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新目标英语七年级下册期中复习单项选择练习代词() 1. This is my brother. _ is a reporter.A. HeB. HisC. himD. hes() 2. - _ do you want to buy?- Some food and drinks.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhichD. Who() 3. - What _animals do you like?-I like dogs, too.A. the otherB. otherC. othersD. another() 4.The students are cleaning their classroom. _ are cleaning the windows, _ arecleaning the chairs and desks.A. Some, othersB. Some, anotherC. some, the othersD. some, other() 5. I love my two little cats. _ is black and _ is white.A. One, otherB. One, the otherC. Some, othersD. One, others() 6. - _ is your father?- He s a driverA. WhoB. WhereC. HowD. What冠词() 1. There is _ interesting pay phone next to _ post office.A. a, theB. an, aC. a, /D. an, the() 2. John can play _ basketball, but he can tplay _ guitar.A. /, /B. the, theC. the, /D. /, the() 3. - Is there _ fruit shop near here?- Yes, theres _ near here.A. a, theB. the, aC. a, oneD. one, a() 4. - What do you think of the lion?- Well, I think it sugly animal.A. aB. anC. theD. /介词() 1. Please write _ me and tell me _ yourself.A. to, ofB. to, aboutC. with, aboutD. with, for() 2. Next to the hotel is a small house _ an interesting garden.A. hasB. isC. andD. with() 3. Call Tom_ 82912356.He has a job for you _ an actor.A. for, forB. at, withC. at, asD. in, as() 4. I have a house _a small beautiful garden.A. onB. toC. ofD. with() 5. I arrive _Beijing _ 8:00 _the morning.A. to , at , inB. at , at , onC. in ,at , inD. about , in , in1() 6. Mr. Read works _ a big bank, and he always works_money.A. in, forB. with, withC. with, forD. in, with() 7. Jerry finds a job _ a shop assistant.A. asB. beC. forD. with() 8. What are you saying _ the phone.A. atB. toC. onD. in() 9. Please write and tell me_ yourself.A. aboutB. atC. onD. with() 10. After you walk _ the park, you can see a post office _ from the park.A. through, crossB. through, acrossC. across, throughD. cross, through() 11. My uncle is a waiter, he often works _Sunday evening.A. onB. atC. inD. of() 12. Mr Green is talking _ my father _ my studiesA. about, toB. to, aboutC. with, toD. to, with() 13. - Does Molly like to play _ her friends?- Yes, she doesA. forB. withC. ofD. to() 14. The hotel is _ the market and the bank.A. bothB. inC. next toD. between() 15. My little cat sleeps _ the day, but _ night he begins to work.A. at, atB. on, inC. on, atD. in, at连词() 1. She wants to be an actor, _ it s an interesting job.A. andB. orC. becauseD. but() 2. - Do you want to be a police officer?- Yes. It s a little dangerous _exciting.A. andB. butC. orD. with() 3. I ll go to the park_ it doesn t rain tomorrowA. soB. butC. ifD. and形容词() 1. His home is on a _ street, so its very noisy( 嘈杂的 ) during the day.A. quietB. busyC. cleanD. dirty() 2. They are my _. They are _to me.A. friendly, friendsB. friends, friendlyC. friends, friendD. friend, friendly() 3. - Do you want to go to the movies?- Sure. That sounds great. This TV show is_.A. interestingB. excitingC. funnyD. boring() 4. The summer in Hai Nan is sunny and _.A. coldB. hotC. warmD. cool() 5. - What do you do ? - A policeman.It s a littlebut very_.2A. interesting, boringB. dangerous, exitingC. difficult, boringD. dangerous, difficult() 6. Look! This kind of books_very _ in the store.A. are, interestingB. is, interestedC. is, interestingD. are, interested() 7. I don tlike _weather because it s too cold.A. warmB. hotC. cloudyD. snowy() 8. - How is it going?-_.A. Terrible.B. Beautiful.C. Pretty good.D. Bad.() 9. I dont like lions because theyre_.A. strongB. shyC. unfriendlyD. interesting副词() 1. _is the weather today? It s sunny.A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. How a() 2. - _ do we go shopping, Dad?- Let s go half past eight.A. WhenB. WhyC. WhereD. How() 3. _ is the weather _ in Beijing?A. What, likeB. What s, likeC. How, likeD. How s, /() 4. - _do you like koalas?- Because they are kind of cute.A. WhyB. WhatC. WhoD. Where() 5. -it going, Jenny?- Not bad, thanks.A. What sB. Where sC. Why sD. How s() 6. - _ does your aunt work?- In a restaurant.A. WhatB. HowC. WhereD. Which() 7. Penguins are _ cute.A. a kind ofB. kinds ofC. kind ofD. kind名词() 1.In a hospital , _ help doctors.A. waitersB. cookC nursesDwriters() 2. My father likes _ books in the evening. He doesntoften_ TV .A. reading, watchB. watches, seeC. to read, watchesD. looking at, see() 3. Pandas like eating _ and elephants like eating _ .A. leaves, grassesB. leaves, grassC. leaf, grassD. leaf, grasses() 4. Aworks in a restaurant.A. reporterB. waiterC. teacherD. doctor() 5. Koalas are in _.3() 6. You can get money in the _ and you can get books in the _.A. post office, bankB. bank, gardenC. bank, libraryD. library, bank() 7. My pen pals come from different _.A. countryB. cityC. librariesD. countries() 8. - Where is your pen pal from ?- She is from _.A. EnglishB. AmericanC. JapanD. Australian() 9. Tom is from _.He speaks_.A. England, EnglishB. English, EnglandC. England, EnglandD. English, English() 10. _live in cold place.A. LionsB. ElephantsC. GiraffesD. Penguins() 11. You can buy some food in the_.A. post officeB. supermarketC. libraryD. bank() 12. - Do you like _?- Yes, they re lovely.A. elephantB. a tigerC. pandasD. animal动词() 1. - Where _ Marys pen pals_ from?-The United Kingdom.A. does, comeB. does, liveC. is, /D. are, /() 2. There _ a small park across from the school.A. isB. areC. hasD. have() 3. - Where _ she _?- She lives in Wenzhou.A. do, liveB. does, liveC. is, liveD. does, lives() 4. - Would you like something to _?- Yes, please. Hamburgers.A. eatB. drinkC. washD. read() 5. Look, Jim is _TV . And his father is _ newspaper.A. seeing, readingB. looking, seeingC. watching, readingD. looking at, watching() 6. Nurses often _ white uniforms at work.A. wearsB. wearC. put onD. dress() 7. What _ your mother often do when it _?A. does, rainsB. does, is rainingC. do, rainsD. do, is raining() 8. There _ lots of people here on vocation.A. haveB. areC. isD. has() 9. Listen! The birds _ in the tree.A. singB. are singingC. singingD. are sing() 10 It s half past six now. The Greens _ supperA. eatB. eatsC. is eatingD. are eating() 11. - _ ?- She is a nurse.4A. Where does your mother do?B. What does your mother do?C. What is your mother doing?D. Who is your mother?() 12. - _ you come from Beijing?- Yes, I _.A. Are, amB. Do, doC. Is, isD. Does, does() 13. - Do you see my father?- Yes, he _ now.A. cleans the roomB. are watching TVC. playing chessD. is reading the newspaper() 14. Rick usually _ up at 5:30 on weekdays.A. getB. getsC. gotD. getting.() 15. Everyone _ here now.A. beB. areC. wasD. is() 16. My aunt wants to _ a nurse.A. beB. isC. areD. /() 17. - What is your sister doing, Tom? - She_ at the mall. She_ every Sunday.A. shops, is shoppingB. shopping, goes shopC. is shopping, goes shoppingD. shops, shopping() 18. - _a post office near here? -Yes, there is.A. Is itB. Is thatC. Is thisD. Is there() 19. What language _ your friend _?A. do, speaksB. does, speaksC. does, speakD. do, speak() 20. The old man _TV every evening.A.is watchingB. watchesC. watchD. watching非谓语() 1. Bob likes _ soccer and _TV.A. to play, watchingB. playing, to watch C. playing, watchingD. play, to watch() 2. Welcome to Disneyland! It s a good place _ .A. to have funB. have funC. to have funsD. have funny() 3. Do you want to _English with me?A. askB. speakC. talkD. say() 4. I want _ a reporter because it is an interesting _.A. to do, jobB. as, workC. to be, workD. to be, job() 5. Thanks a lot _ us about it.A. for tellingB. tellingC. to tellD. tell() 6. Thank you _,_CCTV s Around The World show.A. for, joinB. at, joiningC. for, joiningD. at , join() 7. Tom likes _ to the movies with his friends and _ sports.A. going, playingB. go, playC. going, playD. go, playing5() 8. Jane and Julia enjoy _TV.A. watchingB. watchC. to watchD. seeing() 9. Let swalk after supper.A. to take aB. take aC. takeD. to take() 10. Please call us when you _ London.A. comeB. arrive inC. getD. arrive at动词辨析() 1. - Can you _ English?- Yes, only _.A. talkB. sayC. speakD. tell() 2. My father likes _ books in the evening. He doesntoften _ TV .A. looking at, seeB. watches, seeC. to read, watchesD. reading, watch() 3. We can all _ it in English.A. talkB. tellC. sayD. speak() 4. - Jim, are you getting up?- Yes, I mthe clothes.A. putting onB. wearingC. inD. on() 5. My brotheroften _a black coat and blue shoes.A. puts onB. wears inC. putsD. wears() 6. My father often_ the football game on TV.A. readsB. looksC. seesD. watches交际用语() 1. - _?-In a hospital.A. Where does your mother work?B. When do you come?C. What do you do?D. Where are you doing() 2. - I hope you have a good trip!- _.A. Thank very much!B. You too!C. Of course I willD. Thanks!() 3. - Excuse me, Where is the zoo?- Sorry, _.A.I don tknowB. I doC. I doesD. I am not.() 4. - Is there a bank over there?- _.A. Yes, there sB. No, there arenCt. Yes, there isD .No, itisn t() 5. - Is this a library?-_.A. Yes, this isB. Yes, it isC. this isn tD. it isnt() 6. -You are so beautiful today.-_.A. That s all rightB. Oh, noC. Thank youD. You are welcome() 7. - I will go swimming this weekend- _A. Yes, you willB. What about go walking C. Thank youD. Have a good time() 8. - Thank you for your help.- _.A. No thanks.B. You re welcome.C. That s right D. All right6Keys:代词: 1 5. AABAB6. D冠词: 1 4 DDCB介词: 1 5 BDCDC610 DACAB11 15 ABBDD连词: 1 3 CBC形容词: 1 5 BBDBB69 ADCC副词: 1 5 AAAAD6 7 CC名词: 1 5 CABBC6 10 CDCAD11 12 BC动词: 1 5 DABAC610 BBBBD11 15 BBDBD 1620 ACDCB非谓语: 1 5 CABDA6 10 CAABB动词辨析: 1 5 CDCAD6. D交际用语: 1 5 ADAAB6 8 CDB7


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