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Translation of Business Contracts Translation of Business Contr1Contents Warm-up Practice Linguistic Features of Scenic Spots Techniques of Translating Scenic Spots Follow-up PraciceContents Warm-up Practice 2Warm-up PracticePut the following sentences from international business contracts into Chinese.1.If either of the Parties fails to fulfill its obligations under this Contract,it shall compensate the other party for all its economic losses resulting thereof.2.All disputes in connection with this Contract or arising in the execution thereof shall first be settled amicably by negotiation.Warm-up PracticePut the follow3Warm-up Practice3.The Purchaser shall be able at all times to account for all copies of the Proprietary Software which are required to be made to permit its efficient use in its intended function.4.“Patents”mean the patents and patent applications now owned by the Licenser in the Territory pertaining to the licensed products,as listed in the Exhibit A of this Contract.Warm-up Practice3.The Purchas4Warm-up Practice5.It is agreed that a margin of 2 percent shall be allowed for over or short count.6.IN WITNESS SHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Contract by their authorized representatives as of the date first above written.Warm-up Practice5.It is agree5Linguistic Features of Business Contracts 1.商务合同英语的词汇特征:1)使用古体词)使用古体词2)使用并列词语)使用并列词语3)系指定义词的运用)系指定义词的运用4)使用情态动词)使用情态动词shallLinguistic Features of Busines6 Linguistic Features of Business Contracts 1)使用古体词)使用古体词 商务合同文本中包含大量古体词语,其原因是为了避免重复并且反映商务文件的严谨性。古体词语主要是由here,there和where加上after,by,from,in,on,to,under,upon,with 等词构成。(1)The Buyer hereby orders from the Seller the following goods subject to the following conditions.买方据此向卖方订购下列商品,条件如下。Linguistic Features of Busine7Linguistic Features of Business Contracts(2)The License herein granted is conditioned on Party B selling Licensed Devices at prices no more favorable than those followed by Party A.在这里授予的许可证是以乙方出售特许装置的价格不得优于甲方所遵循的价格为条件的。(3)If either of the party fails to fulfill its obligations under this Contract,it shall compensate the other party for all its economic losses resulting therefrom.一方如不履行本合同的义务,违约一方得赔偿另一方因此而遭受的经济损失。Linguistic Features of Busines8Linguistic Features of Business Contracts2)使用并列词语)使用并列词语 并列成分之间通常语义交叉,可以在内容上互相补充,从而使表述更全面、严谨、富有弹性。经贸英语中常见并列词语如下:rights and interests(权益),terms and conditions(条款),complete and final understanding(全部和最终的理解),customs fees and duties(关税),losses and damages(损失和损坏),null and void(无效),sign and issue(签发),able and willing(能够并愿意),due and payable(到期应付的),compensation or damages(补偿或赔偿)。Linguistic Features of Busines9Linguistic Features of Business Contracts3)系指定义词的运用)系指定义词的运用 经贸合同文本当事人会涉及到不同的国家或地区,语言和法律不同,各自对相同词语的解释和使用也不完全相同。为了使双方对一合同文本中的概念、词语统一认识,避免歧义,有必要对协议中的关键词界定。这些表示定义的词称为“系指定义词”,经贸合同文本中经常使用的“系指定义词”归纳起来有mean 和be,一般使用的形式有:mean,means,shall mean,shall be或者直接用is 和are(胡庚申等,2019)。例如:Linguistic Features of Busines10Linguistic Features of Business Contracts(1)Site Acceptance shall mean the final acceptance of the Equipment carried out by the Purchaser at Purchasers Facility in accordance with the Acceptance Test Manual.现场验收是指买方按照验收手册对买方设施上安装的设备所作的最后验收。(2)The term“Effective date”means the date on which this Agreement is duly executed by the parties hereto.“生效日”指订约双方签署本协议之日。Linguistic Features of Busines11Linguistic Features of Business Contracts(3)“Licensed Products”are any and all the products as listed in Schedule A attached hereto and all improvements in such products which may be developed by the Licensor during the Effective Period.“特许产品”的含义是指合同附表A中所列的所有产品和许可方在合同有效期内可能对这些产品做的全部改进。Linguistic Features of Busines12Linguistic Features of Business Contracts4)使用情态动词)使用情态动词shall shall在经贸法律文件中有其特殊的含义,表示“应当承担的责任和义务”,常用来表述各项具体的规定与要求,充分体现了法律文件的权威性和约束性。一般情况下,shall可直接译为“应当”、“必须”,或者也可译为“将”,有时可以不译。例如:(1)The Employer shall make a prepayment of 20%of the contract value to the Contractor within 10 days after signing the Contract.雇主应于签约后十天内向承包人支付相当于承包合同价值20%的预付款。Linguistic Features of Busines13Linguistic Features of Business Contracts(2)The quality and prices of the commodities to be exchanged between the importers and exporters in the two countries shall be acceptable to both sides and the prices shall be fixed in accordance with world market prices.货物的质量和价格必须使进出口双方都能接受,而价格必须和世界市场上的价格一致。(3)The Seller guarantees that the goods shall be in accordance with the Sellers specification.卖方保证货物品质规格要符合卖方的规格说明。Linguistic Features of Busines14Linguistic Features of Business Contracts2商务合同英语的句式特征商务合同英语的句式特征1)使用陈述句)使用陈述句2)使用完整句使用完整句3)使用长句)使用长句4)使用被动句使用被动句5)使用名词化结构使用名词化结构6)使用条件句)使用条件句Linguistic Features of Busines15Linguistic Features of Business Contracts1)使用陈述句)使用陈述句 陈述句用于阐述、解释、说明、判断和规定,语言客观平实,一般无需渲染气氛。由于商务文书用来规定人们的权利和义务以及陈述交易事实,所以经贸合同英语的基本句式通常是陈述句结构。(1)The formation of this Contract,its validity,interpretation,execution and settlement of the disputes,shall be governed by the related laws of the Peoples Republic of China.本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均受中华人民共和国的管辖。Linguistic Features of Busines16Linguistic Features of Business Contracts(2)After arrival of the goods at the port of destination,the Buyers shall apply to the China Commodity Inspection Bureau(hereinafter referred to as CCIB)for a further inspection as to the specification and quality/weight of the goods.货到目的港后,买方将申请中国商品检验局(以下简称商检局)对货物的规格和数量/重量进行复检。(3)The Seller represent that the merchandise covered by this order was not manufactured and is not being sold or priced in violation of any federal,state or local law.供方保证本订单所涉及货物之生产、销售和定价均不得触犯任何联邦、州或地方法律。Linguistic Features of Busines17Linguistic Features of Business Contracts2)使用完整句使用完整句 为了使商务文本结构完整和表意严密,合同英语一般采用主语、谓语都具备的完全主谓句-完整句,通常不使用省略句,以免因省略而出现误解和歧义现象。(1)JOINT VENTURE is a Chinese corporation and is protected by and subject to the laws thereof.Any activity of JOINT VENTURE shall be carried out within the ambit of the laws,acts and relevant regulations of the Peoples Republic of China.合营公司为中国法人,受中国法律管辖和保护。其一切活动必须遵守中国的法律、法令和有关条例规定。Linguistic Features of Busines18Linguistic Features of Business Contracts(2)Detailed minutes shall be made for each general meeting and directors present at the meeting shall set their hands thereunto,in case of any person present by proxy,the representative shall set hand thereunto.董事会每次会议,须作详细的书面纪录,并由全体出席董事签字,代理人出席时,由代理人签字。(3)Both parties should abide by the contract and should refrain from revising,canceling,or terminating the contract without mutual consent.双方应信守合同,未经双方一致同意,任何一方不得擅自更改、解除和终止合同。Linguistic Features of Busines19Linguistic Features of Business Contracts3)使用长句)使用长句 在经贸合同英语中,使用完整的长句可以准确地界定商务文本所涉及各方的权利和义务关系。这些长句往往含有许多分句或附加成分,在理解或翻译此类句子时思维要敏捷、清晰,要通过各种连接标志来理解句子含义。例如:Linguistic Features of Busines20Linguistic Features of Business Contracts(1)The machinery and auxiliary equipment,after shipment,shall be insured by Party B.The title therefore shall be transferred into Party B after full payment is made by Party B,thereafter,the unforeseeable losses concerning the machinery and auxiliary equipment shall be indemnified for first by the Insurance Company to Party B,then Party B shall remit to Party A,in proportion,the sum already paid by Party A for the machinery or equipment involved in the contingency.设备投保以后由 乙方投保。设备所有权在付清货款后发生转移,之后,如发生意外,损失先由保险公司向投保人赔付,再按比例退回甲方已支付的设备货款。Linguistic Features of Busines21Linguistic Features of Business Contracts(2)In addition to the purchase price,Buyer shall pay Seller the amount of all government taxes,exercises and/or other charges(except taxes on or measured by net income)that Seller may be required to pay with respect to the production,sale or transportation of any material delivered hereunder,except where the law otherwise provided.除买价外,卖方还得支付卖方因生产,销售或运输本合同有关商品而规定缴纳的所有的政府税收、营业税和/或其他一切收费(纯收入所得税除外),法律另有规定的除外。Linguistic Features of Busines22Linguistic Features of Business Contracts(3)Upon successful completion of the tests the Purchaser shall sign a Plant Acceptance Certificate evidencing such completion and listing any agreed Deficiencies to be corrected by Corporation within such period as may be agreed with the Purchaser.顺利完成这些检测后,卖方须在出厂设备验收证上签字,证明业已完成检测。验收证上应注明双方认可的,且应由公司在买方同意的期间校正的仍可能存在的缺陷。Linguistic Features of Busines23Linguistic Features of Business Contracts4)使用被动句使用被动句 经贸法律英语的文体因素和语言环境强调客观事实,而尽量减少个人感情、意愿的影响,从而使论述更客观、平实(廖瑛,2019)。因此,经贸法律文本经常使用被动句,突出动作的承受者,并且对有关事项做出客观的描述。(1)The Seller shall be entitled to terminate this Contract in the event of failure by the Buyer to comply with any terms or conditions stated in this Article.如果买方违反本条所规定的任何条款,卖方有权终止本合同。Linguistic Features of Busines24Linguistic Features of Business Contracts(2)It is mutually understood that the Certificate of Quality and Weight issued by the Chinese Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau at the port of shipment shall be taken as the basis of delivery.买卖双方同意,以装运口岸中国进出口商品检验局签发的品质和重量检验证书作为品质和数量的交货依据。(3)According to the stipulations of the said L/C,neither partial shipments nor delay are allowed.按照上述信用证的规定,不得分批装运或延误。Linguistic Features of Busines25Linguistic Features of Business Contracts5)使用名词化结构使用名词化结构 名词化是指从其他某个词类形成名词的过程或使用一个底层小句得出一个名词短语的派生过程,即广泛使用表示动作或状态的抽象名词或起名词作用的非限定动词。经贸合同英语中常常有意识地使用名词化结构,从而使语体更加正式、更加具有书面语风格。1)The buyers have the right to lodge a claim for all losses sustained within 60 days after discharge of the goods at the port of destination.货到目的港卸货后,60天内买方有权向卖方提出索赔。Linguistic Features of Busines26Linguistic Features of Business Contracts 2)The party in breach shall have thirty days from receipt of a notice from the other Party specifying the breach to correct such breach if it is remediable.违约方应在收到另一方指明其违约行为的通知后三十日内,纠正其违约行为(若该违约行为是可以纠正的)。Linguistic Features of Busines27Linguistic Features of Business Contracts 3)The obligation under Article 3 and 4 do not apply to procedures provided in multilateral agreements concluded under the auspices WIPO relating to the acquisition or maintenance of intellectual property rights.第三条和第四条项下的义务不适用于由WIPO支持缔结的多边协议中有关获得和维持知识产权的程序。Linguistic Features of Busines28Linguistic Features of Business Contracts6)使用条件句)使用条件句 经贸合同英语在规定双方应履行的权利义务外,还考虑到各种可能发生的情况和处理办法。因此,商贸文件中有较多的条件句,使条款内容更加完整和准确,避免语用的不当而导致任何一方的损失。Linguistic Features of Busines29Linguistic Features of Business Contracts1)If the result of packing in cartons turns out to the satisfaction of the Buyers clients,the Seller may continue using this packing in the future.如果纸板箱包装的效果使买方用户满意,则卖方在今后的业务中可继续使用这种包装。Linguistic Features of Busines30Linguistic Features of Business Contracts2)In case no settlement can be reached through the negotiation,the case shall then be submitted for arbitration.The location of arbitration shall be in the Country of the domicile of the defendant.如果协商不能解决,应提交仲裁。仲裁应当在被诉方所在国进行。Linguistic Features of Busines31Linguistic Features of Business Contracts3)Should the Quality and/or Quantity(Weight)be found not in conformity with that of the Contract,the Buyers are entitled to lodge a claim against the Sellers.如果发现品质和/或数量(重量)与合同不符,买方有权向卖方提出索赔。Linguistic Features of Busines32Linguistic Features of Business Contracts4)Unless the Contract provides otherwise,it is the Buyers legal duty to collect and transport the goods from the Sellers premises.除合同另有规定外,买方应在卖方所在处提货和运输。Linguistic Features of Busines33Techniques of Translating Business Contracts 1.商务合同英语翻译原则 准确完整 严谨规范 Techniques of Translating Busi34Techniques of Translating Business Contracts 准确完整 商务合同是法律文件,具有高度的严肃性和权威性。因此,商务合同译文必须准确无误地表达原文内容,又要通顺流畅,并且符合法律语言的文体风格。例如:1)Damages for breach of contract by one party consist of a sum equal to the loss,including loss of profit,suffered by the other party as a consequence of the breach.一方违约的损害赔偿金包括因其违约而使另一方遭受损失的金额,含利润损失。Techniques of Translating Busi35Techniques of Translating Business Contracts2)The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by June 15.卖方须于6月15日前(含6月15日)向买方交货。3)If the contractor shall duly perform and observe all the terms,provisions,conditions and stipulations of the said contract,this obligation shall be null and void.如果承包人切实履行并遵守上述合同的所有条款,本报证书所承担的义务即告无效。Techniques of Translating Busi36Techniques of Translating Business Contracts4)Without prejudice to any rights which exist under the applicable laws or under the Subcontract,the Contractor shall be entitled to withhold or defer payment of all or part of any sums otherwise due by the Contractor to the Subcontractor.不影响按适用法律或分包合同享有任何权利的情况下,承包商有权扣留或暂缓支付承包商应付给分包商的全部或部分到期金额。Techniques of Translating Busi37Techniques of Translating Business Contracts5)Payment:By irrevocable L/C at sight to reach the sellers 30 days before the time of shipment.The L/C shall be valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the date of shipment.支付:买方应当在装船前30天将不可撤销的即期信用证开到卖方。信用证在中国议付的有效期至装船后的第15天。Techniques of Translating Busi38Techniques of Translating Business Contracts6)If Party A insisted on its original quotation,Party B will have to cover its requirements elsewhere.如果甲方坚持原报价,乙方将只能从其他渠道购进所需之货物。Techniques of Translating Busi39Techniques of Translating Business Contracts严谨规范严谨规范 合同文本中含有一系列的法律专业术语,其作用在于以简洁的词语描述合同当事人的权利和义务。经贸合同译文必须严谨规范地表达源语的真正含义,体现其庄重性和严肃性。例如:1)Party A is a company duly organized,validly existing and in good standing as a legal person under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.甲方是依据中华人民共和国法律正式成立、有效存续和资格完备的法人公司。Techniques of Translating Busi40Techniques of Translating Business Contracts2)The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。3)The vendor shall procure that the Purchaser acquires good title to the Shares free from all charges,lines,encumbrances and claims whatsoever.卖方应保证买方获得不容置疑的股份所有权,且该股份不带任何押记、留置、负担、权益和主张。Techniques of Translating Busi41Techniques of Translating Business Contracts 4)The carriers responsibility for the cargo ceases immediately when the cargo leave the ships tackle and thereafter all risks and expenses involved are the responsibility of the cargo.当货物离开轮船挂钩时,承运人的责任即行终止,此后一切风险和费用均由货主负责。5)The balance shall be settled upon the arrival of the goods at the port of destination.余款应在货物到达目的港后即行支付。Techniques of Translating Busi42Techniques of Translating Business Contracts6)During the period from the date of effectiveness to the termination of the Contract,the two parties shall hold a meeting every year to discuss problems arising from the execution of the Contract.本合同有效期内,双方应每年会晤一次,以讨论本合同履行期间存在的问题。Techniques of Translating Busi43Techniques of Translating Business Contracts经贸合同英语文本翻译的常用方法:1.词性转换词性转换2.增词法增词法3.减词法减词法 4.调整语序调整语序 Techniques of Translating Busi44Techniques of Translating Business Contracts1.词性转换词性转换 由于英汉两种语言的句子结构和表达方式不同,翻译时,为了使译文通顺、规范,我们经常将英语的某一成分转化为汉语的另一成分。在翻译过程中,转换词性是一种常见的变通手段,它能够突破原文句式格局,化阻滞为通达,准确、完整地表达原文含意(孙致礼,2019:81)。Techniques of Translating Busi45Techniques of Translating Business Contracts1)The parties agree that any restructuring shall not adversely affect the economic interests of the parties.双方同意,任何重组不得给双方的经济利益带来不利的影响。2)A commonplace criticism of American culture is its excessive preoccupation with material goods and corresponding neglect of the human spirit.人们普遍批评美国文化过于强调对于物质产品的占有而相应地过于忽视人们的精神生活。Techniques of Translating Busi46Techniques of Translating Business Contracts3)We are especially grateful to you for arranging the meeting for us with the Machinery Trading Delegation at such short notice.我们特别感谢你们在时间那么短促的情况下安排我们同机械交易团的成员们会面。Techniques of Translating Busi47Techniques of Translating Business Contracts2.增词法增词法增词法指在翻译时按意义和句法的需要,增加一些词来更忠实、通顺地表达原文的思想内容。增补词语是为了使译文更加明确、文字更加通达。1)Cargo insurance is to protect the trader from losses that many dangers may cause.货物保险会使贸易商免受许多风险造成的种种损失。Techniques of Translating Busi48Techniques of Translating Business Contracts2)Sino-British links have multiplied-political,commercial,educational,cultural,defense,science and technology.中英两国在政治、商务、教育、文化、国防和科技等方面的联系成倍地增加了。Techniques of Translating Busi49Techniques of Translating Business Contracts3)Notwithstanding the foregoing,a Party hereby waives its preemptive right in the case of any assignment of all or part of the other Partys registered capital to an affiliate of the other Party.尽管有上述规定,如果一方将其全部或部分注册资本转让给一家关联公司,另一方则在此放弃其优先购买权。Techniques of Translating Busi50Techniques of Translating Business Contracts3.减词法减词法减词法是指在翻译过程中省略原文中自然的、必不可少的、但在译文中却是多余词汇的翻译方法。省略原文中的某些词语是为了使译文准确和简练。1)Mr.Justice Douglas rejected the death penalty because it was administered in such a way as to discriminate against unpopular minorities.大法官达格拉斯先生反对死刑是因为行刑的方式方法歧视不受欢迎的少数人。Techniques of Translating Busi51Techniques of Translating Business Contracts2)We expect that you will give us a definite reply at your earliest convenience.期盼贵方能尽早给我方一个明确的答复。3)We are afraid that the L/C may expire before shipment because of the strike in our factory.由于工厂罢工的缘故,这批货物恐怕在装运前信用证就会到期。Techniques of Translating Busi52Techniques of Translating Business Contracts4.调整语序调整语序 英汉两种语言,其思维方式和表达方式差异很大,这也反映在词序上。调整原句的顺序是为了更符合译文的表达习惯,为了使译文意思更清晰。1)If you have some documentary evidence,we would like you to send it urgently.如果贵方有证明文件的话,本公司希望贵方能立即寄来。Techniques of Translating Busi53Techniques of Translating Business Contracts2)We will honor the drafts,accompanied by the following shipping documents evidencing the shipment,notifying the accountee.议付时,需随附证明该货物的货运单证并通知开证人。3)How much cash is tied up in accounts receivable and for how long?有多少资金被搁置在应收账户上?搁置多久了?Techniques of Translating Busi54Follow-up PracticePut the following clauses into Chinese.1.The additional terms and conditions on the reverse side hereof are part of this Agreement as effectively as though they preceded the signatures of the parties.Follow-up PracticePut the foll55Follow-up Practice2.Unless otherwise provided for herein,Buyer shall place order for,and shipment shall be made in,approximately equal monthly quantities,or if any material is insufficient in quantity to permit monthly shipment,then in quantities approximately evenly spaced throughout each contract year.If Buyer fails to so order any quantity provided for under this Agreement,Seller shall not be obliged subsequently to deliver such unordered quantity.Follow-up Practice2.Unless ot56Follow-up Practice3.Neither of the parties hereto shall at any time during the continuance hereof deal with any of the shares of the Joint Company owned by it whether by sale,pledge,gift or otherwise in any manner inconsistent with the carrying out of its obligations thereunder.Follow-up Practice3.Neither o57Follow-up Practice4.Contract on usual terms at his own expense for the carriage of the goods to the agreed port of destination by the usual route in a vessel(not being a sailing vessel)of the type normally used for the transport of goods of the contract description.Follow-up Practice4.Contract o58Follow-up Practice5.If any of the terms or provisions of this Contract shall be declared illegal or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction,then the parties hereto agree to do all things and cooperate in all ways open to them to obtain substantially the same result or as much thereof as may be possible,including the amendment or alteration of these presents.Follow-up Practice5.If any of 59Follow-up Practice6The registered capital shall be contributed by Party A and Party B respectively according to their own investment shares in _installments,each installment is _.Where Any party fails to subscribe in time to JOINT VENTURE the provided quota,the breaching party shall compensate(or pay damages to)the nonbreaching party(or JOINT VENTURE)in the following way:Follow-up Practice6The regist60Chapter 10The EndChapter 10The End61商务英语翻译实训课件62商务英语翻译实训课件63


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