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New Horizon College English新视野大学英语第二册教学课件新视野大学英语第二册教学课件Marriage Across the NationsUnit 3 Section ABackground Information1.A Red Red Rose2.Racial prejudice in America3.Marriage customsA Red Red Rose Robert Burns (1759-1796)(Scottish poet)O my luve(=love)is like a red,red rose,Thats newly sprung in June;O my luve is like the melodie(=melody)Thats sweetly played in tune.(和谐地)和谐地)As fair art thou(=you are fair),my bonie(pretty)lass,so deep in luve am I;And I will luve thee still,my deer,till a the seas gang dry.(=till all the seas go dry)Till a the seas gang dry,my dear,And the rocks melt wi the sun;And I will luve thee still,my dear,While the sands o life shall run.And fare thee weel(=well),my only luve,And fare thee weel a while;And I will come again,my luve,Tho(=though)it were ten Thousand mile!racism:the belief that race accounts for differencesin human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.In the history of America,Martin Luther King Jr.was one of the prominent leaders against racial discrimination and striving for civil rights.I Have a DreamI Have a Dream Address to civil rights marchers by the Rev.Dr.MartinAddress to civil rights marchers by the Rev.Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.in Washington,D.C.on Aug.28,1963 Luther King Jr.in Washington,D.C.on Aug.28,19631.Look at these photos of some celebrities.Can you recognize them?2.Do you know something about their families?3.What do you call such marriages?Wei Wei(韦唯)s husband is a famous Swedish composer.Echos(三毛)husband is a Spanish professional diver.Maggies(张曼玉)is a wealthy Frenchman.And Jiang Wens(姜文)wife is French,too.Their marriages can be called marriages across nations.2 2Marriage Vow From this day forward,take You to be my husband and/wife,I will love you.I will cherish you.I will be true to you,no matter whether there is sickness or health,until we are parted by death,and with this ring,as a symbol of this pledge.I now marry you.Vocabulary and Structure1.Life is full of ups and downs,but whatever happens,we should have a positive attitude toward life.2.I sometimes wonder why life is always full of ups and downs.2.He has seen the ups and downs in the history of the relations between the two countries.3.Their marriage has gone through its ups and downs.1.Religious/racial tolerance 宗宗教教(种种族族上的)上的)宽容宽容2.Tolerance of disagreement3.Its a culture in which there is absolutely no tolerance of disagreement.4.Many old people have a very limited tolerance to cold.3 3carnatio1.He asked$1500 for his old car,but I thought it was only worth$1000.We finally reached a compromise and I paid$1250.2.Both sides are determined to get what they want,and there seems to be no possibility of compromise.Birds of paradise3.Compromise is an inevitable part of marriage.4.Talks continue in the hope that the two sides will reach a compromise.1.There are subtle differences in meaning between these two words.2.His attempt to offer us a bribe is not exactly subtle.3.Prejudice can take subtler forms than this.tulip1.I have no illusions about his ability,he is just no good.2.We are left with few illusions about our ally.(盟友)(盟友)3.The mirrors all round the walls give an illusion of greater space.sunflowerI was under the illusion that he was honest until he was caught stealing some money.1.Their working together was based on mutual respect,trust and understanding.2.Good friends should give mutual support give mutual support and inspiration.and inspiration.3.Mutual suspicion/aid/assistance/affection4 4Sword lily1.Mutual respect is necessary for the partnership to work.2.I didnt like Dev,and the feeling seemed to be mutual.3.Their working together was based on mutual respect,trust and understanding.violet1.Cats and mice are seldom compatible.2.You should choose a roommate more compatible to your tastes.Compatible with sb./sth.5 5Poppy flower3.The new software is IBM compatible.(can be used with IBM computers)4.The project is not compatible with the companys long-term aims.1.I wonder how their ideas worked out in practice?2.We didnt plan it like that but it worked out very well.3.Things worked out quite differently.6 6Bird of paradise4.Ken and Ella had loads of problems when they first got married,but things worked out in the end.1.Afghanistan has gone through too many wars.2.Go through hardships/difficulties.The poor old man has gone through all kinds of The poor old man has gone through all kinds of hardships in his lifehardships in his life.How does he keep smiling after all hes gone How does he keep smiling after all hes gone through?through?1.She divorced(与与 离离 婚婚)her husband after so many years of unhappiness.2.The judge divorced(判判离离婚婚)Mr and Mrs Jones.1.a budding love affair2.a budding crisis3.The maple trees/willows are budding early this year.Poppy flowerAnalysis of each part:Part I(Paras.1-4)Main idea:Gail and Mark decided to marry after being together for two years to get to know each other better and learn to take a realistic view on a mixed marriage.peonyThere has been a lot of resistance to this new law.When you introduced computerized billing,was there much resistanceFrom consumers?1.His family was supportive of his attempts to be a writer.2.Mary was so supportive of John when he was fired last year.1.She counseled them not to accept his explanation.2.I counsel him not to spend a lot of time playing computer games.3.They counseled patience/caution.Butterfly orchid1.The story will be continued in subsequent issues(书书刊刊的的期期)of the magazine.2.The events I am speaking of were subsequent to(=after)the war.3.We made plans for a visit,but subsequent difficulties with the car prevented it.4.These skills were then passed on to subsequent generations.For years he harbored a secret wish to become a painter.The girl still harbors the idea of going abroad.He harbors a secret hatred against his boss.Forget me notI had serious reservations about his appointment as captain.ivyHe has a prejudice against modern poetry Jane Austindaffodils1.Women still have to face a great deal of prejudice in the workplace.2.Prejudice against black people is common in many parts of America.3.Racial prejudice2.She seems rather shy on the surface,but shes quiet different when you get to know her1.The plan seems on the surface to be quite practical.3.On the surface Mrs.Lewis seemed nice enough but she had a nasty temper at times.1.There are various indications that another financial crisis is coming soon.2.The two leaders greeted each other with every indication of good feeling.He gave no indication of his own feelings at all.1.X-rays have confirmed that he has not broken any bones.2.The announcements confirm that the election would take place on June 20th.3.The rumors of an attack were later confirmed.Id like to confirm a reservation for a double room on the first of July.2.His success confirmed my belief that nothing is impossible to a willing heart.3.The new evidence has confirmed the first witnesss story.Part II(Paras.5-9)Main idea:Their planned marriage met with Gails mothers resistance,who reminded her to be very certain that Mark was the right life-long partner,though she did not oppose their plan because of his color.1.Approach life with calm and caution2.Approach a subject with an open mind3.Approach a task from a historical point of view1.She was found dead in her apartment,and the police suspect murder.2.What she said sounded convincing,but I suspect it to be a lie.I suspect they are very disappointed.1.I doubt that hell come.2.I doubt what he said.1.Harsh colors2.A harsh voice 3.A harsh light1.He is still hesitating about joining/over whether to join the expedition.(考考察)察)2.The government will not hesitate to take the severest measures against these terrorists.1.The Russian foreign minister yesterday canceled his visit to Washington.2.She canceled her order.(订货)(订货)1.As soon as he came in,he proceeded to tell us all his troubles.2.Shall we proceed with the planed investment?1.The judge quoted various cases in support of his opinion.2.The writer frequently quoted Shakespeare.3.He quotes the Bible.To quote an old saying,every dog has his day.1.We need to resolve this difference quickly.2.The couple resolved their differences and made an effort to get along.3.They hoped the crisis could be resolved peacefully.4.We must find a way to resolve the problem before its too late.Part III(Paras.10-21)Main idea:Gails fathers reaction to their planned marriage.1 1Central topic:Gail and Mark decided to marry despite their racial and cultural differences after being together for two years and getting to know each other better,but the plan met with opposition from the girls parents.Text Structure Analysis:A Paragraph of Denial of Some Opinions Followed by Some Other OpinionsSection BRich Meeting His Future Mother-in-lawReading SkillsRecognizing Differences Between Facts and Opinions Facts are statements that tell what really happened or what really is the case.Opinions are statements of belief,judgment or feeling.They show what someone thinks or feels about a subject.Vocabulary and Structure1.The airline has come up with a novel solution to the problem of jet lag.(飞行时差综合症)(飞行时差综合症)2.Come up with an answer1.We failed in winning him over to our side.2.The lawyer won over the jury by his moving defense.Well be working hard over the next ten days to win over the undecided voters.1.The exams are still six weeks away.2.The Washington summit(政政府府首首脑脑的最高级会谈)的最高级会谈)is over a month away.1.Cube the vegetables.把蔬菜切成小方块。把蔬菜切成小方块。2.The beets we had for supper were cubed instead of sliced.我们晚餐吃的甜菜是切成立方块,我们晚餐吃的甜菜是切成立方块,而不是切成片。而不是切成片。I sliced the bread.我把面包切成片。我把面包切成片。sliced the meat instead of cubing it把肉切成薄片而不是切成丁儿把肉切成薄片而不是切成丁儿1.She chopped onions to put in the stew.2.Chop wood 3.Chop down trees1.I spoke to him concerning his behavior.2.If you have any information concerning the recent event at the station,please contact the police.The airplane had to make a forced landing because two of the engines were on fire.We should check the factorys productivity against the agreed target.Upon delivery,the items are checked against the original order.1.In business,youve got to anticipate how your competitors will act.2.We anticipated that the enemy would try to cross the river so we destroyed the bridge.3.I tried to anticipate the kind of questions they were likely to ask me at the interview.1.I like the house but I think the price is a bit on the high side.2.The weather is on the cold side.3.Those shoes are on the large side.He is a huge man,built like an oak tree.1.The whole hall held its breath waiting for the announcement of the winner of the first prize.2.All Europe held its breath to see who would win the election.1.Employees are compelled to join the companys pension plan after a years service.2.His conscience compelled him to admit his part in the affair.Harrison felt compelled to resign because of the allegations in the press.The legal guardian(监护人监护人)must act on behalf of the child.1.My nodding was the cue for us to begin.But she only smiled back at me innocently.2.He was perfectly innocent of the confusion he had created.1.She hasnt a clue about computers.2.I havent a clue what Ill give Carl for his birthday next year.1.He was an Englishman,as they perceived by his accent.2.The night had turned cold,as is usual around here.The fall in interest rates may be a cue for an increase in consumer spending.1.proclaim a state of emergency 2.proclaim a new policy 3.proclaim ones opinions 4.The people proclaimed him king.5.The mayor proclaimed Monday as a city holiday.Their religion encouraged them to proclaim their faith.1.Try to be diplomatic when you refuse his invitation,so as not to cause bad feeling.2.They have to be more diplomatic in public speeches.They were always very diplomatic with awkward clients.1.Fortunately Jones and his new employer hit it off from the very beginning.2.He and I hit it off well with each other.After class discussion:What are the characters of Rich,his girlfriend and his mother-in-law?Key for referenceRich:honest,frank,direct in speechMother-in-law:a traditional Chinese woman:good at cooking,a little reserved谢谢!谢谢!98


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