高中英语 Unit 4 Helping people around the world Reading课件 牛津版选修6

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高中英语 Unit 4 Helping people around the world Reading课件 牛津版选修6_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 4 Helping people around the world Reading课件 牛津版选修6_第3页
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Unit 4 Helping people around the worldReading To gain some knowledge about UNTo learn to understand a speakers attitude during a speechTo master the words and phrases in this reading material Important words:refer, worthwhile, description, worthyvictim, voluntary, political, contributeacquire, expand, contribute, urgentImportant expressions:Goodwill Ambassador, in additiondraw sbs attention to, make up ofunder the umbrella of, take on Words preview to talk or write sb or sth; to relate to; to look at a book, map, piece of paper etc, for information an important official who lives in a foreign country to represent his or her own country there relating to politics deserving respect, admiration or support refer ton. ambassadoradj. politicaladj. worthy something that tells you what sth or sb is like sb or sth which has been hurt, damaged, or killed or has suffered done, made or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do it the process of adding numbers or amounts together to give sth, esp money, in order to provide or achieve sth together with other peoplen. description n. victimadj. voluntaryn. additionv. contribute to increase in size, number or importance, or to make sth increase in this way to get or gain sth useful, important or good enough to be a suitable reward for the money or time spent or the effort made needing attention very soon, esp before anything else to heat a container, esp one used for cooking, until the liquid in it starts to turn into a gas v. expandvt. acquire adj. worthwhileadj. urgentv. boil UNHCR the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees 联合国难民事务高级专员(办事处)On _, 2006, the World _ Day, Angelina Jolie, UNHCR _, called on people to help the refugees all over the world.20 June RefugeesGoodwill ambassador What do you know about the UN? The UN logo联 合 国 徽 记The UN flag United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund 联 合 国 儿 童 基 金 会 The UN headquarters (New York)联合国总部 科菲安南 Kofi Annan ,加纳人,联合国第七任秘书长(1997至2006年)。 Secretary General of the United Nations联合国秘书长 潘基文,韩国人,联合国第八任秘书长,2006年新当选。2011年6月21日,联合国大会6月21日通过决议,任命潘基文连任联合国秘书长,第二个任期自2012年1月1日起,至2016年12月31日止。 The UN peacekeeping force联合国维和部队 The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council安理会常任理事国 Disasters and social problems caused both by nature and mankind, strike different areas and regions every year. Its very difficult to predict when and where they will take place. Flood sometimes causes the s_ of diseases. pread Many people may die of h_ since there is a s_(短缺) of food.ungerhortage In some r_ areas, some people still live in p_. Children have no chance to go to school. overty emote Houses are seriously d_, and thousands of people are left h_. earthquakeestroyedomeless war Many of the wars start because people have different c_, r_, b_ and so on. But some people often forget the costs of war, especially the emotional e_ on soldiers and their parents or children. Some of them never r_. ustomseligions eliefsecoverffects Understanding a speakers attitudein favor of by speaking in an enthusiastic mannerby using positive adjectivesby stressing the positive aspects of the topicagainst by using negative adjectives Skimming to get general ideas The reading text here is a speech given by a successful businesswoman about her work as a _.A. volunteerB. UN Goodwill AmbassadorC. teacherD. soldierSkimming Reading Comprehension I Reading Comprehension II1. Who is Tang Ning? A businesswoman and a UN Goodwill Ambassador.2. How many countries belong to the UN? 192 countries.3. Which countries has Tang Ning visited? Countries in Africa. Careful reading to solve difficult points Read the text carefully and divide the text into three parts.Part 1Part 2Part 3Brief introduction of the UNWorking as a UN Goodwill Ambassador The problems the UN helps solveand its goals to achieve by 2015Paras _Paras _Para _(1-3)(4-5)(6) Scanning to get detailed information Scanning Reading Comprehension IIIRead the first two paragraphs and try to fill in as much information as you can.The United NationsWhen it was set up Countries in the UN (originally)(recently)Its four main functions Problems it deals with The United Nations (the UN)When it was set upCountries in the UN After the Second World War in October 1945(originally) 51 countries(recently) 192 countries Fill in as much information as you can. The United Nations (the UN)Its fourmainfunctions 1._2._3._4._to keep international peace; _to develop friendly relationships among nations;to be a centre for organizing the actions or work of different nationsto work together in solving international political conflicts and in promoting respect for human rights; Fill in as much information as you can. 4._1._helps end some of the worlds most horrible conflicts;The United Nations (the UN)Problem-s it deals with _5. _2._assists the victims of wars and disasters; 3._improves international laws;protects human rights;helps with other problems such as lack of education, starvation, disasters, AIDS and other diseases Fill in as much information as you can. The United Nations (the UN)Goals it promise-s toachieve by 2015 _ in all, including: _ is available to everyone; ensure all children complete _.Eightclean waterprimary educationFind the rest information in para. 6. ScanningReading Comprehension IV1.The UN was set up in 1945 by 57 countries.2.The UN has five main functions.3.The UN has a great influence on the lives of people everywhere. 4.Tang Ning gets paid for her work as a UN Goodwill Ambassador.5.The UN helps people who suffer from hunger.6.The UN has its own website. Scanning Reading Comprehension V1.What is the UN? An international organization made up of countries that want to promote world peace.2.How does Tang Ning feel about being a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN? Honoured and happy.3.Where do the UN soldiers come from? They come from different countries that belong to the UN. 4.What kind of countries does Tang Ning visit? She mainly visits countries where the UN operates programmes to help people.5.What do the group of women in South Africa make? Why? Baskets. They sell them at the market for a profit. 6. Apart from wars and conflicts, what other problems does the UN help with? Lack of education, starvation, disasters, AIDS and other diseases.7. What are two of the UNs development goals that it wants to meet by 2015? Access to clean water for everyone and primary education for all children. More information about the Reading. Goodwill Ambassador for the UNWhatH owbe voluntary to visit countries where the UN has programs be reported by the television and pressincrease awareness of the UNs work attract and encourage the local peoplea group of women in South Africasupported by collect 1.35 yuan add it to buy sell expand set up UNIFEMper member per daygovernment moneyweaving materialsbasketsbusinessshopsReading comprehension United Nations International Childrens Fund联合国儿童基金会Jackie Chan actor I could make up a bed for you on the sofa. They made him up as an old man for the last act of the play. Im trying to make up for the lost time while I was sick. 整 理 ; 收 拾化 妆弥 补 ,补 足 ; 2. visit countries where the UN operates programs to help people. (v.) 运 作别 担 心 , 将 有 人 给 我 们 演 示 如 何 操 作 新 机 器 。 Dont worry someone will show us how to operate the new machines.这 家 公 司 在 60多 个 国 家 经 营 快 餐 店 。 The company operates fast-food restaurants in over 60 countries.除了立刻给我的胳膊动手术,那天他们别无选择。 The other day they had no choice but to operate on my arm immediately. 3. I feel very honored to have been able to take on this role. be/feel honored (to do sth.) 感到荣幸 能够进入国家队我感到十分荣幸。I feel greatly honored to be included in the national team. an honored guest defend the honor of ones familyIt is an honor to be included in the national team. (n.) 一 位 尊 贵 的 客 人 捍 卫 家 族 的 荣 誉 The scholarship was named in honor of the schoolmate. 为 了 对 表 示 敬 意 take on this role 担当(某一角色) The newly-built factory is beginning to take on new workers. The doctor suggested I should not take on too much work. On hearing the news he took on an annoyed expression. 聘 用承 担 呈 现 After graduation, he _ (承担) the work of environmental preservation. In the first five years, he _ (费心,费力) to do the research related to water conservation, which _ (占据) much of his time. Now he is busy traveling around the country to give speeches, in which he calls on us to _ (充分利用) solar energy. He always _ (感到骄傲) his work; he believes that if everyone _ (采取行动), our environment would be much cleaner.took on took great troubletook uptake advantage oftakes pride in took actionPhrases of “take” 4. With the help of these armies and other worthy organizations 可 敬 的 , 有 价 值 的 ; 值 得 做 的 The money donated by Bill Gates has gone to some very worthy causes, such as helping the children in Africa and people infected with AIDS.崇 高 的 事 业 worthless ( 无 价 值 的 , 无 益 的 ) valuable (贵 重 的 , 有 价 值 的 )priceless (无 价 的 , 极 贵 重 的 )Your suggestion is worthy of consideration. worthy to be considered. worth considering.It is worthwhile to consider / considering your suggestion.你 的 建 议 值 得 考 虑 。 1. 这 本 书 很 值 得 一 读 。This book is well worth _.This book is worthy _.This book is worthy _.Translate the following sentences: readingto be readof being read 2. 这 个 报 告 值 得 考 虑 。The report is worthy of_.The report is worthy of _.The report is worthy to_.It is worthwhile _.It is worthwhile _.considerationbeing consideredbe consideredto consider the reportconsidering the report 5. the UN assists the victims of wars and disasters.assist sb. with / in (doing) sth. 援助, 帮助 help sb. (to) do sth. / help sb. with sth. lend sb. a hand do sb. a favor give help / assistance / support to sb. 6. in addition / in addition to另 外 ,此 外相当于:as well/as well as; besides; furthermore; moreover 旅馆本身可容纳100位客人,除此之外,还有几个套房。除了他在大学的工作外,他还经营自己的公司。The hotel can hold 100 guests and, in addition, there are several apartments.He runs his own company thats in addition to his job at the university. 7. equal adj. (价值/大小/数量方面)相等的(权利、机会)平等的能胜任的;同等出色的n.平等/相等的人能与之比拟的东西v. (大小/数量/数额上)等于比得上,达到产生出,得出(特定结果) equalIdentify the meanings 肯 帮忙 的attentively adv. 9. add it to some money contributed by the government.addto 把加到 add to 增加add up 相加add up to 总计为,总数达 _ fertilizer to the soil will help the plants to grow more quickly. When we _ the receipts (收据) we realized we had spent too much. The three angles of a triangle always _ 180 degrees. The lights _ the beauty of the city. Adding added upadd up to add to 10. (1) set out 出发,动身;提出,制定出;安排,陈列 set out to do = set about doing 开始着手做In his report, he set out his plans for the department.After a three-day rest, the travelers set out again. (2) set up 建 立 , 成 立 set aside 留 出 ; 置 于 一 旁 set back 阻 碍 , 延 缓 set off 出 发 ; 激 发 , 引 发 set in (雨 、 恶 劣 天 气 、 感 染 )到 来 set down 记 下 ; 制 定 11. There are lots of worthwhile programmes like this _ the UN.在的保护下,在的体制下 under the umbrella of 在政府的体制下,上不起学的同学重 返校园了。 The poor students have returned to school under the umbrella of the government. 那家公司得到了政府的庇护。 The company is under the umbrella of the government. 12. Apart from the urgent problems caused by wars and conflicts, the UN helps countries with other problems Apart from his earnings as a football coach, he also owns and runs a chain of sports shops. Apart from the ending, its a really good film. as well as / besides except for 13. One of the goals is to ensure that clean water is available to everyone.可利用的,可得到的,有用的, 有效的Im sorry, those overcoats are not available in your colour and size.对不起,这种外套没有你要的颜色和尺码。Attention, please. These tickets are available on (the) day of issue only.请注意,这种票仅在发售当天有效。This book is not available here.这里没有这本书。 Reflection time1. How many countries belong to the UN? What are the functions of the UN?2. Think about the meanings: ambassador, political, worthwhile voluntary, contribute, starvation under the umbrella of, take on draw sbs attention to, in addition I: Multiple choice. I am so glad to have the chance _ .A. study abroad B. to study in abroadC. studying abroad D. to study abroad_ the help from his relatives, he doesa part-time job to support his study atcollege.A. Regardless of B. Instead ofC. But for D. Apart from The UN was set up in the year _ by 51 c_. Today the UN is an i_ group made up of 192 countries that want to increase p_. The peacekeeping operations help to e_ conflicts and a_ the victims of wars and d_. In addition, the UN helps protect human r_ and ensure all c_ complete primary education. So far, the UN has helped m_ of people across the world.II: Fill in the blanks according to the reading material. 1945countries internationalpeaceend assistdisastersrights childrenmillions III: Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese.1. 该委员会由来自每个州的代表组成。 The committee is _ representatives from every state.2. 他在信中提到的事情值得再次考虑。 The things _ in his letter were worth _.made up ofreferred to reconsidering 3. 我们不能再接受更多的工作了目前已 经全力以赴了。 We cant _ any more work were fully stretched at the moment. 4. 暑假期间大学生可以使用图书馆。 The library _ during summer vacations.5. 这些工作是受国家研究中心保护的。 The work is _ the National Research Center.take onis available to college studentsunder the umbrella of 6. 马林是一位值得尊敬的老师。我们班的每 个人都喜欢他的课。 Ma Lin is _. Everyone in our class likes his lessons.7. 我们在工作日给员工提供午餐。另外,他 们还可享受免费医疗。 We provide our staff lunch _. _, they can enjoy free medical care.8. 双方都称这次的谈话很值得。 The two sides both declared that the conversation had been _.a very worthy teacheron workdaysIn addition worthwhile 1. Finish the exercises on pages 124-125.2. Review the language points.Homework


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