高中英语 Unit 3 Travel JournaPeriod One课件 新人教版必修1

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高中英语 Unit 3 Travel JournaPeriod One课件 新人教版必修1_第3页
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Period One Warming Up & Reading .课 文 理 解1.Who had the idea of travelling by bike first?A.Dao Wei. B.Yu Hang. C.Wang Kun. D.Wang Wei.2.If they travel along the river, where will it become rapids as it passes through deep valleys?A.In Qinghai Province. B.In Tibet.C.In Yunnan Province. D.In Vietnam.3.If you travel with them, you will see all the following EXCEPT _.A.a desert B.a waterfall C.a delta D.a glacier 课 文 预 读 4.What does Wang Kun think of his sister?A.Foolish and stubborn.B.Foolish but determined.C.Stubborn but determined.D.Unkind and stubborn.5.What did they do before the trip?A.They had a very good rest.B.They talked with their parents about it.C.They were full of fear.D.They had prepared well for it. 6.Which is the proper order about the Mekong River according to the text?a.The Mekong River enters the South China Sea.b.The Mekong River begins in a glacier on a Tibetan mountain.c.At first, the river is small and the water is clear and cold.d.The Mekong River enters Southeast Asia.e.The Mekong River travels across western Yunnan Province.f.The Mekong River leaves China.A.b, c, e, f, a, d B.b, c, e, f, dC.c, b, e, f, d, a D.c, b, f, e, a答案1.D 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A .正 误 判 断 (根 据 课 文 内 容 判 断 正 “T”误“F”)1.Wang Kun persuaded his cousins, Dao Wei and Yu Hang, to join in their cycling.( )2.Wang Wei insisted that they begin the journey from where it begins to where it ends.( )3.The journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5, 000 metres,where it is hard to breathe.( )4.The source of the Mekong River is in Sichuan Province.( )5.They found few maps about the Mekong River in the library.( )答案1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F Wang Kun and his sister had dreamed _1_ taking a great bike trip ever _2_ middle school.After _3_ (graduate) from college,they _4_ (final) got the chance to make their dream come _5_(truth).His sister thought of the idea to cycle along the Mekong River.They both bought expensive bikes.They also got their cousins _6_ (interest) in cycling.Wang Wei stuck to the idea _7_ they should find the source and begin their journey there.When she heard .课 文 语 法 填 空 that the source of the Mekong River is in Qinghai Province, she wouldnt change _8_mind.She even felt _9_ (excite) when she knew that their journey would begin at _10_ altitude of more than 5, 000 metres.Before the trip they found a large atlas in the library.From the atlas they knew clearly about the Mekong River.答 案 1.about 2.since 3.graduating/graduation 4.finally 5.true6.interested 7.that 8.her 9.excited 10.an 【 话 题 语 篇 导 读 】The Mekong River is a major river in Southeast Asia. From its source in Chinas Qinghai Province near the border with Tibet, the Mekong flows southeast to the South China Sea. The Mekong crosses Yunnan Province, China, and forms the border between Myanmar(Burma) and Laos and most of the border between Laos and Thailand. It then flows across Cambodia and southern Vietnam into a rich delta before emptying into the South China Sea. The Mekong River goes by many names. It is known as Lancang River in China, the Mae Nam Khong in Thailand, Myanmar and Laos, Tonle Sap(Great Waters) in Cambodia and Cuu Long(Nine Dragons)in Vietnam. It is also known as River of Stone, Dragon Running River, Mother River Khong, and Big Water.The Mekong is the longest river in Southeast Asia. The river provides food and water for 60 million people and disgorges 475 billion cubic meters of water each year into the South China Sea. The Mekong River Delta covers an area the size of France and Germany. More than 80 percent of the people that live in the Mekong River Delta rely on the river for agriculture or fishing. The Mekong River Delta is also home to more than 90 nationalities.Their histories, cultures, customs and religious beliefs are so unique from one to another. .核 心 单 词一、单词拼写 1.I think the _ (运 输 ) here is very similar to that in our city.2.How many years is it since you _(毕 业 ) from college?3.My brother was _(说 服 ) to buy the shirt he didnt like very much.4.The meeting is _(安 排 时 间 ) for Friday afternoon.5.Who _(组 织 ) your birthday party last Sunday?知 识 梳 理 6.Whats your _(看 法 ) to what he said?7.My father is away on a _(旅 行 ).8.The young man went on working hard and _ (最 后 ) he succeeded.9.He was too _ (固 执 的 )to admit that he was wrong.10. Do you _ (更 喜 欢 ) this computer to that one?答 案 1.transport 2.graduated 3.persuaded 4.scheduled5.organized 6.attitude 7.journey 8.finally 9.stubborn 10.prefer 二 .单 句 语 法 填 空1.Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then persuaded me to buy _.2.They grew up near Lancang River, the Chinese part that _ (call) the Mekong River.3.It was my sister _ first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from _ it begins to where it ends.4.I am fond of my sister _ she has one serious shortcoming.5.She insisted that she _ (organize) the trip properly. 6.I asked her _ she had looked at a map yet.7.She gave me a _ (determine) look.8.I told her the air would be hard _ (breathe).9.Once she made up her mind, nothing can change _.10.It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, _ (travel) across western Yunnan Province.答 案 1.one 2.is called 3.who/that 4.but 5.organize6.whether/if 7.determined 8.to breathe 9.it 10.travelling .重 点 短 语一、根据提示写出短语1._ 从 那 以 后2._ 喜 欢 ; 喜 爱3._ 改 变 主 意4._ 关 心 ; 忧 虑 ; 惦 念5._ 说 服 某 人 做 某 事6._在 的 高 度 7._投 降 ; 屈 服 ; 让 步8._对 的 态 度9._使 某 人 对 感 兴 趣10._从 毕 业答 案 1.ever since 2.be fond of 3.change ones mind 4.care about 5.persuade sb to do sth 6.at an altitude of. 7.give in8.attitude to 9.get sb interested in 10.graduate from 二 、 用 所 给 短 语 的 适 当 形 式 填 空change ones mind; give in;prefer.to.; care about1.He has _ to my views.2.He doesnt seem to _ his failure in the exam.3.I _ skiing _ skating.4.In spite of all the difficulties, he never thought of _.答 案 1.given in 2.care about 3.prefer; to 4.changing his mind .写 作 句 式句式运用(完成句子)1.Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I _ (梦 想 一 次 了 不 起 的 自 行 车 旅 行 ).2._ (是 我 的 姐 姐 ) first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.3. Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places, she insisted she _ (把 这 次 旅 游 安 排 得 尽 善 尽 美 ).4._ (她 一 旦 下 了 决 心 ), nothing can change it. 5.When I told her _ (空 气 呼 吸 困 难 ) and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience. 答 案 1.have dreamed about taking a great bike trip 2.It was my sister who 3.organize the trip properly 4.Once she has made up her mind 5.the air would be hard to breathe 【 知 识 链 接 】1.Which kind of transport do you prefer to use: bus or train? 你 比 较喜 欢 使 用 哪 种 交 通 方 式 : 公 共 汽 车 还 是 火 车 ?prefer to do/doing sth 宁 愿 做 某 事 ; 更 喜 欢 做 某 事prefer sb to do sth 宁 愿 某 人 做 某 事prefer (doing) A to (doing) B 与(做)B相比更喜欢(做)Aprefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A而不愿做B I prefer reading books to watching TV.我 喜 欢 读 书 而 不 喜 欢 看 电 视 。Would you prefer me to stay? 你 愿 意 我 留 下 来 吗 ?单 句 语 法 填 空 My parents prefer me _ (finish) the work by myself. Tom prefers to meet his friend at the station rather than _(wait) here. My husband prefers staying at home watching TV to _ (go) shopping with me.答案 to finish wait going 2.Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly.尽 管 她 对 去 某 些 地 方的 最 佳 路 线 并 不 清 楚 , 她 却 坚 持 要 自 己 把 这 次 旅 游 安 排 得 尽善 尽 美 。在 “ insist that.”结构中,当insist作“坚持主张,坚决要求”解时,其后的宾语从句用虚拟语气,即“ should动词原形”,should可以省略。当insist作“坚持说,坚持认为”时,其后的宾语从句用陈述语气。insist on/upon (doing) sth 坚决要求(做)某事 I insist on your taking immediate action to put things right.我 坚 决 要 求 你 立 刻 采 取 行 动 把 事 情 处 理 好 。They insisted that he (should) be present at the ceremony.他 们 坚 持 要 他 出 席 这 次 仪 式 。单 句 语 法 填 空 I wanted to walk to the station, but he insisted on _(drive) me there. Mary insisted that she _ (be) right but her mother insisted that she _ (say) sorry to Annie.答案 driving was; should say


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