AmericanEducation 美国教育制度(英美文化)

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Education in the United States School of International BusinessBeijing Foreign Studies UniversityOctober 10,2005The America has had a great respect for education ever since its earliest times.Education in the United StatesEducation in the United StatesFor all these and many other important social roles,educational institutions in theUnited States have become the bearer of the values of each age.History of American EducationEducation in America is concurrent with thegrowth of the nation,and Americans haveshown a great concern for education sincecolonial days.Education in the United StatesEducation in the United States1.Colonial DaysEducation in the United StatesEnormous Attention on EducationvAmong the first settlers,there was an unusually high proportion of educated men.vThe early settlers were intensely religious,who had a strong commitment to self-interpretation of the Bible.Education in the United StatesEstablishment of Schools in Colonial DaysHarvard College 1636College of William and Mary 1639Yale 1701Education in the United StatesGovernment Regulations in Colonial Daysn1642 The Colony of Massachusetts passed a lawassigning the responsibility for educationto parents.Education in the United StatesGovernment Regulations in Colonial Daysn1647 beginning of public schoolsMassachusetts passed another more radical law requiring every town to provide itschildren with schools.Education in the United StatesDevelopment in Colonial DaysvBy the end of 17th century,all colonies had had their public schools set up;vSettlers of the English colonies were in the position to receive education of some kind.Education in the United StatesEducation in the colonial days was concerned withencouraging literacy,so that vYounger generation would be able to seek truths in the Bible themselves;vChildren would be prepared to confront with the uncertainties of colonial life;vThe following generation would be equipped with necessary skills to conduct the political,economic and religious affairs of the colonies.Education in the United StatesEducational Opportunities(17th Century)nApprenticeship and elementary schools for lower classesnSecondary schools and colleges for the upper classesEducation in the United StatesEducational Opportunities(18th Century)nBusiness-oriented and Trade-oriented for the middle classes democratic nature ladder systemEducation in the United States2.Foundation of the NationEducation in the United StatesThomas JeffersonvLarge-scale system of public schoolsvMore General Diffusion of KnowledgeEducation in the United StatesGovernment Support for EducationPermanent funds were created to supportthe building of schools and employment of schoolmasters.Sources of funds:LotterySpecial tax revenueEducation in the United StatesGovernment Support for Education vNorthwest Ordinance of 1787Each township in the nations Northwest Territoryshould reserve for educational purposes at least amile-square section of land in order to nurturereligion,morality,and knowledge in the minds ofyounger generations.Education in the United StatesGovernment Support for Education vNorthwest Ordinance of 1787Each state in the territory should identifytownships where publicly supported institutions ofhigher education could be built.Education in the United StatesEducation in this period was concernedwith building a natural aristocracy in contrast to that of Europe.Education in the United StatesEducation Opportunities(early 19th Century)vDecisions by parentsvNeed for child labor vConcerned with getting a living vPrimitive transportation conditionsvNot free in all placesEducation in the United StatesDevelopment of Public Schoolsn1827Massachusetts required every large town tomaintain a free public school.nBy 1850Every state had provided for a system of free public schools,paid for by public tax.Education in the United StatesContribution of Public School MovementEstablishment of the basic principle of a non-sectarian,publicly supported school system opento all youth regardless of creed or socioeconomic status.Education in the United StatesDevelopment of Colleges&UniversitiesnBy 1860 Over 200 colleges and universities had been established.nThe Land-Grant College Act of 1862 The federal government provided states with public lands to be used for higher education,especially for establishment of land-grant colleges.Education in the United States3.After the Civil WarEducation in the United StatesImpact of Civil War on EducationnCheck the momentum of developmentnGradually picked up the momentum and continued soon after the warEducation in the United StatesRenaissance nBy 1918 High schools had become a recognized part of American life.nSimilar situations for collegesnPrivate philanthropic resources Education in the United StatesOutcomes nGraduate and professional facilities nBy 1900 over 1,000 institutions of higher learningnOther institutions of higher learning established to meet the needs of specific individuals,e.g.junior college,teachers collegeEducation in the United StatesUniversal EducationBy 1918,American education had become a bigbusiness.Its whole enterprise was valued at closeto$2 billion;it employed over 650,000 teachers,and it enrolled over 25%of the American people.Education in the United StatesDevelopment&ExpansionnBy 1920Free education for children in elementary schoolsnDuring the 1920s to 1940s Much progress in secondary and higher education Expansion in the number of students enrolledShift of focus Education in the United StatesDevelopment&Expansion nServiceman Readjustment Act of 1944nGrowth of graduate schools Education in the United StatesChallengesnThe 1950s Launching of the SputniknCurriculum reorganization and higher standards in secondary schoolsnPublic education was characterized as the engine of democracy,crucial to both upward social mobility and military superiority.Education in the United StatesDevelopment&Expansion1965 in Johnsons AdministrationThe Elementary and Secondary Education ActThe Higher Education Act Education in the United StatesSocial BiasesnEducation for the Blacks Brown vs.Board of Education 1954nEducation for women and minority groups Affirmative action programs in the early 1970sEducation in the United StatesAmerican Education SystemEducation in the United StatesnPrimary and Secondary SchoolsEducation in the United StatesnHigher EducationEducation in the United StatesPurposes and Goals of EducationnDevelopment of the learnersnHome,family and community lifenEconomic demandsnCivic and social dutiesEducation in the United StatesnQuestions for Discussion1.Secondary and higher education in the United States experienced a big booster in the second half of the 19th century and the early part of 20th century.By what means were high schools and colleges able to expand so rapidly during this period?Education in the United StatesnQuestions for Discussion2.As in political and economic life,racial and gender discriminations are also reflected in American education.Trace the efforts by African Americans and American women as well as the US federal government in combating and removing all these discriminatory barriers against women and black Americans.Education in the United StatesnSuggested Readings


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