高中英语 Unit 1 Friendship Period One课件 新人教版必修1

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Period One Warming Up & Reading .课文理解1.According to Anne, a true friend is a person _.A.that would laugh at youB.who makes you happyC.whom you can trustD.who could save your life课 文 预 读 2.Anne said that she had grown crazy about nature because _.A.she had always been soB.her interest in nature had grownC.she had been outdoors for too longD.she had been indoors for too long 3.Anne didnt dare open the window when the moon was bright because _.A.they might be discoveredB.the family might be disturbed(打 扰 )C.it was very coldD.a thief might get into the room 4.What kind of life did Anne live in Amsterdam during World War ?A.Exciting and interesting.B.Frightening but safe.C.Frightening and unsafe.D.Frightening and exciting. 5.According to the diary, we can know that Anne _.A.always stayed awake in order to look at the moonB.wanted to experience nature very much by herselfC.hated to go outdoors in the daytimeD.disliked looking outside their window答案1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B .课文概要写作根 据 下 列 提 示 , 用 60个 左 右 单 词 概 括 课 文 大 意 。用 第 一 人 称 由 于 我 们 是 犹 太 人 , 所 以 为 了 不 被 抓 住 不 得 不 躲 藏 了 两 年 多 ,由 于 长 时 间 不 能 出 去 , 所 以 我 对 大 自 然 的 一 切 感 到 痴 迷 。 见 不 到老 朋 友 所 以 感 到 孤 独 , 遇 事 我 就 把 笔 记 作 为 我 的 新 朋 友 , 这 样 就能 把 一 切 都 告 诉 它 。_ 【参考范文】Because we were Jewish, we had to hide away for over two years in order not to be caught.I wasnt able to go outdoors for so long that I had grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.I felt very lonely without seeing my old friends.So I had to make my diary my new friend, whom I could tell everything to. .课文语法填空Anne Frank is a Jewish girl _1_ lived in Netherlands during _2_ World War .Her family had to hide _3_ they would _4_ (catch) by the German Nazis.During the time in the _5_ (hide) place,Anne set down a series _6_ facts in a diary.Anne _7_ her diary her best friend whom she could tell everything _8_ and in the diary she showed us _9_ she _10_ (experience)during the war.答案1.who 2.the 3.or 4.be caught 5.hiding 6.of 7.made8.to 9.what 10.experienced 【话题语篇导读】Anne Franks friend Six people risked their lives to help Anne Frank and her family hide from the Nazis during World War .The last survivor among those helpers, Miep Gies passed away in January 2010 at the age of 100.Gies was the best known of the six.She collected and hid the teenagers diary after the Nazi secret police discovered their hiding place in an Amsterdam office building. Anne Frank died, but her father Otto returned from Auschwitz and Gies gave him his daughters diary.The teenagers diary, first published as Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl in 1947,became one of the most famous accounts of Jews hiding from Nazi persecution and has been translated into 70 languages.Born in Vienna in 1909, Miep Gies moved to the Netherlands at age 11.In 1933, she began working for Otto Frank at his trading company.At great risk to her own safety, she helped bring food to the Franks and the four others with whom they were hiding from 1942 until their discovery and arrest in 1944. “ Im not a hero, ” Gies said in a statement upon her 100th birthday.“ It wasnt something I planned in advance, I simply did what I could to help, ” said the statement published by the Anne Frank Museum.Gies received many honours for her role, including from the Netherlands, Germany and Israel. .核心单词一、单词拼写1.He was _ (entire) wrong in this matter the other day.2.I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains _ (hang) before very dusty windows.3.We must be _ (镇 定 ) before danger.4.Feeling _ (忐 忑 不 安 ), he walked to the teachers office.5._ (别 理 ) him and hell be OK soon.答案1.entirely 2.hanging 3.calm 4.upset 5.Ignore 知 识 梳 理 二、单句语法填空1.You had to pay to get it _ (repair).2.You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet _ (calm) your friend down.3.You should tell your friend that you _ (concern) about him.4.While _ (walk) the dog, you were so careless and it got loose.5.I will tell him not to look at someone _ (else) paper. 6.It is because of this _ Ive grown so crazy about it.7.I stayed _ (wake) on purpose until half past eleven.8.There was a time _ a deep blue sky, the song of birds.could never have kept me spellbound.9.It was the first time that I _ (see) the night face to face.答案1.repaired 2.to calm 3.are concerned 4.walking 5.elses6.that 7.awake 8.when 9.had seen .重点短语一、补全短语1.Add _ 合 计2.calm(.) _ (使 )平 静 下 来 ; (使 )镇 定 下 来3.be concerned _ 关 心 ; 挂 念4.go_ 经 历 ; 经 受5.set_ 记 下 ; 放 下 ; 登 记6._purpose 故 意7._dusk 在 黄 昏 时 刻8.face _face 面 对 面 地答案1.up 2.down 3.about 4.through 5.down 6.on 7.at 8.to 二、用所给短语的适当形式填空add to; be concerned with; go through; add up 1.Yesterdays meeting _ reforms and everyone present _their own interests.2. _ all the numbers and tell me the result.3. Wed better try to _ with the experiment, I think. Now lets go on with it.4.That is the very coin I need to _ my collection.答案1.was concerned with; was concerned about 2.Add up3.go through 4.add to .写作句式句式运用(完成句子)1.I wonder if _(是 不 是 因 为 我 来 晚 了 ) he got angry.2._ (曾 几 何 时 )my younger brother was tired of study.3._(我 正 巧 在 那 里 )when the accident happened.4.It was not until a few months later _(他 才 知 道 这件 事 ).5.I told the guide that _(我 旅 游 )in Taiwan.答案1.it was because I came late that 2.There was a time when3.I happened to be there 4.that he knew it 5.I had travelled .用课文中的词语替换画线部分1.Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are experiencing? _2.She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months until they were found. _3.I dont want to write_down a series of facts in a diary as most people do. _4.I wonder if its because I havent been able to be in the open air for so long that Ive become so crazy about everything to do with nature. _ 5.Another time five months ago, I was_upstairs_by_accident at dusk when the window was open. _6.I didnt go downstairs until the window had to be closed. _7.The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held m e c o m p l e t e l y i n t h e i r p o w e r . _8.Its no fun looking through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. _答案1.going through 2.before; discovered 3.set down4.outdoors; grown 5.happened to be upstairs 6.shut 7.entirely 8.pleasure 【知识链接】1.Add up your score and see how many points you get.把 你 的 分 加 起来 , 看 你 能 得 多 少 。add up合计;相加add to增添;增加add.to.把 加到 add up to总数为,总计为The bad weather only added to our trouble.恶 劣 的 天 气 只 是 增 加 了我 们 的 困 难 。His entire school education added up to no more than a year.他 受 的全 部 教 育 加 起 来 不 过 一 年 。 用add短语填空 _ all the money I borrowed from you. Shall I _ your name _ the list? Fireworks _ the attraction of the festival night. The figures _ 137.答案 Add add; to added to add up to 2.Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? 或 者 你 是 担 心 你 的朋 友 会 嘲 笑 你 , 或 者 是 不 理 解 你 目 前 经 历 的 困 境 呢 ?go through经历,经受;通过,穿过;仔细检查;用完,耗尽get through穿过(马路等);接通(电话)look through浏览break through突破I went through the same thing last year.我 去 年 也 经 历 了 同 样 的事 情 。The railway policeman went through his luggage.那 位 乘 警 仔 细检 查 了 他 的 行 李 。 写出下列句子中go through的汉语意思 The country has gone through too many wars. _ Have you gone through all your money already? _ You must go through your papers before you hand them in. _答案 经 历 , 经 受 花 完 , 用 完 仔 细 检 查


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