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BackgroundInformationAdvertising is the process of publicizing a product or service,usually in order to in-crease sales.In some cases it is used to discourage sales(e.g.of cigarettes)or to pro-mote non-commercial activities(e.g.road safety).Although some 2%of the gross national product in the UK and some 3%in-the USA is spent on advertising,there is no evidence to show that advertising actually persuades people to buy things they do not want.BackgroundInformationConsumer advertising seeks to sell one branded product at the expense of others,to publicize a manufacturers name when his product is the same as everyone elses,or to persuade people that a category of products should be bought in preference to some other category.Trade advertising is restricted to specific sections of the public(e.g.-doctors or caterers).Advertisements may be informative,assisting purchasers to make a choice between products,or persuasive,inBackgroundInformationwhich case it may exaggerate some aspect of a product by appealing to the purchasers image of himself.Advertising is carried out by the press(70%-75%),by television and radio(20%-25%),and on buses,in cinemas,and at the point of sale.The industry in the UK and USA is largely in the hands of the advertising agencies,which work closely with their clients researching,copy-writing,and producing the advertisements as well as booking space in the press and time for broadcasting.IntroductionModern advertising is a major industry which has engaged many talented artists in the design of the layout of the advertisements.It has also involved scientists in different fields of study such as psychology,sociology,anthropology,etc.Huge amount of money has been spent on the consumer surveys,design of the layout and the publication of the ads.All this effort has been made to attract the attention or stir the impulse of theIntroductionpublic so as to promote the sales and turnover.Like it or not,the advertisement will continue to be part of our daily life.We cant simply avoid seeing one wherever we go and whatever we do.Living with it may be a best alternative existing now.LanguagePoints1.feature:以为特色,是特色;表演,刊登,展出,介绍The novel features the rural life in a small English village in the 19th century.This film features a new British actress.1.feature:以为特色,是特色;表演,刊登,展出,介绍昼夜服务是这家店的特色这家店以昼夜服务为特色This store features round-the-clock service.Round-the-clock service features this store.1.feature:以为特色,是特色;表演,刊登,展出,介绍This art gallery features North American art.这家艺术馆展出北美艺术。1.feature:以为特色,是特色;表演,刊登,展出,介绍今天的报纸登了一篇关于健康的文章Todays newspaper features an article about health.CliftonWebb克里夫顿克里夫顿韦伯韦伯11,11 1889 10,13 1966 U.S.A.actor,opera singer and dancerCliftonWebbWebb co-star in the 1944 thriller Laura(20th Century Fox)He was an instant hit,and he received Academy Award nominations.作为演员的电影作品(数量:21)美国影史百部佳片 AFIs 100 Years,100 Thrills:Americas Most Heart-Pounding Movies-(2019)Satan Never Sleeps-(1962)Holiday for Lovers-(1959)The Remarkable Mr.Penny packer-(1959)爱琴海夺宝记 Boy on a Dolphin-(1957)Clifton Webb电影作品列表:(22 部)冒充者,谍海浮尸 The Man Who Never Was-(1956)Womans World-(1954)泉水中的三枚硬币/罗马之恋 Three Coins in the Fountain-(1954)铁达尼邮轮沉浸记/泰坦尼克号沉没记 Titanic-(1953)Mister Scoutmaster-(1953)春光花月 Stars and Stripes Forever-(1952)Dreamboat-(1952)Clifton Webb电影作品列表:(22 部)Mr.Belvedere Rings the Bell-(1951)Elopement-(1951)For Heavens Sake-(1950)父亲大人 Cheaper by the Dozen-(1950)校园长春树 Mr.Belvedere Goes to College-(1949)妙人奇遇 Sitting Pretty-(1948)剃刀边缘 The Razors Edge-(1946)死角 The Dark Corner-(1946)罗娜秘记 Laura-(1944)Clifton Webb电影作品列表:(22 部)作为其他职员的电影作品(数量:1)校园长春树 Mr.Belvedere Goes to College-(1949)ThemanintheHathawayshirt“哈撒韦”衬衫Hathaway shirt and ever-mysterious eye-patch,1953ThemanintheHathawayshirt1951年,一家小制衣厂老板F.Hathaway登门找大卫欧格威帮忙。大卫欧格威在摄影棚里看到一个黑色眼罩,而产生“戴黑色眼罩的男人”的广告创意,为产品增添了神秘感。ThemanintheHathawayshirt他用200万元表现衬衫高档,18种穿这种衬衫的人物形象,模特儿由Baron Wrange扮演,分别出现在各种背景画面上,指挥乐团、演奏双簧管、画画、击剑、驾游艇以及玩牌。ThemanintheHathawayshirt在当时,一位英俊的男士戴上眼罩给人以浪漫、独特的感觉。哈撒韦衬衫终于在默默无闻116年以后,在数月之内名噪全国,美国人最后终于开始体认到ThemanintheHathawayshirt穿一件大量生产的廉价衬衫毁坏形象,实在是一件愚蠢的事,“哈撒韦”衬衫就日渐流行了它耐穿,为顾客定制,不惜工本的“舒适”剪裁,下摆很长,可深入你的裤腰。ThemanintheHathawayshirt纽扣是使用珍珠母作成,非常大,男子气。缝纫高雅,用世界最有名的布匹。“哈撒韦”衬衫是缅因州的小城渥特威的一个小公司的手艺人所缝制的。他们老老少少的在那里工作了已整整114年。Outrage复合词 outragen.义愤,愤慨;暴行,骇人听闻【常用搭配】an outrage against/on/upon sth.eg.对正义的严重损害 vt.激起的义愤,激怒(常用于被动语态)eg.物价大幅上涨的消息一公布他们义愤填膺。Word for Band 6They were outraged by the announcement of massive price increase.an outrage against justiceWhen he heard the news that his research was stolen by a colleague,he reacted with a sense of _.A.outlook B.outlaw C.outrage D.outbreakWord for Band 6C.当他获悉他的研究成果被一个同事剽窃的消息他义愤填膺2.Thereisnoaccidentaboutthis.This is not something that just occurs without any cause.Symbolistpoetryandpainting 象征主义者认为艺术所应表达的不是现实生活,而是意识所不能达到的超时间、超空间,超物质、超感觉的“另一世界”,通过景物来暗示另一世界。作家所要阐述的不是现实的客观世界,而是个人主观的内心世界。Symbolistpainting自画像与拉琴的死神勃克林18727561厘米,藏于国立普鲁士文化遗产博物馆SymbolistpoetryandOmarKhayyam欧玛尔海亚姆(10481122,(又译获默伽亚漠)波斯哲理诗人。每首四行诗共四句。一、二、四行协韵,从形式上看与我国绝句十分相似。鲁拜集,柔巴依集。SymbolistpoetryandOmarKhayyam天堂不过是欲望满足的幻景,地狱是火烤灵魂在暗中的投影。我们这么晚才从暗中浮现,这么早又要向暗里消隐。SymbolistpoetryandOmarKhayyam最初的泥团捏出了最后一个人,最初播的是最后收成的种;最后结帐的黎明将读到的,在最初创世的早晨已经写成。SymbolistpoetryandOmarKhayyam我们来去匆匆的宇宙,上不见渊源,下不见尽头,没有人能说清楚,我们自何方而来,向何方而走?SymbolistpoetryandOmarKhayyam第廿九首“柔巴依”不知什么是根由、哪里是源头,就像是流水,无奈地流进宇宙;不知哪里是尽头、也不再逗留,我像是风儿,无奈地吹过沙丘。3.thesorryschemeofthingsastheyareisforeverbeingremoldednearertotheheartsdesire.the sad stories as they are invented are often revised so as to suit the taste of the audience.(So is the advertisement.)3.thesorryschemeofthingsastheyareisforeverbeingremoldednearertotheheartsdesire.事物的令人悲伤的格局事实上永远是按照心灵的愿望铸造的。4.getintothehabitof:become used to doing sthIris got into the habit of checking her mail box when she got home every day.He got into the habit of turning to liquor when depressed.psychiatricPsychiatristn.精神病医师,精神病学家Word for Band 6LUCKYSTRIKE英美烟草公司“Smoke a Lucky to feel your LEVEL boot!”“点燃Lucky(幸运)牌香烟,享受最佳感觉!”LUCKYSTRIKE英美烟草公司拥有超过300个著名品牌,包括好彩(LuckyStrike)、555、健牌(肯特KENT)、希尔顿(Hilton)、总督(Viceroy)、登喜路(Dunhill)、金边臣(Benson&Hedges)、摩尔(More)等等(其实北京人熟悉的“都宝”就是英美在中国合资生产)。全球十亿成年吸烟者中,每七个人就有一位选择英美烟草的产品。绿色清凉版本的LuckyStrike1917年的好彩的女性吸烟运动广告1940年版本的LuckyStrike早年的一些早年的一些宣传海报宣传海报早年的一些宣传海报5.haveawayof:have a method,style or manner of doing sth;succeed in doing sthFrank has his way of getting things done.Margo always has a way of getting what she desires.6.holdtogether:vt./vi.可分开用remain united使连接/团结/结合在一 起,使成一体The Russells always hold together in time of crisis.The bodywork of the car can hardly hold together.Crisis always hold the Russells together.Phrase for Band 6 and Our Examclann.宗族,家族clan与tribe都有“族”的意思,如何区分?clan强调“姓氏,家庭”tribe强调“部落,种族”Word for Band 6mysticn.神秘主义者adj.神秘的,玄妙的;神秘主义者的Word for Band 6communaladj.公共的,集体的,共有的Word for Band munalparticipation:getting involved or taking part in a group collectively8.asenseofmysticcommunion:a feeling of becoming a member of a group in which all the people have a common beliefverdictn.裁定;定论,判断性意见Very(真实)+dict(言论)eg.predict contradictWord for Band 6预言与发生矛盾9.associateinthemindswith:join together or connect(ideas)in the mindDarwin is always associated with the theory of revolution.In some cultures,owl is associated with evil spirit or misfortune.hygienen.卫生,保健学dental hygienedomestic hygieneWord for Band 6口腔卫生家庭卫生hygienen.卫生,保健学personal hygieneenvironment hygienefood hygieneWord for Band 6环境卫生食品卫生个人卫生hygienen.卫生,保健学mental hygienephysical hygieneWord for Band 6心理卫生生理卫生grotesqueadj.怪诞的,荒诞不经的,荒唐的 奇形怪状的,奇异的,丑陋的n.形状怪诞的图案,怪人,怪物Word for Band 6Thankstoprep.多亏由于Phrase for Band 610.hook-up:connection or linkThe hook-up between BBC and Australian television is done by satellite.theMedicifamily:美第奇家族,1518世纪统治佛罗伦萨和托斯卡纳的意大利家族。他们通过经商和办银行成为豪富,与欧洲许多豪门联姻,共出了3个教皇和2个法国皇后。但亦经历了3次放逐(14331434,14941512,15271530)。由于他们对艺术的保护,佛罗伦萨成为欧洲文化的博物馆。theMedicifamily:11.artdealer:person engaged in commercial purchases or sales of artistic worksMoulinRougeMoulinRougeturnovern.营业额,成交量人员调整,人员更替率Word for Band 612.acaseinpoint:an example which is relevant to the matter being discussed13.symptomsofvirtueorbeauty:signs that show high quality or beauty14.creepinto:不知不觉到来,渐渐产生/出现come into gradually,unconsciouslyConfidence and power of thought and decision grew dim,and fear crept into our hearts.15.ineffect:in fact;practically;actually;for all practical purposeThe house with all its contents is,in effect,crushed into a lump of debris.The themes of the two books are,in effect,identical.16.turnourfacesawayfrom:evade;avoid;escape from17.displayadvertising:visual advertising图文广告Holdbackhinder,restrain,or prevent the progress or development of妨碍Phrase for Band 6stuntn.惊险动作,特技,特技表演。噱头,引人注意的举动 eg.stunt-manvt.阻碍正常发育,使停止发展 eg.小孩抽烟会妨碍发育。Word for Band 6If a child smokes cigarette,it can stunt his growth.电影替身hitchvt.免费搭(车旅行)(用绳、钩等)系 住,拴住,钩住 (up)急速提起(或拉起)vi.免费搭车旅行n.故障,障碍急提,急拉【常用搭配】get hitched=be hitched up 结婚 hitch up 拉起(坐时把膝部裤管稍向上拉,以 保持裤线挺直)without a hitch毫无障碍,顺利无阻Word for Band 6contrivevt.谋划,策划 设法做到 设计,想出【用法】加名词;加不定式eg.她不知怎的设法弄到了音乐会门票。Word for Band 6Somehow she contrived to get thetickets for the concert.18.astormoforders:a sudden burst of orders;a good number of orders at the same tune.extractvt.取出,抽出,拔出提取,提炼,榨取获得,索取摘录,抄录n.摘录,选段提出物,精华,汁【常用搭配】extract sth.From sb./sth.从中拔出,从中提炼出Word for Band 6extracteg.The police finally extracted the information after hours of questioning.Word for Band 6警方经数小时盘问终于套得这一情报。extractIt is not hard for us to _oil from shale.A.contract B.compress C.withdraw D.extractWord for Band 6从页岩中提取石油并不困难。D.19.belikenedto:be compared toLove is often likened to a journey.(liken love to a journey)Advertising is likened to an abstract art.(liken advertising to an abstract art)anthropologyanthropologistn.人类学家,人类学者Word for Band 620.socialandpsychologicallandscape:an overall picture of the social condition and peoples way of thinkingmergevt.合并 merge(together)merge A with B merge A and B(together)我们可以把两家小公司合并成一个大企业。Word for Band 6We can merge two small businesses(together)into a larger one.mergevi.逐渐消失,或变成另一种事物。merge(into sth.)暮色蒙蒙,逐渐一片漆黑Word for Band 6Twilight merged into total darkness.mergemingle;mix;blend Word for Band 621.institchesoflaughter:laughing uncontrollably 捧腹大笑,忍俊不禁The story had us in stitches of laughter.The audience were in stitches of laughter when a comic show was performed on stage.Goaboutset to work at开始着手(工作);忙于做不用于被动语态Phrase for Band 622.Thereasonthisdoesnothappenisnotthatbarrageofappealsthatwegoaboutourbusiness,aswesay.The reason why we do not laugh so hard is not that we are unaffected by these fantastic appeals to our passion,but that we have become so weak and insensitive,surrounded by a good number of appeals convincing us that we are busy with our business as we usually say.22.Thereasonthisdoesnothappenisnotthatbarrageofappealsthatwegoaboutourbusiness,aswesay.become hardened to:be less sensitive to harden into:turn into(fixed form)22.Thereasonthisdoesnothappenisnotthatbarrageofappealsthatwegoaboutourbusiness,aswesay.He became hardened to the criticism around him.We should resolutely break with conventional rules and regulations that have outlived their usefulness and hardened into dogmas.throbvi.有节奏的震动,有规律地颤动 (急速强烈的)跳动,搏动n.有节奏的震动,跳动,搏动Word for Band 6Reel(roll的同源异体词)n.卷轴,卷筒,卷盘vt.卷,绕vi.摇摇晃晃的移动,蹒跚眩晕,发昏消防员放出水龙带Word for Band 6The fireman reeled the hosepipe out.Reel(roll的同源异体词)【考纲短语】reel off一口气说,重复克莱尔一口气报出了他邀请来参加聚会的所有人的名字。Word for Band 6Clare reeled off a list of all the people shed invited to the party.stimulusn.促进(因素)刺激(物)vt.stimulate 刺激adj.stimulating 刺激的【固定搭配】stimulus to sth.“对的刺激”光是植物生长的促进因素。Word for Band 6Light is a stimulus to growth in plants.stimulusDrink coffee when you are sleepy.Its a good _ and will help keep you awake.A.stimulus B.attachment C.source D.liquidWord for Band 6困了就喝咖啡。因为咖啡能刺激你,使你保持清醒。A.23.dispensewith:manage without;get rid ofShe is not confident enough to dispense with the support and assistance from her friends.Formality is something to dispense with in such informal circumstances.Our handshake dispensed with the need for a contract.Phrase for Band 6 and Our Exam24.minglewithvt.使混合,使相混 vi.混合起来,相混合相交往,相往来A sincere apology mingled with a sense of guilt was readily accepted.A painful memory mingled with the terrible nightmare almost broke her into pieces.Word for Band 6 and Our Exam24.minglewith2019年1月第53题Now the cheers and applause _ in a single sustained roar.A.mingled B.concentrated C.assembled D.permeatedWord for Band 6 and Our ExamA.现在欢呼声与掌声会合成了一股持续的喊声。25.bringsthintofocus:cause sth to be the center of attentionThe necessity of locating a factory for mass production was brought into focus at the meeting.The protection of the environment has been brought into focus by the severity of the pollution in the locality.Bring an issue into focus.Asarulein most cases,usually,normallyPhrase for Band 6snobbismSnobn.势利的人自命不凡的人,自以为有学问的人。Word for Band 6bureaucracyn.官僚主义,官僚作风 政府机构,官僚指“官僚,政府官员”时是集合名词,是总称;指一个个官僚时则用bureaucrat,例如:He is a bureaucrat.他是一个官僚。Word for Band 6Conform六级高频词vi.(to/with)遵守,适应,顺从 相似,一致,符合【常用搭配】conform with与相符合 conform to遵从,与一致 Word for Band 6Conform2000年6月第63题E-mail is a convenient highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that _ well to human needs.A.adheres B.reflects C.conforms D.satisfied Word for Band 6作为一种高度大众化的非正式媒介,电子邮件传播信息十分方便,非常适合人们的需要。C.Conform2019年1月第54题All the students have to _ to the rules and regulations of the school.A.confirm B.confront C.confine D.conform Word for Band 6Conform2019年1月第54题All the students have to _ to the rules and regulations of the school.A.confirm 证实(v.)B.confront正视(v.)C.confine限制(v.)D.conform遵守(v.)Word for Band 6所有的学生都必须遵守学校的规章制度。D.Conform练习题Always check before you buy that your childs toy _ the official safety standards.A.caters to B.conforms to C.correlate to D.concedes to Word for Band 6买玩具时要检查一下是否达到了国家安全标准。B.KeytoExercisesI.ComprehensionoftheTexti.1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.B I.ComprehensionoftheTextii.1.The ad may not be a masterpiece of artistic work like those in the art gallery,but it is an art in the sense that it makes use of all the artistic techniques and works perfectly in the market place.I.ComprehensionoftheTextii.2.Both have the magical power and the modern advertising employs all the techniques of symbolist art.I.ComprehensionoftheTextii.3.People are so attracted by various kinds of ads that they seem to live in the illusions created by the ads which promise them a life they dream about.I.ComprehensionoftheTextii.4.Like the totemistic institution in which totem societies were held together by a totemic symbol,people using the same brand of commodities are bound into an institution by ads which purposely set up national brand and totems for communal participation.I.ComprehensionoftheTextii.5.Ads make people believe that using well-known brands gives one a feeling of be-longing to an institution in which he actively participates,thus strengthening ones sense of mystic communion.I.ComprehensionoftheTextii.6.As a major industry,modern ads absorb many artists who exhibit their talent in the ad design.The connection is dual way in which both benefit.I.ComprehensionoftheTextii.7.The layout-and-design man for an ad might be a great artist but nobody would discover it because people are ashamed of their own commercial activities and refuse to admit there exists any beauty or virtue.I.ComprehensionoftheTextii.8.Advertisements represent investment of a large amount in that they create appetites and stir impulses in a vast reader mass.Thats why they have to be careful contrived to appeal to the reader mass.I.ComprehensionoftheTextii.9.In order to extract the dollars from the consumers,an elaborate series of consumer surveys are conducted to establish the character of the social groups.Due to the huge commercial profit,this kind of survey is done in larger scope than that in the universities.I.ComprehensionoftheTextii.10.The purpose of the ad is to attract peoples attention and its magic power can be felt by those who do not study it carefully.When an ad is located among others it appears quite normal and serves its purpose-However when it is isolated it seems funny and sometimes absurd.I.ComprehensionoftheTextii.11.Fashions can be regarded as the popular substitute for art and can be adopted as a kind of stimulant to stir impulses in the vast reader mass.In this sense it is regard-ed as the lifeblood of advertising.I.ComprehensionoftheTextii.12.To be in fashion one has to have cash.To be successful one has to be up-to-date like everyone around you-Thus,success requires the ability to possess a large amount of ready money to stay in fashion.III.Vocabulary1.conform 2.genius 3.appeal 4.throbbing munal 6.merge 7.dispense 8.scheme 9.outraged 10.supplant11.reinforced 12.contrived III.Vocabulary13.mingled 14.possession 15.unabashed 16.likened 17.grotesque 18.reputed 19.nourished 20.oratory 21.undermined 22.inconsolable 23.glorified 24.irrational 25.weirdIII.Cloze1.habit 2.promised 3.techniques 4.place 5.works 6.appeal munal 8.feeling 9.notion 10.industry 11.connection 12.turnover 13.goes 14.surveys 15.establish16.cost 17.alone 18.potential 19.geared 20.wordIV.TranslationLots of people pretend that they never read advertisements,but this claim is hardly believable.It is almost impossible not to read advertisements these days.Just think what fun they often provide!Imagine what a bus and railway station would be like without advertisements?Would you enjoy gazing helplessly at a blank wall while waiting for a bus or train?Would you like to read a daily paper closely-printed with columns of news?IV.TranslationA cheerful,witty advertisement makes such a difference to a drab wall or newspaper-We must not forget,either,that advertising makes a positive contribution to our pockets.Newspapers,radio or television stations could not subsist without this source of revenue.The fact that we pay so little for our daily paper,or can enjoy so many programs on air is due entirely to the money spent by advertisers.Just think what a newspaper would cost if we had to pay its full price!IV.TranslationAnother thing we mustnt forget is the small ads”which are in virtually every newspaper.What a Tremendously useful service they perform for the community!Just about everything can be accomplished through these columns,for instance,you can find a job,buy or sell a house,announce a birth,marriage or death.Its the advertisement among the advertisements.1.Well prepared and confident,Tim appeared_ by all the media attention.A.untouchable B.unimpeachable C.unabashed D.uncommittedC.2.The impact of computer has been _ to that of the printing press.A.contradicted B.eliminated C.likened D.resembledC.3.The 16th century decorative style is_ in that parts of human,animal and plant forms are distorted and mixed.A.fantastic B.grotesque C.characterized D.obsolescent B.4.The inquest,which had dragged on,with adjournments,until April 7,finally had to be content to return a _ of willful murder against some person or persons unknown.A.verdict B.confirmation C.suspension D.penaltyA.5.A treachery was _ by his evil brothers to overthrow his sovereignty of the kingdom.A.congregated B.contrived C.procured D.constitutedB.6.She finally broke down due to the _ pressure of her life as a politician.A.relentless B.inflexible C.reciprocal D.redundantA.7.He was _ to be the real writer of the two epic poems.A.contemplated B.conformed C.articulated D.reputedD.8.The tyrannical ruling and heavy taxation_ strong resentment from the oppressed.A.nourished B.horrified C.inspired D.diminishedA.


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