words expressionsweddin“the last night of freedom”Hen partyStag partyBachelor party13“the last night of freedom”Henchurch14church14wedding veilThe Bible15wedding veilThe Bible15a wedding ring/band食食 指指-想结婚,表示未婚;想结婚,表示未婚;中中 指指-已在恋爱中;已在恋爱中;无名指无名指-表示已经订婚或结婚;表示已经订婚或结婚;小小 指指-表示独身。表示独身。16a wedding ring/band食食 指指-想结婚,表想结婚,表Key words expressionsreception risepnrisepn 1)n.接受,接纳接受,接纳 give a warm reception to sb.热情的接待某人热情的接待某人2)n.常用单数常用单数 接待处接待处 Wait for me at the reception.在接待处等我。在接待处等我。receptionist n.接待员接待员reception desk 服务台服务台3)n.执行会,欢迎会,宴会(文中的意思)执行会,欢迎会,宴会(文中的意思)hold a wedding reception 举行婚宴举行婚宴receive v.receive the Nobel Prize for literature 获得获得receive a letter 收到收到17Key words expressionsreceptKey words expressionssort s:ts:t1 1)vt.vt.分类,区分分类,区分分类,区分分类,区分 He He sortedsorted the old cards.the old cards.他把旧卡片分类。他把旧卡片分类。他把旧卡片分类。他把旧卡片分类。sort ofsort of 几分,有些,稍微几分,有些,稍微几分,有些,稍微几分,有些,稍微 The man was The man was sort ofsort of peculiar.peculiar.这人有点怪。这人有点怪。这人有点怪。这人有点怪。I felt I felt sort ofsort of embarrassed.embarrassed.我有点不好意思我有点不好意思我有点不好意思我有点不好意思kind,sort,typekind,sort,typekind kind 与与与与sort sort 用法基本相同,用法基本相同,用法基本相同,用法基本相同,kind kind 比较比较比较比较正式正式正式正式,sort sort 多用于多用于多用于多用于口语与商业用语口语与商业用语口语与商业用语口语与商业用语,有时含有,有时含有,有时含有,有时含有轻蔑轻蔑轻蔑轻蔑的意味。的意味。的意味。的意味。Ill do nothing of thisIll do nothing of this sort sort.这种事我不干。这种事我不干。这种事我不干。这种事我不干。How did you get this How did you get this sortsort of idea into your head?of idea into your head?你怎么会有这种想法?你怎么会有这种想法?你怎么会有这种想法?你怎么会有这种想法?type type 侧重外观侧重外观侧重外观侧重外观,式样式样式样式样,风格风格风格风格 的意思的意思的意思的意思Her beauty was of another Her beauty was of another typetype.她是一另类种美。她是一另类种美。她是一另类种美。她是一另类种美。18Key words expressionssort Language points1.Jeremy Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties.be popular with sb.受受的欢迎的欢迎 The nurse is very popular with little children.be popular among sb.在某人中受欢迎在某人中受欢迎 Chinese food is becoming popular among Americans.popular newspaper 大众报纸大众报纸 party 聚会,团,一行,一伙聚会,团,一行,一伙 at parties 在各种聚会中在各种聚会中 have/give a party 聚会聚会有很广的交际圈子有很广的交际圈子19Language points1.Jeremy HampdLanguage points2.Everybody admires him for his great sense of humor-everybody,that is,except his six-year-old daughter,Jenny.sense 1)了解了解的感觉的感觉 a musical sense 音乐感音乐感 He has no sense of business.2)意念,意识)意念,意识 a sense of hunger 饥饿感饥饿感 a sense of shame 羞耻感羞耻感 3)辨识力,思虑,判断力,常识)辨识力,思虑,判断力,常识 common sense 常识常识 4)正常的精神状态,神智)正常的精神状态,神智 She lost her senses when she heard the news.因因而钦佩某人而钦佩某人幽默感幽默感that is to sayShe is a housewife,that is whenshe is not teaching English.20Language points2.Everybody adLanguage points3.Recently,one of Jeremys closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception.a closest friend of Jeremys做演讲;(文中)祝词做演讲;(文中)祝词21Language points3.Recently,onLanguage points4.This is the sort of thing that Jeremy loves.5.He prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny.定语从句定语从句准备演讲准备演讲参加婚礼参加婚礼22Language points4.This is the Language points6.He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and,of course,it was a great success.include vt.包含,包括(反义词:包含,包括(反义词:exclude 排除)排除)I am included in the team.contain:包含整个内容包含整个内容 include:包含内容的一部分包含内容的一部分 a funny fellow 有趣的家伙有趣的家伙 Whats so funny about that joke?那个笑话有什么好笑的?那个笑话有什么好笑的?大量的大量的interesting23Language points6.He had incluLanguage points7.As soon as he had finished,Jenny told him she wanted to go home.Jeremy was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked.as:依照依照,如,如,随,随 I will do as you advise.Leave as it is.维持原状好了。维持原状好了。有些扫兴有些扫兴表程度表程度“有些有些”方式状语从句方式状语从句be disappointed by/at 对对感到失望感到失望24Language points7.As soon as hLanguage points8.On the way home,he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech.enjoy1)喜爱喜爱 enjoy a movie 2)享受,享有)享受,享有 enjoy oneself=have a good timespeech1)c演说,讲演演说,讲演 an opening speech 开幕词开幕词 a closing speech 闭幕词闭幕词2)u说话能力说话能力 lose ones speech(因惊吓等)不能说话(因惊吓等)不能说话3)u说话说话 the freedom of speech 言论自由言论自由 Speech is silver,silence is golden.(谚)(谚)沉默是金,开口是银。沉默是金,开口是银。在去在去的路上的路上25Language points8.On the way hLanguage points9.To his surprise,she said she hadnt.Jeremy asked her why this was so and she told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him!to ones+名词结构名词结构to ones joy/astonishment sorrow/disappointment like to do 一次性想做一次性想做like doing 长期、习惯性做长期、习惯性做see sb.doing 看到某人正在做看到某人正在做see sb.do 看到某人做了看到某人做了令某人吃惊的是to ones shock/fright宾语从句宾语从句26Language points9.To his surprGrammar(1)陈述句和疑问句变为间接引语的情况,)陈述句和疑问句变为间接引语的情况,它们基本上都是引它们基本上都是引述词述词(say,tell 等等)+(间(间接宾语)接宾语)+从句:从句:He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.他告诉我,公司支付不起这么庞大的工资开支。他告诉我,公司支付不起这么庞大的工资开支。(间接陈述句)(间接陈述句)He asked if Mr.Gilberts operation had been successful.他问吉尔伯特先生的手术是否成功。(间接疑他问吉尔伯特先生的手术是否成功。(间接疑问句)问句)间接引语间接引语27Grammar(1)陈述句和疑问句变为间接引语的情况,它们基)陈述句和疑问句变为间接引语的情况,它们基Grammar(2)表示命令、请求、建议的祈使句通常可)表示命令、请求、建议的祈使句通常可用适当的动词后跟用适当的动词后跟不定式不定式来转述。常用的这来转述。常用的这类动词有类动词有advise,ask,tell,order,command,warn,invite等,等,Remember to turn off all the lights,she said.She told/reminded me to turn off all the lights.转述这类祈使句的转述这类祈使句的否定形式否定形式时,必须将时,必须将not放在带放在带to的不定式的不定式之前之前:Dont make a mess in the kitchen!She said.She told/asked/warned him not to make a mess in the kitchen.间接引语间接引语28Grammar(2)表示命令、请求、建议的祈使句通常可用适当)表示命令、请求、建议的祈使句通常可用适当Grammar(3)动词)动词suggest和和insist用于转述建议、用于转述建议、要求时,其结构为要求时,其结构为suggest/insist+that从从句(用句(用should):):He still insisted that we should help him.He suggests that they should sell the flat.间接引语间接引语29Grammar(3)动词)动词suggest和和insist用于转述用于转述GrammarA.A.人称变化人称变化B.B.时态变化时态变化C.C.状语变化状语变化间接引语间接引语30GrammarA.人称变化间接引语人称变化间接引语30Grammar人称变化人称变化1He said:“I ve left my book in my room.”He said he had left his book in his room.She said to Tom,“Can you help me?”She asked,“Is this book yours or his?”He said,“We are still students.”The teacher asked,“how did you repair it?”She said to us,“Ill come here tomorrow.”间接引语间接引语sheheminetheyIshe31Grammar人称变化间接引语人称变化间接引语sheheminetheyIsGrammarB.B.时态变化时态变化现在时现在时 改为改为 过去时过去时一般将来时一般将来时 改为改为 过去将来时过去将来时过去时过去时/现在完成时现在完成时 改为改为 过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时 不变不变She said:“I am very tired today.”She said she was very tired that day.间接引语间接引语32GrammarB.时态变化间接引语时态变化间接引语32GrammarC.C.状语变化状语变化this/these that/thosethree years ago three years beforetomorrow the next daynow thentoday/tonight that day/nightyesterday the day before间接引语间接引语33GrammarC.状语变化间接引语状语变化间接引语33Grammar1.特殊疑问句特殊疑问句“Which season do you like best?”they asked me.They asked me which season I liked best.2.一般疑问句一般疑问句My mother asked me,“Did you do that?”My mother asked if/whether I had done that.间接引语间接引语34Grammar1.特殊疑问句间接引语特殊疑问句间接引语34Exercises1.He asked _ for the computer.A.did I pay how much B.I paid how much C.how much did I pay D.how much I paid2.“Have you seen the film?”he asked me.He asked me _.A.had I seen the film B.have I seen the film C.if I have seen the film D.whether I had seen the film3.“Please close the window,”he said to me.He _ me _ the window.A.said to;to close B.told to;closing C.asked;to close D.said to;please close4.“I am a teacher,”Jack said.He said _.A.that I am a teacher B.I was a teacher C.that he is a teacher D.he was a teacherDDCD35Exercises1.He asked _ Special difficulties用用I wonder 来转述疑问句来转述疑问句1.Can he wait a few minutes longer?(I wonder if)I wonder if he can wait a few minutes longer.2.When will he arrive?(I wonder when)I wonder when he will arrive.3.Has he passed his examination?I wonder whether he has passed his examination.4.Where is he?I wonder where he is.36Special difficulties用用I wonder When we were small,happiness was a simple thing.After we have grown up,simplicity is a very happy thing.小时候,幸福是件很简单的事;小时候,幸福是件很简单的事;长大后,简单是件很幸福的事。长大后,简单是件很幸福的事。37When we were small,happiness


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