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七年级英语学习资料 ;七年级英语学习资料四 Part One: Unit 2 知识清单: 一、指示代词:指示代词用来知识或标识人或事物的代词,英语的指示代词有四个,即_, _,_,_.1. _ 和_指代离说话人较近的人或者物,_ 和 _之离说话猪较远的人或者物。 _ 是_ 的复数形式,_是_的复数形式。2._或者_做主语时,谓语动词用单数,_ 或者_作主语时,谓语动词用复数。3.在问句中,用_来代替this/ that, 用_来代替these / those. 小试牛刀:1. 这些直尺是绿色的。_ are green. 2. 这是我的女儿。_ _ my _.3. 那些是你的照片吗?_ _ your _ - 是的。Yes, _ _.4. 那是他的橙子吗?_ _ his orange - 不是。No, _ _. 5. 这是我的两个儿子。_ _ my two _. 二、单数句变复数句。1. 人称代词有单数变复数。 I-_, you -_, he/ she/ it-_. 2. be动词由am -_, is-_,。 3. 指示代词this-_, that-_. 4. 不定冠词a/ an要去掉。 5. 名词有单数变成复数。 小试牛刀:1. That is a key._.2.Theyre English teachers. ._. 3. What color is your jacket ._. 4. Its a black pen. ._.5. This is an English map. ._. 6. Those are his cups. ._. 7. He is my brother. ._. 三用1be(am,is,are) 动词填空2Excuse me! _ this your eraser3What _ those _ they birds4This _ his ruler. Where _ my ruler I _ in Class Three. _ you in Class Three,too5_ these her English books67Those _ their apples. Where _ his apples8She _ eleven. How old _ that boy9He _ my friend. _ your friend a boy or a girl _ those maps No,they _ not. They _ pictures. 四、用所给词的适当形式填空 10These _ your bananas. Here you _. 1.This is _hefather.2._(I)father is a teacher. 3._(she)sister is my friend.4._you Li Ping(be) 5.These _ your friends(be)6.They _my sisters.(be) 7.She _ my sister.(be) 五连词成句,注意标点符号lhis, here, is, photo, family, _2your, the, for, of, thanks, photo, family, . _3your, is, brother, Paul,. _4are, not, these, grandparents, his, _5she, aunt, his, is, _. Part Two: 根底知识与训练。 一、重点词汇及短语。 1. 姐;妹_2. 母亲_ 3. 父亲_4. 父母亲_ 5. 兄,弟_6. 奶奶,外婆_7.爷爷,外公_8. 祖父母,外祖父母_9. 家_10. 那些_ 11. 谁_ 12. 这些_13. 他她,它们_14. 嗯,好吧_15. 有_16. 一天,白天_17. 再见_18. 儿子_19. 堂兄弟妹,表兄弟妹_20. 爷爷,外公昵称_21. 奶奶,外婆昵称_22. 爸爸昵称_23. 妈妈昵称_24. 姑母_25. 叔_ 26. 女儿_27. 这儿_28. 照片_29. 的_ 30. 下一个_31. 照片,图画_ 32.女孩_33. 狗_34.祝你过得愉快_35. 一张的照片_ 二、重点句型。1. 那是我的家人。那是我的父母。_ my family. _ _ my parents. 2. 她是谁?她是我妹妹。-_ she - _ my sister.3. 这是我兄弟。_ _ my brother. 这是我的朋友们。_ _ my friends.4. 那是你的爷爷奶奶吗?_ _ your grandparents 是的。Yes, _ _.5. 这是我一张我的全家福。This is _ _ _ my family.6. 我的爷爷奶奶在第一张照片里。My grandparents _ _ the _ photo. 7. 我的兄弟们在下面这张照片里。My brothers _ _ the _ picture. 8. 那俩女孩是我的妹妹和表妹。_ _ _ are my sister and cousin. 三.选择填空15分 () 1. These are my _. A. book B. pens C. friendD. a friend () 2. _ these your brothersA. Are B. IsC. Am D. Be () 3. Here _ two books.A. isB. are C. am D. be () 4.This is _ mother.A. he B. she C. ID. his () 5. Is that _book No, _ is not.A. your ; thisB. her ; itsC. his ; itD. her ; its() 6. I _ a boy. My name_ Tom. Li Hua and Mary _ my friends.A. am ; is ; isB. are ; is ; isC. is ; am ; areD. am ; is; are() 7.-Are your friends in your class -Yes, _ are.A. theseB. my friends C. thoseD. they () 8. Tom and I _ friends.A. amB. is C. are D./() 9. Mum, _ my friends, Dale and Helen.A. this isB. they are C. he and sheD. these are ()10. This _ her father. These _ her parents.A. is; isB. is; areC. are; isD. are;are ()11.Is _ your sister Yes, _ is. A. he ;heB. he ; hisC. she; sheD. she; her ()12. Is Guo Peng your sister No. _.A. she isB. she isntC. it is D. it isnt () 13.This is _orange. That is _dictionary, and these are_.A. an ; a ; computers B. a ; an ; computersC. an ; a ;computer() 14.This is my brother, _ name is Bill.That is my sister, _ name is Mary.A. he; sheB. his ;herC. her ;hisD.my; your() 15.This is my brother. _ names Tom.A. HeB. His C. HerD. She ()16. Are these your sisters Yes, _.A. these areB. theyre C. they areD. they arent () 17.This is a photo _ his family. A. at B. for C. of D. in () 18.She is a girl and _ name is Kate.A. she B. her C. his D. he ()19.These are _.A. his photoB. her photosC. your photo ()20. My _ are all teachers.A. friend B. sister C. grandparentsD. mother 四.阅读理解10分Hello, Im Kate. This is a photo of my aunts姑的family. The woman in the photo is my aunt (姑),Jane. She is a teacher and she is nice. These are her sons (儿子), Jeff and Jack. They are seven nd they aretwins(双胞胎).Look! That baby(婴儿) is my aunts little daughter女儿, Rose. She is only one. I lovethem very much.() 1. There are(有) _ people in the photo.A. threeB. fourC. five D. six() 2. My aunt has _.A. two daughtersB. two sons and a daughterC. two daughters and a son D. only one son()3. Rose is my aunts _.A. son B. sister C. mother D. daughter() 4. Jeff and Jack are_.A. elevenB. brother and sisterC. mother and sonD. twins() 5. Rose is Kates _. A. sister B. motherC. cousin(表弟妹)D. teacher五.单词拼写5分 1. My father and mother are my _(父母). 2. Those are his _(兄弟).3. Is she your _(祖母).4. The _(相片) are very nice.5. We have two _(家庭) here.六.句型转换10分按括号内的要求变换以下句子的形式1. This is my sister.(就划线局部提问)_ _ is this2. He is my friend.(变为一般疑问句,作否认答复)_ _ _ friend_, _ _. 3. 这是我的家庭照片。(用英语叙述)_ _.4. 那是你的父母吗?(用英语叙述,并作肯定答复)_ _, _ _. 5.These are my friends.改为单数形式_ my _. 6.Is Tom your brother作否认答复_ , he _. 7.These are my brothers.(改为一般疑问句并且作否认答复)_ your brothers _ , _.8. The pencil is black and white. 对画线局部提问 _ the pencil.9.Those are English books.改为单数形式_English _. 七、改错。1. Theseareyourbrother.( )_ ABCD 2.Is she your sister No, herisnt.()_ ABCD3. Arethose your Englishfriend()_ABC D4.ShenameisAlice. ()_ ABCD5.Canyouspellyou name ()_


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