(通用版)高三英语二轮复习 第一板块 语法填空与短文改错 语法填空短文改错组合练(八)-人教版高三英语试题

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(通用版)高三英语二轮复习 第一板块 语法填空与短文改错 语法填空短文改错组合练(八)-人教版高三英语试题_第1页
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(通用版)高三英语二轮复习 第一板块 语法填空与短文改错 语法填空短文改错组合练(八)-人教版高三英语试题_第2页
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(通用版)高三英语二轮复习 第一板块 语法填空与短文改错 语法填空短文改错组合练(八)-人教版高三英语试题_第3页
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语法填空短文改错组合练(八)题组(一).语法填空(2016福建省普通高中毕业班质检)I was born in a town called Blackburn, in the northwest of England, and lived there till I left home _1_ the age of eighteen. My parents had moved to England from India during _2_ 1970s.As a child, I went to my local school and, of course _3_ (speak) English with a local accent. But home was very different: we lived in a kind of “little India”, with a huge extended family of uncles and aunts. I remember _4_ (feel) part of this big thing called “family”, and an even _5_ (big) thing called “India”. I suppose my family _6_ (real) influenced me while I was growing up. They used to talk about India as “home” even _7_ at that time I had never been there!To me, it doesnt seem at all strange to grow up as part of two cultures. I am always thinking that growing up with two cultures is a gift, not a _8_ (advantage). Now as a mother, I want my child _9_ (get) in contact (接触) with her Indian roots too, so we are planning to visit there later this year. All her Indian _10_ (cousin) are expecting to meet her!1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._.短文改错(2016新疆维吾尔自治区适应性检测)In ancient times, peoples transportation means were their foot. So it was rather difficult for them travel from one place to another. As a result, they know few things about the outside world. The world was too big for them to understand it.With science and technology developing rapidly, more and more transportation means appear, such as bicycles, buses, cars, trains, ships and planes, that carry goods and passengers to and from every corner of the world. And they shorten the distance among people. With the help of these modern facilities, people from all over the world can get in constantly touch with each other. So it is much easy for people from different nations to understand each other but communicate with each other. Thus the world is getting smaller and smaller, just like big family.题组(二).语法填空(2016湖北省八校联考)China will allow all couples to have two children, _1_(give) up its decadeslong onechild policy, the Communist Party of China(CPC) _2_(announce) after a key meeting on Thursday.The change of policy is intended to balance population development and meet the challenge of an aging population, according to a communiqu (公报) _3_(issue) after the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held from Monday to Thursday.The proposal must be approved by the top legislature (立法机关) _4_ it comes into force.Chinas family planning policy was first introduced in the late 1970s _5_(control) the rapid _6_(grow) of the population by limiting most urban couples _7_ one child, and as to rural couples, they can have two children on condition that their firstborn child was a girl. The policy was later relaxed. Parents _8_ were both only children in their family could have _9_ second child.The onechild policy was _10_(far) loosened in November 2013 after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, and couples are allowed to have two children if one of them is an only child.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._.短文改错(2016广东省五校协作体联考)Insurance companies are normally willing to insure anything, but it must be unique to insure a dish. It was a unusual pie dish, for it was eighteen feet in long and six feet in width. They had been purchased by a local authority so that an enormous pie could baked for an annual fair. The pie committee decided that the best way to transport would be by a canal, so they insured it for the trip. Short after it was launched, the pie committee went to the local inn to celebrate. In the same time, a number of teenager climbed on to the dish and held a little party of their own. Dancing proved to be more than the dish could bear, but during the party it capsized (倾覆) and sink in seven feet of water.题组(三).语法填空(2016太原市模拟)You may feel short of money even if you have a good salary. The following are some tips on _1_ to save your money. First, set _2_ (goal) to save money and form moneysaving habits while staying away from those who waste money. Think twice before using money on expensive skincare products.Second, cut down your daily expenses. When going to a supermarket, write down what you want to buy to avoid _3_ (buy) unnecessary stuff. Girls, _4_ always spend money on clothes, should keep _5_ eye open for discounts youre likely to buy good summer dress in winter at a _6_ (reason) price. Third, economize your social life. When its your turn to buy a meal, invite your friends to your home and cook the dinner _7_ (you). If you separate from your boyfriend, you _8_ (suppose) to donate the gifts he sent to you to some charities instead _9_ throwing them away._10_ (final), you need to find other ways to earn extra money.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._.短文改错(2016石家庄市质检)Ive learnt from the notice that youre looking for an English editor for us school paper. Im written this letter to apply for the position.Im Li Hua, Senior Three student in our school. In my view, I met your requirements. For one thing, Im willing to devote some of my spare time to serve others. For another, Im good at both English or Fine Arts. Im either skilled in using computers. I would be glad if you could offer to me an opportunity for an interview.Im looking forward to your kindly reply at your earliest convenient. 题组(四).语法填空(2016吉林省长春市普通高中质检)Drawn in simple black and white, Tuzki (兔斯基) doesnt seem special at first sight. But with two narrow eyes and slim arms, the rabbit creates his own special magic. He is very good at using body language _1_ (express) different emotions. His _2_(present) on instant messaging platforms like QQ and WeChat has made him _3_ true icon (偶像) of the Internet generation.It is an achievement neither the rabbit _4_ its creator Wang Maomao would have imagined. As early as 2006, Tuzki lived on Wangs blog, showing _5_ she was going through in her life. For instance, Tuzki went to the dentist, _6_(eat) instant noodles, and watched horror movies alone at midnight just like the 29yearold Beijing artist herself.“Many people said I looked like a rabbit when they first met me,” Wang said, explaining how she came up _7_ the idea for Tuzki. At first the rabbit represented Wang herself. Over time, _8_, Tuzki gradually developed his own character.“Hes a rabbit with a loving heart who _9_ (discourage) easily by reality. He likes to complain, but he can always enjoy _10_,” she said.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._.短文改错(2016长沙四校模拟)It was a sunny day today but I went to Xishan Park for a spring outing. The moment when I entered the park, a variety of beautiful flowers and green trees came into sight. Attracting by the beauty, I couldnt help taking photos. As I wandered along the path, enjoying the beautiful view, I noticed anything unpleasant. Two schoolgirls jumped over the fence to pick flowers. Obviously they didnt realize that their behavior has done great damage to beauty of the park. Without hesitation, I went up and stopped her politely. Feeling quite embarrassed, the two girls came out immediate. Then they took pictures inside the fence. Seeing that, I smiled and everything looked nicer in my eye.语法填空短文改错组合练(八)题组(一).语法填空语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。“我”出生在英国西北部的一个小镇,在十八岁时离开那里去求学;“我”的父母早在20世纪70年代从印度迁到英国。“我”认为在两种不同文化中长大是礼物而不是缺点。1atat the age of为固定搭配,意为“在岁时”。2thethe 1970s为固定用法,意为“20世纪70年代”;表示“某世纪某年代”时应在数字前加the。3spoke根据该句中的“As a child, I went”可以判断,该句讲述的是过去发生的事,应用一般过去时,故应用speak的过去式spoke。4feelingremember doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“记得(曾经)做过某事”;根据语境可知,这里指记得曾经发生的事情,故用feeling。5bigger根据上文中的big和该句中的even可以判断,空处应用big的比较级bigger。6really根据空后的influenced可以判断,空处修饰动词,故用该词的副词形式really。7though/if他们过去常常将印度当作家乡来谈论,即使那时“我”从没有到过那里。even though/if为固定搭配,意为“尽管,即使”。8disadvantage根据该句中的“a gift, not .”可以判断,此处表示在两种不同的文化中长大是一件礼物,而不是缺点。故用advantage的反义词disadvantage。9to getwant sb. to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“想要某人做某事”。10cousins根据该句中的All和are可知,应用名词的复数形式。.短文改错第一句:footfeet第二句:travel前加to第三句:knowknew第四句:去掉it第五句:thatwhich第六句:amongbetween第七句:constantlyconstant第八句:easyeasier; butand第九句:big前加a/one题组(二).语法填空语篇解读:本文讲述了中国的二孩政策。1giving分析句子结构可知,give与句子主语China之间为主谓关系,应用现在分词作状语,故填giving。2announced根据时间状语on Thursday可知,本处应用一般过去时。3issued分析句子结构可知,issue与communiqu之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词issued作定语。4before提议在生效之前必须得到最高立法机关的批准。before“在之前”。5to control中国于20世纪70年代晚期开始实施计划生育政策以控制急剧增长的人口。本处应用动词不定式作目的状语。6growth此处表示控制急剧增长的人口,应用名词作宾语,故填growth。7tolimit . to .“限定到”是固定搭配。8who/that夫妇双方均为独生子女的,还可以再生一个孩子。本处先行词为Parents,关系词在定语从句中作主语,故用who/that。9a序数词前用不定冠词,意为“再,又”。10further根据句意“一孩政策进一步放松”可知,本处应用比较级;由于本处不是表距离,而是表事物的程度,故用further。.短文改错第二句:aan; longlength第三句:TheyIt; could后加be第四句:去掉a第五句:ShortShortly第六句:InAt; teenagerteenagers第七句:butfor/because; sinksank题组(三).语法填空语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了让你省钱的四种方法。1how此处表示“以下是关于如何省钱的几点建议”,故用how。2goals句意:首先,设定目标节省钱,形成省钱的习惯,同时远离浪费钱的人。本处应用名词复数形式。3buyingavoid doing sth.意为“避免做某事”,故用动名词buying。4who本处为非限制性定语从句,先行词为Girls,关系词在从句中作主语,指人,应用who。5ankeep an eye open for sth.意为“留神某物,密切注意某物”。6reasonablea reasonable price“一个合理的价格”,本处应用形容词作定语。7yourself本处指“自己做饭”,应用反身代词yourself。8are supposedbe supposed to do sth.意为“应该做某事”;根据主语you可知,应用are supposed。9ofinstead of是固定短语,意为“代替,而不是”。10Finally句意:最后,你需要找别的方式挣外快。本处位于句首作状语,应用副词。.短文改错第一句:usour第二句:writtenwriting第三句:Senior前加a第四句:metmeet第五句:serveserving第六句:orand第七句:eitheralso第八句:去掉to第九句:kindlykind; convenientconvenience题组(四).语法填空语篇解读:本文介绍了王卯卯创作的动画表情形象兔斯基。兔斯基的创作源于生活,创作者通过这只兔子的肢体语言来表达生活中的各种情感。1to expressuse sth. to do sth.表示“用某物做某事”,为固定短语。故填to express。2presence此处为名词作主语,指兔斯基的存在,且根据下文的has可知,应用单数形式。故填presence。3a此处表示“一个真正的偶像”,为泛指。故填a。4norneither . nor . 表示“既不也不”,为固定搭配。故填nor。5whatshowing后为宾语从句,连接词在从句中作宾语,故填what。6ate根据“Tuzki went . and watched”的提示可知,此处为并列谓语动词,应使用一般过去时。故填ate。7withcome up with表示“提出”,为固定搭配。故填with。8however前后为转折关系,且空后有逗号。故填however。9is discouragedwho引导定语从句,替代先行词a rabbit在从句中作主语,因与谓语动词discourage之间构成动宾关系,所以使用被动语态;上下文为一般现在时且主语为单数。故填is discouraged。10himselfenjoy oneself表示“过得愉快”,主语为he,故填himself。.短文改错第一句:butand第二句:去掉when第三句:AttractingAttracted第四句:anythingsomething第六句:hashad; beauty前加the第七句:herthem第八句:immediateimmediately第九句:insideoutside第十句:eyeeyes


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