新世纪大学英语2 unit6what does teamwork really mean

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新世纪大学英语新世纪大学英语2 2 unit6what does unit6what does teamwork really meanteamwork really meanUnit Seven:Part AUnit Seven:Part A Pre-Reading Activities Global study Intensive Study useful expressionsTeamworklDefinition of TeamworklThe importance of teamworklKeys to teamworkDefinition of Teamwork Teamwork means cooperation between team members,using their experience,knowledge and skills to work together as a team toward the same goal.TeamworklComing together is beginning.lKeeping together is progress.lWorking together is success,said by famous Henry Ford.l There are three steps toward success of team.The importance of teamwork Teamwork plays an important role in all aspects of social life.Nowadays,few people can accomplish their task without the help and cooperation of others.Teamwork is a very important skill to have and be able to use in a modern working environment.Effective teamwork will make any company more efficient and profitable.Keys to teamworkHow to?Keys to teamworkTeam Success FactorsPurpose ProcessCommunication Involvement Commitments TrustPurposeHaving clear stated team direction,goals and objectives1 Write specific goals that everyone agrees to2 Write a charter statement;keep it and other long-term goals posted in a common team area.3 Ensure each team member has a clear role and responsibility4 Revise roles and short-term goals as projects/tasks change5 Question assignments that dont contribute to long-term goals Members of a football team:coach,captain,goalkeeper,striker,midfielder,defenderA basketball teamTeamworkDiscuss:1.What does teamwork mean to you?2.What makes a successful team?Text structure Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas1212311It is an essential requirement of any employment that any potential employee is a team player.A company is just like a football team.Every member has the duty to help achieve the teams goal and the right to offer ideas.31215If you are not happy in your working environment,try to find out if there is anything wrong with you or your team.Global Reading_2.11.In what way does the author begin the text?The author begins the text by mentioning a common situation.At the end of the first paragraph,a question is raised;and in the second paragraph,the author answers her own question,giving her own definition of the term“a team player”.2.Where does the most important information lie in the first two paragraphs?The most important information lies in the last sentence of the second paragraph“It is an essential requirement of any employment that any potential employee is a team player.”3.What writing techniques can we learn from the first part of the text?In English writing,asking a question can be a good way to begin a text;and we can put the thesis at the end of the first part;in addition,giving a clear definition of the central term may lay a solid foundation for the further development of the theme.Global Reading_2.2Direction:Scan Paragraphs 3-11 and then fill in the following table.Football team membersRoles and responsibilitiesCaptainOther team players such as goalkeeper,striker,midfielder or defendergive direction to the team;play as a part of the team;communicate with other team members;assess other members ideashave specific roles to play and support the goals set and agreed upon by the team;follow the captains order;feel free to offer ideas and share their own ideas with the rest of the team;handle rejection of their own ideas in a mature manner Global Reading_3.1In the text,the author makes use of analogy to explain the term“teamwork”.Analogy is a special kind of comparison and a more concrete way to explain things.The purpose of the use of analogy is to explain something vast,remote,unfamiliar,abstract or specialized.In this text,the author likens the corporate team to the football team to answer the question of the title“What does teamwork really mean?”Direction:Read through the text and find the places where the author uses analogy.Global Reading_3.21.Each football team has the same aims;each company has its clearly defined goals.2.Every member of the football team is vital to the success of the team;the same is true for the corporate team.3.Every member of the football team has a very specific role as a captain,goalkeeper,striker,midfielder or defender;similarly,every member of the corporate team should have specific roles and responsibilities in view of achieving the goals.4.The captain of the football team is there to give direction to the team in strategy,motivation and inspiration;likewise,there can only be one captain of the company,and he or she should be responsible for giving leadership and guidance to the team members.5.Every member of the football team has the right to share his own ideas with the rest of the team,which may complement the objectives and goals;the same is true for the corporate team.Introduction We often hear the word“teamwork”.But what is the essence of teamwork?How do individuals relate to one another in a t e a m?A r e y o u a t e a m p l a y e r?Understanding these questions can surely promote team spirit as well as individual development.Intensive StudyIntensive StudyWhat Does Teamwork Really Mean?Sharon SawIn many job interviews,a common question is whether the interviewee is a“team player”.More often than not(unless the interviewee is particularly stupid,or maybe particularly honest but doesnt want the job),he or she will say“yes”.But what does being a team player really mean?On the most basic level,a team player is someone who can work within a group of people.This group is a number of people greater than one.Even if there are only two people in the group,they can be called a“team”.Therefore it is an essential requirement of any employment that any potential employee is a team player.Intensive StudyIntensive StudyOn a deeper level,a team player is someone who can play a role in the team,to achieve and support the goals set and agreed upon by the team.The simplest analogy to the corporate team would be a sports team.There are two main aims of the football team.One is to score goals and the other is to prevent the oppositionteam from scoring.In football,there are eleven players per side,and almost the same number of players in reserve.There are also other vital members of the team in the background,such as the coach,the doctor,etc.Intensive StudyIntensive StudyEvery member of the team has a very specific role as a captain,goalkeeper,striker,midfielder or defender.Every member of the team is vital to the success of the team.If there is one player missing,the team is handicapped.If one player does not perform to the best of his or her ability,the team is handicapped.Intensive StudyIntensive Study The captain is there to give direction to the team,in strategy,motivation and inspiration.But he or she also has to play as part of the team.Egos do not play any part in teamwork.If ones ego gets in the way,such as if one player wants to score a goal and be a hero,he or she may take rash actions instead of maybe letting another person score or helping to create the opportunity to score.Similarly in the corporate world,each company has its clearly defined goals.Usually these are not as easily specified as in a football match.And it is the job of every employee to ensure that these goals are met.Every member of the corporate team should have specific roles and responsibilities in view of achieving these goals.Intensive StudyIntensive StudyThere can only be one captain of the company,and he or she should be responsible for giving leadership and guidance to the team members.The leader should also continuously communicate the overall business strategy,as well as providing motivation and inspiration to the team.Theleader has to have the loyalty of the team.If the team is not loyal or has no respect for the leader,the members of the team will not listen to the captain and the objectives of the company would not be achieved.Intensive StudyIntensive Study In every action of the team,the objectives of the company,and or,business strategy,MUST be first and foremost.The success of the team relies completely on every member of the team carrying out their roles and r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s i n l i n e w i t h t h edirection of the leader.There has to be a“oneness”of the corporate culture.There is no room in the company for anyone who does not share the same corporate goals or objectives.Intensive StudyIntensive Studyand if you believe in it strongly enough,you should share it with the rest of the team.Your idea may complement the corporate objectives and goals.Or it may not.If the leader is a competent one,he or she will assess it on its merit and not let ego get in the way.However,should the team not agree with your vision,dont take it personally.Being a team player does not mean that you do not have any ideas of your own.It does not mean you should always agree with the rest of the team.It does not mean that you should merely follow the herd.There are times when your vision may differ from the vision of the company,the leader or the rest of team.It may be a valid visionIntensive StudyIntensive StudyThey may find the idea inappropriate,not YOU personally.Dont take it as a sign of personal rejection.A good leader should be able to communicate this to a team member,but if he or she doesnt,and it turns out as appearing to be a rebuff,dont lose heart.If the team found YOU inappropriate,you would be the first to know.If your leader or team members see that you can handle rejection of your ideas in a mature manner,it is only to your own credit.Dont be afraid to offer new ideas even seemingly crazy ones.Everyone in the team should feel free to offer ideas and not worry about them being dismissed.Usually when ideas are not taken up,people may take it as a personal rejection.Dont.Just accept it,and move on.There is work to be done.Intensive StudyIntensive StudyThe pleasure of working in an environment where every member of the team is a team player is unparalleled.If you are not enjoying your working environment,chances are high that your team is also not working well.Ask yourself this:Are you a team player?Are your own objectives in line with those of the team?Are your team objectives in line with those of the company?If not,why not?1.Paraphrase the sentence.The simplest analogy to the corporate team would be a sports team.2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.In the simplest way,we may liken the corporate team to a sports team.打个最简单的比方,一个企业团队就打个最简单的比方,一个企业团队就好比一个运动队。好比一个运动队。If there is one player missing,the team is handicapped.1.What does“the team is handicapped”mean?The team is at a disadvantage.2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.任何一名队员缺阵,全队表现都会受到影任何一名队员缺阵,全队表现都会受到影响。响。Egos do not play any part in teamwork.1.What does the sentence imply?The sentence implies that there is no room for any egoism in teamwork.All the team members should think of the interests of the whole team instead of their personal interests.2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.自我主义在团队合作中没有立足之地。自我主义在团队合作中没有立足之地。The leader should also continuously communicate the overall business strategy,as well as providing motivation and inspiration to the team.1.Paraphrase the sentence.Besides providing the team with motivation and inspiration,the leader of a team should talk frequently with other members of the team about the general strategy the company is pursuing.2.According to the sentence,which is more important to the leader,providing motivation and inspiration,or communicating the overall business strategy?Communicating the overall business strategy.In every action of the team,the objectives of the company,and or,business strategy,MUST be first and foremost.1.Why is every letter of the word“must”capitalized in the sentence?For emphasis.2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.在团队的每个行动中,务必将公司的目标或商业策在团队的每个行动中,务必将公司的目标或商业策略放在首要位置。略放在首要位置。There has to be a“oneness”of the corporate culture.1.What does the sentence imply?It should be recognized by all the team members that they need to work closely together and strive to attain their common goals.2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.企业文化中必须有企业文化中必须有“一致性一致性”。It does not mean that you should merely follow the herd.1.What does“follow the herd”mean?Do the same thing that most other people are doing,without really thinking about it for yourself.2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.这不意味着你应该只是随大流。这不意味着你应该只是随大流。It may be a valid vision and if you believe in it strongly enough,you should share it with the rest of the team.1.What does“a valid vision”mean?A valid vision means an idea or perception that is well-grounded,justified,or based on truth or fact.2.Paraphrase the sentence.Your idea may be well-grounded and justified,and if you have firm confidence in it,you should let the other members of the team know it.If the leader is a competent one,he or she will assess it on its merit and not let ego get in the way.1.Paraphrase the sentence.If the leader is capable,skilled,wise and qualified,he or she will evaluate the strength and weakness of your idea objectively,and not let his or her self-esteem affect the decision.2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.如果领导称职的话,他如果领导称职的话,他/她就会客观评价这个她就会客观评价这个想法的价值,而不会令自我意识在那里作祟。想法的价值,而不会令自我意识在那里作祟。However,should the team not agree with your vision,dont take it personally.1.Why is the word“should”used in the sentence?The word“should”is used here to express a kind of probability,conditionality or contingency.2.What does“take it personally”mean?“Take it personally”means“think that the rejection is against you in a personal way”.3.Paraphrase the sentence.However,if the team doesnt accept your idea,dont think that the members are against you in a personal way.If the team found YOU inappropriate,you would be the first to know.1.Paraphrase the sentence.If the other members thought you were not a qualified team member,they would soon make it plain directly to you.2.Why does the author use subjunctive mood here?The subjunctive mood is used in the sentence to indicate that the situation is not very likely to appear.If you are not enjoying your working environment,chances are high that your team is also not working well.1.What does“chances are high”mean?It means“it is very likely”2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.如果你不喜欢现在的工作环境,很可能你的如果你不喜欢现在的工作环境,很可能你的团队运作情况也不好。团队运作情况也不好。interviewee:n.the person who answers the questions in an interviewThis is best obtained by asking interviewees to complete standard forms or to take tests before or between interviews.The total time taken was judged by the interviewees to be between 40 and 60 minutes at review.potential:For the first time she realized the potential danger of her situation.Its wrong to regard all soccer fans as potential trouble-makers its only a small minority who are responsible for the violence.Often a seller will deal concurrently with a number of potential buyers.1.adj.likely to develop into a particular type of person or thing in the futureBut as you grow in confidence and experience,you will be able to realize your full potential.2.n.the possibility that sth.will develop in a particular way,or have a particular effect;ones natural ability or quality that could develop to make them very goodAll girls and boys,from every background,must be able to discover their talents and fulfill their potential.analogy:n.A close analogy can be drawn between cancer of the cell and a society hooked on drugs.sth.that seems similar between two situations,processes,etc.Dr.Smith explained the movement of light by analogy with the movement of water.这些名词均含这些名词均含“相似,类似相似,类似”之意。之意。指外表或实质均不相同的事物对比之下的类似之处,或者两种指外表或实质均不相同的事物对比之下的类似之处,或者两种 情况或过程的相似性。例如:情况或过程的相似性。例如:普通用词,指人或物从外观看去,有很明显的相似之处,或完普通用词,指人或物从外观看去,有很明显的相似之处,或完 全相似。全相似。It is not,of course,invariably helpful to make analogies between sexism and racism.Her elder brother John bore a startling likeness to his father.CF:similarity,resemblance,analogy&likenessanalogylikenessdraw/make an analogyby analogy with Collocations:opposition:n.strong disagreement with,or protest against,sth.such as a plan,law,or systemThe history of mens opposition to womens emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself.As might be expected,such a policy aroused enormous controversy and opposition and was later modified.建新体育场的计划无疑将会面临许多人的反对。建新体育场的计划无疑将会面临许多人的反对。Plans for the new stadium will no doubt face a lot of opposition.reserve:1.n.1)being ready to be used if needed We always keep some money in reserve,just in case.Many wildlife reserves and parks are too dangerous for park rangers,let alone tourists.2.v.keep sth.so that it can be used by a particular person or for a particular purposeThe chief commander ordered that the soldiers have a one-day rest to reserve their strength for the next battle.2)(British English)an area of land where wild animals and plants are protected specific:1.adj.detailed and exact Power plant employees must follow very specific safety guidelines.Research is an active and formally organized search for specific information for a specific purpose.2.n.(plural)particular detailsMr.John did not go into the specifics of his plans publicly,but his secretary provided the details given to her.handicap:Women were also handicapped by the constant cycle of pregnancy and childbirth to which they had to resign themselves.make it difficult for sb.to do sth.that they want or need to doThe charity is handicapped by lack of funds.Though handicapped by poor health,she persisted in working.1.v.她虽然身体不好,但还是坚持工作。她虽然身体不好,但还是坚持工作。if sb.has a handicap,a part of their body or their mind has been permanently injured or damaged;a situation that makes it difficult for sb.to do what they want2.n.Babies of alcoholic mothers can be born with a severe degree of handicap.academic handicap cultural handicap emotional handicap language handicap mental handicap physical handicapCollocations:His lack of height has not been a handicap to him.He is as good an athlete as anyone else in the school.strategy:n.a planned series of actions for achieving sth.How they strike a balance between the two is at the heart of corporate strategy.An outline of the current national economic strategy is provided by the Minister of Commerce.motivation:n.eagerness and willingness to do sth.without needing to be told or forced to do it;the reason why you want to do sth.Participative management is a very powerful motivation because it enables employees to have some influenceand control over work-related activities.She enjoyed the excitement of her work.Money was not her only motivation.一个人学外语的动机越强烈,一个人学外语的动机越强烈,那么他就学那么他就学得越快。得越快。The stronger the motivation is,the more quickly one learns a foreign language.inspiration:n.a good idea about what you should do,write,say,etc.,especially one which you get suddenly The painter draws inspiration from ordinary scenes and simple places that he knows and loves.Scientists noticed discoveries,apparently irrelevant to their work,which contained an inspiration for solving some current problems of their own.ego:n.the opinion that you have about yourselfThe success made them feel big,and boosted their egos.这两个名词都有这两个名词都有“自我自我”的意思。的意思。指一个人自身。例如:指一个人自身。例如:指自己对自己的评价、感觉。指自己对自己的评价、感觉。例如:例如:She always thinks of others and never of self.The promotion really boosted her ego(=made her feel better about herself).CF:self&egoselfegorash:adj.if you are rash,you do things too quickly,without thinking carefully about whether they are sensible or not Dont make any rash promises that you may regret later.Before making any rash decisions about your fund you should consider the following points.define:v.describe sth.correctly and thoroughly,and say what standards,limits,qualities,etc.it has that make it different from other things;explain exactly the meaning of a particular word or idea Each of us might define the concept of freedom in a slightly different way.A budget is defined as“a plan of action expressed in money terms”.Personality can be broadly defined as the prope


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