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甘二中20122013学年度下学期期中考试高二外语试题命题人:李金莲 本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,共120分,考试时间120分钟。注意:1答卷前,将姓名、考号填在答题卡的密封线内。2答案必须写在答题卡上,在试题卷上答题无效。第卷第一部分 听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.Why dont we go to the new Sichuan restaurant for a meal?_ A. Great! Ive been expecting thatC. No, I wont go for itB. Sorry, but I forgot itD. Its not my pleasure22 _from the top, the 2008 Olympic stadium in Beijing looks just like a birds nest made of tree branches.A. To see B. See C. Seeing D. Seen23. I have $20 000 and I need $25 000,but my parents have promised to _ the difference.A. work out B. come up C. give out D. make up24. I had walked a few steps _ I realized that I was lost in the thick fog.A. unless B. Before C. WhenD. since25. Twenty students from one high school were _ such an experience.A. enough lucky to share B. to share enough luckyC. enough to share lucky D. lucky enough to share26. _ the task on time, he was fired by the boss.A. Not completedB. Not having completedC. Not have completed D. Not being completed27.He must have finished the work by the end of last month, _ he?A. mustnt B. hadntC. didntD. hasnt28.He hasnt come yetWhat do you consider_to him? Ahappens Bhas happened Chappening Dto happen29._is known to us all is that China has launched Shenzhou V spaceship successfully. A. That B. What C. It D. As30. When will you leave for Paris for a visit? next month.A. Until B. After C. At D. In31. Never _ forget the days when _ together with youAshall I;I lived Bshall I;did I live CI shall;I lived DI shall;did I live 32. _ they obtain from the activities is very important to the training in their character.A. ThatB. WhichC. WhatD. How33 No sooner _ at the airport than she was surrounded by the reporters.A. had the star arrived B. the star had arrivedC. has the star arrived D. the star has arrived34. She made a promise _ anyone could save her life, she would give him all her wealth.A. which ifB. that ifC. thatD. if 35. Why so many youths are _ on playing computer games often puzzles us a lot.A. fascinatedB. crazy C. keen D. fond第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. Green said, Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would _36 _. Blue interrupted, You only think about the _37 _, but consider the sky and the sea_38_ the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep seaWithout my peace, you would all be _39_. Yellow chuckled (笑道), You are all so serious. I bring laughter, fun, and _40_ into the world Orange started next to blow her trumpet, I am the color of health and strength. I may be _41_, but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. When I fill the sky _42_, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another _43_ to any of you. Red could stand it _44_ and he shouted out, I am the ruler of all of you. I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to _45_ truth. I am also the color of passion and of love. Then came Purple and Indigo (深蓝). The colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own _46_. Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder. Rain started to pour down _47_. The colors crouched (蜷缩) down _48_, drawing close to one another for comfort. In the midst of the clamor (叫嚷), rain began to speak, You foolish colors, fighting _49_ yourselves, each trying to dominate _50_. Dont you know that you were each made for a special purpose, _51_? Join hands with _52_ and come to me. Doing as they were told, the colors _53_ and joined hands. They formed a colorful rainbow. From then on, whenever a good rain _54_ the world, a rainbow appears in the sky. They remember to _55_ one another. 36AstayBleaveCgo outDdie37AearthBmoonCstarDsun38AThat isBI am CIt is DThis is 39AanythingBnothingCsomethingDeverything40AwarmthBsadnessCdepressionDanxiety41AusualBnormalCcommonDscarce42Aat midnightCat sunrise or sunset Bat noon or at nightDduring the day 43AgiftBhonorCthoughtDrespect44Afor moreBany moreCvery muchDno longer45Aturn toBfight forCstruggle withDbend over46AsuperiorityBdisadvantagesCinferioritDweakness47AgentlyBquietlyCviolently Dpeacefully48Awith careBin fearCby chanceDon purpose49AamongstBbyCforDagainst50AothersBthemselvesCthe otherDthe rest51Aequal and simple Cmore or less Bordinary and similar Dunique and different52Aeach other Bme Cone another Dthem53Acombined BseparatedCunitedDdivided54AcleansBwashesCbrightensDdampens 55AappreciateBquarrel withCignoreDpraiseAThere are robots all around us. Some do very complicated jobs like flying airplanes and driving subway trains. And some do one simple job. When an automatic washing machine is switched on, water pours in. The machine waits until the water is warm enough for washing clothes. It does this by “feedback”(反馈). Information about what is happening is feedback into the robot to tell what to do next. Our eyes, ears and other senses are our feedback. They tell us what is going on around us. So robots are like human beings in two ways.They work and they have feedback.In some ways robots are better than human beings. They work quickly and do not make mistakes. They do not get bored doing the same job over and over again. And they never get tired. So robots are very useful in factories. They can be taught to do many different jobs. First their electronic brain must be shown how the job is done. A person moves the robots “arms” and “hands” through each part of the job.The most intelligent robots can move and see. Their eyes are cameras. Their fingers can feel shapes and sizes of the objects. These robots have computer brains linked to their eyes and fingers, which control their actions. The expensiY: Times New RomanThe most intelligent robots cave robots are used in scientific research. They do such job as handling radioactive materials.56. In this passage the author tells us that _.A. robots are very popularB. there are various kinds of robotsC. we see robots only at certain timesD. robots can be easily controlled57. What does the author seem to inform you about robots?A. They should be greatly improved.B. They will probably take over in the future.C. They are very helpful and useful to humans.D. They are machines that break down a lot.68. The fact that a robot never gets bored doing the same job means that _.A. it is very much like human beingsB. it can do boring jobs for peopleC. it will never bore peopleD. it will work much better than human beings59. The robots used for scientific research _.A.are not very cleverC. are very big B. are very cheapD. are very costlyBThe United States government wants to know what the public thinks about its findings on the safety of cloned animals. The Food and Drug Administration says meat and milk from clones of adult cattle, pigs and goats are safe to eat. An F.D.A. official called them as safe to eat as the food we eat every day. And when those clones reproduce sexually(有性繁殖), the agency says, their offspring(后代) are safe to eat as well. But research on cloned sheep is limited. So the F.D.A. proposes that sheep clones not be used for human food. The United States this year could become the first country to approve the sale of foods from cloned animals. First, however, the public will have ninety days to comment on three proposed documents. On December 28th the F.D.A. released a long report, called a draft risk assessment, along with two policy documents. The agency says it must receive comments by April second. The F.D.A. seemed ready to act several years ago, but an advisory committee called for more research. For now, the government will continue to ask producers to honor a request that they not sell foods from cloned animals. Clones are still rare. They cost a lot and are difficult to produce. The F.D.A. says most food from cloning is expected to come not from clones themselves, but from their sexually reproduced offspring. It says clones are expected to be used mostly as breeding animals to spread good qualities. Public opinion studies show most Americans do not like the idea of food from cloned animals. But this research also shows the public knows little about cloning. Cloning differs from genetic engineering. A cell taken from a so-called donor animals is grown into an embryo(胚胎)in the laboratory. Next, the embryo is placed into the uterus(子宫)of a female animal. If the process is successful, the pregnancy reaches full term and a genetic copy of the donor animal is born. 60. From the passage we know that . A. foods from cloned animals are popular in America B. cloned adult animals are safe to eat except sheep. C. cloned animals will be easy to produce D. most foods from cloning is expected to take place of other foods 61.The main purpose of the text is to . A. tell a interesting story B. give some advice on foods C. give a report D. compare different opinions 62. Who believe that foods from cloning are safe to eat? A. Most Americans B. An advisory committee C. Critics D. The F.D.A. 63 It can be inferred from the last paragraph that . A. cloning has much in common with genetic B. not every cell taken from a donor animal can grow into a genetic copy C. the donor animal should be a female one D. cloned animals grow faster than normal ones CThere are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts of life, one becomes happy and the other becomes unhappy. This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, events and the resulting effects upon their minds.People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things: the pleasant parts of conversation, the well prepared dishes, the goodness of the wine and the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things. Therefore, they are continually dissatisfied. By their remarks, they sour the pleasure of society, offend (hurt) many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere. If this turn of mind was founded in nature, such unhappy persons would be the more to be pitied. The intention of criticizing(批评) and being disliked is perhaps taken up by imitation(模仿). It grows into a habit, unknown to its possessors. The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it realize its bad effects on their interests and tastes. I hope this little warning may be of service to them, and help them change this habit. Although in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination, it has serious results in life since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck. Those people offend many others; nobody loves them, and no one treats them with more than the most common politeness and respect. This frequently puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments. If they aim at getting some advantages in social position or fortune, nobody wishes them success. Nor will anyone start a step or speak a word to favor their hopes. If they bring on themselves public objections, no one will defend or excuse them, and many will join to criticize their wrongdoings. These should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing, without worrying needlessly about themselves and others. If they do not, it will be good for others to avoid any contact(接触) with them. Otherwise, it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient, especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels. 64. People who are unhappy _.新课标第一网A. always consider things differently from othersB. usually are affected by the results of certain things C. usually misunderstand what others think or sayD. always discover the unpleasant side of certain things65. We can conclude from the passage that _.A. we should pity all such unhappy people B. such unhappy people are dangerous to social lifeC. people can get rid of the habit of unhappinessD. unhappy people can not understand happy persons66. If such unhappy persons insist on keeping the habit, the author suggests that people should _.A. prevent any communication with them B. show no respect and politeness to themC. persuade them to recognize the bad effectsD. quarrel with them until they realize the mistakes67. In this passage, the writer mainly _. A. describes two types of peopleB. laughs at the unhappy peopleC. suggests the unhappy people get rid of the habits of unhappinessD. tells people how to be happy in life DThe man sitting opposite Robert was the Financial Controller. Everybody called him “the FC” for short. He made all the decisions about money. Robert needed some more. That was why he had to see him. The two men did not get on very well. In fact, they had always disliked each other. “Your request is out of the question,” the FC said. Robert had difficulty in controlling himself, but he managed somehow. He explained that he wanted the money in order to make more programmes. “And why do you want to do that?” the FC asked sharply. Again, Robert almost lost his temper. “Because more and more people are listening to my departments programmes. Theres great demand for them,” he answered. The FC did not seem to believe him. But Robert had a report on the numbers of listeners to all EBC programmes. The FC became less confident (自信). Robert threw the report down on the table and told him to read it. The FC looked at it in silence. The figures (数字) proved that he had been wrong, but he did not want to admit it. “Well,”he finally said, “I may have made a small mistake.”Robert noticed the word “may.” He got up to leave. But he had the feeling that he would get the money after all.68. In the story the Financial Controller was a person who was in charge ofA. Roberts departments programmes. B. EBC programmes. C. EBC money. D. both B and C.69. “Your request is out of the question.”Here “out of the question” means A. without any question B.with some question. C. impossible. D. possible.70. Why were more and more people listening to Roberts programmes? A. Because he always lost his temper (脾气). B. Because he disliked “the FC.” C. Because the programmes were rich and to the taste of the listeners. D. We dont know.EFor over one hundred and fifty years, Americans of all social classes have worn blue jeans 71 Whether they are worn for work or for fashion todayStrauss invention continues to be popular not only among Americans but also among people around the worldLevi Strauss was born in Germany in 1829 72 He grew up in Kentucky before moving to New York in 1847Before becoming an American citizen and moving to the West in 1853, Strauss worked in his brothers dry goods businessThis gave him a chance to produce his famous inventionAfter the gold rush of 1949, Strauss decided to move to the West to seek his fortunesStrauss did not want to be a person who searched an area for mineralsInstead, he knew he could make a good living by selling supplies to the minersAt first, he planned to sell sewing supplies and cloth 73 When he heard miners complaining that their clothes were easily broken or they usually tore their pockets during mining, he decided to use a special fabric to make pants for the minersThese pants proved so popular that he quickly ran out of materials to make moreIn 1873, Strauss received a letter from a Jewish tailor named Jacob Davis who had invented a process of connecting pockets with copper rivets(铆钉)This made the pants last a long timeBecause Davis did not have the money to patent his idea, he offered to share it with Strauss if Strauss would agree to pay for the patent 74 The business has been growing ever since and Levi Strauss company is now one of the largest clothing companies in the worldBy the time Strauss died in 1902, he had made a great contribution to American fashion 75 AAs a young boy, he moved with his family to the United StatesBNobody knew what kind of material was suitableCHe did and Levi jeans have been made with metal rivets ever sinceDHowever, he did not get much business for those productsEHe also made a great contribution to Americas clothing industryFSince they were invented by Levi Strauss, they have become a symbol of American consumer cultureGAs the business grew, Strauss got much money from it第II卷第二卷(非选择题共35 分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;第小题1分,满分10分)Dear Mom, Mothers Day is come. Im sorry that I am abroad and cant send your flowers, so Im writing to you. Mom, I know I have never expressed my thank to you before. But on today, at this special time, I just want to tell you loudly: I love you, Mom! Thank you so much by not only giving me life, but also teach me how to be a good person. Thank you for all you had done for me. Mom, though I may often say it, I do love you. Nobody can take your part in my heart. Whenever I am, I will always love you. Hope you good health and much happiness every day! Your little girl, Jennifer第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,在得知四川大地震的消息之后,作为校学生会主席,你决定给灾区的中学生写一封慰问信,主要内容包括: 1、得知四川发生突如其来的特大地震灾害,心情非常难过; 2、看到你们表现得非常镇定、坚强,感动得热泪盈眶; 3、患难见真情,全校师生向你们表示慰问的同时,共计捐款12万元; 4、美好家园可以重建,希望你们要看到希望、充满信心。 参考词汇:捐款 make a donation to 班级: 姓名: 考号: 密 封 线 甘二中20122013学年度下学期期中考试高二英语试题答题卡(选择题 共85分 ) 2122232425262728293031323334353637383940AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD4142434445464748495051525354555657585960AAAAAAAAA


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