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2024/6/15人教初中英语八年级上人教初中英语八年级上册第一单元册第一单元SectionBwriting2023/8/9人教初中英语八年级上册第一单元Section1We travel to open our hearts and eyes and learn more about the world Wetraveltoopenourheartsa2thePalaceMuseumtheBirdsNesttheSummerPalacetheGreatWallaBeijinghutong TiananmenSquarethePalaceMuseumtheBirdsNe33aComplete the diary entry about a trip to one of these places.Use the words and phrases in the box to help you.hot and sunny tired Beijing duck delicious take some photos beautiful buy something special interesting learn something important AugustTiananmen Squarethe Palace Museuma Beijing hutongPre-writing3aCompletethediaryentryabo4 Wednesday,_ 20thToday the weather was _.I went to_.It was _.We _.I liked this place because _.For dinner we had _.It was_.In the evening,I felt really _.August hot and sunnythe Palace Museumbeautiful and interestingtook some photos and bought something specialI learned something importantBeijing duckdelicioustiredPre-writing5 Today the weather was hot and sunny.I went to the Palace Museum.It was beautiful and interesting.We took some photos and bought something special.I liked this place because I learned something important.For dinner we had Beijing duck.It was delicious.In the evening,I felt really tired.Wednesday,August 20thcontent(内容)Payattentiontothecontent.Pre-writing6Today the weather was hot and sunny.I went to the Palace Museum.It was beautiful and interesting.We took some photos and bought something special.I liked this place because I learned something important.For dinner we had Beijing duck.It was delicious.In the evening,I felt really tired.I arrived in Beijing by plane this morning with my family.In a word,I enjoy my trip very much.I will never forget it.Before that,I just saw them on TV.Wednesday,August 20thPre-writingTodaytheweatherw7A travel diaryWhen(day&date)WhereweatherWhatHowPre-writingWhoHowAtraveldiaryWhen(day&date8Pre-writingLets play a gameThe first student from each team runs to the board and writes one city or country name starting with S on the board,e.g.Sanya or Shanghai.The Student then hands the chalk to the next team member and goes back to the seat,and so on,with different team members,through all the items in the list.Pre-writingLetsplayagameTh9TeamATeamB TeamC TeamDWhereWhenWhoHowWeatherWhat HowPre-writingWhereWhenWhoHowWeatherWhatHow10Talkaboutyourtravellingexperiencesinyourgroup,andtheneachgroupaskonestudenttogiveashortreport.Talkaboutyourtravelling11Wednesday,August 20thI arrived in Beijing by plane this morning with my family.Today the weather was hot and sunny.I went to the Palace Museum.It was beautiful and interesting.We took some photos and bought something special.I liked this place because I learned something important.For dinner we had Beijing duck.It was delicious.In the evening,I felt really tired.In a word,I enjoy my trip very much.I love Beijing.Pre-writingConnectingwordsWednesday,August20thPre-writ12WritingWhile-writing 1.Write a travel diary.2.Please write 60 80 words.3.Dont forget to use some connecting words.WritingWhile-writing1.Writea13Afterreadingmyclassmatesdiary,Iknowwhere he/she went YES/NOwhen he/she went YES/NOwho he/she travelled with YES/NOhow he/she went YES/NO how the weather was YES/NOwhat he/she did YES/NOhow he/she felt YES/NOInmyclassmatesdiary,Icanfindthefollowingfeature:connecting words YES/NObeautiful handwriting YES/NOTotal:_RevisingPeerChecklist同伴评价表同伴评价表RevisingPeerChecklist同伴评价14HomeworkPolish the writing:AtraveldiaryHomeworkPolishthewriting:15


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