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RA九年九年级上学期上学期RA九年级 Unit 1 Unit 1The Developing WorldWeSection ATopic3 The world has Teaching aims and demands 1.Learn some new words and expressions:as a matter of fact,break out,granddaughter,grandchild,fire,stairs,downstairs2.Talk about changes in New York.(1)I heard the traffic there was terrible and everyone drove too fast.(2),its a wonderful place to live.3.Learn the present perfect tense with“for”or“since”.(1)You have been in New York for a long time.(2)The city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago.4.Master word formation:compounds.5.Learn to help people in trouble.Teaching aims and demands 1.LReview仁爱英语九年级上册Unit1Topic3SectionAppt课件仁爱英语九年级上册Unit1Topic3SectionAppt课件Discussion Beijing has changed a lot.Who can describe them?Discussion Beijing has changed1a Listen,read and sayRead 1a again,and answer the questions1.How was New Yorks traffic?2.What about its streets in the past?3.Does it change now?4.Is New York a dangerous place now?Read 1a again,and answer the traffic wonderful street terrible restaurant dirty place excellent traffic wondeWrite New York has changed a lot.The traffic in New York was terrible in the past,but its quite safe now.In fact,the streets were dirty in the past,but its very clean.Its a wonderful place to live,and the restaurants are quite excellent.You must come for a visit,and you can see New York for yourself.Write New York has changed a ll(1)You have been in New York for a long time.l(2)The city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago.(1)You have been in New York ffor&sincel现在完成时表示从过去开始一直延续到现在的动作或状态(即开始于过去,直到现在尚未完成的动作或尚未结束的状态)。常与表示从过去到现在的一段时间状语“for+一段时间;since+过去的某个时间点/一般过去时的句子;since+一段时间+ago”连用。如:lWe have learned English for about two years/since 2006.l我们大约学了两年英语/我们从2006年就学英语了。lThey have known each other since five years ago.他们已经认识5年了。lBill has lived in Beijing since he came to China.l自从来到中国以后,比尔就住在北京。lHe hasnt eaten anything since breakfast.早餐后他还没吃任何东西。for&since现在完成时表示从过去开始一直延续到现在Listen to the tape and choose the right answers.1.Where does Carly come from?A.India.B.Canada.C.Russia.2.When does the flood in her hometown break out?A.One year ago.B.Two years ago.C.Three years ago3.Who helped her?A.A kind-hearted man B.The government C.A and B4.Who helped her?A.Some money.B.Many flowers.C.Clothes and food2 Work aloneListen to the tapeMother daughter/childBasket landFilm mateBirthhome houseGreen ballRoom wifeGrand maker dayHouse townHand bagMother daugFootball stairWash cakeFire brushDown roomTooth landPan placeDay manPolice ballRain coatFarm timeFootball Explanationl1.Oh,you will get used to it very soon.哦,你很快就会习惯的。哦,你很快就会习惯的。lGet used to(doing)sth.习惯与做某事;可用于现在、过去、将来的多种时态,get可用be/become等来代替。如:lHe will be(has been)used to getting up early.他将会(已经)习惯于早起。Explanation1.Oh,you will getl连接(1)used to do sth.过去总做某事(现在不做了);只用于过去时态。used to的否定式可为used not to,也可为didnt use to。疑问式也有两种:Did use to?或Used to?如:lHe used to be a quiet boy.l他过去是个不太说话的男孩。(现在不这样了)lDid he use to be a quiet boy?或Used he to be a quiet boy?l他过去是个不太说话的男孩吗?l(2)be used to do sth.被用于做某事;不定式表示目的,可用于多种时态。如:lWood is used to make paper.木材被用来造纸。连接(1)used to do sth.过去总做某事(2.I think,as a matter of fact,its a wonderful place to live.我认为其实这是个我认为其实这是个居住的好地方。居住的好地方。las a matter of fact 实际上,其实,恰恰相反 如:lI havent been here long.As a matter of fact,I just got off the plane yesterday morning.我到这里没多久。实际上,我昨天早上刚下飞机。lWas he in a bad mood?lNo,as a matter of fact,he seemed quite cheerful.l他心情不好吗?l不,恰恰相反,他看起来非常高兴。2.I think,as a matter of fac3.You must come for a visit.你一定你一定要来参观要来参观 lmust是情态动词,意为是情态动词,意为“一定要,务必一定要,务必”,常用于表达希望尽快做某事,是一种,常用于表达希望尽快做某事,是一种提出建议的表达方式。提出建议的表达方式。如:如:lYou must read the book because its very interesting.l你一定要读这本书,因为它非常有趣。你一定要读这本书,因为它非常有趣。3.You must come for a visit.4.When did the flood in her hometown break out?她家乡何时发生的洪灾?她家乡何时发生的洪灾?lbreak out(战争,火灾等)突然发生,爆发(战争,火灾等)突然发生,爆发 如:如:lFire broke out during the night.夜间突然发生夜间突然发生火灾。火灾。lThey had to escape to America before the war broke out in 1939.l1939年战争爆发前,他们不得不逃到了美国。年战争爆发前,他们不得不逃到了美国。l拓展拓展break out of sth.摆脱某状况摆脱某状况 如:如:lShe needed to break out of the housework and do something exciting.l她需要从家务中解脱出来,找点有意思的事做。她需要从家务中解脱出来,找点有意思的事做。4.When did the flood in her hlS:老师,在“You have been in New York for a long time.你去纽约很长一段时间了。”这个句子中,能否把have been in 改成have been to呢?lT:不可以。have/has been to指曾经去过(某地),现在已经不在那个地方了,常和ever(曾经),never(从来不),once(一次)等连用,表示以前的经历。如:l Nancy has never been to the Great Wall.南希从未去过长城。l My father has been to Japan twice.我父亲去过两次日本。l have/has been in 是待在(某地)的意思,不但去了还待在那儿,所以这个动作可以延续一定的时间,后面常接一段时间状语。如:l My sister has been in Hong Kong for a year.l 我姐姐已在香港待了一年了。师生互生互动 S:老师,在“You have been in New Yo师生互生互动 lS:老师,那么能否改成:老师,那么能否改成have gone to 呢?呢?lT:我们前面学过:我们前面学过have/has gone to表示去了(某表示去了(某地),可能在那个地方或去那个地方的途中,强调地),可能在那个地方或去那个地方的途中,强调不在说话的现场,而不说某人在某地待多长时间。不在说话的现场,而不说某人在某地待多长时间。第一人称(第一人称(I,we)和第二人称()和第二人称(you)以及在说话)以及在说话现场的人都不能使用这一结构。现场的人都不能使用这一结构。如:如:l Where is Jane?(简不在现场简不在现场)l She has gone to New York.她去纽约了。她去纽约了。l 若是:她去纽约若是:她去纽约3天了。要表达成:天了。要表达成:l She has been in New York for 3 days.师生互动 S:老师,那么能否改成 I用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。live in,have been at,if you like,kind-hearted,as a matter of fact1._,he is a very good English teacher.2.A _ man helped him after his parents died.3.Miss Gao _this school for a long time.4.You can do some reading here every day _.5.If there are too many people on the earth,we wont have enough room to _.I用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。ExerciseFind out more compounds and add them to your vocabulary.Find out more compounds and adGoodbye


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