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在 英 语 中 , 主 语 和 谓 语 的 语 序 通 常 的 主 语在 前 , 谓 语 在 后 。 但 有 时 为 了 强 调 某 一 部分 , 或 适 应 一 定 的 语 法 结 构 的 需 要 , 而 把谓 语 的 全 部 或 一 部 分 提 到 主 语 的 前 面 , 这种 情 况 叫 “ 倒 装 ” (Inversion)。 1 全 部 倒 装 -主 语 与 谓 语 动 词 倒 装 结 构 : 谓 语 动 词 +主 语 Down fell the rain.2 部 分 倒 装 -主 语 与 助 动 词 /情 态 动 词 /系 动 词 倒 装结 构 : 助 动 词 /情 态 动 词 /系 动 词 +主 语 +谓 语 动 词Never have I heard such a thing. 句 型 There is no need to do There is no doubt that There is no knowing telling 1. There be 句 型 (be可 换 成 live, stand, lie, come, exist, seem, appear 等 ). There are so many cars coming and going on the road.There still exist some problems. 2. 在 here, there, now, then, thus引 导的 句 子 里 , 要 全 部 倒 装 Here comes your head teacher. Here he comes.主 语 是 人 称 代 词 不 用倒 装 3.当 in, out, down, up, over, away, off,back等 副 词 作 状 语 置 于 句 首 时 ,谓 语 常 用 动 词 有 come,go,rush,等 不 及物 动 词 。Up flew the bird.Out rushed the students. 4.表 地 点 的 状 语 位 于 句 首 Under the tree _ South of the city _ Eventually they arrived at a cave, in front of which _ sits a beautiful girl, reading.lies a paper-making plant.stood a tree. 5.表 语 提 前 Present at the meeting were Professor White and many other guests. Growing along the road are some wild flowers. 6. Such are the facts. Such a great scientist is Yuan Longping. Lets enjoy the translation. 1、在 以 so, nor, neither 开 头 的 句 子 里 so/nor/neither + be/助 动 词 /情 态 动词 主 语 ( 如 SO do I 等 ) 表 与 前 面 内容 也 适 用 于 另 一 个 人 或 物 时 要 部 分 倒 装 。 H e likes dancing. _. A. So his sister does. B. So does his sister. - You forgot your purse when you went out. - G ood heavens, _. A. so did I B. so I did C. I did so D. I so did 表 示 对 上 述 情 况 的 认 同 , 确 实 如 此 . -David has made great progress recently. -H e is a physics teacher but he loves English very much. -我 也 与 他 的 情 况 一 样 。-他 的 确 如 此 , 你 也 一 样 。So he has and so have you.-It is the same with me. /So it is with me. 2.在 下 列 否 定 或 半 否 定 词 放 句 首 表 示 强 调 时 。 如 :从不 任何地方都不很少刚刚,几乎不两者都不不仅而且决不never nowhereseldom, little, few, rarelyhardly, scarcely, barelyneither nornot only, but also by no means, at no time, under no circumstances, on no account not until 直到才 I didnt recognize her until she took off the sunglasses. H ardlyscarcelywhen, no sooner than 一就 No sooner had they arrived than it began to rain. 3. Only + 副 词 /介 词 短 语 /状 语 从 句 Only then did I realize the importance of study.Only in this wayOnly after 4.由 sosuch.that.引 导 的 表 示 程 度的 状 语 从 句 , 将 其 放 于 句 首 表 示 强 调 。 So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. 5. 在 if虚 拟 条 件 从 句 中 ,if省 略 时 ,had/ were/should等 要 与 主 语 倒 装 。 Should he be interested in this subject, he might work hard at it. = If he should be interested in this subject, he might work hard at it. ( 实 际 上 , 他 对 这 科 目 没 兴 趣 , 他 也 没有 用 功 ) 6.在 以 often, always, once, many a time, now and then,等 作 状 语 的 频 度副 词 位 于 句 首 时 。Often did I speak of him before.Many a time has he helped me with my experiment. 1. 由 as/though引 导 的 让 步 状 语 从 句 中 , 其 基 本句 式 为 : 形 容 词 /副 词 /名 词 +as/though+主 语 +谓 语 动 词 原 形 +as/though+主 语 +情 态 动 词 /助 动 词 Child as/though he is, he knows a lot of English. =Although/Though he is a child, he knows a lot of English. Old as they were, Hard as he tried, Try as I might, 2. 祝 愿 语May you succeed!May you be happy!May peace return to the troubled land!Long live the Peoples Republic of China!3.however + adj.adv. However late he came home, his mother would wait for him. 4、 直 接 引 语 的 全 部 或 一 部 分 放 在 句 首 时 ,主 句 中 的 主 谓 也 常 直 接 倒 装 。“ Very well,” said the French student.“Bring me two eggs and a cup of tea, please.” added the customer. 5、 在 the more,the more结 构 中The more you practice, the better your skill is.The harder you work, the better result you can get. 1.否 定 词 位 于 句 首 时 的 倒 装 , hardlywhen等 . 2.so与 neither, nor位 于 句 首 时 的 倒 装 时 的 含义 . 3.only位 于 句 首 时 . 4.as引 导 让 步 状 语 从 句 时 的 句 子 倒 装 。 5. 非 真 实 条 件 句 中 省 略 if连 词 的 倒 装 结 构 (做 题 时 要 抓 住 各 种 句 式 的 不 同 结 构 要 点 , 关 键 词的 利 用 , 更 好 的 判 断 句 式 , 选 择 正 确 答 案 。 ) Exercises:1.Not until all the fish died in the river_ how serious the pollution was. A.did the villagers realize B.the villagers realize C.the villagers did realize D.didnt the villagers realize2.It was not until 1920_ regular radio broadcasts began. A.while B.which C.that D.since3.I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life_ so happy. A.did I feel B.I felt C.I had felt D.had I felt 4. Why cant I smoke here? At no time _ in the meeting-room. A. is smoking permitted B. smoking is permitted C. smoking is it permitted D. does smoking permit 5.No sooner _ than it began to rain heavily. A. the game began B. has the game begun C. did the game begin D. had the game begun 6. Do you know Tom bought a new car? I dont know, _. A. nor dont I care B. nor do I care C. I dont care neither D. I dont care also 7._ can you expect to get a pay rise. A.With hard work B.Although work hard C.Only with hard work D.Now that he works hard8.Now_ Sallys turn to keep guard. A.there is B.is going C.has come D.comes9.Not only_ polluted but_ crowded. A.was the city; were the streets B.the city was; were the streets C.was the city; the streets were D.the city was; the streets were 10.So_ that no fish can live in it. A.the lake is shallow B.shallow the lake is C.shallow is the lake D.is the lake shallow11.Little_ about his own safety, though he was in great danger himself. A.does he care B.did he care C.he cares D.he cared12.Was it in 1969_ the American astronaut succeeded _ landing on the moon. A.when; on B.that; on C.when; in D.that; in 13._ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the films so often. A.If it is not B.Were it not C.H ad it not been D.If they were not14.-David has made great progress recently. -_, and_ . A.So he has; so you have B.So he has; so have you C.So has he; so have you D.So has he; so you have15.H ere _the good news for every man and every woman who _in the town. A. is ; live B. is; lives C. are; live D. are; lives


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