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Review 复习photographerLook at the pictures and describe the people. 看图片, 描述图片中的人。 beautifulEnglish actorfamousChineseteachershortAmerican accountantoldChinesepolicemanfatAmerican postmanthinEnglishactoryoungFrench 我 的 钢 笔 在 哪 儿 ?http:/ 0 0 1 / 最喜欢的favourite /fevrt/长的long /l/书包schoolbag /sku:lbg/给give/v/(同类中的) 一样东西one铅笔盒pencil-case /penslkes /东西thing /放put /pt/谢谢Thanks! /ks/给你Here you are.New Words Challenge your eyes 挑战你的眼睛(比比谁最快)giveHere you areputHere you arefavourite schoolbagthing Thanks!thinglongschoolbagputlong favouritegive Whose old pencil-case is it?Watch and answer:它是谁的旧铅笔盒? Karen: Wheres my pen, Lucy? Lucy: Which pen, Mum?Karen: The blue one. Lucy: This one? Karen: Yes, that one. Its my favourite pen, Lucy! Lucy: Sorry, Mum! Karen: And wheres my new ruler? Lucy: The long one?Karen: The long silver one. Lucy: Its in my schoolbag, Mum.Karen: Oh, Lucy! Give me my ruler, please. Lucy: Here you are. Im sorry, Mum. Its a very nice ruler.Karen: Yes, it is. Lucy: Mum!Karen: Yes? Lucy: Is this your pencil-case, too?Karen: No, it isnt. Its your fathers old pencil-case. Thats his favourite thing! Lucy: Sorry, Mum! Its my favourite thing, too.Karen: Oh, well! Put it on his desk. No harm done. Lucy: Thanks, Mum! Answer questions about the text. 根据课文回答问题. 1. Where:对 地 点 进 行 提 问 。我 的 新 书 包 在 哪 里 ?我 的 苹 果 在 哪 里 ?你 的 书 在 哪 里 ?他 的 铅 笔 盒 在 哪 里 ?你 最 喜 爱 的 外 套 在 哪 里 ? Wheres my new schoolbag?Wheres my apple?Wheres your book?Wheres his pencil-case?Wheres your favourite coat? 2. Give me my ruler.Give 某人 某物 = Give 某物 to 某人给 她 (her)那 本 书 。给 我 这 个 书 包 。给 妈 妈 那 个 铅 笔 盒 。给 我 那 把 尺 子 。给 爸 爸 那 只 钢 笔 。 Give her the book.= Give the book to her. Give me the schoolbag.= Give the schoolbag to me. Give Mum the pencil-case.=Give the pencil-case to Mum. Give me the ruler. = Give the ruler to me. Give Dad the pen.= Give the pen to Dad. 请 给 我 那 个 铅 笔 盒 。请 开 门 。3. please: 表 示 礼 貌 的 请 求 。 Please give me the pencil-case. Open the door, please.4. No harm done.用 来 友 好 地 回 答 别 人 的 道 歉 , 它 表 示 冒 犯 是 暂 时 的 ,现 在 已 经 没 关 系 了 。 5. Thanks, Mum!Thanks适 合 家 人 、 同 龄 的 朋 友 之 间 使 用 , 但 是 对那 些 家 庭 成 员 以 外 的 人 , 或 者 权 威 人 士 ,Thank you 比 Thanks更 礼 貌 。完成课本5 7页“写对话”练习。 Karen: _my pen, Lucy? Lucy: Which pen, Mum?Karen: The blue _. Lucy: This one?Karen: Yes, that one. Its my _ pen, Lucy! Lucy: _, Mum!Wheres one favouriteSorry Karen: And wheres my new ruler? Lucy: The _ one?Karen: The long silver one. Lucy: Its _, Mum.Karen: Oh, Lucy! _me my ruler, please. Lucy: _. Im sorry, Mum. Its a very _ ruler.Karen: Yes, it is.longin my schoolbag Give Here you are nice Lucy: Mum!Karen: Yes? Lucy: Is this your _, too?Karen: No, it isnt. Its your fathers _ pencil-case. Thats his favourite _! Lucy: Sorry, Mum! Its my favourite thing, too.Karen: Oh, well! _ it on his desk. No harm done. Lucy: _, Mum! pencil-case oldthingPutThanks 变换句型把下列陈述句变成一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。1 . The blue pen is Mums favourite one. (Which?)一般疑问句:特殊疑问句:Is the blue pen Mums favourite one?Which pen is Mums favourite one?2 . Mums new ruler is on the desk. (Where?)一般疑问句:特殊疑问句:Is Mums new ruler on the desk?Wheres Mums new ruler? 3 . Its Lucys pencil-case. (Whose?)一般疑问句:特殊疑问句:Is it Lucys pencil-case?Whoes pencil-case is it?4 . The pencil-case is Dads favourite thing. (What?)一般疑问句:特殊疑问句:Is the pencil-case Dads favourite thing?What is Dads favourite thing? Tell your friend about your favourite things, like this: 告诉你的一位朋友你最喜欢的东西, 可以这样说:Example:My favourite pen is red. Its in my schoolbag.My favourite book is a famous one. Its on my desk. Game 游戏抢读单词游戏规则:你将看到一些图片或者单词,如果是图片,请说出图片对应的单词;如果是单词,请读出该单词并说出其意思。举手抢答,答对加1 0分,答错不加分,其他人接着抢答。 给大家3分钟时间记一下本课单词,不会读的马上问老师。 Homework 作业schoolbag 书包thing 东西long 长的give 给put 放下列单词读1 0遍,写1 0遍, 下节课听写:


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