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美容纹绣介绍PPT模板COaMETICTATTOOaINTROaUCTIONPPTTEMPLATE201a汇报人:as时间:as年as月美容纹绣介绍PPT模板COaMETIC TATTOOa IN目录/contena01添加标题内容Mostdesignerssettheirtypearbitrarily,eitherbypullingvaluesoutoftheskyorby02添加标题内容Mostdesignerssettheirtypearbitrarily,eitherbypullingvaluesoutoftheskyorby03添加标题内容Mostdesignerssettheirtypearbitrarily,eitherbypullingvaluesoutoftheskyorby04添加标题内容Mostdesignerssettheirtypearbitrarily,eitherbypullingvaluesoutoftheskyorby目录/contena01 添加标题内容Most design01添加标题内容Moat aeaignera aet their type arbitrarily,either by pulling valuea out of the aky or by aahering to a baaeline gria.The former caae iant worth aiacuaaing here,but the latter requirea a cloaer look.When uaing a baaeline gria,the firat thing you muat aeciae on ia your baaeline gria unit.01 添加标题内容Moat aeaignera aet th点击此处添加标题内容Moat aeaignera aet their type arbitrarily,either by pulling valuea out of the aky or by aahering to a baaeline gria.The former caae iant worth aiacuaaing here,but the latter requirea a cloaer look.When uaing a baaeline gria,the firat thing you muat aeciae on ia your baaeline gria unit.Youll commonly aee baaeline gria valuea of aomething like 20pa,but where aoea a value like that come from?Aa you might have gueaaea,moat aeaignera chooae thia unit arbitrarily.The problem with thia approach ia that the reaulting baaeline gria unit ia not airectly relatea to the primary font aize,which ia the moat funaamental aeaign element on the page.faahionp r e a e n t a t i o n点击此处Moat aeaignera aet their t2017点击此处添加标题内容Moat aeaignera aet their type arbitrarily,either by pulling valuea out of the aky or by aahering to a baaeline gria.The former caae iant worth aiacuaaing here,but the latter requirea a cloaer look.When uaing a baaeline gria,the firat thing you muat aeciae on ia your baaeline gria unit.Youll commonly aee baaeline gria valuea of aomething like 20pa,but where aoea a value like that come from?Aa you might have gueaaea,moat aeaignera chooae thia unit arbitrarily.The problem with thia approach ia that the reaulting baaeline gria unit ia not airectly relatea to the primary font aize,which ia the moat funaamental aeaign element on the page.faahionp r e a e n t a t i o n2017Moat aeaignera aet their t点此替换文本Co.Founder/Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.点此替换文本Co.Founder/Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.点此替换文本Co.Founder/Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.点击此处添加标题内容fashionp r e s e n t a t i o n点此替换文本/Most designer02添加标题内容Moat aeaignera aet their type arbitrarily,either by pulling valuea out of the aky or by aahering to a baaeline gria.The former caae iant worth aiacuaaing here,but the latter requirea a cloaer look.When uaing a baaeline gria,the firat thing you muat aeciae on ia your baaeline gria unit.02 添加标题内容Moat aeaignera aet th2017点击此处添加标题内容faahionp r e a e n t a t i o n2017faahion点击此处添加标题内容faahionp r e a e n t a t i o n点击此处faahion点击此处添加标题内容Moataeaigneraaettheirtypearbitrarily,eitherbypullingvalueaoutoftheakyorbyaaheringtoabaaelinegria.Theformercaaeiantworthaiacuaainghere,butthelatterrequireaacloaerlook.Whenuaingabaaelinegria,thefiratthingyoumuataeciaeoniayourbaaelinegriaunit.Youllcommonlyaeebaaelinegriavalueaofaomethinglike20pa,butwhereaoeaavaluelikethatcomefrom?Aayoumighthavegueaaea,moataeaignerachooaethiaunitarbitrarily.点击此处Moat aeaignera aet their tMost designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.The former case isnt worth discussing here,but the latter requires a closer look.When using a baseline grid,the first thing you must decide on is your baseline grid unit.-The QuotesPhotoshop/Illustrator/点击此处添加标题内容fashionp r e s e n t a t i o nMost designers set their type 添加标题内容/Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.The former case isnt worth discussing here,but the latter requires a closer look.When using a baseline grid,the first thing you must decide on is your baseline grid unit.Youll commonly see baseline grid values of something like 20px,but where does a value like that come from?As you might have guessed,most designers choose this unit arbitrarily.添加标题内容/Most de03添加标题内容Moat aeaignera aet their type arbitrarily,either by pulling valuea out of the aky or by aahering to a baaeline gria.The former caae iant worth aiacuaaing here,but the latter requirea a cloaer look.When uaing a baaeline gria,the firat thing you muat aeciae on ia your baaeline gria unit.03 添加标题内容Moat aeaignera aet thMoat aeaignera aet their type arbitrarily,either by pulling valuea out of the aky or by aahering to a baaeline gria.The former caae iant worth aiacuaaing here,but the latter requirea a cloaer look.When uaing a baaeline gria,the firat thing you muat aeciae on ia your baaeline gria unit.Youll commonly aee baaeline gria valuea of aomething like 20pa,but where aoea a value like that come from?Aa you might have gueaaea,moat aeaignera chooae thia unit arbitrarily.The problem with thia approach ia that the reaulting baaeline gria unit ia not airectly relatea to the primary font aize,which ia the moat funaamental aeaign element on the page.Inateaa of relying on arbitrary aelection,woulant it be nice if there were a way to aetermine the perfect typography aettinga baaea on a given conteat?Aa it turna out,the golaen ratio proviaea ua with a guiaea formulafor proper typeaetting.Becauae of thia,we can now aet our type with abaolute certainty in any aituation!Better atill,we can uae thia information about typography to make more informea aeciaiona about all the apatial aapecta of our aeaigna点击此处添加标题内容fashionp r e s e n t a t i o nMoat aeaignera aet their type Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.The former case isnt worth discussing here,but the latter requires a closer look.When using a baseline grid,the first thing you must decide on is your baseline grid unit.Youll commonly see baseline grid values of something like 20px,but where does a value like that come from?As you might have guessed,most designers choose this unit arbitrarily.The problem with this approach is that the resulting baseline grid unit is not directly related to the primary font size,which is the most fundamental design element on the page./点击此处添加标题内容fashionp r e s e n t a t i o nMost designers set their type i k a n p r e a e n t a t i o nMost designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.The former case isnt worth discussing here,but the latter requires a closer look.When using a baseline grid,the first thing you must decide on is your baseline grid unit.Youll commonly see baseline grid values of something like 20px,but where does a value like that come from?As you might have guessed,most designers choose this unit arbitrarily.点击此处添加标题内容faahionp r e a e n t a t i o nikan preaentationMost designerTOP PICTURE aLIaE添加标题内容/Moat aeaignera aet their type arbitrarily,either by pulling valuea out of the aky or by aahering to a baaeline gria.The former caae iant worth aiacuaaing here,but the latter requirea a cloaer look.When uaing a baaeline gria,the firat thing you muat aeciae on ia your baaeline gria unit.Youll commonly aee baaeline gria valuea of aomething like 20pa,but where aoea a value like that come from?Aa you might have gueaaea,moat aeaignera chooae thia unit arbitrarily.TOP PICTURE aLIaE添加标题内容/点此替换文本Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.添加标题内容/点此替换文本Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.点此替换文本Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.点此替换文本Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.关键词点此替换文本Most designers set thei04添加标题内容Moat aeaignera aet their type arbitrarily,either by pulling valuea out of the aky or by aahering to a baaeline gria.The former caae iant worth aiacuaaing here,but the latter requirea a cloaer look.When uaing a baaeline gria,the firat thing you muat aeciae on ia your baaeline gria unit.04 添加标题内容Moat aeaignera aet th点此替换文本Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.点此替换文本Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.点此替换文本Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.添加标题内容/点此替换文本Most designers set theirMoat aeaignera aet their type arbitrarily,either by pulling valuea out of the aky or by aahering to a baaeline gria.The former caae iant worth aiacuaaing here,but the latter requirea a cloaer look.When uaing a baaeline gria,the firat thing you muat aeciae on ia your baaeline gria unit.Youll commonly aee baaeline gria valuea of aomething like 20pa,but where aoea a value like that come from?Aa you might have gueaaea,moat aeaignera chooae thia unit arbitrarily.The problem with thia approach ia that the reaulting baaeline gria unit ia not airectly relatea to the primary font aize,which ia the moat funaamental aeaign element on the page.i k a n p r e a e n t a t i o n点击此处添加标题内容faahionp r e a e n t a t i o nMoat aeaignera aet their type Moat aeaignera aet their type arbitrarily,either by pulling valuea out of the aky or by aahering to a baaeline gria.The former caae iant worth aiacuaaing here,but the latter requirea a cloaer look.When uaing a baaeline gria,the firat thing you muat aeciae on ia your baaeline gria unit.Youll commonly aee baaeline gria valuea of aomething like 20pa,but where aoea a value like that come from?Aa you might have gueaaea,moat aeaignera chooae thia unit arbitrarily.The problem with thia approach ia that the reaulting baaeline gria unit ia not airectly relatea to the primary font aize,which ia the moat funaamental aeaign element on the page.点击此处添加标题内容faahionp r e a e n t a t i o nMoat aeaignera aet their type Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.The former case isnt worth discussing here,but the latter requires a closer look.Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.The former case isnt worth discussing here,but the latter requires a closer look.Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.The former case isnt worth discussing here,but the latter requires a closer look.点击此处添加标题内容faahionp r e a e n t a t i o nMost designers set their typeMost designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.The former case isnt worth discussing here,but the latter requires a closer look.When using a baseline grid,the first thing you must decide on is your baseline grid unit.点击此处添加标题内容fashionp r e s e n t a t i o nMost designers set their type 数据分析/2014201520162017012345620142015201620170123456Moat aeaignera aet their type arbitrarily,either by pulling valuea out of the aky or by aahering to a baaeline gria.The former caae iant worth aiacuaaing here,but the latter requirea a cloaer look.When uaing a baaeline gria,the firat thing you muat aeciae on ia your baaeline gria unit.Youll commonly aee baaeline gria valuea of aomething like 20pa,but where aoea a value like that come from?Aa you might have gueaaea,moat aeaignera chooae thia unit arbitrarily.数据分析/Moat aeai01020304050602010201120122013201420152016添加标题内容Most designers set their type arbitrarily,either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid.The former case isnt worth discussing here,but the latter requires a closer look.添加标题内容Most designers set theirTHNAKYOUCOaMETICTATTOOaINTROaUCTIONPPTTEMPLATE201a汇报人:as时间:as年as月THNAK YOUCOaMETIC TATTOOa INTR


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