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Unit 8 Thats how most accidents Unit 8 Thats how most acciden next thief 小偷 toward=to 向,朝,接近 break into 破门而入 apartment 公寓 through 通过,穿过 stranger 陌生人 lock -unlock locked-unlocked v.锁 adj.没上锁的 stay alert 保持警觉 enter v.进入 building 建筑物 leave a note 留便条 guest 客人 community 社区 belongings 物品 absent-minded absence 心不在焉的 n 缺席,watch out for=keep an eye on=pay attention to 留神,注意 be away 离开 more than 超过 inform=tell 告诉 roommate 室友 next thief 小偷 toward=to 向,朝,接近9.Look and match.1.a note on the door for a guest,saying that youre away now 2.a man talking on the cell phone when walking toward the room 3.a thief using a key to break into the apartment 4.a thief going through the open window 3 2 4 1 9.Look and match.1.a note o10.Scan and choose.1.Welcome to our community!Wed like to tell you some easy ways to make you,your apartment and your belongings much safer.10.Scan and choose.1.We 2.Make sure that the locks on all doors of your apartment are changed when you move in.Remember,in quite a number of cases,copies of keys are what thieves use to break into an apartment.2.Make sure that the locks 3.Stay alert when you enter your apartment.Do not go inside if you arrive home and find your door open.Call the police and ask them to meet you before entering.3.Stay alert when you enter yo 4.Dont talk on your cell phone or look absent-minded when walking toward your building after dark.4.Dont talk on your cell pho 5.Know your neighbors.Watching out for each other is one of the best defenses against crime.5.Know your neighbors.Watchi 6.Tell a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your apartment if you are going to be away for more than a couple of days.Also inform your company of your absence.6.Tell a trusted neighbo 7.Lock your windows when you go to bed or leave the apartment.Unlocked windows are the easiest way for thieves to enter a building.7.Lock your windows when 8.Dont leave notes for roommates or guests on your door saying that you are away but will be home soon.8.Dont leave notes for roo10.Scan and choose.()1.Never talk to strangers.()2.Stay alert when entering your apartment.()3.Lock your windows when you go to bed or leave the apartment.()4.Get to know the people in your building.()5.Dont put all your keys together.()6.Leave a note on the door,telling your guest that youll soon be back.10.Scan and choose.()11.Read and match.1)You move into a new apartment.2)You enter your apartment at night.3)You are away but will be home soon.4)You are going to be away for more than a couple of days.5)You go to bed or leave the apartment.a.Dont leave notes for roommates or guests on the door.b.Lock your windows.c.Change the locks of all doors.d.Tell a trusted neighbor and inform your company.e.Dont talk on your cell phone or look absent-minded.11.Read and match.1)You movcopies of keys are what thieves use to break into an apartment 备份的钥匙是盗贼用来入室盗窃的工具。(此句为what引导的表语从句)copies of keys are what thieve 1、Make sure that the locks on all doors of your apartment are changed when you move in 要确保当你搬进去的时候,你公寓里所有门上的锁都换了。make sure 后面接从句,表示确保、保证。从句多用一般现在时或现在完成时。e.g.Please make sure that he goes to bed before 11.请确保他十一点之前睡觉。 quite a number of cases 在大多数情况下 a number of表示很多,后面一般接可数名词。quite a number of表示相当多 in.case在.情况下 in this case在这种情况下 in case of fire 失火时 3.stay alert保持警觉 alert是形容词,在这里作表语,也可以说是作主语补足语,表示主语的状态。4.Watching out for each other 彼此帮忙留心一下 watch out表示留神.注意 e.g.Please watch out my kids tonight,I need to work late.今晚请帮我照看以下孩子,我需要加班。5.Inform your company of your absence.告知公司你要离开。inform告知.通知 inform somebody of something 告知或通知某人某事 您能告诉我怎样联络律师吗?Could you inform me how to how to contact a lawyer?您能告诉我怎样联络律师吗?Could you info编者语?要如何做到上课认真听讲??我们都知道一个人的注意力集中时间是有限的,一节课45分钟如何保持时时刻刻都能认真听讲不走神呢??1、往前坐?坐的位置越靠后,注意力就越难集中。老师不会注意到你的事实可以让你不再紧张,放心去做别的事情。坐在后面,视线分散,哪怕你是在看老师,如果有人移动,你的视线就会飘到那个同学的后脑勺上去,也就无法集中注意力。而且,坐在后面很难读到老师的表情。认真听讲不单纯是指听老师说的话,把握老师的表情和语调之类的小细节也是很有必要的。说话比平时更用力,或者表情严肃地强调的那个部分几乎百分之百地会出现在考试中。但是如果坐在后面,那种重要的提示就全都错过了。?与此相反,如果坐在前面,首先心情就很不同,自己比别人靠前的感觉让你听课时的态度变得更积极。与老师眼神交会的机会增多,感觉就好像是老师在做一对一个人辅导。?有的学生恰恰就是因为这一点,讨厌坐在前面。和老师眼神交会非常有负担,稍微做点儿小动作就会被老师发现,非常不方便。而且坐在前面说不定还会被问到一些难以回答的问题。?但是,那却是提升成绩最快的方法。学习要带有一定程度的紧张感,坐在前面,自然而然就会紧张起来。没有必要自己费心思集中精神,那种环境就能帮助你做到。虽然看上去好像不太方便,但其实那才是最便于学习的位置。?2、不要看书,要看老师的眼睛?只要老师不是在一味地读教材,那老师的“话”就不可能和你低头看着的教材上的“文字”一致。头脑聪明的学生,也许能做到既集中精神听老师的话,又集中精神看眼前书上的内容。可是实际上大部分的学生都做不到这一点。?认真听讲的第一个阶段就是上课时间无条件地“往前看”,上课的时候看书往往很容易开小差。摒除杂念,将视线从摊在眼前的书上移开。老师讲课的时候只看前面,集中注意力听老师嘴里说出来的话,那才是认真听讲的态度。?低着头,心情就放松了,但那种放松对学习一点好处也没有,之所以会放松,就是因为觉得即便是自己开小差,老师也不知道。如果你往前看,不时地和老师眼神交会一下,注意力必然会集中起来。和老师眼神交汇的那种紧张感会让你注意力集中,并充实地听完整堂课。?3、课前预习?课前预习新课内容,找出不理解的地方标记下来。预习后尝试做课后练习题,不要怕出错,因为老师还没有讲,出错也是正常的。?关键是,出错了你就知道上课时应该重点听哪里,注意力自然就能集中了。?4、即便上课时不理解也不要放弃?有些同学觉得老师讲的听不懂,就干脆不再听讲,按照自己的方法去学习。其实这样做真的很傻,因为不听讲就非常容易和同学们的学习进度脱节,这就会直接导致考试时成绩下降。原因是,老师讲的内容不一定都在教材中体现,有相当一部分重点内容是老师在上课时补充讲解的,如果不听讲很可能就会错过这些重点。?所以,上课的时间一定要专注于课堂,决不能打开别的习题集去学习,这样才是高效率的学习,才是提高成绩最快的方法。因此,困难也要先听课,那对你将来的自学一定会很有帮助,哪怕你只是记住了一些经常出现的术语,上课的内容好像马上就忘光了,但等到你日后自己学习的时候,也能让你回想起很多内容。2019/8/9 教学资料精选 23 编者语?要如何做到上课认真听讲??我们都知道一个人谢谢欣赏!谢谢欣赏!2019/8/9 教学资料精选 24 谢谢欣赏!2019/8/9 教学资料精选 24


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