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Unit 3 School LifeLesson 16.英英汉汉互互译译1.raise_2.terrible _3.发发生生_e up with _答案:答案:1.筹募筹募(钱财钱财)2.可怕的可怕的 3.happen 4.提出提出.句型展示句型展示1.我我们们和你在一起。和你在一起。We _ _ you.2.因此他因此他们们想出了一个想出了一个计计划。划。So they _ _ _ a plan.3.仅仅仅仅三天之后,学校筹三天之后,学校筹钱钱1,200美元。美元。_ _ _ _,the school _$1,200.答案:答案:1.are with 2.came up with 3.In just three days;raised1.happen v.发发生生On the first day of school,something terrible happened.开学的第一天,可怕的事情开学的第一天,可怕的事情发发生了。生了。Great changes took place in our hometown.我我们们家家乡发乡发生了很大生了很大变变化。化。【探究探究总结总结】happen的用法的用法(1)happen 发发生,指偶然生,指偶然发发生,没有生,没有预预料到。某人料到。某人发发生了某事,生了某事,应应表达表达为为:sth.happen _ sb.。(2)take place表示表示“发发生,生,举举行,行,举办举办”,一般指非偶然性事件,一般指非偶然性事件的的“发发生生”。to【学以致用学以致用】他看上去不高他看上去不高兴兴。发发生了什么事?生了什么事?He looks unhappy._ _ _ him?答案:答案:What happened e up with想出;提出(主意、答案等)想出;提出(主意、答案等)So they came up with a plan.因此他因此他们们想出了一个想出了一个计计划。划。Ill come up with you soon.我很快会赶上你的。我很快会赶上你的。【探究探究总结总结】come up with的用法的用法(1)意意为为“想想出出;提提出出”,后后常常跟跟idea,plan,answer等等名名词词,相相当当于于think of。(2)追赶上,比得上,相当于追赶上,比得上,相当于catch up with。【学以致用学以致用】I dont know what to do.Can you _(想出想出)a good idea?答案:答案:come up with/think of raise v.筹募(筹募(钱财钱财)In just three days,the school raised$1,200.仅仅仅仅三天之后,学校筹三天之后,学校筹钱钱1,200美元。美元。If you have any question,please raise your hands.如果你如果你们们有任何有任何问题问题,请举请举手。手。I want to raise a dog as a pet.我想要养只小狗当我想要养只小狗当宠宠物。物。【探究探究总结总结】raise的用法的用法【图图解助解助记记】raiseraise money 筹款筹款raise a barbell 举举起杠起杠铃铃饲饲养养鸽鸽子子raise a dove提价提价¥990¥780raise a price【学以致用学以致用】Some singers _ money for the poor students.答案:答案:raise.选词选词并用其适当形式填空并用其适当形式填空lose,raise,fire,sale,happen1.The old man had a cookie _ and he lived a happy life.2.Nobody knows what _ to their family.3.He _ his family in the war(战战争争).4.We want to _ some money for the poor children.5.Dont let the boy play with _.Its dangerous.答案:答案:1.sale 2.happened 3.lost 4.raise 5.fire.单项选择单项选择1.“Dont be afraid,boy.We are _ you.”they said.A.in B.on C.with D.at2.They thought over but they couldnt come up _ a good idea.A.at B.on C.with D.in 3._ did they raise so much money?In just a week.A.How long B.How farC.How often D.How soon4._ is possible if you work hard at it.A.Everything B.SomethingC.Nothing D.Anything5.Our teacher often tells us _ before class.A.interesting somethingB.everything interestingC.something interestingD.interesting everything


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