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作者:南开大学作者:南开大学 商学院商学院 李桂华李桂华UnitFourDevelopingQualityandCompetitiveAdvantage工商管理专业英语unit4Glossaryinnovative:adj.Markedbyorgiventoinnovations.革新的,创新的optimize:v.Tomakeasperfectoreffectiveaspossible.使最优化使尽可能地完善或有效usher:v.Toprecedeandintroduce;inaugurate:宣告,展示介绍;开始,开创:exotic:adj.Intriguinglyunusualordifferent;excitinglystrange:异乎寻常的;奇异的:strenuous:adj.Requiringgreateffort,energy,orexertion:艰巨的需要巨大努力,能量或投入的:hazardous:adj.Markedbydanger;perilous.带有危险性的;危险的navigational:adj.Theactorpracticeofsailing,orofpilotinganaircraft.导航的artificialintelligence:Theabilityofamachinetoperformthoseactivitiesthatarenormallythoughttorequireintelligence.人工智能工商管理专业英语unit4Glossaryprototype:n.Anoriginaltype,form,orinstancethatservesasamodelonwhichlaterstagesarebasedorjudged.原型chassis:n.Therectangularsteelframe,supportedonspringsandattachedtotheaxles,thatholdsthebodyandmotorofanautomotivevehicle.底盘carousel:n.Acircularconveyoronwhichobjectsaredisplayedorrotated旋转式传送带profitable:adj.Yieldingprofit;advantageousorlucrative.有利可图的outmaneuver:v.Toovercome(anopponent)byartful,clevermaneuvering.智胜在机智、谋略上胜过(对手)tenant:n.Onethatpaysrenttouseoroccupyland,abuilding,orotherpropertyownedbyanother.佃户medieval:adj.RelatingorbelongingtotheMiddleAges.中世纪的CEO:ChiefExecutiveOfficer执行总裁工商管理专业英语unit4Key Terms and ConceptsProductionandoperationsmanagement(POM)生产和运作管理isthecoordinationofanorganizationsresourcesformanufacturinggoodsorproducingservices.Likeothertypesofmanagement,POMinvolvesthebasicfunction,ofplanning,organizing,leading,andcontrolling.Italsorequirescarefulconsiderationofthecompanysgoals,thestrategiesforattainingthosegoals,andthestandardsagainstwhichresultswillbemeasured.masscustomization大规模定制(生产)usingmassproductiontechniquestoproducecustomizedgoods.Thecompanysnextgoalistousebatch-of-onemanufacturing,inwhicheveryproductismadetoorderfromscratchandvirtuallynostandardinventoryiskeptonhand.工商管理专业英语unit4Key Terms and ConceptsComputer-AidedDesignandEngineering计算机辅助设计和施工computer-aideddesign(CAD)istheapplicationofcomputergraphicsandmathematicalmodelinginthedesignofproducts.Arelatedprocessiscomputer-aidedengineering(CAE)istheuseofcomputer-generatedthree-dimensionalimagesandcomputerizedcalculationsthatallowengineerstotestproducts.工商管理专业英语unit4Key Terms and ConceptsComputer-AidedManufacturing计算机辅助制造-Theuseofcomputerstocontrolproductionequipmentiscalledcomputer-aidedmanufacturing(CAM).In a CAD/CAM system,computer-aideddesign data are converted automatically intoprocessinginstructionsforproductionequipmenttomanufacturethepart.Thisintegrationofdesignandproduction can increase the output,speed,andprecision of assembly lines,as well as makingcustomizedproductionmucheasier.Inaddition,thelatestCAD/CAMsoftwareallowscompanydepartments to share designs and data overintranets and the Internet,enabling geographicallydisperseddepartmentstoworktogetheroncomplexprojects.工商管理专业英语unit4Key Terms and ConceptsFlexibleManufacturingSystem(FMS)灵活制造系FMSisamanufacturingsystemwhichlinksnumerousprogrammablemachinetoolsbyanautomatedmaterialhandlingsystemofconveyorsorAGVs.Thesystemiscontrolledbyacentralcomputernetwork.Withflexiblemanufacturing,changingfromoneproductdesigntoanotherrequiresonlyafewsignalsfromthecomputer.Eachmachinechangestoolsautomatically,makingappropriateselectionsfrombuilt-instoragecarouselsthatcanholdmorethan100tools.Inaddition,thesequenceofeventsinvolvedinbuildinganitemcanbecompletelyrearranged.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlThe managers at Harley-Davidson faced the same situation that managers around the world are facing today.The extremely competitive nature of the global business environment requires companies to produce high-quality goods in the most efficient way possible or else be shredded by the competition.In almost every industry you can name,this global challenge has caused companies to reexamine their definition of quality.High efficiency,few defects,fast production,low costs,excellent customer service,broad market reach,innovative products and processes,less waste,and high flexibility are all objectives that improve quality by adding value to the good or service being produced.Companies pursue these objectives in order to maintain competitive advantage.And as Harley-Davidsons managers learned,the level of quality that a company aspires to is a strategic decision that affects the production process.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlProduction is the transformation of resources into goods or services that people need or want.At the core of production is the conversion process,the sequence of events that convert resources into products.The conversion process can be diagrammed simply:Inputtransformationoutput工商管理专业英语unit4TextlThis formula applies to both intangible services and tangible goods.For example,for a taxi cab company to serve its customers,tangible and intangible resourcesthe cab,the drivers skill,the fuel,and a passengerare transformed into the intangible service of transporting the customer to the destination.For a shirt maker to produce a shirt,the resources that are convertedcloth,thread,and buttonsare tangible and so is the outputthe shirt.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlConversion is of two basic types.An analytic system breaks raw materials into one or more distinct products,which may or may not resemble the original material in form and function.In meatpacking,for example,a steer is divided into hide,bone,steaks,and so on.A synthetic system combines two or more materials to form a single product.For example,in steel manufacturing,iron is combined with small quantities of other minerals at high temperatures to make steel.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlProduction and operations management(POM)is the coordination of an organizations resources for manufacturing goods or producing services.Like other types of management,POM involves the basic function,of planning,organizing,leading,and controlling.It also requires careful consideration of the companys goals,the strategies for attaining those goals,and the standards against which results will be measured.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlPOM is growing as one of the business worlds most dynamic areas of specialization.For one thing,it is becoming the focus of many companies efforts to improve quality and competitiveness.The field is challenging because(1)it is undergoing rapid change;(2)it involves many activities,from interpreting market research(determining what kinds of goods and services should be produced)to production planning and control of the production process;and(3)it applies to all kinds of companies,regardless of size or product.As a result,POM is enjoying a surge in popularity as a business career track.工商管理专业英语unit4TextUnderstanding the Evolution of Production lThroughout most of human history,people have sought ways of improving production efficiencylowering costs by optimizing output from each resource used in the production process.Consider the feudal system,the political and economic system of medieval Europe in which lords rented land and gave protection to their tenant farmers in exchange for a portion of their output.Production under the feudal system provided a more efficient division of labor than nomadic life or small tribal settlements.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlLater,a series of technological advances in eighteenth-century England brought about even more efficient production and ushered in a period known as the Industrial Revolution.The first of these technological advances was mechanization,the use of machines to do work previously done by people.Adding to mechanizations efficiency was standardization,or the production of uniform,interchangeable parts.This development eliminated the need to craft products one at a time,and it reduced the level of skill that workers needed to produce many goods.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlIn the early twentieth century,Henry Ford was a big fan of standardization.He once commented that customers could have any color car they wanted as long as it was black.Ford also introduced the technological advance with the most wide-ranging influence,the assembly line,which involves putting a product together as it progresses past a number of workstations where each employee performs a specific task.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlAs manufacturers became more adept at integration mechanization,standardization,and the assembly line into the production process,they turned their attention toward eliminating as much costly manual labor as possible through automation,the process of per-forming a mechanical operation with the absolute minimum of human intervention.In automated production,people put the machines into operation,monitor or regulate them,and inspect their output.Beyond that,the machines do the work.These four advances in production efficiency allowed for the development of mass productionmanufacturing uniform goods in great quantities.Mass production reduces production costs and makes products available to more people.Some service companies also use mass production techniques.For example,fast-food chains,hotels,accounting firms,car-rental agencies,and even some real estate firms mass-produce their services through standardized and automated procedures.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlEven though mass production has several advantages,the competitive pressures of the global economy often require production techniques that are more flexible,customer focused,and quality-oriented.Sometimes these techniques replace traditional mass production,and sometimes they simply improve on it.Consider Andersen Windows.Throughout its long history,Andersen made a range of standard windows in large batches.However,in the early 1990s customer demands and an increasing error rate caused Andersen to rethink the way it builds windows.To better meet customer needs,the company developed an interactive computer catalog that allows customers to add,change,and remove features of Andersens standard windows until theyve designed the windows they want.工商管理专业英语unit4TextThe computer then automatically generates a price quote and sends the order to the factory,where standardized parts are tailored to customer specifications.The company now offers close to 200,000 different products and is virtually error free.Andersens new production system is known as mass customizationusing mass production techniques to produce customized goods.The companys next goal is to use batch-of-one manufacturing,in which every product is made to order from scratch and virtually no standard inventory is kept on hand.Andersen is already achieving this in one factory that makes customized replacement windows.工商管理专业英语unit4TextImproving Production Through Technology Managers at Andersen Windows strive for quality production.They are able to achieve their goals for flexibility and customer service partly as a result of recent advances in production technology.In fact,together with innovative management,technology is making production a strategic weapon in gaining a competitive advantage.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlToday more and more U.S.companies are refitting and reorganizing their factories to improve efficiency and productivity.The most visible advances in production technology are computers and robotsprogrammable machines that work with tools and materials to perform various tasks.Although industrial robots may seem exotic,like some science fiction creation,they are quite common and are really nothing more than smart tools.Industrial robots can easily perform precision functions as well as repetitive,strenuous,or hazardous tasks.For instance,Toyota uses robots to handle jobs that are dirty and noisy(such as sanding car bodies)as well as delicate tasks(such as aligning car hoods with engine compartments).In fact,more than any other industry,car companies use robots for painting,welding,and moving objects from one specific place to another nearby(known as pick and place functions).Other uses for robots include testing electronics and even assisting with surgery.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlAnother type of robot is the automated guided vehicle(AGV)a driverless,computer-controlled vehicle that moves materials from any location o the factory floor to any other location.Although an AGVs movements must be preprogrammed,some robots are being given limited artificial intelligence that enables them to make certain decisions.AGVs will probably lead to robots with navigational capabilities,which will enable them to move under their own power of direction.Hospitals,security companies hazardous-material-disposal companies,and the military are all currently using mobile-robot technology.工商管理专业英语unit4TextComputer-Aided Design and Engineering lThe starting point for all production is product design.Widely used today is computer-aided design(CAD),the application of computer graphics and mathematical modeling in the design of products.A related process is computer-aided engineering(CAE),The use of computer-generated three-dimensional images and computerized calculations that allow engineers to test products.With CAE,engineers can subject proposed products to changing temperatures,various stresses,and even simulated accidents,without ever building preliminary models.Moreover,the virtual reality capability of todays computers even allows designers to see and feel how finished products will look and operate before physical prototypes are built.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlUsing computers to aid design and engineering saves time and money because revising computer designs is much faster than revising hand-drafted designs and building physical models.In addition,designs can be adapted more easily to other products.All of this leads to better overall product quality.For example,when Boeing engineers designed the new 777 airplane,they corrected problems and tried out new ideas entirely on their computer screens.Digitally pre-assembling the 3 million parts of the 777 allowed Boeing to exceed its goals for reducing errors,changes,and rework.Thanks to computers and other technology.A product can now be perfectedor a bad idea abandoned before production even begins.工商管理专业英语unit4TextComputer-Aided Manufacturing The use of computers to control production equipment is called computer-aided manufacturing(CAM).In a CAD/CAM system,computer-aided design data are converted automatically into processing instructions for production equipment to manufacture the part.This integration of design and production can increase the output,speed,and precision of assembly lines,as well as making customized production much easier.In addition,the latest CAD/CAM software allows company departments to share designs and data over intranets and the Internet,enabling geographically dispersed departments to work together on complex projects.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlComputer-aided systems are improving the quality of production in all sorts of companies.For example,Ford uses a CAD/CAM/CAE system it calls C3P to develop new vehicle prototypes.It used to take 2to 3 months to build,assemble,and test a car chassis prototype,but C3P enables the company to complete the entire process in less than 2 weeks.Although the program is still quite new,Ford expects it to improve engineering efficiency by 35 percent and reduce prototype costs by up to 40 percent.工商管理专业英语unit4TextComputer-Integrated Manufacturing lThe highest level of computerization in operations management is computer-integrated manufacturing(CIM),in which all the elements of design,engineering,testing,production,inspection,and materials handling are integrated by computer networks linked across departments.CIM is not a specific technology,but rather a strategy that user technology for organizing and controlling a factory.Its role is to link the people,machines,databases,and decisions involved in each step of producing a good.工商管理专业英语unit4TextFlexible Manufacturing System(FMS)lAdvances in design technology have been accompanied by changes in the way the production process is organized.Traditional automated manufacturing equipment is fixed or hard-wired,meaning it is capable of handling only one specific task.Although fixed automation is efficient when one type or model of good is mass produced,a change in product design requires extensive equipment changes.Such adjustments may involve high setup costs,the expenses incurred each time a manufacturer begins a production run of a different type o item.In addition,the initial investment for fixed automation equipment is high because specialized equipment is required for each of the operations involved in making a single item.Only after much production on a massive scale can a company recoup the cost of that specialized equipment.For example,Harley-Davidson invested$4.8 million in fixed manufacturing to make a particular motorcycle-only to dismantle the operation when demand for that product faded.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlAn alternative is a flexible manufacturing system(FMS),which links numerous programmable machine tools by an automated material handling system of conveyors or AGVs.The system is controlled by a central computer network.With flexible manufacturing,changing from one product design to another requires only a few signals from the computer.Each machine changes tools automatically,making appropriate selections from built-in storage carousels that can hold more than 100 tools.In addition,the sequence of events involved in building an item can be completely rearranged.This flexibility saves both time and setup costs.Moreover,producers can outmaneuver less agile competitors by moving swiftly into profitable new fields.Flexible manufacturing also allows producers to adapt their products quickly to changing customer needs.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlAs a$10 million manufacturer of precision metal parts,Cook Specialty is one small company that is able to compete with larger manufacturers through flexible manufacturing.Cook used to make only certain products,such as basketball hoops and display racks.However,the company has transformed its production facilities so that it is now capable of manufacturing custom-engineered medical instruments and precision parts for high-tech equipment.Technical innovations for these devices advance rapidly,but Cook is able to adapt its production facilities to keep up with the changes.In fact,almost one-third of the products Cook manufactures each year are new.Multifunctional teams of people and arrangements of equipment are quickly reconfigured as needed.The company works with its customers to custom design new products that meet customers precise standards.“We dont really have a product line,”says president Tom Panzarella.“What we have is expertise in engineering and manufacturing”.工商管理专业英语unit4TextlFlexible manufacturing systems are particularly desirable for job shops,which make dissimilar items or produce at so irregular a rate that repetitive operations wont help.Most small machine shops are examples.Many job shops are becoming even more flexible by partnering with other shops are examples.Many job shops are becoming even more flexible by partnering with other shops to share ideas,resources,and suppliers.For example,in Pennsylvania a group of 19 small companies that represent a wide range of functional areas have come together in what they call the Agile Web.工商管理专业英语unit4TextWhen a customer firm wants to outsource the design and manufacture of a complex component,it calls the Webs CEO,Ted Nickel.Nickel then notifies Web members who have expertise in designing or building the component the customer needs.A team can be assembled in 24 hour to meet with the customer,come up with a plan,and provide price quotes.By working together in a virtual organization,the Web companies are able to do more in less time.And by focusing on customization and quick response,they are able to serve customer needs better than many large companies can.工商管理专业英语unit4工商管理专业英语unit4


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