新高考英语二轮复习 专题限时集训12 阅读七选五之说明文(Ⅰ)(含解析)-人教版高三英语试题

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新高考英语二轮复习 专题限时集训12 阅读七选五之说明文(Ⅰ)(含解析)-人教版高三英语试题_第1页
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新高考英语二轮复习 专题限时集训12 阅读七选五之说明文(Ⅰ)(含解析)-人教版高三英语试题_第2页
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新高考英语二轮复习 专题限时集训12 阅读七选五之说明文(Ⅰ)(含解析)-人教版高三英语试题_第3页
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专题限时集训(十二)阅读七选五之说明文()A (2020大同市学情调研)How to Build a Better BreakfastWeve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day,and that may actually be true.A study found that breakfast eaters were more likely to lose weight than those who didnt eat a morning meal. 1 But its not just whether you eat or not;its what you eat that matters.These tips will help you really rise and shine:1Eat even if youre not hungry.Although you might not feel like eating when you get up in the morning,its a good idea to get something into your system.Eating within 90 minutes of waking up will jumpstart your metabolism(新陈代谢) and keep you from getting hungry later. 2 2Be boring.Changing what you eat is a good idea in theory,but if you are watching your weight,you might want to stick with the same old menu.People who allow their breakfast calories to change have larger waists and a higher incidence(发生率) of metabolic syndrome than folks who keep their morning calorie intake constant,no matter how much they eat for the rest of the day. 3 3.Add peanuts or peanut butter.By eating peanuts or peanut butter,the carbohydrates are taken in more slowly and blood sugar does not rise as high. 4 So they are less likely to snack later.4 5 Theres an old saying that advises“Eat breakfast like a king,lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper”Its worth following.Those who eat a balanced 700calorie breakfast over a 12week period lower their blood sugar and blood pressure twice more than people who eat a 200calorie meal.They also lose an average of 19.2 pounds and have lower levels of ghrelin,the“hunger hormone”AGo big.BPile on the produce.CJust a banana will do the trick.DSo its worth making the effort to hold it steady.EIt could set you up for overeating throughout the day.FPlus women feel fuller for up to 12 hours after eating peanuts or peanut butter.GOther studies link skipping breakfast with a higher risk of developing high blood pressure,heart disease,and type 2 diabetes(糖尿病)【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了“如何吃好早餐”。作为一天中最重要的一餐,早餐的作用不容小觑。文中就如何更好地吃早餐给出了四点建议。1G根据空前的句子可知,一项研究发现,吃早餐的人比不吃早餐的人更可能减肥。G项说明其他研究发现不吃早餐的害处,意义衔接连贯;另外,G项中的“Other studies”与空格前的“A study”相呼应,故答案为G项。2C根据该段小标题可知,即使不饿也要吃早餐。C项“仅仅一根香蕉也会起到作用”与该部分主旨一致。3D根据该段小标题和“stick with the same old menu”以及空格前一句中早餐卡路里摄入量改变与否的健康状况比较可推知,该部分的中心是“保持早餐卡路里摄入量不变化”,D项“所以努力保持其稳定是值得的”与段落大意吻合,且D项中代词it指代前一句中的“calorie intake”。4F根据该部分的小标题和阐述部分不难看出,段落的核心词是peanuts or peanut butter。F项中有核心词的复现,还有后文they所指代的复数名词women,符合代词上下文指代一致的原则,且衔接副词Plus(另外,而且)也提示了其与空格前一句话的并列关系,故选F项。5A空格处为段落小标题。由该段第一句中的“Eat breakfast like a king”可得出结论:早餐卡路里摄入量越多越有益,这与A选项Go big(吃大餐)相呼应,故选A项。B (2020山师大附中模拟)If you are thinking about redecorating the home, you are probably searching about interior (室内的) decoration ideas.Redecorating presents a great chance to reflect your personality by displaying your style and interests.It will be easy to redecorate the home if money is not a restriction. 6 Here are some tips on how to do so:Search some magazines.You can get dozens of home interior decoration ideas from countless magazines and TV programs.Some programs tend to show less costly interior decoration ideas. 7 Its a good way of comparing different styles.Here you can make distinction between broad styles, country, contemporary, etc.Fond of primitive style.If you are fond of primitive or traditional style, warmer colors are the best for the room.These colors go with all kinds of cloth of old style and wooden furniture. 8 Modern style.If you like modern styles, use brighter colors instead of white and off white.Home decoration of these styles includes minimum disorder and a lot of free space and light.Leather furniture matches the room: white or black with contrasting throw cushion (靠垫) per seating place. 9 10 This often occurs anyway, especially if the people give you furniture or you inherit (继承 )the same.If you wish to combine different pieces of furniture from different styles, you need to bridge a gap between them.This can be done easily with materials like throw pillows, wall hangings and carpets.AA white one on a black sofa suits here.BThere is nothing wrong in mixing two styles.CAnother effective and affordable option is by surfing the Internet.DThe combinations and possibilities in the first decoration are endless.EAutumn colors go well to produce warm, friendly and pleasant atmosphere.FNevertheless, the question for most is how to redecorate the home within limited budget.GThe walls tend to have one or two pieces of wall art rather than 6 to 10 of the older time.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了几种重新装修的方法,通过这些方法来装修可以展示你的风格和兴趣,反映你的个性。6F前文“It will be easy to redecorate the home if money is not a restriction.”(如果钱不是限制的话,重新装修房子会很容易)与F项“Nevertheless, the question for most is how to redecorate the home within limited budget.”(然而,对大多数人来说,问题是如何在有限的预算内重新装修房子)承接自然,前后部分都谈到和装修有关的资金问题,money和budget是关键词,故选F项。7C前文“Search some magazines.”(在杂志上搜索)与C项“Another effective and affordable option is by surfing the Internet.”(另一种有效且经济的选择是上网)承接自然,前后部分介绍了两种寻找装修风格的途径,故选C项。8E前文“These colors go with all kinds of cloth of old style and wooden furniture.”(这些颜色与各种旧式布料和木制家具相配)与E项“Autumn colors go well to produce warm, friendly and pleasant atmosphere.”(秋天的颜色很适合制造温暖、友好和愉快的气氛)承接自然,前后部分话题一致,都是关于颜色和其他部分的搭配,color是关键词,故选E项。9A前文“white or black with contrasting throw cushion per seating place”(白色或黑色,每个座位处有对比鲜明的靠垫)与A项“A white one on a black sofa suits here.”(黑色沙发上的白色靠垫适合这里)承接自然,前后两句都讲述颜色对比鲜明的话题,white和black是关键词,故选A项。10B根据下文“If you wish to combine different pieces of furniture from different styles, you need to bridge a gap between them.This can be done easily with materials like throw pillows, wall hangings and carpets.”(如果你想把不同风格的家具联系在一起,那么你需要在它们中间搭配一个间隔。这个很容易做到,比如放个靠枕,壁挂和地毯)可知本段主要讲述把两种风格的家具混合在一起增加美感。B项“There is nothing wrong in mixing two styles.”(把两种风格混在一起没有错)可以作为本段中心句,故选B项。C Heres what your handwriting says about youYoud be surprised to see what a handwriting analyst says about you. 11 How do you cross your“ts”?If you write your “ts” with a long cross,youre likely to be determined and enthusiastic,possibly with stubborn tendencies. 12 If you cross your“ts” up high,you likely have many goals and aim high.If you cross them low,it could mean its time to raise the bar for yourself;low crossers tend to aim low as well. 13 Did you know outgoing personalities tend to write in large letters,and shy types prefer to write small?If you have averagesized writing,it shows a strong ability to focus and concentrate.How much do you space your words?People who leave large spaces between their words enjoy freedom and independence. 14 If your words are totally jammed together,a handwriting analyst will suggest that you might have the tendency to crowd people.How quickly do you write?If you write quickly,its highly likely that youre impatient and dislike wasting time.If you take your time getting your words down,you are independent and methodical.How much pen pressure do you use?While very heavy pen pressure can suggest tension and anger,modestly heavy pressure is a sign of commitment.Soft pressure means youre sympathetic and sensitive. 15 AHow big or small do you write?BHow often do you use capital letters?CIt might also mean you lack energy.DIf you use a short cross,however,it could be because youre lazy.EYour “ts” have a lot to do with what your handwriting says about you.FThe way you write could reflect more than 5,000 different personalities.GThose who squeeze their words together tend to like the company of others.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了笔迹所反映出的不同性格。11F设空处是全文的主题句。通读下文可知,本文主要介绍了笔迹所反映出的不同性格,故F项符合语境。12DD项中的cross与本段小标题中的cross及上句中的cross形成原词复现:且D项中的short cross与上句中的long cross形成对比。13A本段中的“in large letters”, “write small”以及“averagesized writing”表明本段主要讲字体大小反映出的性格。14GG项中的“Those who squeeze their words together”与上句中的“People who leave large spaces”形成对比。15CC项中的mean与上句中的means形成原词复现;且C项中的also表明C项内容是对上句的进一步补充。DPeople have a huge influence on your life.“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,”says American motivational speaker Jim Rohn.With this in mind,you should think about the people youre spending time with the same way you think about what you eat and how youre exercising. 16 ? And what are the benefits of surrounding yourself with these people? 17 . They provide you with motivation to achieve your goals,empower you to make the changes you need to succeed and cheer on your success.In the workplace,good people tend to be productive people.Theyre organized,create schedules they stick to and dont get easily distracted(分心的) from the end goal.And all these things help you to be more productive!People are different.There are things that make you happy but might not make me happy. 18 . The key is finding the people that are good for you.Remember that like attracts like.You need to be confident and be yourself.This will lead you to the people that are right for you. 19 Resentment(怨恨) only leads to bitterness and unhappiness,and its time to let it go. 20 , people who make you laugh,people who help you when youre in need,and people who truly care about you.They are the ones worth keeping in your life.Everyone else is just passing through.AHow do you become a good personBYou may also need to practice forgivenessCGood people will inspire you to be a better personDSurround yourself with people who make you happyEYour idea of support may differ from the next personsFWhat makes someone a good person to spend time withGFamily members are the people that you spend the most time with【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。我们应该跟能让自己进步的人交朋友。16F下文提到了能让你进步的人应具有的一些特征,F项承上启下,且F项与该空后一句在结构上并列。17C本段提到了能让你进步的人具有的一些特征,以及他们带给你的好处。该空为本段的中心句,C项中的inspire与本段中的motivation,achieve,empower,succeed和success都是表达积极意思的词汇。当你实现了自己的目标,在工作中收获更多时,你就会成为一个更好的人(a better person)。18E该段讲人的认知是不同的,能让你开心的东西不一定会带给“我”快乐,你对“支持”的理解也许跟别人不一样,最重要的是找到对你有益的人。E项中的differ与段首的different为同根词。19B该空后提到了不原谅别人的过错会带来的后果怨恨只会让你痛苦、不开心,你要学会放下怨恨。B项中的“You may also need to”与上文中的“You need to”在结构上并列。20D该段总结全文,你要结交能带给你快乐的人。D项中的“people who make you happy”与该空后的“people who make you laugh, people who help you . people who truly care about you”在结构上并列。E Humans are not the only ones who use dating sites and apps to find a mate.Frogs and cows are also finding partners through the creative use of technology.Romeo is a Sehuencas water frog from Bolivia. 21 But when they collected Romeo,they didnt expect that they would spend more than 10 years looking for a mate for him.They began to wonder if Romeo was the last Sehuencas water frog alive.Last year,to raise money to search for possible mates for Romeo,the scientists took an unusual step. 22 Of course,the scientists who created the page werent really hoping that a frog would respond.They wanted to raise money so they could search for another Sehuencas water frog.The plan worked. 23 The money allowed the scientists to go back into the forests in the area of Bolivia where Romeo was found.Luckily,the team finally found five frogs in all,three males and two females. 24 In the United Kingdom,a company called Hectare has come up with“Tudder”an unusual way for farm animals to find partners.Tudder is a “dating” app which allows farmers to easily find mates for their cows and bulls(公牛)Farmers can post pictures of their animals to the app. 25 Tudder may sound a bit silly,but farmers say it saves them time and money because they dont have to travel with their animals to find them a mate.AThey raised $25,000.BRomeo got a lot of attention.CThe team saw a frog jump in the water.DScientists knew this species was in trouble.EOne of the females,named Juliet,will be Romeos new partner.FThey created a page for Romeo on the dating website M.GThey can also look through pictures and descriptions to find other animals in need of a mate.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。交友软件的使用已不仅限于人类,如今人们也可通过交友软件给动物们寻找它们的另一半。21D根据下文中的“they didnt expect that they would spend more than 10 years looking for a mate for him.They began to wonder if Romeo was the last Sehuencas water frog alive”可知,来自玻利维亚的塞胡卡斯水蛙几乎濒临灭绝,故D项中的“this species was in trouble”与之呼应,故D项符合语境。22F根据下文中的“the scientists who created the page”可知,科学家们在约会网站上给水蛙“罗密欧”创建了一个网页,以此来募集资金。F项中的“They created a page for Romeo”和下文中“created the page”相呼应。23A根据上文中的“They wanted to raise money”和“The plan worked”以及下文的“The money allowed the scientists to go back into the forests”可知,科学家们想出的办法奏效了,他们筹到了想要的资金,A项的“They raised $25, 000”与此相呼应,故A项符合语境。24E根据上文中的“the team finally found five frogs in all,three males and two females”可知,E项中的“One of the females”承接上文,符合语境。25G根据上文中的“which allows farmers to easily find mates for their cows and bulls(公牛)Farmers can post pictures of their animals to the app”,以及下文中的“because they dont have to travel with their animals to find them a mate”可知,G项符合语境。农场主们不仅可以把自己的动物照片发到网站上寻找配对,也可以查看其他动物资料来找到需要配偶的动物。


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