高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Period One课件 新人教版必修2

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高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Period One课件 新人教版必修2_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Period One课件 新人教版必修2_第3页
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Period One Warming Up from 6.pay attention to 7.The number of .写作句式一、根据提示翻译下列句子1.请 注 意 ? (have ones attention)_2.凶 手 被 带 进 来 , 双 手 被 捆 在 身 后 。 (with 名 词 过 去 分 词 )_3.保 护 朋 友 不 受 别 人 的 伤 害 是 我 们 的 责 任 。 (protect.from)_4.她 匆 忙 穿 好 衣 服 跟 他 出 去 了 。 (get dressed)_5.我 想 去 看 那 些 生 活 在 保 护 区 里 的 野 生 动 物 。 (would like to do) _ 6.许 多 树 木 正 在 被 用 来 建 造 房 子 。 (现 在 进 行 时 的 被 动 语 态 )_答案1.May I have your attention, please?2.The murder was brought in with his hands tied behind his back.3.It is our duty to protect our friends against/from hurting.4.She hurried to get dressed and went away with him.5.I would like to see wild animals living in the reserves.6.A number of trees are being used to build houses. 二、根据汉语意思完成句子1._are swimming in the river.许 多 学 生 正 在 河 里 游 泳 。2._basketball fans who like Yi Jianlian is very large.喜 欢 易 建 联 的 篮 球 迷 们 的 数 量 很 大 。3.If you _the job, youll soon finish it.如 果 你 专 心 这 项 工 作 , 你 很 快 就 会 完 成 的 。4.He has _join the Chinese Communist Party.他 申 请 加 入 中 国 共 产 党 。 5.Altogether seven people _the position.一 共 有 七 个 人 申 请 这 个 职 位 。6.As is known to us all, smoking_ health.众 所 周 知 , 吸 烟 影 响 健 康 。7.He suggested that we _at once.他 建 议 我 们 马 上 动 身 。8.The pale face suggested that she _.她 脸 色 苍 白 , 这 表 明 她 病 了 。答案1.A number of/A lot of students 2.The number of 3.apply yourself to 4.applied to 5.applied for 6.affects 7.should set out8.was ill 【话题语篇导读】Things that you or your family can do to help protect wildlife:Everyone can make small concerted efforts to help protect wildlife.Wildlife is increasingly becoming more threatened due to human activity and irresponsibility.The biggest threat to wildlife is habitat loss due to deforestation, overgrazing, farming, development, and pollution.These issues also lead to other problems such as soil compaction, erosion, and desertification. 1.Wildlife is also adversely affected by the threat of non-native invasive species, which compete with native plants and wildlife for habitats and resources, with some preying directly upon native species.These non-native invasives generally do not have natural predators so there populations grow rapidly and sometimes uncontrollably.You can reduce invasive species by not releasing captive animals into the wild, pulling invasive plants in your yard, and by not buying or planting non-native plants. 2.By minimizing and more wisely using herbicides and pesticides we can better control the amount of harmful chemicals and toxins released into environmentally sensitive areas, such as streams and rivers.Most of these chemicals take many years to degrade in nature.They have profound, long lasting effects on wildlife and people for years to come.Wildlife, especially amphibians, is vulnerable to these harmful chemicals affecting their growth and reproduction. 【知识链接】1.respond vi.回答;响应;做出反应归纳拓展respond to.回应;对 做出反应respond that.回答说response n.回答;响应;反应in response to响应;反应make (no) response to对 (不)做出反应/回答 单句语法填空 His disease failed to respond_the new drugs the doctor applied. Our country has set up many natural reserves _ response to wildlifes needs.答案 to in 2.contain表 示 包 含 所 含 之 物 的 全 部 , 还 指 某 种 物 质 中 含 有 某 成 份 或含 有 其 它 物 质 。 另 外 , contain还 有 “ 克 制 , 抑 制 ” 之 意 。include意 为 “ 包 含 ; 连 在 内 ; 计 入 ; 算 入 ; 包 括 ” , 指 作为 整 体 中 的 一 部 分 而 被 包 括 进 去 。 在 句 中 常 构 成 分 词 短 语 sb/sth included或 including sb/sth。 用contain和include的适当形式填空 This book _ ten units, _ two mainly revisions. This bottle_two glasses of beer. The money I gave you _ your sisters. Vegetables _ a lot of fibers. Everyone had something to say, me _.答案 contains; including contains included contain included 3.succeed归纳总结succeed vi.成 功 ; 继 承 ; 继 任vt.接 替 ; 继 任 ; 继 承succeed in (doing)成 功 做 某 事succeed to sth继 承 succeed sb as.继 某 人 之 后 担 任 success n.U成 功 ; C成 功 的 人 或 事successful adj.成 功 的successfully adv.成 功 地have success in doing be successful in doing做 成 功 achieve success取 得 成 功 4.employ vt.雇佣;利用(时间、精力等)归纳拓展employer n.雇主employee n.雇员;受雇者employment n.职业;工作;使用employ sb as.雇用某人任 employ sb to do sth雇用某人做某事be employed in (doing) sth忙于某事;从事某事in the employment of sb/in sbs employment受某人雇佣employ oneself in (doing) sth从事/忙于(做)某事 out of employ失业 单句语法填空 For the past five years he has been _ (employ) as a shop assistant. Im busy, _ I have to employ a housekeeper to look after my children. She was employed _ making a list of all the jobs to be done.答案 employed so in


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