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阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Human Resource ManagementPART1 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Personnel Management to Human Resource Management Recognition of the need to take a more strategic approach to the management of people Began in the 1980s in the USA UK followed quickly Concept is a strategic approach to acquiring, developing, managing and gaining the commitment of the organisations key resource the people who work for it Armstrong 1991 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Features of HRM Management focussed and top management driven Line management role key Emphasises strategic fit integration with business strategy Commitment oriented Two perspectives hard and soft Involves strong cultures and values 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Performance oriented Requires adoption of a coherent approach to mutually supporting employment policies and practices Employee relations organic rather than pluralistic Organising principles are organic and decentralised Flexibility and team building important policy goals Strong emphasis on quality to customers Rewards differentiated by skill, competence or performance Features of HRM 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Fombrum, Tichy and Devanna Model 1984SelectionPerformanceAppraisal HRDReward 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Warwick Model of HRMBusiness Strategy Context Inner ContextHRM Content HRM ContextOUTER CONTEXT 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Warwick Model content of the boxes Outer context socio-economic, technical, politico-legal,competitive Inner context culture, structure, politico-leadership, task-technology, business outputs Business strategy context objectives, product market, strategy and tactics HRM context- role, definition, organisation, HR outputs HRM content HR flows, work systems, reward systems, employee relations 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn The Harvard Model Stakeholder Issues:Workforce characteristicsBusiness strategy above standard; excellent etc Below standard performance can be used to generate development needs 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Can provide forum for the identification of new/changing competence requirements Can provide forum for setting acquisition of competence time scales Provides a clear and agreed framework for performance evaluation and discussion Appraisal 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Development Provides a framework for individual training needs No transfer problems as competence can only be demonstrated by on the job behaviours Development contributes directly to current performance Encourages a broad based approach to development activities 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Ensures line manager commitment to development Offers common language to all participants in the development process Offers transparent process to all stakeholders Facilitates validation and evaluation of the development processDevelopment 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Reward Promotes flexibility Promotes a development focused culture Provides opportunities for advancement via skills Provides opportunities for earnings enhancement on the basis of skills and flexibility rather than seniority 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Can assist in addressing the technical/managerial divide Offers a route for the reward of knowledge workers Carries high face validity and felt fair perception Via core organisational competencies can link reward directly to organisational strategyReward 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Integration Vertical - integration with corporate strategy Horizontal - the internal integration of the components of an HR strategy Intra-gration the integration of the parts of a component of HR strategy e.g reward strategy base pay, variable pay and benefits all support each other 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Current HRM Issues looks nave in todays turbulent and global environment; still pursued in some sectors with long time horizons. 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Evolutionary: Natural Selection Emphasis on environmental fit Profit maximisation achieved by market competition Fit determined by chance rather than strategy Survival by short term strategies aimed at current fit Strategy and illusion in unpredictable environment 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Evolutionary law of the jungle HR key role in environmental scanning Policies and strategies aimed at flexibility and adaptability Matching model Critique markets more regulated than jungle; by government, law, international agreements Concept of flexibility important 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Processual life is messy Concept of bounded rationality Subjective interpretation of data therefore strategy flawed and incomplete We take the first best option sufficing Organisations as coalitions consensus by negotiation Minimum adaptation for survival rather than proactive change spare capacity as buffer Strategy a comforting ritual 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Processual and HRM HR policies evolving and reactive Soft HRM OD, best practice and development of internal competencies important Critique lacks vision; may not be able to respond quickly enough to threats 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Systemic: socially grounded Man makes decisions based on social factors not economic;Social networks define norms Internal context of firm influenced by social groups, interests, resources and micro-politics Different forms of organisation successful indifferent cultures Systemic perspective includes national culture, family, gender, social groups Strategy must be sensitive to these 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Systemic and HR HR policies and processes will have to reflect local culture Management style and strategies for motivation and commitment reflect local and national culture Critique focuses on difference at the expense of similarity and cross-cultural influences 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Resource-Based Theory of the Firm Places HR at heart of strategy Competitive advantage stems from strategic core competencies built up over time Recognises importance of leadership in building top team; fostering creativity and innovation; facilitate the learning process 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Emphasises renewal aspect and dynamic capabilities of the organisation Capacity of a firm to renew, adapt and augment its core competencies over time Successful organisations combine multiple modes of strategy making with high levels of competence and astute leadership with employee involvement in strategy makingResource-Based Theory of the Firm 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Resource-Based Theory artVisible behavioursaudible behavioursValuesBasic assumptions:Human natureHuman activity RelationshipsPerceived realityEnvironment Visible but notoften decipherableWhat “ought to be; norm-basedTaken for grantedInvisiblePre-conscious 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Common Organisation Stories Can employees break the rules? Is the big boss human? Can the little person rise to the top? Will I get fired? How will the boss react to mistakes? Will the organisation help me when I have to move? How will the organisation deal with obstacles? 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn CULTURE:Socialisation: learningpre-arrival: “preconception”metamorphosis: “absorb”securitycommitmentproductivityencounter: “provisional” (H may conflict with espoused values and each other 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Culture Change Why change? Environment changes: Business mergers, technology, market Government laws, H internally through intranet; internet site providers Internet accessed globally, but only by those with access to and who use the technology Specialised sites available graduates,engineers, computers Watch for cost, regular updating, on line sifting Advertising issues apply 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Handling Applications Information used to: Enable self selection Sift candidates CV ? Or Application form Develop image: Professional process Psychological contract Maintain interest Candidate as customer 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Selection The importance:It is fairly easy to use selection to improve productivity by 6%. Under very favourable circumstances selection can bring about gains of 20% or more. Smith & Robertson 1993 Ethical issues:- principle of positive self regard- principle of informed consent- principle of competence- principle of confidentiality 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Common Selection Methods Application form and CV References, recommendations and testimonials Group exercises Work sample tests Selection interviews Psychometric tests 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Usage of Selection Methods Within the UK Interview 100% Application form 98% References 97% CV 84% Personality tests 58% Ability/aptitude tests 47% Assessment centres 30% 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Choosing a Selection Method Practicality Sensitivity Reliability Validity- face- content- criterion (predictive or current)- construct 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Validity of Selection Methods Assessment centres 0.2-0.4 Biodata 0.2-0.4 Ability tests 0.1-0.3 Work sample tests 0.1-0.3 Personality tests 0.1-0.2 Interviews 0.0-0.2 References 0.0-0.15 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Psychometric Tests Maximal versus Typical performance Maximal performance - aptitude/attainment Typical performance- personality- interests and values Many countries have legal constraints on use 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Aptitude Tests Specific abilities- e.g. mechanical/spatial Specific occupations- e.g. clerical/computer General intelligence- numerical- verbal- abstract reasoning 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn The Selection Interview A conversation with a purpose to: Make an assessment of a candidate in relation to an organisational role Information exchange Sell the organisation Social function 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Types of Selection Interview Individual Panel Sequential Information gathering Structured Situational Behavioural Stress Hypothetical 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Failures of Human Judgement Memory Quick decisions halo/horns effect Emphasis on negative information Inconsistent evaluation of information Perceptual selectivity Like people like you Stereotyping Information overload Primacy Expectancy 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Structured Interviewing Base questions on job analysis or competence statements Each candidate is asked the same questions Systematic scoring procedure Independent assessment of candidates 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Interviewing as a Social Process Create appropriate physical environment Create appropriate social environment Create and meet candidate expectations Use active listening End the social encounter 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Questioning Techniques Open require fuller answer Closed straightforward information Probing follow up for further information or areas of uncertainty Leading supply the candidate with clues to the best response Multiple candidate will answer the easiest 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Assessment Centres An assessment centre is a programme of tests, exercises and interviews designed to measure and assess a wide range of different abilities, skills and behavioural characteristics and potential required for effective performance in the jobBeardwell and Holden, 1994 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Advantages of Assessment Centres Allows more time to make an assessment Involves more measures better predictive validity Projects a professional image Spin offs e.g.developmental experience for assessors 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Disadvantages of Assessment Centres Cost Time Difficult to do Stressful for candidates Need to train assessors 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Designing an Assessment Centre Define competencies Choose tests, exercises and measures each competency at least twice Training of assessors Pilot the centre Run the centre Feedback Evaluation 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Choosing the Selection Tests and Exercises Types of techniques available Covering the competencies How many should there be? Buy in or devise yourself? Issues in design 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Ensuring Competent Assessment Familiarisation/ownership of the assessment criteria Assessment of performance criteria not performance in exercises Assessment documentation Independent assessment Training and practise for assessors 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Performance management 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn .The various management processes by which standards of performance are addressed at both the individual and organisational level. the use of objective setting and performance reviews via employee appraisal . Taylor (1998)Definitions of performance management 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn The essence of performance management is establishing a framework in which performance by individuals can be directed, monitored, motivated and refined: and whereby the links in the cycle can be audited.(Mabey & Salaman, 1995)Performance management 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Performance Management as an Integrating Force Performance Management Reward ManagementImproving Individual and Organisational Performance Improving Managerial EffectivenessDeveloping Skills and Competences (Armstrong, 1996) 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Performance Management CycleOrganisational Objectives Individual ObjectivesPerformance Review Development and RewardMonitor and Review 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Elements Of Performance Management Organisation has a shared vision of its objectives which it communicates to all employees. Organisation sets individual performance targets which are related to both operating unit and wider organisational goals. Organisation conducts a formal review of progress towards the targets. Organisation uses the review process to identify training, development and reward outcomes. Organisation evaluates the effectiveness of the whole process. 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Common Features Providing Data on Contribution of Human Resources to Strategic Objectives Forming a Framework of Techniques to Secure Maximum Achievement of Objectives for Given Inputs Providing a Means of Checking the Functioning of the Process Links which Deliver Performance Against Objectives (Mabey & Salaman, 1995) 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Clarifying Business ObjectivesTraining &Development Performance& PotentialCareerManagement Reward Systems CultureChange Individual or Team ?APPRAISAL PRP Bonuses Increments Assessment Succession Self-development Guidance & Counselling Role of Performance Management 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Criteria for Success Performance-oriented culture Top management support and commitment Appropriate training and development of two way responsibility - - line managers- individual employees Utilise appropriate theories of social psychology Administratively simple Recognise the importance of context Acknowledge practical reality of social processes and power Constant review and evaluation 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Mixture of performance measures: Output focused - quantifiable, systematic - productivity, quality, targets set and met Process focused - less quantifiable, subjective - rating, critical incidents reactive Performance Measurement Curve - shape - need to shiftObtaining performance data 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Underperformers causes of underperformance ways of improving performance - training - persuasion / coaching / counselling - negotiation - disciplineSuperior Performers reward issues redesigning rolesAcceptable Performers impact on morale and behaviourManaging Performance 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Basic Expectancy TheoryExpectancyInstrumentalityValence Effort External Influences PerformancePersonal Capabilities 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Role of Line ManagerActivities setting clear, manageable and achievable objectives defining and assessing performance standards and competency requirements providing helpful feedback coaching for improved performance managing expectationsSkills giving feedback coaching counselling 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Activities scheme introduction with senior management training and communication monitoring and evaluating overall effectivenessSkills persuasion co-ordinationRole of HR Manager 阿 里 巧 巧 www. aliqq. com. cn Evaluation of Assessment Centres Qualitative:participant and assessor feedback Quantitative:- inter-rater consistency- inter-exercise consistency- validity


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