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新概念第一册新概念第一册75-7675-76课课课课件件Dont believe what he says.Work hard and believe in yourself,and youll succeed one day.不要不要相信相信他他说的的话,努力学,努力学习,相信相信/信任信任你自己,你会成功的。你自己,你会成功的。Believe sb/what=trust in sb相信某人(相信某人(说的的话)Believe in sb=trust sb信任某人信任某人I believe him but Icant believe in him我相信他的我相信他的话,但不信任他,但不信任他祈使句祈使句+and/or+句子句子Believe me and you will get a better chanceBelieve in me or you will lose a best friend单词学学习ago adv.以前以前buy(bough)v.买pair n.双,双,对fashion n.(服装)流行式(服装)流行式样Uncomfortable adj.不舒服的不舒服的wear(wore)v.穿着穿着ago adv.以前以前ago 用于一般用于一般过去去时;从;从现在的以前在的以前before 只能用于只能用于过去完成式;是从去完成式;是从过去的某一去的某一点算起点算起 I went to London three days ago.She left 30 minutes ago.Long long ago,there lived a king.很久很久以前很久很久以前,这里住着一位国王。里住着一位国王。Before I arrived at the station yesterday,the train had already left.我昨天我昨天还没到没到车站之前,火站之前,火车就开走了就开走了I have never seen her beforebuy v.买 bought-boughtI buy a new book for my son every week.buy sth for sb I bought my father a coat in Paris last month.=buy sb sthsell 卖sold-soldHe sold his brother his car for 10,000 yuan=He sold his car to his brother for 10,000 yuan sell sb sth=sell sth to sb for+money以以钱卖给某人某物某人某物The goods sell very well.pair n.双,双,对一副手套是件好礼物一副手套是件好礼物 A pair of gloves is a nice present.I have only one pair of hands.我只有一双手我只有一双手(忙不忙不过来来)three pairs of stockings 数数词+量量词+of+名名词 如:如:A loaf of breadA bar of chocolateA bottle of wineA hand of bananafashion n.(服装的)流行式(服装的)流行式样be in fashion 是流行的是流行的今年流行今年流行这种种颜色色 This color is in fashion this year.be out of fashion 不流行不流行 把上面句子把上面句子变成否定句成否定句 This color is out of fashion this year This color isnt in fashion this yearwear v.穿穿/戴着(状戴着(状态)wore-worn =haveon/be(dressed)in我每天都穿同一我每天都穿同一间外套。外套。I wear the same coats every day.他每天都戴他每天都戴领带。He wears a tie every day.这位女士穿着一件很漂亮的裙子。位女士穿着一件很漂亮的裙子。The lady is wearing a beautiful dress.put on穿穿/戴(戴(动作)作)Just now,he hurrily put on his coat and now he is wearing the white coat.v.面面带;呈;呈现;保持;保持他面他面带欢快的笑容快的笑容Hes wearing a cheerful smile.He wears his dignity even in great adversity.他即使身他即使身处逆境也仍保持着自己的尊逆境也仍保持着自己的尊严。课文文讲解解Do you have any shoes like these?其中,其中,like为介介词 像像.like these是介是介词短短语作定作定语,来修,来修饰shoes。Do it like this.I wont do it like you.He looks like his father Whats the weather like?Like father,like son有其父必有其子有其父必有其子:Doyouhaveanyshoes(shoe的适当形式的适当形式)likethese?:Butmysisterbought(buy的适当形式的适当形式)thispairlastmonth.:Didshebuythem(they的适当形式的适当形式)here?:No,shebought(buy的适当形式的适当形式)themintheU.S.:Wehad(have的适当形式的适当形式)someshoeslikethoseamonthago,butwedonthaveany(some的适当形式的适当形式)now.:Canyougetapairforme(I的适当形式的适当形式),please?:ImafraidthatIcant.Theywere(be的适当形式的适当形式)infashionlastyearandtheyearbeforelast.Buttheyrenotinfashionthisyear.:These(this的复数形式的复数形式)shoesareinfashionnow.:Theylookveryuncomfortable.:Theyareveryuncomfortable.Butwomenalwayswearuncomfortable(comfortable的的否定形式否定形式)shoes!课文拓展1、_!Are you mr.chen?No ,I am not._.A hello;good.B sorry;excuse me C hello ok D excuse me;sorry.2、_is a fine day today.A that B this C it D today 3、The aeroplane is flying _the sky.A in B of C out D over 4、They are looking _ the sky.A at B over C on D in 5、There is a bridge _the river.A.on B over C in D at 6、They _over the bridge now.A.walk B walking C are walking D is walking 7、Can she type this letter _me?A.of B at C for D in 8、I usually go to school _7 oclock _the moring.A.in;at B at;in C on ;in D at;on 9、We usually stay _home on Sundays.A.in B on C for D at 10、My father often goes to work _car.A.by B in C on D at 11、_ the moment they are playing _the garden.A.at,by B at ,in C in,on D in,at.112、Look!he _the radio.A.listening to B is listening C is listenig to D listen to 13、Do you go to school _bus or _foot?A by ,on B by,by C on,on Don,by 14、There _a desk and four chairs in the room.A are B is C be D 15、Whats the climate _in your country?A likes B like C look like D looks like 16、Do you want beef _lamb?Beef,please.A and B yet C but D or 17、_I dont like english at all.A telling you the truth B to tell you the truth C telling you the true D to tell you the true18、Whats the matter _your bike?Its broken.A with B along C in D about thank you结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!23


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