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Exercise:对划线部分提问1.My telephone number is 741-865.2.His name is Jim.3.This is a dictionary.Whats your telephone number?Whats his name?Whats this ? How old多大年纪 以下口诀要牢记1问“谁”用who; 2问“谁的”,用whose; 3问“地点哪里”,用where; 4问“原因”,用why; 5问“身体状况”,用how; 6问“方式”,用how; 7问“年龄”,用how old; 8问“多少”,用how many; 2021-5-29 9问价钱”用how much; 1 0问“哪一个”,用which ; 1 1问“什么”,用what; 1 2问“职业”,用what; 1 3问“颜色”,用what colour; 1 4问“星期”,用what day; 1 5问什么学科,用what subject; 1 6问“什么时候”,用when; 1 7 .问几点Whats the time?或 What time is it? 划线部分是“事或物”,特殊疑问词用what如: This is a book. -What is this?I often play football on Saturdays . -What do you often do on Saturdays ? 2021-5-29 划线部分是“人”,特殊疑问词用who如:He is my brother. -Who is he ? 2021-5-29 划线部分是“地点”,特殊疑问词用where如:The box is on the desk.-Where is the box ? 2021-5-29 划线部分是“时间”,特殊疑问词用what time或when如:Its seven twenty . -What time is it ? I usually get up at six . - When do you usually get up? 2021-5-29 划线部分是“年龄”,特殊疑问词用how old如:I am twelve . -How old are you? My father is thirty-three . -How old is your father ? 2021-5-29 划线部分是“职业”,特殊疑问词用what如:Mike is a worker. -What is Mike ? 2021-5-29 划线部分是“颜色”,特殊疑问词用what colour如: My hat is blue . -What colour is your hat? 2021-5-29 划线部分是“数量”,特殊疑问词用how many或how much如:I can see five kites .-How many kites can you see ?There is some milk in the glass. -How much milk is there in the glass ? 2021-5-29 划线部分是“多少钱”,特殊疑问词用how much如:This pen is nine yuan . -How much is this pen ? 2021-5-29 划线部分是“形容词性物主代词或名词性物主代词”,特殊疑问词用whose如:That is my book . -Whose book is that ? The bag is yours. -Whose is the bag ? 2021-5-29 怎么做对划线部分提问的题目呢? 怎样对划线部分提问 对划线部分进行提问,即针对句子中的某一成分提出问题。 实质上是把一个陈述句变成一个特殊疑问句的过程。 初学者,可利用“四步法”进行训练。一 对划线部分进行提问分四步: 第一步,找出特殊词,代替划线部分。 (what when how where who which whose等) 第二步,把原句变成一般疑问句 (划线部分是主语或主语的定语除外)。 第三步,特殊词加上一般疑问句,划线部分省略。 第四步,归纳分析,写出正确答案。 歌谣:一找,二变,三省略,四归纳 对划线部分提问的程序:一找:找特殊疑问词;二代:用特殊疑问词代替划线部分;三移:把特殊疑问词移到句首;四变:未划线部分变为一般疑问句。 做道题试试吧!My telephone number is 741-865.一找:对数字进行提问用what二代:用what代替划线部分三移:把what放在句首what.四变:把My telephone number is 变为一般疑问句What my tel phone number is.What is your telephone number? 再来一道简单的!She is my sister.一找:对人进行提问用who二代:用who代替划线部分三移:把who放在句首who.四变 :把she is 变为一般疑问句Who she isis s e? 再来一道简单的!This is a dictionary.一找:对物体进行提问用what二代:用what代替划线部分三移:把what放在句首what.四变 :把this is 变为一般疑问句What this s.is t ?s this? 再来一道难点的!The jacket is red.一找:对颜色进行提问用what color二代:用what color代替划线部分三移:把what color放在句首what color.四变 :把the jacket is 变为一般疑问句What olor th j cket is.is t e jacket? 再来一道更难的!The books are under the bed.一找:对地点进行提问用where二代:用where代替划线部分三移:把where放在句首are wher .四变 :把the books are变为一般疑问句Where the books a .ar th books?re the bo ks? 再来一道更难的!The boy is 10 years old.一找:对年龄进行提问用How old二代:用how old代替划线部分三移:把how old放在句首四变 :把the boy is变为一般疑问句How old is the boy?he b y is how old.the bo is.How old is the boy? 就划线部分提问只要掌握五个步骤,一步步的来变换一定不会出错,就像运用数学公式一样。 2021-5-29 1 代如果划线部分是“事或物”就用“what”代替划线部分如果划线部分是“地点”,就用“where”代替划线部分如果划线部分是“时间”,就用“what time”或者“when”代替如果划线部分是“数量”,就用“how many”代替如果划线部分是“价钱”,就用“how much”代替 2021-5-29 移将what, where, what time 等词移到句首 2021-5-29 3 代词变化就是如果主语是代词就变换代词,一般来说规律是:一变二,二变一,三不变。第一人称要变成相应的第二人称,第二人称要变成相应的第一人称,第三人称没变化。如果句中有be动词,此时,be动词要跟着人称做相应的变化。 2021-5-29 4助词。找句子中有没有情态动词Can, May, Would等,如果有的话,直接将情态动词提前放到疑问词之后,如果没有情态动词,再找Be动词,将be动词移到疑问代词之后。如果既没有情态动词也没有be动词就要借助动词了 2021-5-29 如果时态是一般现在时,除了主语是第三人称单数在疑问词之后加does意外,其他情况都是在疑问词之后加do,do 和 does 之后的动词改为动词原形。如果是一般过去时,则加did, did之后的动词改为原形。 2021-5-29 确定谓语看看原句中有没有is, are,can,would,有就把它们抄在疑问词之后。出现I am 则直接改为Are you。 2021-5-29 如果没有以上所说的,则用do(用于第一人称、第二人称、和所有的复数),does(用于第三称单数)。 2021-5-29 4其他部分照抄 2021-5-29 5出现some,要考虑是否改为any。 出现I 改为 you, 出现 we 改为 you ,出现my 改为your,出现our改为your。最后是加问号 2021-5-29 一代(用正确的疑问词代替划线部分),二移(把疑问词移至句首)三倒(颠倒主谓语,但对主语或其定语提问时除外)四抄(照抄句子剩余部分) 2021-5-29 总结关键就是:“特殊疑问词+一般疑问句”(即: 先根据划线部分找到特殊疑问词; 再把没划线的部分变成一般疑问句的语序。) 2021-5-29 一代(用疑问词代替划线部分),二移(把疑问词移至句首),三找(找is , are ,can,would抄在反问词后,没有则用do,does(用于主语是第三人称),出现I am 则直接改为Are you),四抄(照抄其它部分)五改(出现some,要考虑是否改为any。 出现I 改为 you, 出现 we 改为 you ,出现my 改为your,出现our改为your。最后是加问号) 2021-5-29 例句: I want a beautiful pencil case. I want what . What I want. What you want? What do you want? 2021-5-29 My english teacher is Mr Li. Mr Li 是人,疑问词要用who,有is 所以把is抄在who 后,Who is主语是My English teacher,所以改后是Who is My English teacher? My要忙乱为your. Who is your English teacher? My English teacher(3 ) is(2 ) Mr Li(1 ). Who(1 ) is(2 ) your English teacher(3 )? 2021-5-29 The eraser is in my desk. The eraser is where. Where the eraser is. Where is the eraser. 2021-5-29 :My English teacher is Mr Li. My English teacher is who. Who my English teacher is. Who is my English teacher. Who is your English teacher? 2021-5-29 Exercises:1 .That is a bike.2. My name is Li Ping.3. She is Rose.4. My pen is in the bag.5. The bike is black. 6. Hes fine.What is that?What is your name?Who is she?at r name?Where is your pen?s your pen?What color is the bike?How is he ?s that? Exercises:7. The book is in the bag.8. His name is Bob.9. His last name is Miller.10. My QQ number is 4567.11. My notebook is under the chair. 12. The English books are in the bag.What s his name?Whats his last name?Whats your QQ number?Wheres your notebook?_ _ the English books?Wheres the book? Where are 例1 Thats a _ book _ . (1 )找出what代替a book。 (2)变疑问句:Is that a book ? (3 )What+Is that ?省略 a book (4 )What is that ? 归纳 (1大写开头字母;2去掉+号; 3小写原先句首字母;4检查.) 例2 The pen is _ on the desk _. (1 )找出Where代替on the desk 。 (2)变疑问句:Is the pen on the desk ? (3 )Where+Is the pen? 省略on the desk (4 ) Where is the pen ? 归纳 (1大写开头字母;2去掉+号; 3小写原先句首字母;4检查。) 二 常见的对划线部分进行提问的题型 1 对主语提问 对主语提问时,只需找出一个恰当的疑问词代替划线部分; 句子的语序不变。 (1)主语是人,用who代替。 1)_ Miss Zhang _ teaches us English . ( Miss Zhang划线) Who teaches you English ? 2)Jim is a teacher(Jim划线) Who is a teacher ? (2)主语是物用what 代替 1)My bike is under the tree .(My bike划线) What is under the tree .? 2)The apple is red .(The apple划线) What is red ? 3)There is a book in the bag .(a book 划线) What is in the bag ? (特殊事例 一般不用what is there 或what are there) 2 对谓语提问(或谓语和宾语提问) 按八种时态分类 1 一般现在时 例1 He eats an apple .(eats an apple 划线) (1)do代替eat what代替an apple (2)变疑问句:Does he eat an apple? (3)What+Does he eat an apple? do代替eat what代替an apple 划线部分省略。 (4)What does he do?归纳分析,写出正确答案 例2 She does her homework. (does her homework 划线) (1)do代替does what代替 homework (2)变疑问句:Does she do her homework? (3)What+Does she do her homework? do代替does what代替 homework 划线部分省略。 (4)What does she do?归纳分析,写出正确答案。 规则: 在一般现在时中,对动词提问,用do代替划线动词; 宾语用what代替;其句型结构是:What do/does-do? 2 一般过去时 例1 He ate an apple .(ate an apple 划线) (1)do代替ate what代替an apple (2)变疑问句:Did he eat an apple? (3)What+Did he eat an apple? do代替ate what代替an apple 划线部分省略。 (4)What did he do?归纳分析,写出正确答案 例2 She did her homework.(did her homework 划线) (1)do代替did what代替 homework (2)变疑问句:Did she do her homework? (3)What+Did she do her homework? do代替did what代替 homework 划线部分省略。 (4)What did she do?归纳分析,写出正确答案。规则: 在一般过去时中,对动词提问,用do代替划线动词; 宾语用what代替;其句型结构是:What did-do?形式。 3 现在进行时 例1 He is eating an apple .(eating an apple 划线) (1)doing代替eating what代替an apple (2)变疑问句:Is he eating eat an apple? (3)What+Is he eating an apple? doing代替eating what替an apple 划线部分省略。 (4)What is he doing?归纳分析,写出正确答案 例2 She is doing her homework. (doing her homework 划线) (1)doing代替doing what代替 homework (2)变疑问句:Is she doing her homework? (3)What+Is she doing her homework? doing代替doing what代替 homework 划线部分省略。 (4)What is she doing?归纳分析,写出正确答案。规则: 在现在进行中,对动词提问,用doing代替划线动词; 宾语用what代替;其句型结构是:What is/are-doing? 4 过去进行时 例1 He was eating an apple .(eating an apple 划线) (1)doing代替eating what代替an apple (2)变疑问句:Was he eating an apple? (3)What+Was he eating an apple? doing代替eating what代替an apple 划线部分省略。 (4)What was he doing?归纳分析,写出正确答案 例2 She was doing her homework. (doing her homework 划线) (1)doing代替doing what代替 homework (2)变疑问句:Was she doing her homework? (3)What+Was she doing her homework? doing替doing what代替 homework 划线部分省略。 (4)What was she doing?归纳分析,写出正确答案。规则: 在过去进行时中,对动词提问,用doing代替划线动词; 宾语用what代替;其句型结构是: What was/were-doing?形式 5 一般将来时 例1 He will eat an apple .(eating an apple 划线) (1)do代替eat what代替an apple (2)变疑问句:Will he eat an apple? (3)What+Will he eat an apple? do代替eat what代替an apple 划线部分省略。 (4)What will he do?归纳分析,写出正确答案 例2 She is going to do her homework. (do her homework 划线) (1)do代替do what代替 homework (2)变疑问句:Is she going to do her homework? (3)What+Is she going to do ? do代替do ;what代替 homework 划线部分省略。 (4)What is she going to do?归纳 (a大写开头字母;b去掉+号;c小写原先句首字母;d检查。) 规则: 在一般将来中,对动词提问,用do代替划线动词; 宾语用what代替;其句型结构是: What will(shall)-do? 或What is/are going to-do ?形式。 7现在完成时 例1 He has eatten an apple .(eatten an apple 划线) (1)done代替eatten what代替an apple (2)变疑问句:Has he eatten an apple? (3)What+Has he eatten an apple? done代替eatten what代替an apple 划线部分省略。 (4)What has he done?归纳分析,写出正确答案 例2 She has done her homework. (done her homework 划线) (1)done代替done what代替 homework (2)变疑问句:Has she done her homework? (3)What+Has she done her homework? done代替done what代替 homework 划线部分省略。 (4)What has she done?归纳分析,写出正确答案。规则: 在现在完成时中,对动词提问,用done代替划线动词; 宾语用what代替; 其句型结构是: What has/have-done?形式。 8过去完成时 例1 He had eatten an apple .(eatten an apple 划线) (1)done代替eatten what代替an apple (2)变疑问句:Had he eatten an apple? (3)What+Had he eatten an apple? done代替eatten what代替an apple 划线部分省略。 (4)What had he done?归纳分析,写出正确答案 例2 She had done her homework. (done her homework 划线) (1)done代替done what代替 homework (2)变疑问句:Had she done her homework? (3)What+Had she done her homework? done代替done what代替 homework 划线部分省略。 (4)What had she done?归纳分析,写出正确答案。规则 : 在过去完成时中,对动词提问,用done代替划线动词; 宾语用what代替;其句型结构是: What had-done?形式 。 3 对宾语提问(1)宾语是物, 对物进行提问用what 例:He eats an apple .(an apple划线) (1 )an apple是物,用what代替。 (2 )变疑问句 Does he eat an apple? (3 )What+ Does he eat ?省略an apple (4 ) What does he eat?归纳。 (1大写开头字母;2去掉+号; 3小写原先句首字母;4检查。)(2)宾语是人,对人进行提问用who(主格)或whom(宾格)。 例:He likes Li Ping .(Li Ping 划线) (1 )找出who 或whon 代替Li Ping。 (2 )变疑问句 Does he like Li Ping ? (3 )Who(Whom)+Does he like ?省略Li Ping (4 )Who(Whom)does he like ?归纳。 (a大写开头字母;b去掉+号;c小写原先句首字母;d检查。)(3 ) 主句中的谓语动词是 know tell ask remember 等一类词时, 对宾语从句中的某一部分划线提问,先把主句改为一般疑问句, 再加上就划线部分提问的宾语从句。 例1 I know Miss Wang is our English teacher . (Miss Wang划线) (1)找出who 代替Miss Wang (2 )变疑问句Do you know Miss Wang is our English teacher ? (3)Do you know who is our English teacher 例2 He knows Marry is ten years old . (ten years old划线). 找出how old 代替ten years old (1)变疑问句Does he know Marry is ten years old (2)Does he know Marry is how old ? (3)Does he know how old Marry is? 例3 I remember he was not here yesterday . (yesterday划线) Do you remember when he was not here ?(4)主句中的谓语动词是think say guess suppose等一类词时, 对宾语从句中的某一部分划线提问,先把主句改为一般疑 问句,然后把疑问词提到句首。 例1 Marry said her mother was ill .(her mother划线) Who did Marry say was ill? 例2 I think well have an English exam tomorrow . (tomorrow划线) When do you think well have an English exam? 例3 She guesses my grandmother lives in a village . (in a village划线) Where does she guess my grandmother live ? 注意: 如果对介词的宾语提问,要把介词与疑问词一起放到句首,若是固定结构的介词,则不提前。 例1 She is preparing for an exam now .(an exam划线) What is she preparing for now ? (固定结构的介词,则不提前)。 例2 He will live with his grandmother next week . (his grandmother划线) With whom will he live next week ? 4对表语提问 1 对物进行提问用what 例1 Thats a book . (1 )找出what代替a book。 (2)变疑问句:Is that a book ? (3 )What+Is that ?省略 a book (4 )What is that ? 归纳 (a大写开头字母;b去掉+号;c小写原先句首字母;d检查。) 2 对前面出现了name的人名提问用what 例 My name is Jim . (Jim 划线) What is your name? 3 对前面不出现name的人名提问用who 例 He is Jack .(Jack划线,指姓名) Who is he ? 4 对地点提问用 where 。 例 The book is in the bag .(in the bag 划线) Where is the book? 5 对职业提问用,身份用what 例 He is a doctor(a doctor划线) What is he ? 6 对关系提问用who Li Ping is my brother .(my brother划线,指关系) 例 Who is Li Ping ? 7 对价格进行提问用how much。 例 The pen is two dollars.( two dollars 划线) How much is the pen ? 8 对几点几分进行提问用what time。 例 Tts four oclock.( four oclock 划线) What time is it ? 9 对不是表示几点几分的时间状语进行提问用when。 例 My birthday is November 1 1 th . (November 1 1 th 划线) When is your birthday ? 1 0 对年龄进行提问用how old。 例 He is twelve.(twelve划线 ) How old is he ? 1 1 对颜色进行提问用what color。 例 The bike is black . (black 划线) What color is the bike ? 1 2 对身体状况进行提问用 how 。 例 Hes fine .(fine 划线) How is he ? 1 3 对人进行提问用who(主格)或whom(宾格)。 例 He likes Li Ping .(Li Ping 划线) (1 )找出who 或whon 代替Li Ping。 (2 )变疑问句 Does he like Li Ping ? (3 )Who(Whom)+Does he like ? (4 )Who(Whom)does he like ? 1 4 对表示频率的时间状语进行提问用how often。每隔多久 例 He watches TV every day.(every day 划线) How often does he watch TV ? 1 5 对表示将来的一段时间(如:in an hour, in two weeks 等)提问, 用how soon再过多久,对以in引导的一段时间。 例 He will be back in an hour.(in an hour 划线) How soon will he be back? 1 6 对表示多长时间,以for引导的一段时间, (如three days, four weeks 等)提问how long 例1 He stayed here about two weeks . (about two weeks 划线) How long did he stay here ? 1 7对距离(多远)进行提问,用how far(多远)。 例 Its 6 kilometres from here to the zoo? (6 kilometres 划线) How far is it from here to the zoo? 1 8 对方式状语提问用how。 例 I go to school by bike .(by bike划线) How do you go to school? 1 9 对broken提问用what is the matter with-或 例 what is wrong with- Whats the matter with your car? 2 0 对星期提问用。what day。 例 It is Tuesday. ( 划线Tuesday). What day is today? 2 1 对日期提问用what date。 例 It is september 2 1 .(划线september 2 1) What date is today? 2 2 对天气提问用what is the weather like-?或how 例 The weather was horrible yesterday.(horrible划线) What was the weather like yesterday? How was the weather yesterday . 2 3 对价格进行提问用how much。 例 The pen is two dollars.(two dollars划线) How much is the pen 2 4 对相貌特征提问用what-like? 例 She is beautiful . What is she like ? 2 5 对服装尺寸提问用what size 例 He wears 4 0 L .(4 0 L划线) What size does he wear? 2 6 对距离(多远)提问用how far 例 It is six kilometres from here to the zoo . (six kilometres划线) How far is it from here to the zoo? 2 7 对高度(多高)提问用how tall(人,树); how high(山,建筑物) 例1 She is 1 .7 2 metres .(1 .7 2 metres划线) How tall is she ? 例2 The hill is 5 8 4 8 metres.(5 8 4 8 metres 划线) How high is the hill ? 2 8 对重量提问用how heavy 例 The stone is3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KG.(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KG. 划线) How heavy is the stone? 2 9 对长宽高厚提问用how long(wide, tall hight ,thick) 例1 The bridge is 5 0 0 0 metres.(5 0 0 0 metres 划线) How long is the bridge ? 3 0 对动词不定式和动名词提问,用what 例 My job is to teach you English. (to teach you English划线) What is your job? 3 1 对过去分词和现在分词提问用how 3 2 划线部分是某个年级、班级、排、号码等提问, 分别要用what grade; what class; what row; whatnumber 例1 I am in Grade 1(in Grade 1划线) What grade are you in? 例2 He is in Row 3(in Row 3划线) What row is he? 例3 She is Number1(Number1划线) What number is she? 例4 He is in Class 9(in Class 9划线) What class is he in? 3 3 对介宾提问用what 例 Its about English food.划线部分:English food Whats about? 3 4 对数学上的“加、减、乘、除”四则运算的得数提问, 要用what提问,也可换用how much提问。 例 Two plus two is four.(four划线) What is Two plus two? How much is Two plus two? 3 5 对四季提问用which weather。 例 He likes summer best.(划线部分是summer) Which weather does he like best? 3 6 .使用whose时要分清它的后面有无名词: 例 This book is mine. Whose is this book ? 例 This is my book. Whose book is this? 3 7 对人或物的外部特征提问,用what like: 例 She is very fat. What is she like? 五对定语提问一对主语的定语进行提问。 对主语提问时,只需找出一个恰当的疑问词代替划线部分; 句子的语序不变。构成:特殊词+被修饰词+照抄其它部分。 1 对某人的进行提问用whose。 例1 My book is on the desk .(My划线) Whose book is on the desk ? 2 对定语提问(不是某人的)用which 或what 。 例 The red car is mine .( red 划线) Which car is yours? 3 对可数名词的数量进行提问用how many。 例 Two pens are on the desk .(Two划线) How many pens are on the desk? 4 对不可数名词的数量进行提问,用how much。 例 There is a little water in the cup.(a little 划线) How much water is there in the cup ? 5 划线部分是介词短语作后置定语时,要用which提问。 例 The man in the green car is my father Which man is your father ? 二对其它成分的定语进行提问。遵循四步法做题 1 对某人的进行提问用whose。 例 This is Li Pings book .(Li Pings 划线) Whose book is this ?说明: whose做定语,修饰可数名词book, 因此,whose book和how much water 一样,不能分开。 2 对定语提问(不是某人的)用which 或what。 例 He has a black bike .(black划线) Which bike does he have ? 3 对可数名词的数量进行提问用how many。 例 I have two books .(two 划线) How many books do you have ? 说明: how many修饰book,在句中做定语,因此不能分开。 4 对不可数名词的数量进行提问,用how much。 例 There is a little water in the cup.(a little 划线) How much water is there in the cup ? 六 对状语提问 1 对表示频率的时间状语进行提问用how often。每隔多久 例 He watches TV every day.(every day 划线) How often does he watch TV ? 2 对方式状语提问用how。 例 I go to school by bike .(by bike划线) How do you go to school? 3 对地点提问用 where 。 例 The book is in the bag .(in the bag 划线) Wher he e is tbook? 4 对几点几分进行提问用what time。 例 Tts four oclock.( four oclock 划线) What time is it ? 5 对不是表示几点几分的时间状语进行提问用when。 例 My birthday is November 1 1 th .(November 1 1 th 划线) When is your birthday ? 6 对表示频率的时间状语进行提问用how often。每隔多久 例 He watches TV every day.(every day 划线) How often does he watch TV ? 7 对表示将来的一段时间(如:in an hour, in two weeks 等问用how soon再过多久。 例 He will be back in an hour.(in an hour 划线) How soon will he be back? 8 对表示多长时间,主要用来对一段时间 (如three days, four weeks 等)提问和 表示某东西有多长 提问,用how long多长。 9 对表示起点的状语提问,用since what time或since when: 例 Great changes have taken place since 1 9 7 8 . Since what time have great changes taken place? Since when have great changes taken place? 1 0 对延续的一段时间状语提问,用how long: 例 He has lived in Shanghai for five years. How long has he lived in Shanghai?


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