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会计学1哈利波特英文版介绍王宇新哈利波特英文版介绍王宇新第1页/共21页“Harry Potter series have been translated into nearly 70 languages,and the sales reached more than 350 million copies worldwide.“Harry Potter”series,a total of seven,of which the first six are set in Hogwarts Magic School(霍格沃茨魔法学校(霍格沃茨魔法学校),describing the hero Harry Potter at school and his life adventures.This series mainly talks about how he finds and destroys Voldemort(伏地魔伏地魔).第2页/共21页Harry Potter series have swept the world,named the best-selling novel.In addtion to Mickey Mouse(米老鼠米老鼠),Snoopy(史努比史努比),Garfield(加菲猫加菲猫),Harry Potter and the characters immediately become the most successful idol in literary arena,so that countless(数不胜数的数不胜数的)readers are interested in it.It is said that it is a miracle in the history of literature.第3页/共21页J.K.Rowling,a Kathleen British writer,became popular because of Harry Potter series.She was born in England,on July 31,1965.Her father is a retired worker in an aircraft factory,and her mother works in a laboratory.In her childhood,she was wearing glasses and she was a plain-looking girl.She fell in love with learning,though she was a little shy girl.第4页/共21页1.Harry Potter and the Philosophers StoneHarry Potter and the Philosophers Stone 哈利哈利哈利哈利 波特与魔法石波特与魔法石波特与魔法石波特与魔法石 2.Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 哈利哈利哈利哈利 波特与密室波特与密室波特与密室波特与密室 3.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanHarry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 哈利哈利哈利哈利 波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒 4.Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 哈利哈利哈利哈利 波特与火焰杯波特与火焰杯波特与火焰杯波特与火焰杯第5页/共21页 5.Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix 5.Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix 哈利哈利哈利哈利 波特与凤凰社波特与凤凰社波特与凤凰社波特与凤凰社 6.Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 6.Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 哈利哈利哈利哈利 波特与混血王子波特与混血王子波特与混血王子波特与混血王子 7.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 7.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 哈利哈利哈利哈利 波特与死亡圣器波特与死亡圣器波特与死亡圣器波特与死亡圣器第6页/共21页 Emma Watson(艾玛沃特森艾玛沃特森)Rupert Grint(鲁伯特格林特)(鲁伯特格林特)第7页/共21页n n饰演:饰演:n nGinny Weasleyn n金妮金妮韦斯莱韦斯莱 n n饰演:饰演:饰演:饰演:n nDraco MalfoyDraco Malfoyn n德拉科德拉科德拉科德拉科 马尔福马尔福马尔福马尔福 饰演:饰演:(Tom Riddle)(汤姆里德尔)(汤姆里德尔)第8页/共21页n n马修马修马修马修 路易斯路易斯路易斯路易斯 Matthew Matthew Lewis Lewis n n饰演:饰演:饰演:饰演:Neville Neville LongbottomLongbottom 纳纳纳纳威威威威 隆巴隆巴隆巴隆巴顿顿顿顿 n n伊文娜伊文娜伊文娜伊文娜 林奇林奇林奇林奇 Evanna Evanna LynchLynchn n饰演:饰演:饰演:饰演:Luna LovegoodLuna Lovegood卢卢卢卢娜娜娜娜 洛夫古德洛夫古德洛夫古德洛夫古德 第9页/共21页RemusJohnLupin莱姆斯约翰卢平AlbusDumbledore阿不思邓布利多ProfessorMinervaMcGonagall米勒娃麦格第10页/共21页n n 艾伦艾伦艾伦艾伦 里克曼里克曼里克曼里克曼 Alan Alan RickmanRickman饰演:饰演:饰演:饰演:Severus SnapeSeverus Snape西弗勒斯西弗勒斯西弗勒斯西弗勒斯 斯内普斯内普斯内普斯内普 n n加里加里加里加里 莱昂那德莱昂那德莱昂那德莱昂那德 奥德曼奥德曼奥德曼奥德曼 Gary OldmanGary Oldmann n饰演:饰演:饰演:饰演:Sirius BlackSirius Black小天狼小天狼小天狼小天狼星星星星 布莱克布莱克布莱克布莱克 第11页/共21页 Cho ChangCho Chang秋秋 张张Rubeus HagridRubeus Hagrid鲁伯鲁伯 海格海格 CedricDiggory塞德里克迪戈里第12页/共21页第13页/共21页第14页/共21页Harry PotterHarry Potter is my favorite book,is my favorite book,which taught me that we shouldnt bow which taught me that we shouldnt bow to difficulties,we should challenge to difficulties,we should challenge ourselourselvesves to face difficulties.to face difficulties.Hope you can read it.I believe you will Hope you can read it.I believe you will fall in love with it.fall in love with it.第15页/共21页n n Enjoy a short clip!第16页/共21页Thank you第17页/共21页n ngoblin goblin 妖精妖精妖精妖精n ncentaur centaur 马人马人马人马人n nwerewolf werewolf 狼人狼人狼人狼人n nthestral thestral 夜骐夜骐夜骐夜骐n nmerpeople merpeople 人鱼人鱼人鱼人鱼n nphoenix phoenix 凤凰凤凰凤凰凤凰n nunicorn unicorn 独角兽独角兽独角兽独角兽n nhouse-elf house-elf 家养小精灵家养小精灵家养小精灵家养小精灵n ninferiusinferius(inferiinferi)阴尸阴尸阴尸阴尸n nslug slug 鼻涕虫鼻涕虫鼻涕虫鼻涕虫 n nvampire vampire 吸血鬼吸血鬼吸血鬼吸血鬼n ntroll troll 巨怪巨怪巨怪巨怪n nbasilisk basilisk 蛇怪蛇怪蛇怪蛇怪n nboggart boggart 博格特博格特博格特博格特n ndementor dementor 摄魂怪摄魂怪摄魂怪摄魂怪n nIrish Leprechaun Irish Leprechaun 爱尔兰小矮爱尔兰小矮爱尔兰小矮爱尔兰小矮妖妖妖妖n nNorwegian Ridgeback Norwegian Ridgeback 挪威脊背挪威脊背挪威脊背挪威脊背龙龙龙龙n nChinese Fireball Chinese Fireball 中国火球龙中国火球龙中国火球龙中国火球龙n nSwedish Short-Snout Swedish Short-Snout 瑞典短鼻瑞典短鼻瑞典短鼻瑞典短鼻龙龙龙龙n nHungarian Horntail Hungarian Horntail 匈牙利树匈牙利树匈牙利树匈牙利树蜂蜂蜂蜂n nCommon Welsh Green Common Welsh Green 威尔士威尔士威尔士威尔士绿龙绿龙绿龙绿龙n nhippogriff hippogriff 鹰头马身有翼兽鹰头马身有翼兽鹰头马身有翼兽鹰头马身有翼兽n nfire-crab fire-crab 火螃蟹火螃蟹火螃蟹火螃蟹n nmanti-core manti-core 人头狮身龙尾兽人头狮身龙尾兽人头狮身龙尾兽人头狮身龙尾兽n nBlast-Ended Skrewt Blast-Ended Skrewt 炸尾螺炸尾螺炸尾螺炸尾螺n nflobberworm flobberworm 弗洛伯毛虫弗洛伯毛虫弗洛伯毛虫弗洛伯毛虫n nthe Whomping Willow the Whomping Willow 打人柳打人柳打人柳打人柳n nmandrake mandrake 曼德拉草曼德拉草曼德拉草曼德拉草n nveela veela 媚娃媚娃媚娃媚娃n nghoul ghoul 食尸鬼食尸鬼食尸鬼食尸鬼n ngnome gnome 地精地精地精地精 第18页/共21页n nthe Kings Cross Stationthe Kings Cross Station国王十国王十国王十国王十字车站字车站字车站字车站n nthe Ministry of Magicthe Ministry of Magic魔法魔法魔法魔法部部部部the Leaky Cauldronthe Leaky Cauldron破釜酒吧破釜酒吧破釜酒吧破釜酒吧 n nGringotts Wizarding BankGringotts Wizarding Bank古灵古灵古灵古灵阁巫师银行阁巫师银行阁巫师银行阁巫师银行n nKnockturn AlleyKnockturn Alley翻倒巷翻倒巷翻倒巷翻倒巷n nDiagon AlleyDiagon Alley对角巷对角巷对角巷对角巷n nAzkabanAzkaban阿兹卡班阿兹卡班阿兹卡班阿兹卡班(巫师监狱)(巫师监狱)(巫师监狱)(巫师监狱)n nBeauxbatons Academy of Beauxbatons Academy of MagicMagic布斯巴顿魔法学校布斯巴顿魔法学校布斯巴顿魔法学校布斯巴顿魔法学校n nDuemstrang InstituteDuemstrang Institute德姆德姆德姆德姆斯特朗魔法学校斯特朗魔法学校斯特朗魔法学校斯特朗魔法学校 n nHogworts School of Witchcraft Hogworts School of Witchcraft and Wizardryand Wizardry霍格沃茨魔法学校霍格沃茨魔法学校霍格沃茨魔法学校霍格沃茨魔法学校n nthe Chamber of Secretsthe Chamber of Secrets密室密室密室密室n nHogsmeadeHogsmeade霍格莫德村霍格莫德村霍格莫德村霍格莫德村(巫师小镇)(巫师小镇)(巫师小镇)(巫师小镇)n nThree BroomsticksThree Broomsticks三把扫三把扫三把扫三把扫帚酒吧帚酒吧帚酒吧帚酒吧n nthe Hogs Headthe Hogs Head猪头酒吧猪头酒吧猪头酒吧猪头酒吧n nHoney DukesHoney Dukes蜂蜜公爵糖果蜂蜜公爵糖果蜂蜜公爵糖果蜂蜜公爵糖果店店店店n nthe Room of Requirementthe Room of Requirement有求必应屋有求必应屋有求必应屋有求必应屋the common roomthe common room公共休息室公共休息室公共休息室公共休息室n nthe Dark Forestthe Dark Forest禁林禁林禁林禁林 第19页/共21页


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